The 700 Club Daily Broadcast
Thursday, August 13, 2009
GORDON ROBERTSON: Well, welcome to The 700 Club. Americans are still turning out to protest the health care reform bill. They’re saying health care will be too expensive.
TERRY MEEUWSEN: They’re also worried that the government will try to save money by encouraging older people to give up their medical care as they get closer to the end of their lives. Jennifer Wishon has the story.
JENNIFER WISHON: As summer wears on, Americans keep getting hotter and continue using town hall meetings with members of Congress to blow off steam.
Man: People had better wake up.
JENNIFER WISHON: So what are folks so fired up about? For one thing, more and more federal spending.
Man: Social security is bankrupt. Medicare is bankrupt. The post office is bankrupt. How am I as a proud American going to trust you people to do the right thing?
JENNIFER WISHON: Last month, the federal deficit grew by 180 billion dollars and is now a record total of 1.27 trillion. President Obama promises he will not sign health care legislation that adds to the national debt, but many Americans aren't convinced.
Woman: The initial cost is over a trillion for a down payment. My children and my grandchildren are going to pay for this bill.
JENNIFER WISHON: The US Chamber of Commerce is joining the skeptics, airing this ad on national TV.
Ad Announcer: Inflated taxes, swelling deficits and expanded government control over your health.
JENNIFER WISHON: Another issue that has Americans rattled, especially older Americans, is language in the House bill about end-of-life care and worries that the government will be getting involved in end-of-life conversations. The bill provides reimbursements for doctors to have end-of-life care discussions with Medicare patients every five years to talk about issues like living wills, resuscitation orders and power of attorney. It also says doctors shall explain Medicare pays for hospice care. Because health care at the end of life is so expensive, some experts fear doctors will convince seniors to forego expensive treatments. Some family physicians, like Dr. Dale Matthews, say such decisions are not for government to make.
Dr. Dale Matthews (Family Physician, Author): At the end of the day, as a patient when you're sick, you want a competent doctor who's taking care of you. And you want your family members and yourself and the doctor to be making the ultimate decisions about what kind of health care should be provided. You don't want bureaucrats making that decision.
JENNIFER WISHON: But some in Congress say they don’t want that to happen. Trying to turn the tide of resistance, President Obama prepares to head west to continue his pitch to the American people to get them to support the bill, something that’s proving to be a difficult task. Jennifer Wishon, CBN News, Washington.
GORDON ROBERTSON: Well, Jay Sekulow of the American Center for Law and Justice is here with us to talk more about this bill. Jay, you’ve gotten into the guts of it. Last night, you sent me a briefing memo, and I’m now suddenly very concerned about page 424 in section 12.33.
Jay Sekulow (American Ctr. for Law & Justice): Because this is one of those sections again that when you’ve got this comprehensive bill that no one has read, that now they’re finally starting to read, because groups like ours are starting to get into the details of it. We’ve read the whole bill a couple of times.
GORDON ROBERTSON: This thing could have been passed already. That was the original . . . .
Jay Sekulow: That was the plan. Gordon, they wanted it. One good thing that’s happened is that this debate has now taken place and it’s slowed down. But they were trying to get this through before the recess. But here is the end of life care decision problem. Look, all of us are faced with end of life decisions. I’ve just gone through it in my own family. You have to make decisions. You want to be in consultation with your family and your doctors. What you don’t want is a federal panel determining what that should be for you. And then what makes this more complicated is you’ve got these mandated decisions that have to be made, and the government is then getting a report from the physician basically saying, “Were you successful in arranging for these end of life decisions?” Whether to do not resuscitate, whether it’s not unreasonable care to be given, whatever it might be. There’s a seven-part analysis.
GORDON ROBERTSON: I went through the list. There are seven parts here that are essentially mandated in this conversation, that the physician is required now to have and will get reimbursed for it. But the puzzling part to me is why does the federal government need that kind of detailed information about the patient as to what they elected to do?
Jay Sekulow: Because they’re trying to save money through this health care reform. That’s what they keep talking about. What’s the best way to save money? Well, the end of life care is expensive. If you can eliminate the cost of end of life care, and you have the doctor in the white coat sitting there with the patient, maybe the family there, maybe not under HIPAA. That depends on the privacy laws. And they’re trying to get you to sign the document. The idea here is not just to inform you, but to get action taken. And then the government, who is giving the reimbursement to the physician for this care, is saying, “We want to know, were you successful in arranging this?” That’s the check-off on the economics. Now, people are saying, “Well, calling them death panels is not fair. That’s not right.” But the fact of the matter is, we’ve got a Washington bureaucracy that’s going to be determining the care for the individual, end-of-life care for the individual, not the doctor in consultation with the patient in a tight, intimate relationship. You’ve now got the federal government intervening. That is a very, very dangerous thing.
GORDON ROBERTSON: Let’s talk about the other provision that is causing concern, particularly to Christian groups, and that is if you have insurance, and you’re a Christian organization, and you have health insurance for your employees, you will now be mandated to provide for abortion coverage.
Jay Sekulow: That’s because under the law, the way it is written—and there were attempts to amend it, to get it out, but those were not successful—the law says there are going to be certain primary benefits that have to be covered. Reproductive choice—that’s how they phrase it—is one of those that have to be covered. Not only in the public health care, in other words, Medicare, Medicaid, but now in private health care. That would be a mandatory situation. What complicates it is there were two amendments put forward by, by the way, bipartisan, Republicans and Democrats, saying that provision should be removed. We’re not going to have mandatory abortion services in health care, especially when you’ve got religious organizations, the Catholic Church, to have this as part of their health care requirement. Those failed by a 12 to 13 vote. Thirteen to 12. It failed by a vote. So as the bill sits right now, there is a mandatory abortion mandate in this bill. I’ve said this. The fact of the matter is this is the Freedom of Choice Act.
GORDON ROBERTSON: I just find it staggering that the US Congress would dictate to the Roman Catholic Church, would dictate to groups like CBN.
Jay Sekulow: Right. The Southern Baptist Convention.
