700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

The 700 Club: August 18, 2009

The mom on Tyler Perry's House of Payne comes to the studio to talk about her faith and fame. Also, a doctor's generous gift changed an entire village in southern India.


The 700 Club Daily Broadcast Tuesday, August 18, 2009 GORDON ROBERTSON: Well, welcome to The 700 Club. President Obama is willing to drop the government insurance plan from the health care bill. But his compromise isn’t winning many supporters. TERRY MEEUWSEN: John Jessup has the story on the latest showdown over this year’s biggest controversy. CARE JOHN JESSUP: The President's own words have come to haunt him. President Barack Obama: The public option, whether we have it or we don't have it, is not the entirety of health care reform. This is just one sliver of it, one aspect of it. JOHN JESSUP: The White House insists President Obama still wants a public option, a government health coverage plan, to compete with private insurance companies, but his main goal is still to slow and eventually bring down health care costs. Over the weekend, talk of consumer-owned co-ops picked up steam as an alternative to the public option, but it has backfired, turning some of the President's allies against him. Rep. Anthony Weiner ([D] New York): If the President thinks we're going to get the votes without public option, he's got another thing coming. JOHN JESSUP: The potential of dropping the public option has liberal Democrats fired up, arguing that it's the best way to lower costs, improve quality care and expand coverage. Clayton Redmon: There can't be equality and justice with over 40 million Americans who don't have access to health care. JOHN JESSUP: For the White House, it all boils down to the math. It doesn't have the votes in the Senate to pass a bill that has a public option. And now, another problem: some Democrats are warning that the President may lose support in the House, too. Rep. Anthony Weiner: Some of us who have gotten roughed up pretty good at town hall meetings and stuck in there because we believe in this, now kind of feel like we have a tire track on our chest where the bus that rolled over us is. JOHN JESSUP: But not all Democrats are on the same page. Some are willing to make the compromise. Rep. Vic Snyder ([D] Arkansas): Whether the ultimate total package has a public plan option or not has not been a deal breaker for me. JOHN JESSUP: Meanwhile, the debate over health care is being fought over the airwaves as well as in town halls. Nearly $60 million dollars is being spent on TV ads, and supporters of the President's plan are out spending the opposition five to one. But all that money doesn’t seem to be helping much, with polls showing the majority of Americans opposed to the current plan. One moderate Blue Dog Democrat even went so far as saying it would be a good idea to start all over. Speaking of which, the White House declared “game over” on controversial its controversial e-mail inbox to collect so-called “fishy” e-mails about health care. But the biggest concern for the Obama Administration now is trying to regain control over this ongoing debate. John Jessup, CBN News, the White House. GORDON ROBERTSON: Well, it is going to go down as one of the more strange episodes of this current administration. Here you’ve got one of the greatest communicators of our generation, and how did he mess up the message so badly and so quickly? And how did they misgauge the overall sentiment in the country. I wish we could get back to focusing on what I perceive as the biggest need right now, and that is focus on the economy. Until we fix that, we’re just going to be incurring larger and larger deficits that our children and grandchildren and our great-grandchildren are going to be responsible for. Wendy Griffith has the rest of our top stories from the CBN Newsroom. Wendy. OBAMA AND GAY MARRIAGE WENDY GRIFFITH: Thanks, Gordon. It appears the Obama Administration is trying to take both sides of the issue of same-sex marriage. Government lawyers are defending the Defense of Marriage Act in a suit by California gay couple. The law says marriage is between a man and a woman. But the President also says the Federal Defense of Marriage Act, or DOMA as it’s called, discriminates against gays and lesbians. And he wants Congress to repeal it. Until then, the White House will do its job of defending the law. Experts say playing both sides of the issue may backfire on the administration. Julie Nice (PH.D.-USF Law School): Neither side is going to be happy with this, because the brief today does make the claim that same-sex marriage is discriminatory, I mean, the ban is discriminatory. And so that’s going to anger those who oppose same-sex marriage, but at the same time, they’re defending the ban on marriage as a technical matter, and that’s definitely going to really, I think, upset the gay activists. WENDY GRIFFITH: During his run for office, President Obama repeatedly stated that while he supported civil unions, he was against gay marriage. CONSERVATIVES/LIBERALS WENDY GRIFFITH: Well, the number of Americans who call themselves conservatives is growing. It’s at the highest level in four years. Forty percent tell Gallup they are conservative, compared to only 21 percent who say they are liberal. Thirty-five percent call themselves moderates. And CNS News Service reports that Gallup also found that conservatives outnumber liberals in 47 of the 50 states. They are statistically tied in Massachusetts, Vermont and Hawaii. However, moderates form the majority in 21 states. NO CASH FOR CLUNKERS WENDY GRIFFITH: The government’s Cash for Clunkers program is falling way behind on its payments, so the Transportation Department is tripling the number of workers processing Clunker transactions. There were only 350 people working on the program. Now there will be about 1,000. Many car dealers complain that the government has been extremely slow in reimbursing them for the car incentives, some up to 4,500 dollars a vehicle. Hugh Smith (Fairway Ford): If they reject it, we go to the back of the line and have to start over again. So we really have no idea what the timetable is. We don't know if our paperwork is correct, so we really don't know where we stand. The initial billion dollars was supposed to generate 250,000 sales, and initially they had 225 people processing those claims. Jason Wallace (Bob King Volkswagen): I think we had an idea just in previous dealings with the government that it wouldn't be as smooth as indicated. WENDY GRIFFITH: The government still owes some car dealerships hundreds of thousands of dollars in reimbursements. FLU VACCINE SHORTAGE WENDY GRIFFITH: The US will be getting far fewer swine flu shots in October. Instead of the anticipated 120 million vaccinations, there will only be 45 million available, with 20 million more doses shipped weekly. Of those, pregnant women, health care workers and children will be at the top of the list of people eligible to get the shots. Many manufacturers have had a hard time brewing the vaccine. The chief ingredient is grown in chicken eggs. Companies are only getting 30 percent of usual doses per egg as they do with the regular winter flu vaccine. Dr. William Schaffner (Vanderbilt