Christian Living

christmasrecipesappetizers 12/17/08

Cream Cheese Dip - Karin from Texas

Total Time: 10 minutes


8 oz jar of pineapple jam
1 small box of cream cheese
1 tbsp horse radish
1 box Wheat Thins


Cooking Instructions:

Chill all ingredients. Mix jam with the horseradish thoroughly. Unwrap the cream cheese being careful to preserve its shape. Place on a large platter. Spoon all the jam and horseradish mixture on top of the cream cheese. 

Serve with Wheat Thins around the platter. Provide a spreader knife to put the cheese and jam on the crackers. 



Memorable Moment:

In New Orleans, we always serve cream cheese with hot pepper jelly. Some friends served this variation at a Christmas party and no one could figure out what it was. We passed a bowl around and collected money from everyone, gave her the money and then she divulged her secret. It was a lot of fun.

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