GORDON ROBERTSON: Sure. Focus on the Family, you name it. You’re a Christian organization, you’ve got health insurance for your employees.
Jay Sekulow: Mandatory.
GORDON ROBERTSON: And now it’s mandatory that . . . .
Jay Sekulow: That abortion service is covered. No religious . . . . .
GORDON ROBERTSON: There is no religious exemption.
Jay Sekulow: No religious exemption. We need to be clear on that. There were some that talked about, well, the Hyde Amendment might cover it. Number one, the Hyde Amendment doesn’t cover private health care insurance. Number two, they have the votes to undo the Hyde Amendment, which is up every year, right now. It could be gone today. So the fact of the matter is both private health care and public. People said, “Well, I don’t want my taxpayer dollars go into abortion services.” Now it’s a step beyond that. As the employer of a law firm that is a Christian organization, are we going to be mandated to have in our coverage for our employees in the manual reproductive choice services, abortion? And the answer to that, as the law is right now, is yes. That is in there.
GORDON ROBERTSON: The main protest seems to be focusing more and more just on the overall cost of this.
Jay Sekulow: Yes.
GORDON ROBERTSON: That we’re looking at an extra trillion into the budget. Is that an accurate figure? Do we even know?
Jay Sekulow: It’s always low. The fact of the matter is you look at any government program—I always tell people this: look at a government program and tell me which one is being administered correctly and on budget. And you can’t find one. This is a down payment on a disaster, not just from the moral and spiritual implications and from a policy standpoint, but from a fiscal standpoint. It makes absolutely no economic sense to engage this. We have problems in the health care system. There is no doubt about it. Meanwhile, we have the best health care system in the world. You don’t hear of many people leaving the United States and going to France or Germany for health care. But you hear a lot of people from France and Germany that can afford to come to the United States coming to the United States for health care, including kings and prime ministers. So that should tell us something about our system. We don’t want to model the system after Canada. That’s precisely where this is going.
GORDON ROBERTSON: Where can people get more information? There seems to be a lot of misinformation, disinformation. Where can people get accurate information about it?
Jay Sekulow: We are posting on our web site at a constant analysis, not just of these provisions, but others as they come up.
Also Focus on the Family has information up. So I encourage people to go there. But I know you’ve been covering it on The fact of the matter is, the White House also has a web site, and I encourage people to go to the web site. They’re right now saying, “If you get an e-mail that’s fishy, we want you to flag it, send it to us, and we’re going to keep a database.” They say, “Well, we’re not going to keep a database,” but then they say, “Well, we are required under federal law to keep a database.” But thousands of people are flagging basically themselves sending the flagging information in to the White House in a protest. They try to get it through the House and the Senate without a debate. They try to then stifle the free speech discussions in the town hall meetings and then saying, “Report your friends when you get an e-mail you don’t like.” Really sounds Soviet Russia-like as far as the way they’re trying to control the speech. But frankly, the White House has lost control of this issue. I think that these two and three thousand people showing up at these town halls tells you a lot. The American people are not sold on this and do not want this rushed down their throat.
GORDON ROBERTSON: Well, I couldn’t agree with you more, that no, please do not—if you stampede this one through, boy, I can just see the court cases stacking up on the other side of that. And then we’re going to be dealing with a mess . . . .
Jay Sekulow: We’ve got so many already.
GORDON ROBERTSON: . . . . just trying to figure out what’s going on with it. Get informed. Go to and get informed about this.
And let’s have a vigorous debate over these issues. Do we really want to require religious organizations to pay for abortions as part of their health coverage? Do we really want some kind of government panel getting reports about end of life discussions between physicians and their patients. Do we really want to pay the ultimate cost of this? So get informed. Go to Well, Lee Webb has the rest of our top stories from the CBN Newsroom. Lee.
LEE WEBB: Gordon, ministers in Wichita, Kansas are fighting to keep a late-term abortion clinic closed. Dr. George Tiller’s family closed the clinic after his murder in May. His friend and former colleague, Dr. LeRoy Carhart, though, is now looking to reopen it. But a dozen ministers are asking Kansas health officials to take a closer look at Carhart and his record. They say he has broken late-term abortion laws.
David Gittrich (Kansans for Life): For once, the city of Wichita is abortion free. And I feel a lot more peaceful. I assume you guys feel a lot more peaceful, too, that there is not any kind of Holocaust going on with our children in the world. We want to be known as a city that cares about families and values and mothers and fathers and babies. I like that a lot better.
LEE WEBB: That pro-life group is considering buying Tiller’s abortion clinic and turning it into a memorial museum for aborted babies.
LEE WEBB: From a pastor to a bishop to a dancer and a tennis player. President Obama awarded 16 people the nation’s highest civilian honor Wednesday, the Medal of Freedom. As CBN News reported last week, the most controversial recipient was the former president of Ireland, Mary Robinson. CBN’s David Brody explains why some call her anti-Israel.
DAVID BRODY: Back in 2001, Mary Robinson led a United Nations conference on racism, which many, including the United States, believed was anti-Semitic. She has also been a leading critic of Israel throughout the years. Even though there was some controversy over Mary Robinson, this was really most pro-Israel groups that were concerned. The mainstream media didn’t pick up this story much at all. However, it will be very interesting to see when 2012 rolls around how much this comes back to hurt Obama when it comes to courting the Jewish vote.
LEE WEBB: Several members of Congress, including some Democrats, voiced criticism of Robinson.
LEE WEBB: Savannah, Georgia, is the latest battleground in the legal fight between American Anglicans and the Episcopal Church. Christ Church Savannah is perhaps Georgia’s most historic church, founded in 1733 when Georgia was a colony. And it counts John Wesley and George Whitfield among its earliest rectors. Two years ago, Christ Church broke away from the Episcopal Church and decided to keep its historic church building and property. Reverend Marc Robertson, the rector of Christ Church, talks about that in a YouTube video.