Univ. Medical Center): Because of this delay, it's more likely that this virus will cause more illness, more hospitalizations and even more deaths in our country than we anticipated. WENDY GRIFFITH: The problem is with the swine flu vaccine, not the regular winter flu shot. Those inoculations are already beginning in parts of the country, and there is an ample supply of the seasonal vaccine. HUCKABEE WENDY GRIFFITH: Former governor and Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee traveled to Israel for a three-day visit and found himself at the center of a political storm. Chris Mitchell has that story from Jerusalem. CHRIS MITCHELL: Huckabee's tour stirred up reactions from both sides of Israel's political spectrum. Huckabee's visit provoked the most controversy when he visited the Shepherd's Hotel here in Jerusalem. The hotel has been at the middle of a diplomatic crisis between the US and Israel. Sorel Rosenberg (Pease Now): I am here to let people know that Governor Huckabee is not welcome, to let him know that the settlements are certainly not going to enhance the chance of peace and that it's important for America to realize that. Yotam (Im Tirtzu): We support him by supporting us and by supporting the Israeli government by letting the Jewish and Israeli people to live here by right. CHRIS MITCHELL: The hotel Huckabee visited lies at the heart of a controversy between Israel and the US. It sits in east Jerusalem and what some want to be the future capitol of a Palestinian state. A Jewish developer bought the land and obtained permission to build apartments. But the Obama Administration called on Israel to suspend the construction as part of its attempt to stop all Jewish settlements in east Jerusalem and the West Bank, a position many Israelis find objectionable. Yoram Ettinger (Former Israeli Ambassador): Jerusalem is the line in the sand for the Jewish state. If Jews are not allowed to build in Jerusalem, then what are we doing in this area? This is our heart and nobody, but absolutely nobody, has the moral or strategic right to question our right to build anywhere at any time in Jerusalem. Mike Huckabee: How would the government of the United States feel if Prime Minister Netanyahu began to dictate which people could live in the Bronx, which ones could live in Manhattan, which ones could live in Queens? And so you know we only allow certain people to live in these neighborhoods. How would that go over? It wouldn't go over very well. CHRIS MITCHELL: The hotel was once owned by the former Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseni. Husseni worked with Hitler during World War II to exterminate the Jews of Europe and prevent their immigration to Israel. Yoram Ettinger: Jewish construction on this ground doesn't only celebrate the right of Jews in Jerusalem, the heart of the Jewish people, but also it's a late achievement or late symbol of victory over the Nazis. CHRIS MITCHELL: Huckabee's visit to the Shepherd's Hotel not only stirred passions in Jerusalem, but also sent a message to the Obama Administration. Charley Levine (Lone Star Communications): It’s pretty clear that this might well be a first volley in the next presidential elections. CHRIS MITCHELL: Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem. ID THEFT WENDY GRIFFITH: Well, the man at the center of the country's largest identity theft ever is a former government informant. At one time, Albert Gonzalez helped the US Secret Service track down hackers. Prosecutors now say Gonzalez hacked into retail networks and stole 130 million credit card numbers. He targeted accounts at stores like 7-Eleven and the Hanaford supermarket chain. The Miami man is already awaiting trial for another hacking case. He faces up to 20 years in prison if convicted of the new charges. Gordon, back to you. GORDON ROBERTSON: Well, his nickname online was “Soup Nazi.” That’s what Albert Gonzalez went as. And his technique was to walk into retail stores and put a virus into their wireless system. It was called a sniffer virus. And if the system wasn’t locked down, he would be able to upload this virus. And then as credit card numbers came through from transactions that day, that virus would then transmit the number to him. TERRY MEEUWSEN: How does somebody walk into a store and do that? GORDON ROBERTSON: Well, any device will do it. Any wireless device. You start walking around with a notebook computer, and you can do it. And you can upload the virus into it if they’re open, . . . . TERRY MEEUWSEN: That’s scary. GORDON ROBERTSON: . . . . and they’re not protected. So it’s yet again another wake up call for retail stores across the nation, around the world. You’ve got to protect those processing programs that you have. And if you’re using wireless to do it, there is an automatic entry there, and you need to protect your consumer. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Boy, I guess so. Well, up next, a deadly bug is on the move. Man: There is a lot more MRSA now, especially circulating in the community. We think that it’s transmitted mostly that way, by contact. Sometimes athletes will share towels, razors and other types of things that they probably shouldn’t share. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Athletes aren’t the only ones at risk. Find out how to protect your family, next. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GRAPHIC: CASSI DAVIS GORDON ROBERTSON: Coming up later. Cassi Davis (Acting): Hi, I’m Ella Payne. GORDON ROBERTSON: Straight from The House of Payne. GRAPHIC: COURTESY: TBS Cassi Davis (Acting): Get some milk and cookies, kids. We’ll leave one cookie for you. GORDON ROBERTSON: Actress Cassi Davis on today’s 700 Club. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 1: INSURE Announcer: She’ll always be your little girl. You’d do anything in the world for her. But what would her world look like if something were to happen to you? Could she still go to college? Could your family stay in your home? Could she have the same future you’ve always dreamed about? With the uncertainty in today’s economy, there’s never been a more important time to insure your family’s future. Now, with the help of the experts at Insure.com, you can, easily and affordably. The good news is that life insurance prices are at all-time lows. In fact, a healthy 40-year-old man can now apply for 500,000 dollars of term life insurance for less than 25 dollars a month. Even if you have an existing health condition, we can still get you competitive quotes. With one phone call, we’ll compare quotes from 25 of the highest rated life insurance companies, and we’ll back them up with our 500-dollar lowest price guarantee. Protect your most valuable investment: your family’s future. Call our experts now, and we’ll send you a free, no obligation price comparison report based on your specific needs. Call today. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NEXT DAY PROMO GRAPHIC: DESPERATE MOM GORDON ROBERTSON: Tomorrow. Woman: I guess I wanted that fairy tale dream that every little girl wants. GORDON ROBERTSON: A desperate mom crosses the line. Woman: A friend said, “You don’t have to try to work two jobs if you try working in a strip club.” * * * GRAPHIC: “HOW STARBUCKS SAVED MY LIFE” GORDON ROBERTSON: Plus . . . . Man: I had been fired from my job. I had lost my big house. And I’d been just diagnosed with a brain tumor. GORDON ROBERTSON: Why this man says Starbucks saved his life. On The 700 Club. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GORDON ROBERTSON: The parents of children who play sports are now dealing with the new worry. It’s an increase in a staph infection called MRSA. Carolyn Castleberry has this report on how you can protect your family. FOCUS: MRSA CAROLYN CASTLEBERRY: It's a story no parent would expect to tell. As soccer moms keep a close eye on the action, who would ever worry about a different hazard: a bacterium called methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, simply known as MRSA. The problem is there's nothing simple about it. Dr. Randall Fisher (Infectious Disease Specialist): MRSA is actually a form of staph that is resistant to the typical antibiotics that we've used to kill staph infections for years. CAROLYN CASTLEBERRY: In fact, the "R" for resistant is the issue. Germs and bacteria are built to survive, and these organisms, known as staph, have survived and spread. Dr. Randall Fisher: What has changed is that there's a lot more MRSA now, especially circulating in the community, than there ever has been in the past. Brooke (MRSA Victim): I remember staying in the hospital for a week, and all different people coming in and treating me. CAROLYN CASTLEBERRY: Infectious disease specialist Dr. Randall Fisher was one of the doctors working on Brooke’s case. The infection was internal, in her hip joint, and that required surgery to drain it. Here’s the thing: Brooke's first and only symptom was pain. She spent a week and a half in the hospital and six weeks on intravenous antibiotics. Brooke: And then when we went home, every Saturday or Sunday, they would come and have to remove all of this tape and all these tubes and stuff. CAROLYN CASTLEBERRY: And Brooke isn't alone. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, MRSA caused more than 94,000 life-threatening infections and nearly 19,000 deaths in the US in 2005. Most cases are external, beginning with a sore on the skin or a rash. Dr. Randall Fisher: People will often describe them as starting out like a pimple or like a spider bite. There will be an area of swelling or redness. And then over time it will enlarge, become red, warm, very tender. CAROLYN CASTLEBERRY: MRSA's victims can be of all ages, such as one-year-old Simon Sparrow who died of the infection, or NBA All-Star, Grant Hill, who survived. (Interviewing): Back in 2005, parents, at least the parents I knew, and me, we just didn’t think about MRSA. We didn’t know about MRSA. We had no clue what it was. Now, when I go to coach’s meetings for a sport, it’s routinely discussed. So why are athletes more at risk? Dr. Randall Fisher: Well, most of the time the athletic participation puts them in close contact with other people, puts them in situations where they're sharing equipment, for example. We've seen a lot of skin infections in particular in wrestlers, probably because they use the mats and everybody wrestles on the same mat. So we think that it's transmitted mostly that way, by contact, by direct or by indirect contact. Sometimes athletes will share towels, razors and other types of things that they probably shouldn't share. CAROLYN CASTLEBERRY (Reporting); And make sure to wash hands, all equipment and, above all, clean and treat any cuts, insect bites or scratches. Dr. Randall Fisher: A breach in the skin is one of the things that leads to MRSA infection. Staph sitting on intact skin is relatively harmless. It can't infect you unless there's an opening to the deeper tissues. CAROLYN CASTLEBERRY: And remember, bacteria are so small, they can enter through an opening that's invisible to the naked eye, which is why washing is so important. Finally, make sure you treat any wounds you do see with an antibiotic ointment and cover them to avoid spreading the infection. The key for Brooke was getting treatment right away. And her advice for other kids facing this? Brooke: I would tell them not to be afraid and that it will be over soon. Dr. Randall Fisher: We have seen the majority of these patients get better and go on to be healthy again. So although it's a scary situation when your child comes down with an infection, particularly when it's this resistant organism, we do have lots of antibiotics that we can still use, and we have the experience that we need to take the best possible care of your child. CAROLYN CASTLEBERRY: Carolyn Castleberry, CBN News. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GORDON ROBERTSON: Well, be alert. If your children are active in sports, be alert to this. If you’re active in sports, be alert to this. And certainly wipe down any machinery you may use in a gym. And if you’ve got any kind of open wound, make sure it’s covered up. Don’t let yourself be infected by this. TERRY MEEUWSEN: It’s kind of scary that it can happen through an opening that’s not even visible. GORDON ROBERTSON: That’s not visible. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Think of how many times—you’re a fisherman. Think of how many times you’ve hooked a thumb on a hook when you’re taking it out of a fish. GORDON ROBERTSON: I’m not really worried about staph out there, but there is so much salt water around that I don’t see it surviving that environment. But maybe I ought to be concerned. TERRY MEEUWSEN: I don’t know, but that’s kind of a freaky situation. Well, coming up, first he watched bank robberies on TV. And then he pulled his own heist. Man: And with those thoughts in mind, I went into a bank on May 5th of 1997. Man: I remember he put his gun over the counter, pointed it at me. He ordered me to give him large bills. TERRY MEEUWSEN: How this robber and this teller became friends. That’s next. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 2: ENCORE DENTAL Spokeswoman: We’re downtown today, campaigning to save America’s teeth, because good dental health is about more than just brushing. Announcer: If you’re one of the millions of Americans without dental insurance, call Encore Dental for affordable, quality dental coverage. Spokeswoman: When was the last time you went to the dentist? Man: Uh . . . . Woman: Like, probably three years ago. Man: Probably back in college. Announcer: Poor oral health can lead to serious illnesses, like heart disease and stroke. Spokeswoman: What’s your excuse? Woman: It’s just too expensive. Woman: I’m self-employed. Spokeswoman: No dental insurance. Woman: None. Announcer: With Encore Dental, you can receive up to 100 percent coverage for preventative care and up to 50 percent on basic and major procedures. Woman: George retired a year ago. George: And when I did, I lost my dental coverage. Announcer: There are no claim forms and no waiting for reimbursement. Call now for a 30-day money back trial period. Announcer #2: Call 1-800-757-4903 now for a 30-day money back trial period. Announcer: Call now, and get an additional ten percent off when you pay by credit card. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GORDON ROBERTSON: Martin Briseno needed a lot of money, and he needed it yesterday. So Martin decided to try something he’d seen on TV countless times. MARTIN BRISENO Martin Briseno: I was very desperate for money. I had owed. I owed a lot of people money. I owed my landlord money. The utilities were shut off, no electricity, no gas, no phone. And I always watched bank robberies on TV, guys going into the bank and quick money, running out. And with those thoughts in mind, I went into a bank on May 5th of 1997, and robbed a bank. ANDREW KNOX: Martin Briseno started using and selling drugs as a teenager. Now in his twenties, nearly every penny went toward his cocaine habit. He got away with the first robbery, but when the money ran out, he decided to try it again. Bank teller Noel Quinones was on duty that day. Noel Quinones (Bank Teller): I see this guy with some type of mask. He had a gun in his hand. And the first thing he did was he ordered everybody to hit the floor. I remember he put his gun over the counter, pointed it at me. He ordered me to give him large bills. He said something like, “I’m not playing. Give me the money! Give me the money!” Martin Briseno: The only thing he would say was, “Oh, my God, Jesus Christ. Oh, my God, Jesus Christ,” over and over and over. I grabbed the money and I ran out of the bank. And again, as I ran out of the bank, I told myself, “Martin, you did it again. You got away.” ANDREW KNOX: But this time, a drive-thru customer saw Martin get in his car and called the police. Martin Briseno: I drove to my house on the west side of Grand Rapids. And when I got there, the police had the house surrounded already. I had always feared prison, and I knew if they caught me, I would probably spend a lot of time in prison. ANDREW KNOX: He ran away, but he made one stop first. Martin Briseno: I went to buy more crack cocaine from this guy I used to buy crack from. And we went around the back of the house, and the next thing that happens, I feel a big thump on my head. And they robbed me. They beat me, and they took all the money from the robbery. I couldn’t seek help from the hospital, because the police were looking for me. And again, I felt so, so, so insignificant and like a total failure. I just robbed a bank. The money is gone again. ANDREW KNOX: Martin fled to Chicago. He moved in with a relative and assumed a new identity. One day, his brother called. He had visited the bank that his older brother had held up. While there, he met Noel Quinones, the man Martin held at gunpoint and robbed. Noel had a message for his brother. Noel Quinones: And I said, “Just tell him that that myself and the church that I go to, that we’re praying for him that God would do a miracle in his life.” Martin Briseno: And something happened that moment. I believe that moment when I heard that message from my brother, I believe that was my turning point. ANDREW KNOX: Martin says he knew he had been forgiven. Martin Briseno: Immediately, I looked up, and I had a tear in my eye. I said, “God.” I didn’t even like God at the time. I said, “God, I want a heart like this man. I want to be able to forgive people, to love.” This man, the bank teller, was showing me unconditional love. What I did to him did not stop him from sharing that message that he was praying for me, that he actually cared enough to talk to God about my messed up life. ANDREW KNOX: That’s when Martin turned to God. Martin Briseno: And I said, “God, if you’re real, please change my life. I don’t have anything to offer you. I’m an addict. I’m a fugitive. No one cares about me anymore. Can you change my life? Can you help me?” I then asked Him, “Lord, will you come into my heart? Will you change my life from this point on? And if you do, if this stuff is real, I will live the rest of my life for you. I will serve you.” ANDREW KNOX: Afterward, Martin surrendered to police. He was given ten to 60 years for the two robberies. He then turned to the Bible for encouragement. Martin Briseno: There was a verse in the Bible, Jeremiah 29, which says, “I know the thoughts I have towards you, thoughts of peace, to give you a future and a hope.” And it was like God was speaking to me through His Word, “Martin, you do have a future. You do have a hope, but you have to go through this difficult journey.” ANDREW KNOX: After serving eight and a half years, Martin made parole. One of the first things he did was look up Noel Quinones, the bank teller. Noel Quinones: It was awesome. It’s weird. It was like seeing a friend of yours that you haven’t seen in many, many years. It was surreal. And I believe that forgiveness is a decision. It’s not a feeling. You have to decide to forgive someone. ANDREW KNOX: Today Martin and Noel remain good friends, and Martin is a husband and father. Martin Briseno: The moment Christ entered my heart, I have been filled with such a gratitude to God for His mercy in my life, His favor and for Jesus taking away my shame and my guilt in everything that I’ve done. That’s empowering to understand the depth of that truth. He paid for it all. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GORDON MINISTERS SALVATION GORDON ROBERTSON: He paid for it all for you. And it is empowering. It can change you to know that He loved you enough to pay for everything, to take all your guilt, all your shame. Now, what Martin did was tough. When he said, “Jesus, I want you. If the teller I robbed, the teller I put a gun in his face, and if he could forgive so much that he’s praying for me, he’s asking for you to turn me, well, then I want that. I want that. And I want that so much I’m willing to turn myself in, so that I can walk free with you.” That’s something. That same thing can happen to you. You can change that much. You can change completely. And I don’t care what’s running your life right now, what compulsions you have, what addictions you have, what guilt you’ve got. Jesus can take it all. He can take it all. All you have to do is let Him. If this is you, if this is what you want, if you want a new start, you want a new beginning, you want to leave the past behind, the apostle Paul says it very clearly: “The old things have passed away. Behold, all things are made new.” All things are made new. You can be made new. From your innermost being, you can be regenerated. So the compulsions that enslave you no longer are there. And you can be just as if you had never done it. If you want that, bow your head with me. Pray a prayer. Let Jesus come in. Ask Him to come in. He’ll do it. He’ll change you. All you have to do is trust Him. Pray with me. “Lord Jesus.” That’s right. Say it out loud. “Lord Jesus, I come to you, and I want a new start. I want a new beginning. I want to change. So Jesus, come into my heart. I ask that you would forgive me, that you would cleanse me. And Jesus, I want you in my life from this point forward. I want to know you. I want to know your peace. And right now, I want to know your forgiveness. So hear my prayer, for I pray it in Jesus’ name. Amen.” If you just prayed with me, the Bible says that if you’ll believe in your heart and then confess with your mouth, you shall be saved. GRAPHIC: 1-800-759-0700 CBN.COM What I want you to do is make a toll free call: 1-800-759-0700. Just say, “I just prayed with that guy on TV, and I asked Jesus into my heart.” When you call, we’ve got a free packet for you. It’s called “A Higher