
Watch my instant analysis moments after Barack Obama's victory speech in Columbia, South Carolina.


Florida Governor Charlie Crist has made up his mind. He's going with John McCain. Folks, this is a big one. All the candidates down here sought it but only one got it. In a very tight race, something like this could really make the difference. Watch the endorsement and big hug here and read below from the very popular political blog called The Swamp."


Man, things are really heating up. Read below about what John McCain said about Mitt Romney today. Romney is not happy. Did McCain mischaracterize Romney's position? You be the judge. From The Associated Press:


Rudy Giuliani is out there on the campaign trail making the case that if Republicans want a leader and a manager, then he's the man. Read Giuliani's comments from the Sarasota County Republican Party Lincoln Day Dinner:


John McCain has been ripped to shreds because of his deal making with either Ted Kennedy on immigration or Russ Feingold on campaign finance reform or the Gang of 14 judges deal. But let's step back for a moment.


Since Hillary Clinton won't even be at her own watch party tonight in Columbia, the focus for the Clinton campaign is clearly on February 5th. Read part of a campaign memo below from Clinton's communication Director Howard Wolfson:


Hey everybody, David Brody here in South Carolina for a few more hours. Here's a blow by blow account of the primary as covered by my producer Robin Mazyck and myself. I spent the night at the Obama headquarters and Robin camped out at the Edwards campaign. Hillary Clinton was in Tennessee tonight when the returns came in.


The Brody File is on the ground in Columbia SC. I'll be at Barack Obama's watch party tonight. Barack Obama will be there too. But down the street at Hillary Clinton's watch party, no Hillary. She's in the state today but is bolting this evening for Tennessee.


So John McCain was endorsed by The New York Times. Umm...well....ummm....hmmm.


Robin Mazyck here with another guest blog on The Brody File.