Rev. Marc Robertson (Christ Church Savannah): The Episcopal Church and the Episcopal diocese of Georgia and other local individuals are suing us to take our property away from us as we seek to take a stand for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and continue to proclaim with faithfulness and compassion the faith once handed down to the saints.
LEE WEBB: Christ Church has established a legal defense fund in their efforts to prevent the Episcopal Church and the diocese of Georgia from taking the property back. A court hearing is scheduled for Friday, Gordon. And I spoke just a couple of days ago to Reverend Robertson, who, by the way, I assume is no relation to you and your family. But he told me that the leadership there is very aware that the church is obviously more than brick and mortar. But this church is such an iconic building in historic downtown Savannah that they think it’s vital that they maintain a faithful witness to the Gospel there.
GORDON ROBERTSON: Well, if your last name is Robertson, in all likelihood we are related, because we all go back to the same Scottish clan. But he’s a distant relation. I can’t believe what’s currently going on. And you have a situation where a church has very clearly—the leadership of ECUSA, the Episcopal Church in the United States, has clearly left the teachings of the apostles, even though every one of them took a vow that they would adhere to the teachings of the apostles. And here is a church saying, “No, we won’t go along with you on this. We believe the Bible. We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God. And we have received this glorious Gospel from the hands of the apostles as they wrote it down in the New Testament, and we’re not going to depart from that.” And now, they’re trying to take the church property away. The reason this is so important, this particular church is so important, is this is the church that began, one of the churches that began the Great Awakening in the United States of America back in 1735. And that religious revival started and swept from Georgia both ways. It went from New England down to Georgia and from Georgia up to New England. And one of the leading proponents of it was George Whitfield. And he was a rector at this church. I took history at Yale University and the sterling professor of history there, Edmund Morgan, said without the Great Awakening there would not have been a United States of America. That is how important this is as a symbol of religious revival in our country. And just the mere thought that it could be taken from the congregation, the mere thought that they could change the teachings of the church fathers, is just absolutely stunning to me.
TERRY MEEUWSEN: But from the beginning of this whole division and split that we’ve seen in the last decade, property has been an issue, legally, has it not, because of the way things are set up with the Episcopal Church?
GORDON ROBERTSON: Well, there is all this controversy over canon law and a canon that was passed in the 1970s before a lot of the doctrinal revisions that church property always belongs to ECUSA. It doesn’t belong to the individual congregation. With this particular church, they’re saying, “Well, this was a grant from the king of England, therefore you can’t take it from us. What we have was given to us before that canon law took effect.” So lawyers are now going to argue that. There was a successful case in northern Virginia on that very ground, that an earlier Virginia statute governed and wasn’t governed by the canon law. So it gets real complicated with that. But the underlying principle is are you going to adhere to the teachings of the apostles? And if you’re not, then I do start to question can you still legitimately call yourself Christian?
TERRY MEEUWSEN: Yes. Well, it’s a sad thing to watch from the sidelines. The Episcopal Church has been a great leader, and you hate to see this happen. I hate to see it happen in any denomination, but sad. Well, up next, it’s not your father’s summer camp.
Man: It was intense. It was hard. I was dying. I felt like there was no possible way I could make it. At the same time, there was no possible way I could go home and say, “I quit.”
TERRY MEEUWSEN: How this hardcore training is turning boys into men.
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GORDON ROBERTSON: Coming up later, you may remember him from Extreme Home Makeover.
Patrick Henry Hughes: This house has helped me become more independent.
GORDON ROBERTSON: But there is much more to Patrick Henry Hughes.
Patrick Henry Hughes: I only see that which is within a person.
GORDON ROBERTSON: The rest of his story, on today’s 700 Club.
Patrick Henry Hughes: I would like to challenge people to live their life to the fullest.
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Nicole Johnson: Hi, I’m Nicole Johnson, Miss America 1999. I’ve had diabetes since 1993, and I hate boring food. Don’t you? Well, I got these three free cookbooks with fantastic tasting recipes for people with diabetes. If you have diabetes and have Medicare or qualified insurance, you can get these cookbooks free.
Announcer: Call now to qualify for not one, not two, but three free cookbooks. Call 1-800-746-6449.
Nicole Johnson: You’ll love this rich, chocolate cake. It makes my mouth water. Plus, oven fried chicken and nachos. Yum! You’ll also get this free meal planning guide and this free diabetes magazine. So call now for your free Better Care kit with three free cookbooks.
Announcer: To qualify, call 1-800-746-6449. That’s 1-800-746-6449.
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GORDON ROBERTSON: Tomorrow. They call themselves “The Fellowship.”
Man: I was part of a group called C Street when I was in Washington.
GORDON ROBERTSON: We’ll reveal the mystery and the scandals behind this secret club.
Man: I wish more people knew about it and why it’s here.
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GORDON ROBERTSON: Plus, she’s Martin Luther King’s niece, and like her uncle, leading the charge for civil rights.
Dr. Alveda King: In certain parts of America, more of our babies are being aborted than are being born.
GORDON ROBERTSON: Tomorrow on The 700 Club.
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GORDON ROBERTSON: The ALERT Academy in Big Sandy, Texas, runs a four-week summer course that teaches teenage boys how to become men. But the academy also includes a much more intensive program. Here is reporter Chuck Holton with the story.
CHUCK HOLTON: If you were to stop most 17-year-old guys on the street and ask them what takes up most of their time, they would probably put movies, music and girls at the top of their list. But these teenagers are giving up those things, and more, for an entire year. And what they are doing instead might just restore your faith in the future of this country. In the hot East Texas summer, the ALERT Academy turns boys into men with a unique program that's one part Boy Scouts, one part Bible school, and lots of good, manly fun. ALERT stands for Air Land Emergency Resource Team, and it’s made up of high school graduates from around the country. Colonel John Tanner has been leading this group for 15 years.
Col. John Tanner (Director, ALERT Academy): "The fellow who began this program really saw a need in the lives of young people who did not seem to have a purpose in life. They didn't seem to know where they were going, and so he developed this program in order to prepare them to serve, but also to give them these great skills that they're not going to get in the home and they’re not going to get in many other places.
