The Spin Begins


Since Hillary Clinton won't even be at her own watch party tonight in Columbia, the focus for the Clinton campaign is clearly on February 5th. Read part of a campaign memo below from Clinton's communication Director Howard Wolfson:

Regardless of today's outcome, the race quickly shifts to Florida, where hundreds of thousands of Democrats will turn out to vote on Tuesday.

Despite efforts by the Obama campaign to ignore Floridians, their voices will be heard loud and clear across the country, as the last state to vote before Super Tuesday on February 5th.

This remains a delegate fight, with 1,681 delegates at stake on February 5th, and 2,025 needed to secure the nomination - and we are ahead in that fight.

As Senator Clinton has said from the beginning, we have built a national campaign with the resources to compete and win across the country.

Coming off of victories in Nevada, Michigan and New Hampshire, Senator Clinton has demonstrated the importance of focusing on achieving real solutions on the economy, health care and Iraq.

Read the whole memo here.

Let's remember here, Hillary Clinton was actually leading in this state in the fall. I know. I was down here. I saw the polls, talked to voters and got a good lay of the land. But something happened to change all that. That something seems to be Iowa. When Obama won in predominately white Iowa, black voters here began to see Obama as a black man who could actually win the General Election. Viability is very important. Now South Carolinians may be poised to give Barack Obama the shot in the arm he needs heading into Tsunami Tuesday.


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