The 700 Club: December 16, 2009
The co-author of “Eat This, Not That” talks about eating out. Also, a woman waits 16 years for a healing that comes in an instant.
The 700 Club Daily Broadcast
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
PAT ROBERTSON: Well, welcome to The 700 Club. It was an amazing end to his fabled life. He had been sort of in a semiconscious condition. His son came to be with him. He immediately stood up in bed, or sat up in bed, a broad smile on his face, and he said, “I’m going home.” And then they began to sing hymns, “Amazing Grace.”
KRISTI WATTS: And we’re talking about Oral Roberts.
PAT ROBERTSON: We’re talking about Oral Roberts. But imagine that. “I’m going home,” and this big smile.
PAT ROBERTSON: Well, he died yesterday at age 91 in Newport Beach, California due to complications from pneumonia.
KRISTI WATTS: And as Pat said, both his son and daughter were right by his side. Mark Martin has this look at one of the most influential Christian leaders of our time.
MARK MARTIN: God put on the heart of Oral Roberts a passion for bringing healing to the sick. In his early days, the evangelist prayed for thousands weekly at spirit filled tent revival meetings. Through the years, he conducted more than 300 crusades on six continents. Oral Roberts Evangelistic Association officials estimate that Roberts personally laid hands in prayer on more than two million people. He witnessed God’s healing power time and time again, and not just in the lives of others. Before his healing ministry, Oral Roberts stuttered as a child, and then as a teenager contracted a potentially deadly case of tuberculosis. His brother carried him to a revival meeting where a healing evangelist was praying for the sick. God miraculously healed Roberts at the revival meeting.
Rev. Joel Palser (CBN VP of Chaplaincy & ORU Graduate): Emphasis was given in his ministry to living in the spirit, praying in the language, praying in the spirit. He kept the work of the Holy Spirit in the Gospel.
MARK MARTIN: Roberts founded Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in 1963. Tens of thousands of students have graduated from the university following God’s commission to Roberts. The evangelist said God told him to “raise up your students to hear My voice, to go where My light is dim, where is My voice is heard small, and My healing power is not know, even to the uttermost bounds of the earth. Their work will exceed yours, and in this I am well pleased.”
Rev. Joel Palser: His legacy is what he has invested into other people now that go on and carry the simplicity of terms that he coined, like the “prayer language” or “seed faith,” simple things like Christ in the marketplace. He called it every man’s world. He gave us a lot of vernacular, and he gave people the motivation, the will to go into journalism, to the arts, to sports. He’s a tremendous sender.
Oral Roberts (Evangelist & University Founder): And it wasn’t just somebody. It was the choice of God. And they’re doing a great work.
MARK MARTIN: Oral Roberts is also known for his work in the media. He preached on the radio and was a pioneer on the airwaves in 1955 with his church services. By the 1960s and ‘70s, he was reaching millions around the world through radio, television, publications and personal appearances. The man who was healed of stuttering credited his oratorical skills to God, saying, “I become anointed with God’s Word, and the Spirit of the Lord builds up in me like a coiled spring. By the time I’m ready to go on, my mind is razor sharp. I know exactly what I’m going to say, and I’m feeling like a lion.” He was definitely a lion in the Christian faith. ORU graduate and CBN chaplain Reverend Joel Palser agrees.
Rev. Joel Palser: I am indebted in love to that brother for building Oral Roberts University and for living a life of faith. I long to go to Heaven more and more, because people like Oral Roberts are there.
MARK MARTIN: Mark Martin, CBN News.
PAT ROBERTSON: Well, we’ll miss him.
KRISTI WATTS: Yes, what an amazing man of God. You’ve known him for years. What are some of your favorite memories?
PAT ROBERTSON: Fifty years or more.
KRISTI WATTS: Fifty years.
PAT ROBERTSON: I was chairman of the cabinet of Oral Roberts University, when he first started. He had some of us come together, and they elected me chairman. I have a funny story. I don’t want to take too much time on this, but we were in England in 1965 for an airlift to the Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship. And Oral and I were together. We were staying at the Hilton Hotel near Buckingham Palace. And we were supposed to go to a church service. And we went out into the night and it was pouring rain. I mean, it was pouring rain. And I had on an overcoat. And I was thinking, “Why don’t we take a taxi?” Well, he said, “Well, I need some exercise, so let’s walk.” And I’m thinking, “I can’t tell America’s leading healer that I’m going to get a cold.”
KRISTI WATTS: That’s true. That’s true.