CHUCK HOLTON: This is accomplished through a 52-week course of training here at the ALERT Academy. And it’s not your average college course. These men are being given a whole host of real world skills that will serve them well in crisis throughout their lives. Sam Kordick signed up when he was 18.
Samuel Kordick (Director, Quest Program): The first three or four weeks of basic training were murder. It was intense. It was hard. I was dying. I felt like there was no possible way I could make it. At the same time, there was no possible way I could go home and say, “I quit.”
CHUCK HOLTON: After completing the course, Sam returned for advanced paramedic training. Now, two years later, he directs the Quest program, ALERT’s four-week summer course for boys aged 14 to 16.
Samuel Kordick: We strive to give them basic skills every man needs: maintenance skills, skills of financial stewardship, time management, stuff like that. We point them towards scripture heavily, teaching them to use scripture as the basic rule of life. And above all, we just strive to develop in them disciplines for success, disciplines like prayer, daily devotions, physical training, proper eating, the basic disciplines men need to grow up.
CHUCK HOLTON: Each man gets the skills necessary to be a first responder, ranging from firefighting to biblical counseling. They get certified as emergency medical technicians and can go on to eventually become a paramedic. And some of the most fun comes during extreme classes like mountain rescue training, earning a private pilot's license on the campus airstrip, or heading to Miami to learn scuba rescue from some of the best, the National Academy of Police Diving. What's more, each element of the curriculum is woven around scripture, and by the end of the course, every man can recite entire books of the Bible.
Man: Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to strangers scattered through Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia.
Man: Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, to sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ.
Man: Grace unto you and peace be multiplied. Blessed be the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Man: Which according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a lively hope.
Samuel Kordick: You give a man responsibility over a unit, you give a man responsibility for the equipment, you give a man the responsibility to drive fire trucks, and he grows in character. He grows in responsibility. And it helps him grow up.
Man: The whole ALERT experience has driven me towards God, and has given me towards a heart for ministry and serving nations.
Col. John Tanner: What we see are young men coming out of high school who lack purpose in life. They don't know what they want to do. They haven't a clue. Some of our men have been able to get college credit up to two years for the experience they've had here through the training. I believe that we have a great vision for meeting needs of people in crisis throughout our nation, not for our sake, but for God’s sake, so that we can declare the Gospel of salvation wherever we go.
CHUCK HOLTON: Over the last 15 years, the ALERT Academy has turned out over 2,000 graduates. Some of those guys go into missions work. Others go into law enforcement or some other public service. But no matter where they go, when a guy leaves this place, he knows one thing for sure, that he's a man. Chuck Holton, CBN News, Big Sandy, Texas.
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GORDON ROBERTSON: If you want to sign up for the ALERT Academy, all you’ve got to do is go to, where we’ll redirect you to their web site if you want to get more information. And Terry, I must confess, I don’t think I’d last an hour there.
GORDON ROBERTSON: I’m looking at that going, that is so intense.
TERRY MEEUWSEN: Pull ups and the—whoa. Yes, that’s intense. That’s intense.
GORDON ROBERTSON: It’s like boot camp.
TERRY MEEUWSEN: Yes. It’s exactly like boot camp. But I think it does—there is so much that’s just unfocused in the world today in all of our lives, not just young people, but all of our lives. And that really helps you hone in.
GORDON ROBERTSON: I’ll also confess when I was 18, I was remarkably unfocused.
TERRY MEEUWSEN: Yes. Yes. Me, too. Me, too. Well, they’re doing a great job there. Well, coming up next, a football player gets a wake up call from his trainer.
Man: She pulled me aside after one of the practices and said, “The Lord has given me a message for you.” And I just remember going back to my room just weeping.
TERRY MEEUWSEN: Find out what that message was and how it took this receiver from the sidelines to the Super Bowl.
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Spokeswoman: We’re downtown today, campaigning to save America’s teeth, because good dental health is about more than just brushing.
Announcer: If you’re one of the millions of Americans without dental insurance, call Encore Dental for affordable, quality dental coverage.
Spokeswoman: When was the last time you went to the dentist?
Man: Uh . . . .
Woman: Like, probably three years ago.
Man: Probably back in college.
Announcer: Poor oral health can lead to serious illnesses, like heart disease and stroke.
Spokeswoman: What’s your excuse?
Woman: It’s just too expensive.
Woman: I’m self-employed.
Spokeswoman: No dental insurance.
Woman: None.
Announcer: With Encore Dental, you can receive up to 100 percent coverage for preventative care and up to 50 percent on basic and major procedures.
Woman: George retired a year ago.
George: And when I did, I lost my dental coverage.
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Announcer #2: Call 1-800-757-4903 now for a 30-day money back trial period.
Announcer: Call now, and get an additional ten percent off when you pay by credit card.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Announcer: You are the lifeblood of the family. You take care of everything and everyone. Yet you are the one whose financial needs are often overlooked.
Woman: Life insurance? Sure, I have that. I think.
Announcer: As a woman age 45 to 75, you are immediately eligible for great rates on up to 10,000 dollars of whole life protection from Stonebridge Life.
Woman: Oh, I have some coverage, but I’m not the main breadwinner.
Announcer: If people depend on you, you need life insurance.
Woman: Life insurance? Sure. I’ll get to it, someday.
Announcer: Right now, you can get 10,000 dollars of protection starting at about a dollar a day. You cannot be turned down. You will never be asked to take a medical exam. You will have a lifetime of benefits that never decrease. Permanent life protection at rates starting at about a dollar a day. It’s finally time to take care of you.
Announcer #2: Call 1-800-671-6055. That number again is 1-800-671-6055.
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ANNOUNCER: The 700 Club. See it as never before: the stories, the places, the people. So close, you’ll feel as though you were there. The 700 Club, now in HD.
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GORDON ROBERTSON: Ben Utecht is as comfortable with a guitar as he is with a football. And last spring this Super Bowl winner released his first CD. But a few years ago, Ben says his life was going downhill, until his trainer gave him a message from God.