Calling.” GRAPHIC: OUR GIFT TO YOU 1-800-759-0700 CBN.COM In there is a CD teaching on how to live the Christian life. We encourage you to join a local church. We encourage you to get a Bible and read it every day. But it starts with that phone call. Make it right now: 1-800-759-0700. I also want to encourage Christians out there, if you’ve been in a situation like Noel was in, if you’ve been that bank teller, if you’ve had somebody do something like point a gun at you, what about doing what Noel did, saying, “This is the person I’m going to pray into the Kingdom. This is the person I’m going to forgive, that I’m going to ask God to bless them with the gift of salvation.” Do that today. Do that today. Be salt and light today. Don’t let the wounds, the offenses, of this world chill your love, quench your love. Let your love be poured forth, and just the same love Jesus had. This is love, that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. And while Martin was yet a sinner, Noel prayed for him. And that witness changed his heart. Be a witness today. We’ll be back with more of The 700 Club, after this. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 3: SONGS FOR WORSHIP “Open the eyes . . . .” Announcer: These are the most powerful songs of our time. “Come, now is the time . . . .” Announcer: And now, for the first time, the biggest praise and worship songs are together. “How great is our God . . . .” Announcer: Presenting Songs 4 Worship 50, 50 songs in one specially priced collection. “Holy is the Lord . . . .” Announcer: You’ll hear 50 beautiful songs of hope. “I’m coming back . . . .” Announcer: Fifty powerful songs of faith. “Amazing love, how can . . . .” Announcer: Get Songs 4 Worship 50 on three CDs for only 24.99. “Here I am . . . .” Announcer: But wait, order in the next ten minutes with your credit card, and we’ll take 15 dollars off. “Shout to the Lord . . . .” Announcer: That’s right. You get 50 praise and worship songs for just 9.99. “God of wonders . . . .” Announcer: Then preview other great praise and worship collections, satisfaction guaranteed. “Blessed be the name . . . .” Announcer: So call now and get Songs 4 Worship 50, 50 beautiful songs on three CDs for just 9.99. “Savior, He can move . . . .” Announcer #2: Call 1-800-735-7412 to order Songs 4 Worship 50 on three CDs for 9.99, plus shipping and handling, when you use your credit card. Call now or order online at Timelife.com/Songs4Worship50. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GRAPHIC: CASSI DAVIS GORDON ROBERTSON: Still ahead, The House of Payne’s Cassi Davis joins us live. GRAPHIC: COURTESY: TBS Cassi Davis (Acting): I was wrong. I had to walk five miles to school. Child Actress: You don’t look like you ever walked five miles in your life. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * MORTGAGE DELINQUENCIES JOHN JESSUP: Welcome to Washington for this CBN Newsbreak. The delinquency rate on US home mortgage loans hit an all-time high the second quarter. It’s the tenth straight quarter that mortgage holders fell 60 days or more behind on their payments, facing foreclosure. But there is some good news. Data shows that those delinquencies occurred at a slower rate than previously. Analysts say programs from the government and mortgage lenders are helping with the slowdown. They say it may be a sign that the mortgage crisis is turning around and a precursor to recovery. DELAY DANCING JOHN JESSUP: Former Republican and House Majority Leader Tom Delay says he's going to be on this season's Dancing With the Stars. The congressman says he was contacted by the show's producers three months ago. He'll be joining 15 other celebrities. Delay is 11 years older than the other performers, but says it doesn't bother him. In fact, he says he was quite a dancer while growing up in Venezuela. Dancing With the Stars is in its ninth season and premieres September 21st. And I’m sure we’ll all be watching. You can always get the latest from CBN News by going to our web site at CBN.com. GRAPHIC: FOR MORE INFORMATION LOG ON TO CBN.COM Gordon and Terry will be back with more of The 700 Club, right after this. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 4A: ALERT USA Dr. Joyce Brothers: Hi, I’m Dr. Joyce Brothers. Those of us who are independent and live alone shouldn’t do so without having emergency protection. And for reliability and peace of mind, I recommend Alert USA. Announcer: With Alert USA, if you ever need assistance, just press your pendant to be connected to an operator who can summon help to your home 24 hours a day. Dr. Joyce Brothers: I’ve been giving advice for many years, and I believe Alert USA provides the best emergency support and value for your dollar. Call now for a free brochure. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 4B: RECIPROCITY SPOT TERRY MEEUWSEN: As co-host of The 700 Club, I see incredible stories of God’s faithfulness to our viewers every day. It builds our faith to see what God is doing in people’s lives. Perhaps you’ve seen a miracle in your finances. We’d like to share your story with others, so that they, too, can be encouraged. Please call 1-800-759-0700 or log on to CBN.com. We want to hear from you. Your life can inspire others. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NEXT DAY PROMO GRAPHIC: DESPERATE MOM GORDON ROBERTSON: Tomorrow. Woman: I guess I wanted that fairy tale dream that every little girl wants. GORDON ROBERTSON: A desperate mom crosses the line. Woman: A friend said, “You don’t have to try to work two jobs if you try working in a strip club.” * * * GRAPHIC: “HOW STARBUCKS SAVED MY LIFE” GORDON ROBERTSON: Plus . . . . Man: I had been fired from my job. I had lost my big house. And I’d been just diagnosed with a brain tumor. GORDON ROBERTSON: Why this man says Starbucks saved his life. On The 700 Club. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TERRY MEEUWSEN: If you like TV comedies, you might be a fan of Tyler Perry’s House of Payne. It is the number one comedy on the TBS Network, thanks in part to the woman that you’re about to meet. SET-UP: DAVIS REPORTER: Cassi Davis plays mom Ella Payne on Tyler Perry’s House of Payne, which airs on TBS. Cassi Davis: I think that when people look at the show, they will see themselves. They will hear issues that are going on in their homes. REPORTER: The new comedy series is about a working class family who handles life’s struggles with faith, love and humor. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GUEST: CASSI DAVIS TERRY MEEUWSEN: Please welcome to The 700 Club Cassi Davis. Cassi, it’s wonderful to have you here. Cassi Davis: Thank you. I’m glad to be here. TERRY MEEUWSEN: It makes me laugh just looking at you. Cassi Davis: Now, wait a minute. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Yes. Cassi Davis: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. TERRY MEEUWSEN: In the kindest way possible. Cassi Davis: Okay. Okay. Okay. TERRY MEEUWSEN: I know it must be so amazing to work with Tyler Perry. How did the two of you connect up? How did you meet each other? Cassi Davis (Actress, “House of Payne”): You know what, I was doing a favor for somebody. And I was acting in a play in North Carolina, and Mr. Perry came. And when he came I had not heard about Tyler Perry. And he hadn’t really established himself as that. He had some plays out. But I actually did this play. He came backstage, and he was towering over me. And I’d gotten out of the business because of some hardships. And I said, “You know what, I just need to just back up and just wait and see what God is really going to do for me, really.” And so he came in, he said, “Hi, what is your name?” I said, “What is your name?” And he said, “I’m Tyler Perry.” I said, “I’m Cassi Davis.” He said, “Okay. Where do you live?” I said, “Where do you live?” He said, “I live in Atlanta.” I said, “Well, I live in Los Angeles.” He said, “You’re in Los Angeles, and you’re not on a TV show?” I said, “Who is this? What is it? What do you want?” And he got my name and my number from the producers of that show, and he pursued me for two and a half years. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Now, why did it take you so long to say, “I’m going to jump on this wagon and see where it goes.” Cassi Davis: Because I had been in the business for 11 years, and everything was just ugly. Nothing ever came to fruition. The promises were never kept. And I was just tired of the broken promises. And I was just like . . . . TERRY MEEUWSEN: You didn’t want to fall On the whole thing again. Cassi Davis: . . . . “You know what, just forget it. Just forget it.” And he kept calling and kept calling. And then I didn’t really want to go out in a play with a man with a dress on. And so I said, “I’m really not trying to do drag shows.” And he said, “Excuse me?” He said, “I am not homosexual. This is not a gay show. So, please, would you just please just consider me?” And then I had a girlfriend that called me up, and she came actually out to preach at our church. And she was from Atlanta, Bernice Davis. And I was telling her I was her, what do you call that, handmaiden? I took care of her when she came to preach at our church. And I was telling her, “There is this clown in Atlanta who has been calling me, and he wants to be in this show.” And she said, “What’s his name?” And I said, “T. Perry, P. Perry, Berry.” She said, “Tyler Perry?” I said, “Yes!” She said, “Hey, fool, call him back.” I was like, “Really?” She was like, “Yes!” Can I say “fool?” TERRY MEEUWSEN: Yes, you can say “fool.” It’s biblical. Cassi Davis: It’s biblical. Okay. But she said, “Hey, fool, call him back.” I did. TERRY MEEUWSEN: The story began. Cassi Davis: And the story began. I did “Madea Goes to Jail,” the play. And then we were actually onstage. And when we came off, Tyler said, “You know what, I have an idea for a TV show.” And Levette and I were just like, “Okay, well, whatever. Thank you.” And we went on onstage. And when we came off, he was like, “Really, I do have a show. I have a show.” And here we are. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Tell me about the role that you play in the show, Ella Payne. Cassi Davis: Well, Ella Payne is the matriarch for the household. And she actually is just a love bug to people. She sees the good in every situation, and she’s always trying to promote Jesus and promote God. And she just wants to be a backbone to everybody, and strength for everybody. And she just sees good in every situation. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Well, we’ve been seeing her, but we have a little clip here from House of Payne where your character Ella meets the infamous Madea. Let’s take a look. Cassi Davis: Oh, my. Oh, my. GRAPHIC: COURTESY: TBS Cassi Davis (Acting): Oh, Miss Simmons! Actor: Hello. Cassi Davis (Acting): Hi! I’m Ella Payne. I’m Malik’s aunt. Actor: Hello, Ella Payne. Cassi Davis (Acting): Hello. Actor: How are you? Cassi Davis (Acting): I’m good. Listen, would you care for anything? Actor: Oh, that is so lovely of you. No, I’m fine. But I believe I can get you something. Cassi Davis (Acting): What? Actor: I’ve got a recipe for sweet potato pie. Cassi Davis (Acting): Potato pie? Actor: Yes. Yes. But only feed it to him. Feed it to him every three hours, get you a good insurance policy. You’ll live happily ever after. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Now, you knew what he was going to say, and you’re still laughing. Cassi Davis: No, really, I have the best seat in the house. Whenever I’m onstage with Tyler Perry, oh, God, I have to say, “Tyler, really, I am so sorry, but I am like watching the show. I’m in it, but I’m watching you.” TERRY MEEUWSEN: You’re in it and watching it at the same time. Cassi Davis: He is so brilliant. I love him. Really, I do. TERRY MEEUWSEN: I want to talk a little bit about your faith, because I know it plays a huge role in your life. You were raised in the church, but you had a window of time where you really weren’t walking with the Lord. What happened? Cassi Davis: I got mad at Him. I actually left Holly Springs, Mississippi, in 1984, and I was going to Spellman College to start my college career. And I would say about six weeks before I left for college, my house burned down. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Did you lose everything? Cassi Davis: And there was a shortage in the wiring of the dryer. Yes, we lost everything. And my dad built the house back within the six weeks. And he was just like, “You are going to college. And you are not going to sit out.” I was like, “No, I’m going to start working at a factory. I’ve got to help us build our financial base back.” And he was like, “No. You will leave from this house, and you will go to college.” And that is what I did. But when I left, I had a relationship with the church, and I had not actually allowed the Lord to just come in and just be my personal Lord and Savior. So I got mad at God, because I was saying, “I’m singing in the choir. I’m going to all these youth groups and all this UNCF.” TERRY MEEUWSEN: “I do all this stuff for you.” Cassi Davis: “And I’m doing all of this, and this is the thanks I get? Later for you. I’m out of here, God. Thank you.” TERRY MEEUWSEN: And you did leave. Cassi Davis: And I got to Atlanta, and I got into college, and I was bitter. And it was a major change for me to even understand who I was when I got to this big city. And theater became my hiding place. And I could be somebody else, but still not recognize who I really was. TERRY MEEUWSEN: So you go through all of this time, and you’re acting. You’re in plays. You’re pursuing the thing that you know you’re gifted in and good at. How did Jesus become real to you? Cassi Davis: I was touring with a show called “First Lady.” It was written Chip Fields-Hurd, and Vicki Winans was the star of the show. And I got to Detroit. And I was there for, uh-oh, I was there for, I don’t know, nine months. And I had been going to church. They were having congregation, and I was going, and I was sitting on the front row with Vicki. And it was just all right. It was good. But I was hearing the Word, and I knew I wanted more of that peace and that freedom that they were doing. They were just jumping around and everybody was shouting. And I would think, “I want that. I want that.” I remember one time I just started bucking in church. And Vicki’s mom came over, and she said, “Cassi, sit down, baby. You’re going to bump your head.” I said, “What?” She said, “Listen, I know you want