PAT ROBERTSON: But we went jogging around in front of Buckingham Palace. And those guys with those shaker hats, they looked at us like, “You are crazy.” And then we got into the church, and we were both sleepy. And he turned to me and he said, “Let’s get out of here.” I said, “Okay.” And so we went back up the hill again.
KRISTI WATTS: Cab or no cab?
PAT ROBERTSON: No cab. Walking. He was big on exercise. A dear, dear friend. And I was with him about a year ago. We had dinner out at his place in Newport Beach. And the nurse told me, “You guys ran your voices out, you talked so much.” But anyhow, we were friends, and I miss him. But imagine that, sitting up and saying, “I’m going home,” and then he begins to sing “Amazing Grace.” Well, last spring, Scott Ross sat down with Oral Roberts at his home in Newport Beach, California. And Oral talked about the driving force behind his ministry, obedience to the voice of God. Let’s watch.
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SCOTT ROSS: There are people who do not believe that God still speaks today. You think otherwise.
Oral Roberts: Well, I know otherwise. There’s a scripture that I would like to bring to your attention in Revelation 3:20, “Behold I stand at the door and knock. If any man hear My voice and open the door, I will come into him and will sup with him and he with Me. If any man hear My voice,” which suggests to me that He’s speaking to all men, to every man. And every person has to realize that at some point of life that the God who created him, passionately loves him, is going to speak to him. And if he misses that, he’s missed the meaning of life.
SCOTT ROSS (Reporting): Oral was born into a Christian home, the youngest of five children. But as a young boy, he was uninterested in the things of God until a crisis convinced him that God is for real. (Interviewing): When you speak about the voice of God, you have heard the audible voice of God.
Oral Roberts: Yes, that’s the first contact I had with Him. When I was 17 and a half years of age, I was being carried to a healing meeting where I was to be prayed for to be healed of tuberculosis. And I was lying in the back seat of the car, and my brother was driving with my parents by his side. And he was talking about the miracles he had seen. I was listening, and then everything faded. And everything got real quiet. And in this silence, God spoke to me. The first word was, “Son.”
Oral Roberts: “Son, I am going to heal you. I’m going to heal you today, tonight. And you are to take My healing power to your generation. And someday, you’re to build Me a university, based on My authority and the Holy Spirit.” Those were the first words I ever heard God say, and I had never heard God’s voice before.
SCOTT ROSS (Reporting): Not only was Oral healed of tuberculosis, he accepted Christ as his Savior and he stayed true to the words God spoke to him. In 1938, he married Evelyn. They were together for 66 years until her death in 2005. Oral said he misses her every day. During their life together, they traveled around the country bringing God’s healing to thousands.
Oral Roberts: My first healing crusade was in a tent, and the crowds filled it up. It was an enormous scene. And I prayed for the sick.
SCOTT ROSS (Interviewing): For hours.
Oral Roberts: Yes, sir, I did.
SCOTT ROSS: When you started to see people getting healed, when you began to see a demonstration of the miraculous power of God, how did you interpret that?
Oral Roberts: Well, I wasn’t surprised, because He told me that He would heal the people. And the first miracle that I had was a woman of German descent who didn’t speak good English. Her hand had been stiff for 38 years. And when God loosed it, she jumped up and shouted at the top of her voice that her hand was loose. And she showed the people, and I just thought, “Well, that’s God doing what He told me He would do.”
SCOTT ROSS (Reporting): Gone are the days of tent meetings and praying for the sick for hours. But Oral’s legacy will be carried on by Oral Roberts University and the thousands touched by his ministry. It’s a legacy of faith.
Oral Roberts: Once you set your mind to believe God as the mantra of your life, it’s a different story. You’re going to believe Him every step of the way. You’re not going to question Him or what He said to you. You’re going to accept it, and you’re going to do it. And I developed the faith obedience plan that I would do what God told me to do, because that was the life of faith. And the just shall live by faith, the Bible says. And the second one was obedience. I would obey instantly, because I had set my plan for my life, to obey the Lord.
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PAT ROBERTSON: Well, he was a great pioneer and a dear friend, a friend of many, a very humble man who had great acclaim and also much criticism. They heaped scorn on him along the way, but he stood firm and was a tower of strength. And he opened up the whole concept of healing by faith to millions of people here in this country and around the world. We’ll miss him. I tell you, some of the great heroes of the faith are going with the Lord. He says, “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.” And many of them are going. Oral, my friend, we’ll be there with you one of these days. But in the meantime, you’re rejoicing with the angels. We’ll be right back with more of The 700 Club.
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Son: Daddy?
Father: Yeah, buddy?
Son: How many nickels are in a dollar?
Father: There are 20 nickels in a dollar.
Son: How do birds fly? Does milk really make my bones stronger?