WILL DAWSON: Cincinnati Bengals tight end Ben Utecht is more than just a football player. Off the field, Ben is a Christian recording artist. His passion for music and sports came from his parents.
Ben Utecht: I grew up in a family that loved athletics and that was also musically gifted. I was drawn to it.
WILL DAWSON: The son of a Methodist minister, Ben became a Christian when he was eight. As he grew older, he got bigger, much bigger. So while he knew he would always love music, it became clear that football would be his main pursuit.
Ben Utecht: The Lord just continued to open those doors for me athletically at that point. It seemed to be, I guess, what was easiest for me at that time. And that’s when my junior year rolled around, and I started to realize after getting recruited by colleges that, man, this could be a really great opportunity for me to play football at a university.
WILL DAWSON: Ben accepted a scholarship to play football for his beloved Minnesota Golden Gophers. He was an immediate success on the field, which made life off the field more difficult than he expected.
Ben Utecht: I believe I went into college probably a little naïve to what I was going to face in the real world. And unfortunately, I got into the party scene a little bit. And I faced the temptations of drinking, and I faced the temptations of really getting involved in relationships with women that probably couldn’t have cared less about my spiritual caliber.
WILL DAWSON: Entering his junior season, Ben ranked in the top three among all tight ends in the country. A future in the NFL was well within reach. But an injury forced him to the sidelines.
Ben Utecht: And I remember that fourth game versus Purdue making a break on one of my routes and feeling a pop in my foot. And it was probably the first time I ever looked up at God with anger and said, “You know what? I don’t get you!”
WILL DAWSON: While in rehab, he met a trainer who was a Christian.
Ben Utecht: But she pulled me aside after one of the practices and said, “The Lord has come to me in my prayer time and given me a message for you.” She tells me that the Lord just came to her and said, “You need to tell Ben that he’s not giving me something.” And at that point, it could have been anything. Like I told you, I was straddling the fence between the world and the Kingdom. And I was trying to live my life for Christ, but at the same time, I was going down by my lifestyle and making some poor decisions. And I just remember going back to my room just weeping.
WILL DAWSON: Ben soon realized what the trainer meant.
Ben Utecht: It just was so clear to me what I had not given the Lord, and it was me.
WILL DAWSON: Ben refocused his priorities and started getting his life back on track. Then came another setback. He was injured again his senior season and wasn’t selected in the NFL draft. But he remembered a promise from a fellow Minnesota alum and then head coach of the Indianapolis Colts.
Ben Utecht: I had a chance to speak at an Athletes in Action event with Tony Dungy two months prior to the NFL draft. I think there were probably 600 or 800 people there. I got up and razzed him a little bit saying, “Hey, Coach, us University of Minnesota alumni, we take care of each other. So, hey, if you want to draft me early, go right ahead.” Well, he said, “Ben, but I promise you one thing. If for some reason you slip through the cracks, which I don’t think you will, but if you do, I promise I’ll be the first to call.”
WILL DAWSON (Interviewing): And who was the first to call?
Ben Utecht: And the first person to call was Tony Dungy.
WILL DAWSON (Reporting): Dungy kept his promise, and Ben signed with the Colts, his dream of playing in the NFL finally a reality. Ben went on to start in the Colts’ historic Super Bowl victory in 2007. But what about music? It turned out football wasn’t the only plan God had for Ben.
Ben Utecht: I never prayed for success in music. I had always just said, “You know what, Lord, music is a passion of mine. And if it’s something that you want me to pursue, if it’s something that you want me to run after, please bring the right people into my life.”
WILL DAWSON: And that’s just what happened. After singing at a youth rally in Indiana, Ben was approached by Christian recording artist Sandy Patti who had been in the audience and loved Ben’s voice. Through her connections with Bill and Gloria Gaither, Ben recorded his debut self-titled album.
Ben Utecht: God’s timing is so perfect. The music never would have happened if it wasn’t for coming to Indiana to play for the Colts. And God is so good, and His timing has been so intricate through this whole process.
WILL DAWSON: Now with Cincinnati, Ben hopes to lead the Bengals to the playoffs, but success on the football field or acclaim as a musician doesn’t define Ben Utecht. His newest role as a dad has taught him how to keep everything in perspective.
Ben Utecht: I remember when my wife, Karyn, gave birth to Elleora, thinking to myself, “You are so amazing! I am never going to let you go! I’m going to grip you so tight, and no one is ever going to take you from me. I’m your dad, and that’s my job.” I guess I never really understood the depth of it. And here I am as a human father saying, “There’s no way I’m ever going to let you go,” but in an instant God gave us His Son as a sacrifice, so that we might have eternal life. I might be a football player and a musician by trade, but my identity is not in those. My identity is in Christ.