this. And when it is time for God to move into your life, baby, you will understand it. But right now, sit down.” TERRY MEEUWSEN: Wow. Cassi Davis: And she did it in church service in my ear. And I was still bucking, and I was like, “Okay, what? I’ve got to calm down. I can’t just sit down.” So I had to come out of it. And I would say about two months, three months later, I was sitting, and I heard Pastor Marvin L. Winans preach a sermon called “Choose Ye This Day Whom You Will Serve.” Will it be God or man? The choice is yours. And I stood at that alter and there was a minister there. And he said, “Cassi, just let it flow.” He said, “Cassi, just let Him in and just let it go. Let it go.” And I left everything that was burdensome to me there. And at that particular point, I just said, “Okay, God, whatever way you want me to go, I’ll do what you say.” But I didn’t know that I was going to eventually get to Los Angeles and still want this career and want this thing. But when I got to LA, and I ran into another hardship, I said, “You know what, God, I probably should just back away from all of my desires and just see what you really want me to do.” And I became the minister of music at my church, Harvest Christian Center, Los Angeles, California. And I was a personal assistant at the same time. And then I would do plays and do favors for people. But I got out of the business because I actually was going to be on Hanging with Mr. Cooper. And I thought I was going to be on that particular show. And I was watching the promos one day, and they had somebody else on there. I said, “Well, wait a minute. I just had a meeting, and you told me.” I was out looking for me a house. And I just sat back, and I was just like, “Whoa, so it’s not going to be me.” I said, “God, you’d better come on in here and get me, because I’m probably going to kill somebody.” And so I got out of the business totally. TERRY MEEUWSEN: For like eight years, right? Cassi Davis: For eight years. Yes, I did. And I just dove down into worship and prayer and seeking the Lord like crazy. TERRY MEEUWSEN: I think of that scripture as I come to know your story, “Seek first the Kingdom of God.” Cassi Davis: “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.” And all other things. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Yes. And you put aside what you wanted to do. Cassi Davis: I had to. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Yes. Cassi Davis: I had to. TERRY MEEUWSEN: And then it says when you do that, then all these things will be added unto you. Cassi Davis: Added. Added. Everything. And I’m telling you, God is just multiplying the blessings in my life. I’m just blown away. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Would you say the greatest thing you came out of that season in your life with was an understanding of what it meant to wait on the Lord? Cassi Davis: Yes. That’s one of the things. But I do. I just stay in expectation, and I really try to live holy. I really do try to do what He asks and what He requires. And it’s not always easy. But I thank God for the opportunity of prayer, for repentance. And I just love to see Him work in other people’s lives, too. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Amen. I think as we’re talking about how easy it would have been for you to stay in a place of bitterness, a place of low expectations, a place of victimization, and I love when you say, “I live with expectancy,” because when you’re walking with the King, you can know He’s got His hand on you and there is an adventure around the corner. Cassi Davis: I’m telling you. It’s like I’m living the elected life. It’s like you were designed to do this, and this particular time God is going to ordain you to live this way, and you really don’t have a choice. And you really don’t want a choice when you surrender. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Absolutely. When you figure it out, you realize it’s really the only game in town. You have met Cassi Davis here today. I want you to meet her in the role of Ella on House of Payne. GRAPHIC: HOUSE OF PAYNE WEDNESDAYS, 8 PM ET You can watch every Wednesday night, eight o’clock eastern time on TBS. Cassi Davis: Are we done? TERRY MEEUWSEN: Cassi, we are done, but thank you. Cassi Davis: What? Thank you. TERRY MEEUWSEN: We’re done for now. Cassi Davis: You are so pretty! You’re so pretty. Thank you. TERRY MEEUWSEN: You can come back tomorrow. Gordon. Cassi Davis: Thank you. GORDON ROBERTSON: All right. Well, still ahead, we’ve got e-mail. Annette asks, “How do you forgive someone when you’re still in the midst of a hurtful situation?” GORDON ROBERTSON: We’ll Bring It On with Annette’s question and more, coming up. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 5A: CBN NEWS CHANNEL LEE WEBB: It’s the one thing news viewers can agree on. REPORTER: They want change. ANNOUNCER: Now, the world’s leading Christian news organization brings you national, international news and analysis throughout the day: mornings, the busy lunch hour, late afternoon and evenings. It’s news with a Christian perspective whenever you want it. Available on the web 24/7 at CBNNews.com. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 5B: EPIDUO Announcer: Day 87 and Tyler B. is still in that aisle, determined to find the answer for his acne. Man: Kid, get a life. Tyler: I’m trying. Man: The truth is acne, even when it’s mild, is a medical condition. Tyler: Huh? Man: Medical, as in doctor. Tyler: Oh. Announcer: And that’s how Tyler came to his senses, sort of, and learned about once a day prescription Epiduo gel. If you’re not getting the results you want, ask your doctor about Epiduo, two of the most doctor prescribed acne fighting ingredients in one gel medication, a product you can’t get in the acne aisle. Dryness, redness, peeling, stinging, burning or itching may occur. Don’t use irritating products when using Epiduo. Overexposure to sun, sunlamps, extreme wind or cold may increase the risk for irritation. Use of sunscreen and protective clothing is advised. Go to truthaboutzits.com and learn how to pay no more than 20 dollars for your Epiduo prescription. To learn more about Epiduo gel, talk to your doctor, call or go to truthaboutzits.com. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GORDON ROBERTSON: Finding clean water is hard work in many parts of the world. It can also be very dangerous. And that’s why one woman in California has dedicated her resources to building wells, 100 of them so far. DR. MASSEY 100TH WELL ANDREW KNOX: During the dry season, cattle, wild animals and the people in this remote village in southern India only have one source of water: this small, contaminated spring. Laxmi and her family spend hours each day just getting a couple jugs of water. Laxmi: Every morning we go to get water, so we can cook and bathe. But we are always afraid of getting attacked by wild animals or bitten by snakes. ANDREW KNOX: Laxmi and her husband work as day laborers, but the jobs are limited. Laxmi: It takes so long to get water. Many times we get to the marketplace late, and there are no more jobs left. ANDREW KNOX: Laxmi asked a local pastor for help. He told Operation Blessing about the need for water in the village. The people at Operation Blessing knew the well would be a very special one because of the person who was sponsoring it. Dr. Esther Massey is a retired general practitioner and anesthesiologist who lives in California. Once she volunteered on a medical mission to Kenya. One day she was invited to have dinner with a local coworker and his family. She didn’t know what to do when they brought out a basin of water before the meal. Dr. Esther Massey: It was brown dirty water, and I had to wash my hands in it. And I didn’t want to embarrass them by not washing my hands, so I washed my hands, and I remember saying to myself, “Here comes cholera.” ANDREW KNOX: Dr. Massey didn’t get cholera, but at the Nairobi hospital, she treated many people who did. Dr. Esther Massey: And I also had a patient who had typhoid. He was about seven years old, and he died. And I know that typhoid is from dirty water. ANDREW KNOX: Dr. Massey returned home with a new passion: getting clean water to families all around the world. Over the years, she had sponsored 99 wells through Operation Blessing’s Living Waters program. Dr. Esther Massey: It was such a wonderful feeling to know you are doing something worthwhile for the world. ANDREW KNOX: And it turned out that her 100th well was to be dug in Laxmi’s village. The drilling truck couldn’t handle the dirt roads, so the Operation Blessing team traveled by cart to bring in manual drilling equipment and pipes. Laxmi: I’m happy that God saw how we suffered and then sent you to dig a well for us, so we can have fresh drinking water. ANDREW KNOX: A hand pump was installed, and plaques with scriptures in English and Telugu were placed next to the well. Dr. Esther Massey: It will give them hope. It will give them something to hold on to. God is our strength. God is our anchor in life. Laxmi: I want to thank the kind woman who helped us get the well, and I also want to thank Jesus Christ. Our kids are safe and healthy. We can get water any time of the day, and we can get it quickly. We can cook our food and go to work on time. We are very happy because of the well. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GORDON ROBERTSON: Well, we celebrate Dr. Massey’s remarkable achievement, her 100th well, bringing fresh water to people around the world. GRAPHIC: 1-800-759-0700 CBN.COM If you’d like to be a part of what we’re doing, all you have to do is join The 700 Club. Call us: 1-800-759-0700. Or you can log on to CBN.com. If you want to be part of the Living Water program, there is a way to designate your gift into building water wells around the world. Or if you just want to join The 700 Club, realize a portion of every gift to The 700 Club goes into the work of CBN WorldReach to preach the Gospel around the world. Another portion goes into the work of Operation Blessing to bring help and hope to people in need. So if you want to join, call us right now: 1-800-759-0700. When you join, ask for Pledge Express. It’s automatic monthly giving, electronic transfers. GRAPHIC: FREE WITH PLEDGE EXPRESS 1-800-759-0700 CBN.COM There are no check and no stamps, no hassle. We send back to you “Power for Life” monthly teaching CDs when you join Pledge Express, so do it now. Call us: 1-800-759-0700. Or you can log on to CBN.com. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BRING IT ON GORDON ROBERTSON: We’ve got time for e-mail. Bring It On. TERRY MEEUWSEN: We do. This first question is from Annette, who says, “I have forgiven parents, siblings and friends in the past because I was eventually removed from the situations. But my current situation isn’t going away soon. How do you forgive someone when you are still in the midst of the hurtful situation? Do you think it’s possible to forgive even through the height of heartache?” GORDON ROBERTSON: Annette, sometimes forgiveness is a day by day thing, and sometimes it’s an hour by hour thing, and sometimes it’s a moment by moment thing, particularly if you’re in the middle of a hurtful situation. And if you need an example, just imagine Jesus on the cross. Here He was betrayed by one of His closest followers. He was one of the 12, betrayed Him. And then all the other 11 abandoned Him, denied Him, weren’t there with Him. The apostle John was at the cross, but he was the only one. And then in the midst of it, in the midst of being beaten, nailed, hung on a cross, ridiculed by one of the ones being crucified with Him, He has enough to say, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” You can have access to that same source of forgiveness. And sometimes we’ve got to ask for it moment by moment. But realize it’s there for you, Annette. You can access it. You can have it. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Okay, this person says, Angelina, “I went to a conference, and everywhere I turned someone new had a word of knowledge for me. An abundant life, a spirit-filled ministry, improved health, financial success were all proclaimed for me. It’s been 15 years since then, and I’m still waiting. Do you think words like these can sometimes take a while to come true? And what should I do?” GORDON ROBERTSON: Well, Angelina, the word about health seems to come true. You’re 15 years on. All these words you can find in scripture. One of the things that you’ve got to realize is prophecy is conditional. It’s conditional on you, the recipient, acting out of faith to mobilize yourself to walk into that blessing. Every one of the words you said, you can go read the Bible and find those same promises. And all the promises of God are yes and amen for those who are in Christ Jesus. So if you want an abundant life, stop your waiting and start doing. It’s when you do the word, not just to hear only, when you do the word, you walk into the blessing. That’s all the time we have for today’s program. We leave you with these words from James 4:2, . . . . GRAPHIC: James 4:2 “You do not have because you do not ask God.” (NIV) . . . . “You do not have because you do not ask God.” So today, resolve you’re going to ask and keep on asking. Keep on knocking. Keep on seeking. But most importantly, go out and do what God asks you to do. GRAPHIC: COPYRIGHT 2009 CHRISTIAN BROADCASTING NETWORK * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * END SPOT: YOU WERE THERE TERRY MEEUWSEN: I have the privilege of traveling all over the world and seeing firsthand the life changing things you make possible through your partnership. Thank you for joining The 700 Club. Here in India, you’re demonstrating the love of God to such wonderful people, most of who are in great need, both physically and spiritually. You’re bringing hope and joy to millions around the world, just like you did for Akhtar and Rasheed. They were abandoned by their father, left to hunt for food and sleep on the streets. You gave them a wonderful new home and a bright, happy future. Your monthly gift makes it possible to heal the sick, feed the hungry and preach the Gospel, both at home in America and throughout the world. So please watch for this mailing and send in your pledge. Imagine lifting someone’s life out of despair and filling it with hope instead. That’s what you make possible every day, and it only happens because you were there.


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