Father: Yeah. Yep.
Son: Daddy, when we die, will we go to Heaven?
Announcer: Do you have the answer to life’s biggest question? Call The 700 Club. We’ll help you find answers to the important questions life brings your way.
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PAT ROBERTSON: You and I are ordinary people, ordinary people who are capable of affecting the world in extraordinary ways. Come to Regent University. When you earn your degree from Regent, you become a vital part of the mission we all share. Christian leadership to change the world. For a free welcome kit, visit or call 866-REGENT-U.
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LEE WEBB: Tomorrow. With no cure . . . .
Man: He said, “Your child is very, very sick, dying sick.”
LEE WEBB: . . . . and no treatment . . . .
Woman: She just went white and turned her face from me.
LEE WEBB: . . . . doctors give up hope for one baby boy. So did his parents and everyone else . . . .
Man: If you have take him, then take him.
LEE WEBB: . . . . except one four-year-old girl.
Girl: Ask anything in His name, and it shall be done.
LEE WEBB: Tomorrow on The 700 Club.
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LEE WEBB: And welcome back to The 700 Club. Homosexuals in Washington, DC, will soon be allowed to get married. The DC City Council voted eleven to two to legalize same-sex marriage. The mayor has promised to sign the bill. Congress has the final say, though, over the district’s laws, and traditional marriage supporters are vowing to get the vote overturned. Paul Strand has more.
PAUL STRAND: Backers of gay marriage cheered on the DC City Council as it voted eleven to two for same-sex marriage. Gay councilman David Catania called it an important step for civil rights, not just for gays, but heterosexuals, too.
David Catania (Councilman): They are not free as long as we are not. And that is a lesson we have learned by our greatest civil rights leader, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
PAT ROBERTSON: Opponents hope they can get the courts to force DC to put gay marriage up to a vote of DC citizens. The only other hope is Congress, which has veto power over DC’s Council. But gay marriage opponents fear gays will go even farther and use the DC decision to try to force Congress to wipe out all state laws against same-sex marriage.
Bishop Harry Jackson (Stand4Marriage): If those measures are overturned at the congressional level, it means that you can make same-sex marriage the law of the land in a matter of months. So we’re entering into a major, major, battle zone because of the strategic nature of Washington, DC.
PAUL STRAND: Backers of gay marriage say this has been a good year for them, with more states having legalized, and now the District of Columbia as well.
Phil Mendelson (Councilman): Iowa, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Vermont, all in 2009. So it’s remarkable the change that has occurred or begun across this country in only the past year.
PAUL STRAND: But opponents of gay marriage also say it's been a good year for them. For instance, voters in the state of Maine threw out gay marriage after their legislature approved it. The New York legislature threw out gay marriage. And the New Jersey legislature decided not to take it up. Paul Strand, CBN News, reporting from the DC City Council.
LEE WEBB: While the US debates health care reform, Great Britain is having problems with its own National Health Service. A former British midwife reports in the London Daily Mail that women are neglected for much needed care during labor and delivery. That's because state-run hospitals are understaffed due to cutbacks. There is usually one midwife for every 32 mothers about to deliver. And new mothers are rushed home soon after delivery. The midwife also says there is not enough staff to keep hospitals clean in the UK. Pat.
PAT ROBERTSON: It’s a shocking thing, according to what this woman said. She said the hospitals are filthy. The delivery rooms are filthy, blood spattered hither and yon and not cleaned up properly by the cleaning crew. She said no women should have endure what they do. And this time that they’re in labor, they’re in pain, nobody there to hold their hand and to comfort them. And she said as far as breastfeeding, the government says breastfeeding is the best way to begin children, but they don’t teach the young mothers how to do it. And so many young mothers don’t breastfeed, because they aren’t taught how. And then they rush them out of the hospital. It’s a mess. That’s what the United States Senate wants to bring us here in America, and I don’t think you want it. Lee.
LEE WEBB: Pat, the United Nations Conference on Global Warming appears to be in a deadlock. World leaders can’t seem to agree which countries should be curbing greenhouse gas emissions. So far, the two week conference in Copenhagen has led to no major decisions. A new Zogby poll shows more Americans aren’t so worried about global warming. Nearly half of Americans say they are only slightly or not at all concerned about climate change. That’s a full 10 points higher than a poll taken two years ago.
LEE WEBB: Iran is once again thumbing its nose at the West. The Iranians tested an upgraded long-range missile today that can reach as far as southeastern Europe. It can also hit any target in Israel. The test comes as the Iranians continue their march towards nuclear weapons. Erick Stakelbeck has that story.
