
My mom, sister, and I have traditionally made this recipe together since we were young. It has been one of our favorite Christmas treats and we still get together and make it to this day. Now it is one of our kids' favorite treats.


When I was a young girl, my dad would make hand cranked ice cream. While he cranked it, mom would tell my brothers and I stories of the "good ole days"! Now, with both mom and dad in Heaven, this brings back very special memories that I can tell my kids and grandkids.


This is such an easy recipe and the soft center remindes me of chocolate pudding. It is so small I feel I can afford the calories!


Here in the New Orleans the Italian stuffed artichoke is a favorite during the holidays. This savory cheesecake spread has all those wonderful flavors in an easy and beautiful presentation for a party appetizer. Just serve with a basket of toasted thin slices of french bread or assorted crackers. Stand back and wait for the compliments.


Let the record now reflect that Barack Obama has angered the liberals before the conservatives. Because he picked pro-life conservative Mega Pastor Rick Warren to deliver the invocation at his inauguration, the liberals are reaching for their heart medication and the Peto-Bismol.


Pro-life pastor Rick Warren will give the invocation at President-Elect Barack Obama’s inauguration. It makes a whole lot of sense. Even though Warren and Obama disagree on the life issue, they do see eye to eye on many social justice issues.


The President of the conservative Family Research Council is not thrilled with Barack Obama’s pick for Education Secretary. Perkins sent The Brody File the following statement via email today:


I remember as a child going to her mother's, Grandmother Rosie, where there always was a plate of these cookies in the center of the kitchen table inviting everyone to sample. Grandmother Lillie, my father's mother, made these as well. She kept them in a big round tin box in the spare bedroom. When she brought them out they were cold, but still so delicious.


In New Orleans, we always serve cream cheese with hot pepper jelly. Some friends served this variation at a Christmas party and no one could figure out what it was. We passed a bowl around and collected money from everyone, gave her the money and then she divulged her secret. It was a lot of fun.


Spice up your nut bowl this Christmas by adding a little spice to it!