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GORDON ROBERTSON: God is saying the same thing to you that He was saying to Ben. “You haven’t given Me something. You haven’t given Me the thing I’m looking for the most. You haven’t given Me you.” You. It’s what God’s looking for. He’s not looking for half measures. He’s not looking for partial steps. He’s not looking for your Sunday morning. He’s looking for you. And He’s asking you, “Are you all in? Are you really with Me? Are you doing this part time?” Maybe a lot of you are like Ben. You were raised Christian, then for whatever reason, you got away from home and things were different out there. You weren’t quite ready for the world. And for whatever reason, you started doing things that you knew weren’t right, weren’t in accordance with what God wanted you to do. You’ve got to understand, God never left you. He didn’t stop loving you. He didn’t stop caring. He didn’t stop being your Father. And He’s saying to you, “You can come home.” Sometimes we get it into our head, and I don’t know why we do it, but it’s kind of universal, that when we sin, when we do things that we know are wrong, we want to be just like Adam and Eve. We want to go run and hide. And we think that God is going to be angry and that God will reject us. And instead of going to the one source of forgiveness, the one place where we can get help, we continue to hide. We continue to go down the wrong path. Can today be the day you turn around? Can today be the day, just like Ben, you realize that God can work all things together for good. He still has a plan for you. He still has a purpose for you. He still wants to give you hope. He still wants to redeem you. He still wants to forgive. He still loves you. While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. So instead of running away, will you come home today? Will you turn today? He’s speaking right to you, and you know it. You’re feeling His presence right now, and He’s saying to you, “I love you. I can forgive. I can cleanse. I can make you new again. I can even restore. My gifts and My calling are irrevocable. I still want to do great things with you.” He’s saying that to you. So if you want Him, you bow your head, pray the prayer. You may have prayed it before. It’s okay to pray it again. And let Jesus come into your heart. Let Him make you new again. Let Him restore the joy of your salvation. Pray with me. “Lord Jesus.” That’s right. Say it out loud. “Lord Jesus, I come to you, and I ask for forgiveness. And I know the things that I did, and I know that they were wrong when I did them. And Jesus, right now, I ask that you would forgive me, that you would cleanse me, that you would restore to me the joy of my salvation, that you would make me new again. And Jesus, if you’ll do this, I promise that you can have all of me. I will follow you all the days of my life. Hear my prayer, for I pray it in your name.” Father, right now, I just pray for your forgiveness to flow, that they would feel you inside and all around and know the love, the joy, the peace, that you so freely give. Father, pour it into them, for I ask it now, in Jesus’ name. Amen. If you just prayed with me, I want you to make a toll-free phone call and just say out loud, “I just asked Jesus back. I want Him back in my life. I want to be made new again.”
The number is toll free: 1-800-759-0700. If there are things on your heart that are really weighing you down and you just want to confess, the Bible says that if you confess your sins, He is faithful and just to forgive and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness. You don’t have to leave your name. I underline we’re not here to judge. We’re here to bring you the love of Jesus Christ, the restoration that Jesus offers so freely. And what He said to the woman caught in adultery He can say to you, “I don’t condemn you. Go and sin no more.” You can find the release. You can find forgiveness. You can find restoration. But call that number: 1-800-759-0700. Terry, over to you.
TERRY MEEUWSEN: Still ahead, a musical prodigy born without eyes.
Man: I found three notes at random. Nine months old, and he found those three notes and played them back to me in succession. I was blown away.
TERRY MEEUWSEN: See more of this young man’s amazing talents on today’s 700 Club.
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Son: Daddy?
Father: Yeah, buddy?
Son: How many nickels are in a dollar?
Father: There are 20 nickels in a dollar.
Son: How do birds fly? Does milk really make my bones stronger?
Father: Yeah. Yep.
Son: Daddy, when we die, will we go to Heaven?
Announcer: Do you have the answer to life’s biggest question? Call The 700 Club. We’ll help you find answers to the important questions life brings your way.
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Announcer: She’ll always be your little girl. You’d do anything in the world for her. But what would her world look like if something were to happen to you? Could she still go to college? Could your family stay in your home? Could she have the same future you’ve always dreamed about? With the uncertainty in today’s economy, there’s never been a more important time to insure your family’s future. Now, with the help of the experts at, you can, easily and affordably. The good news is that life insurance prices are at all time lows. In fact, a healthy 40-year-old man can now apply for 500,000 dollars of term life insurance for less than 25 dollars a month. Even if you have an existing health condition, we can still get you competitive quotes. With one phone call, we’ll compare quotes from 25 of the highest rated life insurance companies, and we’ll back them up with our 500-dollar lowest price guarantee. Protect your most valuable investment: your family’s future. Call our experts now, and we’ll send you a free, no obligation price comparison report based on your specific needs. Call today.
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JOHN JESSUP: Welcome to Washington for this CBN Newsbreak. NASA says it doesn’t have enough funding to study all of the asteroids that could threaten the earth. The National Academy of Sciences says that, although Congress authorized that program, no money was ever given for the project. NASA says it needs about 800 million dollars for better telescopes or a space observation station. They estimate about 20,000 earth-threatening asteroids and comets need to be watched.
JOHN JESSUP: The young woman critically injured in a collision with the tour bus of the Christian band MercyMe has died. Eighteen-year-old Kara Klinker had been in critical condition since Saturday. Two other teens and Kinkler's unborn baby also died in that accident in Indiana. MercyMe canceled a concert date after the crash, but has since resumed its tour. The band is asking people to pray for everyone affected by the accident. The group is best known for its hit song “I Can Only Imagine.” You can always get the latest from CBN News by going to our web site at Gordon and Terry will be back with more of The 700 Club right after this.
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LEE WEBB: It’s the one thing news viewers can agree on.
REPORTER: They want change.
ANNOUNCER: Now, the world’s leading Christian news organization brings you national, international news and analysis throughout the day: mornings, the busy lunch hour, late afternoon and evenings. It’s news with a Christian perspective whenever you want it. Available on the web 24/7 at
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Announcer: Day 87 and Tyler B. is still in that aisle, determined to find the answer for his acne.
Man: Kid, get a life.
Tyler: I’m trying.
Man: The truth is acne, even when it’s mild, is a medical condition.
Tyler: Huh?
Man: Medical, as in doctor.
Tyler: Oh.
Announcer: And that’s how Tyler came to his senses, sort of, and learned about once a day prescription Epiduo gel. If you’re not getting the results you want, ask your doctor about Epiduo, two of the most doctor prescribed acne fighting ingredients in one gel medication, a product you can’t get in the acne aisle. Dryness, redness, peeling, stinging, burning or itching may occur. Don’t use irritating products when using Epiduo. Overexposure to sun, sunlamps, extreme wind or cold may increase the risk for irritation. Use of sunscreen and protective clothing is advised. Go to and learn how to pay no more than 20 dollars for your Epiduo prescription. To learn more about Epiduo gel, talk to your doctor, call or go to
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GORDON ROBERTSON: Tomorrow. They call themselves “The Fellowship.”
Man: I was part of a group called “C Street” when I was in Washington.
GORDON ROBERTSON: We’ll reveal the mystery and the scandals behind this secret club.
Man: I wish more people knew about it and why it’s here.
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GORDON ROBERTSON: Plus, she’s Martin Luther King’s niece, and like her uncle, leading the charge for civil rights.