ERICK STAKELBECK: If you were looking for some encouraging news out of Iran during this Christmas season, prepare to be disappointed. The Iranians' latest stocking stuffer for the West is an upgraded version of the long range Sajjil-2 missile. Iranian military officials boasted that the high-speed, surface-to-surface weapon has radar-evading capability. Its range is 1,200 miles, putting all of Israel and parts of Europe in its crosshairs. The missile test comes as Western leaders are busy debating climate change in Copenhagen. One of those leaders, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, said the test underscores the need for tougher international sanctions against Iran over its nuclear weapons program. But with Iran's allies, Russia and China, continuing to drag their feet, it's unlikely Brown will get his wish. The new Sajjil-2's debut came just one day after US lawmakers in the House passed legislation that would impose sanctions on foreign companies that supply refined gas to Tehran. The Iranian regime continues to scoff at the possibility of such sanctions and President Barack Obama's repeated attempts at diplomacy. As the mullahs push full speed ahead with their nuclear program, administration officials admit they're losing patience.
Hillary Clinton (Secretary of State): I don't think anyone can doubt that our outreach has produced very little in terms of any kind of positive response from the Iranians.
ERICK STAKELBECK: In recent days, western diplomats have expressed concern that Tehran had been testing a neutron initiator. It's a key element of the nuclear weapons cycle that has no peaceful purpose. So the window for meaningful action against Iran may be closing rapidly. The US military is currently preparing a missile defense drill that would simulate an Iranian attack. Meanwhile, leaders in Israel say that all options, including a military strike, remain on the table regarding Iran's nuclear program. Erick Stakelbeck, CBN News, Washington.
LEE WEBB: So, Pat, if the Iranians aren’t threatened or intimidated by the threat of sanctions, what’s the answer?
PAT ROBERTSON: Lee, we’re in a quandary. On the one hand, the people of Iran really are disgusted with those mullahs who are running the country. They want to revolt. And there are student uprisings all over the country. You don’t read too much about it, but they’re going on right now. There is an underground all over this country after the last election that says, “We’ve had enough of this clerical domination. We want them out.” So that’s the thing that we want to play to. But at the same time, we’ve got to stop this onrush toward nuclear strikes. They want to destroy Israel. They want to incinerate Israel. And they had that neutron initiator, which was clearly, as one writer said, it’s a cause of war. What they’ve done, it’s no question that this isn’t peaceful. It is only for military. And it’s the trigger that would blow up an atomic bomb. So they’re building them as fast as they can all over the country in hidden sites. And it’s come to the point where it’s going to be almost impossible to stop them. So what do we do? Wait for some city in Israel, Tel Aviv, to be obliterated, or Jerusalem to be obliterated, or maybe something in southern Europe to be under threat of nuclear attack? And it’s going to be nuclear blackmail. What leader of any country would take a firm stand against Iran if he or she knew that his country was going to have a major city demolished? It’s nuclear blackmail. It will be there if we don’t do something to stop it. So the time has come to quit talking about sanctions and quit talking about strong language and there has to be, I guess, the military option against selected targets. There is no other way. Other than that is to get some money in there to support the uprising. But what does Obama do? He sides with the government. It was not a good thing. Lee.
LEE WEBB: There’s a good chance the Federal Reserve may leave interest rates at a record low. There are signs the economy may be recovering, and the Fed wants to keep that trend going. The housing market seems to be stabilizing. Consumers and businesses are spending again. Manufacturing is growing. And layoffs are moderating. But the Fed is expected to announce today the only way to keep those hopeful signs alive is to keep interest rates where they are. Fed chairman Ben Bernanke hasn’t indicated when he would be comfortable enough with the recovery to raise rates again.
LEE WEBB: Authorities say chances are slim that the two missing climbers on Oregon's Mount Hood are still alive. Twenty-four-year-old Anthony Vietti and 29-year-old Katie Nolan have been missing since Friday. On Saturday, rescuers found the body of this man, their climbing partner Luke Gullberg. They are all Christians who have served around the world as missionaries. A harsh winter storm is preventing rescuers from searching. The climbers’ families, though, are asking for people to continue to pray that the weather would clear up.
LEE WEBB: Obesity is on the rise in an unlikely place: Africa. Researchers says it’s climbing among poor city dwellers who are eating cheap, high fat, high sugar foods. Scientists say the number of overweight and obese Africans has increased by nearly 35 percent in 10 years, one researcher warning that given the high cost of treating obesity related diseases, the prospects look grim for the already under-funded and ill-equipped African health care systems unless urgent action is taken. Reuters points out that obesity is threatening to overwhelm health care programs around the world by leading to cases of heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Pat.
