Christian Living

Spiritual Life

CBN's Top 10 Devotions of 2015

1 - The Real Meaning Of Christmas 

We can truly be happy at Christmas! No matter what may be happening, we can know that we are His children. We then become sons and daughters of God. Heaven will be our home one day.

2 - The Real Meaning of Easter 

The best way to understand the real meaning of Easter would be from Jesus. It can be summed up in three words.

3 - Choose to be Changed 

Do you get mad every time somebody tries to correct you, or tell you what to do, because you always have to be right? If you answered yes, I am sure that you are not a happy person.

4 - What God Says About Me!

The Lord showed me that I am not a mistake, but I am a precious giftÉHis treasured possession.

5 - A Love Letter for The Father, on Father's Day

I have been VERY blessed by being one of your children! Furthermore, I want to thank for your undivided attention for me by treating me as your only child when I'm talking, even though you have countless children.

6 - We Work Best When We Work Together 

You’re only as successful as the team is. Christianity, and life really, are team sports. The key to success is knowing how to work with others.

7 - Jehovah Rapha

This name of God is proclaimed to the children of Israel by God through Moses at Marah. The Israelites are thirsty and in need of water for themselves and their animals. When they come to Marah they find only bitter water to drink. In what became second nature to them, they began complaining to Moses about the scarcity of drinkable water.

8 - Restoration of Everything Satan Took

Resting sounded like a wonderful thing to do. But since we should be preparing for the end-times, I didn’t understand how we had the time to spare by doing nothing.

9 - God Goes Where You Go 

How comforting it is to know that wherever we go God is there with us. Sometimes we find ourselves in situations and we wonder if God is paying attention. We can't feel God's presence, and we need His guidance and help.

10 - Celebrate the Second Week of Advent 

We light a second purple candle on the second Sunday of Advent to represent the hope of Christ coming to the world. Biblical hope is secured by God's faithfulness to His promises. For the Old Testament leaders, their hope was in the Messiah's arrival. For us, it is the hope of the Messiah's return.

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