Dr. Alveda King: In certain parts of America, more of our babies are being aborted than are being born.
GORDON ROBERTSON: Tomorrow on The 700 Club.
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GORDON ROBERTSON: When Sonya suffered a stroke, her husband, Robby, felt helpless, especially after doctors said there was nothing more they could do for her. Then one night, Robby saw something on TV that gave him hope.
KEN HULME: Six years ago, Sonya developed severe headaches, and her left hand started to go numb. Sonya’s husband took her to the hospital where they learned that she had suffered a stroke after an aneurysm ruptured. The MRI test showed there was a pool of blood on Sonya’s brain, and within days she was totally paralyzed on the left side. After lying in the hospital for more than a month, doctors said the risk was too great to operate on the aneurysm. Looking for answers, Robby began watching CBN’s Solusi program, the Indonesian version of The 700 Club. Robby then called a CBN prayer counselor. A short time, a prayer counselor called Sonya at the hospital to pray with her.
Sonya: I was so thankful for the way CBN showed that they cared about me.
KEN HULME: Just a few days later, Sonya left the hospital, and immediately her paralysis began to disappear. Then a CAT scan showed that the leaking blood vessel in her brain had spontaneously stopped bleeding. Another MRI just three months later showed that the effects of the stroke were completely gone, too.
Sonya: God used CBN’s prayer counseling center to bless me. You’re a blessing for us all.
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GORDON ROBERTSON: That’s right in the heart of Indonesia, one of the largest, the largest in terms of population, Muslim country in the world. And we’re preaching the Gospel.
We’re letting them know that Jesus heals, Jesus saves, Jesus loves. And if you want to be a part of it, a portion of every gift to The 700 Club goes into the work of CBN WorldReach to preach the Gospel around the world. Another portion goes into the work of Operation Blessing to bring help and hope to people around the world. So if you want to be a part of both of those, just join The 700 Club. How much is it? Twenty dollars a month, 65 cents a day. And you join with tens of thousands of other people that want to make a difference in the world today. If that’s you, call us right now: 1-800-759-0700. Or you can log on to When you join through the Internet, you automatically sign up for Pledge Express.
That’s monthly automatic giving. There are no checks, no stamps, no hassle. We save so much we’re able to send as our gift back to you “Power for Life” monthly teaching CDs. So if you want it, log on to Terry.
TERRY MEEUWSEN: Well, up next, meet a unique member of a marching band and his dad.
Patrick Henry Hughes: He does a pretty good job, typically doesn’t mess up too much. And he hasn’t dumped me over yet. We haven’t taken out any musicians. So everything is good so far.
TERRY MEEUWSEN: How this college student has defied all the odds, when we come back.
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Announcer: While Mary feeds her two young daughters, she also helps feed needy families around the world. While Bob hands a drink out to a co-worker, he helps give water to villages with new wells. And while Carl builds a house for his son’s new puppy, he helps rebuild homes in disaster areas.
TERRY MEEUWSEN: These people all have something in common. They’re CBN partners who have joined Pledge Express. It’s easy to sign up. Just give us a call, log on to or return the Pledge Express form you receive in the mail. Then each month, we’ll send you “Power for Life,” and you’ll receive this powerful CD called Overcoming Stress. So join us and change the world for someone today.
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Announcer #2: Call 800-661-4728. That’s 800-661-4728.
Announcer: 1-800-MEDICINE, for all your healthcare needs.
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TERRY MEEUWSEN: Patrick Henry Hughes was born with no eyes and a number of other challenges. Still, he’s accomplished more in 20 years than many of us will in a lifetime. Take a look.
Crowd: Bus driver, move that bus!
MIA EVANS-SARACUAL: You may recognize Patrick Henry Hughes from ABC’s Extreme Home Makeover. The show provided an ADA-compliant home completely accessible to Patrick Henry and his family.
Patrick Henry Hughes (Pianist, Vocalist, Trumpeter): This house has helped me become more independent. I’m able to get around more independently, and there’s also some really great technology that has enabled me to do certain things, for example, my homework more independently.
MIA EVANS-SARACUAL: As a college student, Patrick Henry has already published his first book, and he’s also a successful musician, an amazing feat when you find out that Patrick Henry Hughes was born without eyes, a rarity in itself. Doctors also told his parents that due to several birth defects, he would never walk.
Patricia Hughes (Mother): Anytime there’s a problem with a birth, I think you immediately go into the worst-case scenario. So you try to suppress that “is he going to live” or “how bad is it.”
Patrick John Hughes (Father): It took days for all of the information and then eventually even weeks for all of the information to come in about Patrick. And then we still had to play the waiting game, because we didn’t know how he was going to develop mentally. I remember many times thinking, “God, why us?” You go through a period of anger and denial and rage.
MIA EVANS-SARACUAL: But then, his parents would soon learn that Patrick Henry would defy all the odds. Patrick was left alone with his six-week-old newborn son for the first time. The baby cried constantly. In an act of desperation, Patrick placed his son on top of the piano. As he played classical music, his son quit crying. Nine months later, Patrick Henry began picking out notes from the comforts of his high chair.
Patrick John Hughes: It fit perfectly at that piano, so that Patrick’s little knees would go underneath where the keyboard sits. I put him there and played. I found three notes at random. Nine months old, and he found those three notes and played them back to me in succession. I was blown away. So every day we would sit at the piano, and I’d play his nursery rhyme songs or we’d do little listen-and-play exercises.
MIA EVANS-SARACUAL: Little Patrick was making his mark in unexpected ways.
Patrick John Hughes: Patrick was about ten years old. I kind of came to a fork in the road in my life and fortunately one of those forks was God. Certainly Christ was always a part of our home. But outside of the home, we weren’t involved really with a church. Patrick is so God-centered and God-focused.
MIA EVANS-SARACUAL: Patrick’s faith was evident early on from his insistence on attending church every week to making sure someone prayed before meals. Patrick was emerging as a leader.