PAT ROBERTSON: Well, when I was working in Africa several years ago, one of the big problems was diabetes. They had serious diabetes, and they didn’t have enough medicine to do anything about it. And so that is a killer in Africa. But those people, they eat cassava root. And they don’t have anything much else to eat. They have rice, and they have some yams. But cassava is the big thing they eat. And so if they can get hold of sweet Cokes, I’m sure Cokes are just selling in Africa like crazy, and that’s sugared stuff.
KRISTI WATTS: I think the challenge, Pat, is that all these countries are now becoming more westernized, where the things in the United States or whatever is kind of going over there. And next thing you know, you’ll have a hut and McDonalds right next to it. You never know.
PAT ROBERTSON: I’ve been in those huts. Hey, there’s one other things in the news, by the way. They say that leptin will have affects on Alzheimer’s. It can help the body throw off Alzheimer’s. Leptin is what you get when you sleep, so make sure you get plenty of sleep. And it also is something that controls the obesity factor. Leptin. It keeps your appetite down.
KRISTI WATTS: That’s good to know.
PAT ROBERTSON: Yes. Have your leptin.
KRISTI WATTS: I’ll have my leptin. I’ll make sure I get plenty of sleep. Well, up next, it is Skinny Wednesday, and we’ve got some food swaps that can actually save you hundreds of calories. We’re going to teach you how to learn how to eat this and not that at your favorite restaurants when we come back, so don’t go away.
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KRISTI WATTS: Welcome back to The 700 Club. Well, did you know that Americans eat one out of every four meals at a restaurant or a drive thru? And that number actually increases around the holidays, because, really, who has time to cook? I know I don’t. Well, all that eating out could actually be making you fat, unless you know how to eat this, and not that. Take a look.
KRISTI WATTS: With all the holiday shopping, decorating and entertaining, it’s no wonder Americans don’t have time to fix a decent meal. So if you’re like most people watching your waistline, you may want to think twice before eating out. Matt Goulding is the co-author of the bestselling series, Eat This, Not That. And in the new Restaurant Survival Guide, you’ll find out restaurant food can actually make you fat and what you can do to fight back.
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KRISTI WATTS: Please welcome back to The 700 Club Matt Goulding. Man, thanks for being here.
Matt Goulding: I’ve missed you.
KRISTI WATTS: I’ve missed you, too. And listen, this is one of my favorite segments, because it always rocks my world.
Matt Goulding: Let’s try to do it again today.
KRISTI WATTS: Okay, fab. So let’s just jump right into it. Ready?
Matt Goulding: Absolutely.
KRISTI WATTS: Let’s talk about the best and worst foods in America.
Matt Goulding: All right, we’re going to walk through five of the worst. First up, is the worst food invention. This is a freakish Franken food from the diabolical minds at Dominos. This is actually a Chicken Carbonara Bread Bowl Pasta. Take an entire serving of carbonara pasta stuffed inside of an edible loaf of bread. You end up with 1,480 calories, 188 grams of carbs. That’s equivalent carbohydrate-wise of sitting down and drinking 17 Budweiser beers in one sitting.
KRISTI WATTS: Which is just crazy. A lot of carbs. The beers might make people happy, but still not a good thing.
Matt Goulding: No, no. It’s not going to make your waistline happy, either.
Matt Goulding: Next up, we have the worst salad in America. This is California Pizza Kitchen’s Thai Crunch Salad. It’s 1,399 calories. And we’ve got say, let’s give CPK a little bit of credit here. This used to be a 2,200 calorie salad. So it shrank 800 calories. It’s going to need to shrink, unfortunately, another 800 calories more before it comes into the realm of sort of respectable eating. You’re talking about the equivalent of about seven glazed donuts you’re finding on that plate of salad.
KRISTI WATTS: Isn’t that crazy, because most people think, “Salad, it’s healthy. I should eat it.”
Matt Goulding: I’m doing myself a favor.
KRISTI WATTS: Yes, right?
Matt Goulding: Really not the case. In fact, with salads you have to be incredibly careful. A lot of times they’re the worst thing on a restaurant menu.
Matt Goulding: So remember that.
KRISTI WATTS: Is it the dressings?
Matt Goulding: The dressings, the fried, crunchy bits, all the sort of various and sundry toppings they throw in there. So you’ve got to be smart when choosing salads.
KRISTI WATTS: Got you. Okay, what is this? Drinks. The worst drink.
Matt Goulding: The worst drink in America. This is Cold Stone Creamery’s PB&C Shake. This is like kryptonite in a cup. It’s 2,010 calories and 68 grams of saturated fat. That’s like slurping up 68 strips of bacon through a straw.
KRISTI WATTS: That’s so nasty.
Matt Goulding: Over three days worth of saturated fat. So you’ve really, really got to be careful about how you take in your liquid calories.
KRISTI WATTS: Absolutely. Okay, I have a six-year-old son. Sometimes we go out. Worst kids meal. I need to know.
Matt Goulding: Mom, please, don’t be feeding your kids this Cheesecake Factory Pasta with Alfredo Sauce. This is 1,800 calories. If you do feed it, I’ll call social services on you. It’s 87 grams of saturated fat. It’s more than four days worth of saturated fat in one small bowl of pasta.
KRISTI WATTS: I’m just curious. How many calories should a kid have?
Matt Goulding: An eight-year-old kid should have about 1,600 calories. So you’re already topping that with one bowl of pasta.
KRISTI WATTS: Isn’t that crazy?
Matt Goulding: It’s amazing.
KRISTI WATTS: Oh, my Lord.
Matt Goulding: It’s concerning.
KRISTI WATTS: What is the worst food in America, Matt?
Matt Goulding: The worst food in America is Outbacks’ Baby Back Ribs. Ribs are fine, but now when they’re Flinstonian in stature. This is 2,310 calories, 177 grams of fat and more than 3,000 milligrams of sodium in one plate.
KRISTI WATTS: That is crazy. And most people, when you have the ribs, you’re having like fries and other stuff.
Matt Goulding: When you add in sides, dessert, the free bread and the salad, you’re looking at a 5,000 calorie meal.
KRISTI WATTS: That’s crazy. Okay, I need the positive. I need the positive. So now let’s look at five of the best foods ordered out.
Matt Goulding: Yes. It’s not all doom and gloom in the restaurant world. We’ve got plenty of great things that we really love. First up is the best side in America. This is a Wendy’s chili. It’s a small chili. It’s 190 calories. More importantly, 14 grams of protein. You swap the medium fries for that, you’re going to save yourself over 200 calories, plus you’re getting something in return that is a belly filling protein. It’s going to spike your metabolism and help you burn calories.
KRISTI WATTS: Yes. And that’s the thing that people don’t realize, is during this time of shopping, you need the protein for energy. Don’t you need protein for energy, Matt, when you shop?
Matt Goulding: You don’t need protein for energy. Other people do, though.
KRISTI WATTS: All right.
Matt Goulding: All right.
KRISTI WATTS: What’s next? Did I mess you up?
Matt Goulding: No, no, no. No worries. Next up, we have the best Mexican food, a fast food Mexican food, in America. The boys at Taco Bell are actually serving up something quite good nowadays. It’s fresco style steak soft tacos, 320 calories. The key words there are fresco style. They replace the fatty sauces and the cheese with a fresh tomato salsa. It’s just nine grams of fat.
KRISTI WATTS: Cool. Good to know. I’m a sandwich type of gal. Did you know that about me, Matt?
Matt Goulding: I didn’t. I learn something new every time I’m here.
KRISTI WATTS: Now you know. All right, the best sandwich.
Matt Goulding: Quiznos. Quiznos is actually known for the infamous 1,600 calorie tuna sandwich. It has begun to sort of redeem its reputation with these sammies. They’re small, great portion controlled sandwiches. This is a Steak Roadhouse Sammie, 250 calories. You can go ahead and have two of them. In most cases, it’s better than having a small sandwich on the regular menu board.
KRISTI WATTS: Good to know. Okay, what are we looking at? Pasta again, the best.
Matt Goulding: And the best pasta in America, it was really hard to find a pasta bowl with under 1,000 calories. So the fact that this bowl from Olive Garden just has 430 calories. It’s a Linguini Alla Marinara. It’s really simple, tomato sauce, some heart healthy olive, just six grams of fat. Really one of the best bowls you’re going to find across the US.
KRISTI WATTS: Okay, here is another little tidbit about me, Matt. Love me some ice cream. Love ice cream.
Matt Goulding: What a surprise. No one else really does in this country. Now, listen, everyone is going to have their ice cream. If you’re going to have it, you may as well make some smart decisions as well. The best bowl out there right now is a Ben and Jerry’s Cherry Garcia, 240 calories. So it’s not exactly nutritious eating, so you’ll keep the consumption down unless you want to look like the figure that inspired this particular brand of ice cream, our guitar man Jerry Garcia. But 240 calories is relatively smart eating.
KRISTI WATTS: Okay, speaking of the smartest eating, now, we were talking about holidays and how a lot of times people are shopping, they’re going places. They don’t have time to eat. So we eat out a lot. But you say there are some great restaurant choices. Let’s hit it.