Patrick Henry Hughes: My faith has sustained me. There are some days that have been a little stressing, but whenever I have those feelings and I really think there’s no way I can get out of them, I just turn to God and say a little prayer, “Lord, give me strength to get me through this.” People have asked how I would describe my disabilities, and my answer typically is not disabilities at all, more abilities, because some people with sight tend to judge others by what they see on the outside, for example, skin color or hair length or the clothes they wear. But, of course, I don’t see that, and I never have and probably never will. And because of this, I only see that which is within a person.
MIA EVANS-SARACUAL: In junior high school, Patrick Henry got involved in band and orchestra. His love for performing carried over to college at the University of Louisville. He wanted to play trumpet in the pep band. What he didn’t know was marching band was a requirement.
Patrick John Hughes: Marching band, it starts in August, the hottest part of the year, with 12-hour days for ten days before school starts in marching band camp. Brutal. Just brutal. And then even as school starts, then band becomes two hours every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 4:30 to 6:30, and it can’t get any hotter. And then game days are nine and a half hour events.
Patrick Henry Hughes: He does a pretty good job, typically doesn’t mess up too much. And he hasn’t dumped me over yet, and we haven’t take out any musicians. So everything’s good so far.
MIA EVANS-SARACUAL: Patrick continues to challenge the faith of those around him.
Patricia Hughes: Patrick is, I think he’s on his 5th reading of the Bible now at age 20. I haven’t read it all the way through. It keeps me reminding me of what I need to do and how I need to live.
Patrick John Hughes: It didn’t take us many months to realize how great Patrick was and to again ask, “Why us?” but with a whole new—now it wasn’t a blame thing. It was like, “Wow, are you sure?”
MIA EVANS-SARACUAL: Patrick Henry’s positive outlook on life is evident in his new book, I Am Potential.
Patrick Henry Hughes: I would like to challenge people to live their life to the fullest and to realize their potential. Life is a beautiful thing, and there’s so much to do in life. And every day you just want to live it to the fullest. You’ve got today, but you’re not always guaranteed tomorrow.
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TERRY MEEUWSEN: Wow! What an admonition to all of us to see today as the gift that it is, to live it to the fullest. You need to know those eight lessons Patrick has written about. His book is called I Am Potential. You can see that he is. And he shares some of what’s on his heart and some of what’s motivated him in this book, and it’s available in bookstores around the country. Patrick Henry Hughes. Wow. A powerhouse.
GORDON ROBERTSON: What an incredible life. What an incredible witness.
GORDON ROBERTSON: “I don’t see the outside. I see the inside.” What an incredible statement.
TERRY MEEUWSEN: Oh, that we could all say that. Yes.
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TERRY MEEUWSEN: Well, we’ve got a few minutes for e-mail. We’d like to answer some of the questions that you all have sent in to us. This first one is from Sue, who says,
“My husband and I are Christians, and we tithe. But we are also addicted to gambling. They built a casino 15 minutes away, and we go once a week. We love it, but we know it’s wrong. We’re behind on all our bills, and we are 450,000 dollars in debt. We need God’s divine intervention to free us before we lose everything. We’ve prayed about it and asked God to deliver us, but it’s like a drug and we get drawn back in and do it again. What can we do to finally get free?”
GORDON ROBERTSON: Sue, one of the things that people trying to get free from things, you don’t understand is, God is not going to violate your will. One of the things about God is He doesn’t change. And He has given to us free will. And He gave that to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. And He gave them rules, one rule, and they violated it. But He is not going to then take back their free will because of that, just like He is not going to take back your free will. If in your free will you want to go gamble, well then God is not going to rend Heaven and change the universe for you. He’s just not going to do that. What He is going to do is help you. But you’ve got to want the help. And the way you express that you want the help is you are taking steps necessary to keep you from that addiction. I’m all in favor of building walls, so you don’t have access to things that you know are temptations for you. If you’re involved in any addiction, you need to get away from it into some kind of protected environment where you will not have access to it for a minimum of 30 days. You can change most any habit in a human being if you stop for 30 days. And it won’t have the same compulsion. It won’t have the same overpowering compulsion over you. So, Sue, get away from it. If that means you’ve got to go on a 30-day vacation, then go on a 30-day vacation, but make sure you’re going to a place that doesn’t have a casino. And if you show, if in your will you’re saying, “God, I’m trying to stay away from this,” He will make a way out of any temptation. But if you’re constantly going to it, He’s not going to violate your will. That’s all the time we have. We leave you with these words from I Timothy 6, . . . .
I Timothy 6:6
“Now godliness with contentment
is great gain.”
. . . . “Now godliness with contentment is great gain.” God bless you. We’ll see you tomorrow.
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GORDON ROBERTSON: Tomorrow. They call themselves “The Fellowship.”
Man: I was part of a group called C Street when I was in Washington.
GORDON ROBERTSON: We’ll reveal the mystery and the scandals behind this secret club.
Man: I wish more people knew about it and why it’s here.
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GORDON ROBERTSON: Plus, she’s Martin Luther King’s niece, and like her uncle, leading the charge for civil rights.
Dr. Alveda King: In certain parts of America, more of our babies are being aborted than are being born.
GORDON ROBERTSON: Tomorrow on The 700 Club.
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TERRY MEEUWSEN: Hi, I’m Terry Meeuwsen. I’d like to tell you about Orphan’s Promise. Orphan’s Promise helps children who have had tragic beginnings in life.
Boy #1: My father died. My mother started drinking and gave me away to the orphanage.
Girl #1: We were homeless, and she made me beg for food.
Boy #2: We don’t know where our sister is. I’m looking for her now.
Girl #2: We want to return to be with our mother, but she doesn’t want us.
TERRY MEEUWSEN: In many countries, children are turned out of orphanages when they turn 16. They lose the only security they have ever known. Many will become easy prey for prostitution rings and criminal gangs. Together, you and I can break this cycle for these kids. For just 20 dollars a month, you’ll provide computer training, life skills and people that care, preparing them for a future of hope. Show them God’s love. Call the number on your screen right now and say you’ll help.