Matt Goulding: Exactly. Now, these are top swaps. So if you want to have your favorite foods, you can still do that. Just make smart decisions about where you get them from. Grilled chicken sandwich first up. This is a chargrilled chicken club from Chick-Fil-A. And it’s got just 410 calories versus a similar sandwich from Panera, the chipotle chicken at 980 calories. One simple swap, you’re basically getting the same substantial portion of chicken. You’re going to save big.
KRISTI WATTS: Can I just say this? If we had a test, I would have gotten an A plus, because that’s the chicken that I order.
Matt Goulding: Well.
KRISTI WATTS: Can I get an amen?
Matt Goulding: Amen. All right. That was pretty weak. Let’s move on to the drink before we do something worse. Starbucks. All right, Starbucks venti espresso frappuccino blended coffee drink. Normally this bucks the trend of more syllables equal more calories. Normally you’ve got to follow that rule. This has just 290 calories versus 550 from the basically the exact same drink from Dunkin’ Donuts.
KRISTI WATTS: That’s crazy.
Matt Goulding: So you slurp up about 25 percent of your calories, you may as well go ahead and save yourself a few hundred extra while you’re looking around, that caffeine buzz shopping this Christmas season.
KRISTI WATTS: Absolutely. Not that I need a caffeine buzz.
Matt Goulding: No, you don’t. We’ve already established that. All right. Breakfast sandwiches. We are shameless devotees of the Egg McMuffin. But our devotion is for a reason, 300 calories and 18 grams of, again, metabolizing boosting protein, which you really need in the morning, versus 510 calories from the Panera bacon, egg and cheese breakfast sandwich. So, again, a similar package, but much different results.
Matt Goulding: All right, burgers.
KRISTI WATTS: We love our burgers.
Matt Goulding: We love our burgers. I in particular, I refuse to give them up. This is actually my favorite burger in America in terms of fast food availability. It’s 470 calories for a quarter pound single with cheese from Wendy’s. And unlike those like mini desiccated hockey pucks, this thing actually has some serious substance, versus the more deleterious version here from TGI Friday’s, 1,310 calories. Listen, make this change just once a week and you’re going to save over 12 pounds in one year.
Matt Goulding: Twelve pounds in a year.
KRISTI WATTS: I’m still trying to get over the word deleterious. I don’t even know what that means.
Matt Goulding: We’ll visit after the break, all right?
KRISTI WATTS: Thank you very much. Okay, pizza.
Matt Goulding: Pizza. All right, another one of America’s most favorite foods. But again, making a smart choice is important. Our favorite slice in America here, Domino’s Thin Crust Hawaiian Style Ham and Pineapple Pizza, just 294 calories and 14 grams of fat versus the Stuffed Pepperoni Slice. It’s like an oversized pizza sandwich from Sbarro’s, 960 calories. Definitely worth cutting that one out of your diet going into the new year.
KRISTI WATTS: Absolutely. And I tell you what, if I had that, I’d instantly go to sleep, because you know how like you have that food, and as soon as you eat it, you’re like [snore.]
Matt Goulding: Yes.
KRISTI WATTS: Does that happen to you?
Matt Goulding: Yes. Your kids are going to be disappointed with your shopping if you go and have that in the middle of the day, because you’re coming home empty handed.
KRISTI WATTS: That’s so true. Matt, you’re the bomb. High five.
Matt Goulding: All right, that one was better.
KRISTI WATTS: That worked.
Matt Goulding: Good to see you.
KRISTI WATTS: Fantastic. Matt’s book is called Eat This, Not That Restaurant Survival Guide. And it’s available wherever books are sold. So the next time you’re out Christmas shopping, you’ve got to pick up a copy. I tell you, this is gold here. Make sure you do that before you stop for lunch, dinner, breakfast, whatever. Matt, thank you again. I appreciate you.
Matt Goulding: Thanks, Kristi. Great to be here.
KRISTI WATTS: All right. Pat, throwing it over to you.
PAT ROBERTSON: It’s interesting that Wendy’s has got some health things. Dave Thomas was a good friend of mine. He was the owner and founder of Wendy’s. And unfortunately the dear man had serious heart attacks, and he died prematurely. And I think because he ate so many of those artery clogging things, but before he left us, I guess they shaped up the menu a lot. But that’s good. I’m glad that there would be some place you could go and have something that is healthy. Well, still ahead, a nurse is electrocuted on the job.
Woman: I still remember today that electricity going in through my right arm, going down, traveling down my right leg, coming back up, shooting through my heart. It was so powerful. I remember it throwing me back. And when it did, the hospital lights, they shattered everywhere.
PAT ROBERTSON: See how this woman was completely restored, later on today’s 700 Club.
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Spokesman: If you have Medicare, I have three things you’ll want to hear. There’s an all-in-one Medicare health plan from Humana. It includes Medicare prescription drug coverage, and it can save you money in so many ways. It’s all in this book, and it’s yours free just for calling. You’ll see all the ways the plan saves you money, including prescription drugs. In fact, Humana Medicare Advantage members saved on average over 1,400 dollars on their prescription costs last year. And you get all this coverage with a monthly health plan premium that may surprise you. Even if you’ve looked at Humana before, you need to take another look at this plan. Call 1-800-669-0739. We’ll send you the decision guide absolutely free, in a slightly smaller size, of course. Discover the all-in-one Medicare health plan that can cut your costs and cover your prescriptions. Call 1-800-669-0739. Or go to The savings are too big to miss.
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LEE WEBB: Welcome back to The 700 Club. Some unusual donations this holiday season receiving a great deal of attention. In Denver, Colorado, two rare and valuable gold coins were discovered in the Salvation Army’s red kettles. One is a South African coin, which could be worth as much as 1,700 dollars. The charity's leaders say the coins couldn’t come at a better time.
Major Neal Hogan (Salvation Army): The requests that have come to us are up. We've had more people asking for help. So these gold coins will make a big difference, helping to pull us back up to the needed amounts to carry out this Christmas.
LEE WEBB: Gold coins were also donated in Tennessee, Nebraska, Missouri and Pennsylvania. No one knows who gave them.
LEE WEBB: Christmas tree farmers nationwide are donating their most prized trees to some of the most deserving people. The program is called Trees for Troops, and it's for military members and their families. Each special tree is dedicated to the memory of an American service person who died in Iraq or Afghanistan. In South Carolina, these trees will be sent to military homes across the country and military installations around the world.
David Mayberry (Tree Farmer): When people are out shopping, and they're having a good time, and they don't give a second thought to what's going on, these guys are out here who are making it safe for them by putting their lives on the line for us each day. And they're willing to pay a lot more for our safety than we are for a 35 dollar tree.
LEE WEBB: Military families at 51 bases across America and around the world are receiving those trees. You can always get the latest from CBN News by going to our web site at
Pat and Kristi will be back with more of The 700 Club, after this.
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LEE WEBB: Tomorrow. With no cure . . . .
Man: He said, “Your child is very, very sick, dying sick.”
LEE WEBB: . . . . and no treatment . . . .
Woman: She just went white and turned her face from me.
LEE WEBB: . . . . doctors give up hope for one baby boy. So did his parents and everyone else.
Man: If you have take him, then take him.
LEE WEBB: Except one four-year-old girl.
Girl: Ask anything in His name, and it shall be done.
LEE WEBB: Tomorrow on The 700 Club.
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Announcer: It’s Christmastime, the wonderful season when we remember the birth of Jesus Christ. 700 Club partners, this is the perfect time to make your celebration complete, by helping people who are in desperate need. Your donation to CBN’s Holiday of Hope will provide gifts that will help support families all year long. You give food and clothing, sewing machines, and water wells, livestock for milk and cheese, job training and medical supplies, even scholarships and school materials that bring the promise of a better life. Most importantly, you preach the Gospel to people lost in darkness. You can bring glad tidings of great joy this year. Your life changing kindness will be remembered long after the ornaments and decorations are packed away. Give to CBN’s Holiday of Hope. It’s like inviting the world to your Christmas morning.
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KRISTI WATTS: Well, Becky Jones was electrocuted. She survived, but she was in constant pain afterwards, for 16 years. Well, Becky might have given up all hope of a normal life, had it not been for an angel.
Becky Jones: It started February 19, 1992. I was working at Providence Hospital in Cincinnati, and February 19th I had a dream. I’m in Heaven. No one had to tell me. And this tall angel walked up to me. And the only thing he said was, “It’s not your time.” And that was it. And I woke up immediately. Little did I know, 24 hours later I’d be fighting for my life.
DAN REANY: The next day, while Becky was working at the hospital, she reached to move a bed. The bed had a short, and electricity shot through her body.
Becky Jones: And I still remember today that electricity going in through my right arm, traveling down my right leg, coming back up, shooting through my heart. Then it knocked the air out of me. Then it went down my left leg and back up. And it went to leave my left hand, but when it did, I thought for sure my fingertips were going to blow off. It was so powerful. I remember it throwing me back, and when it did, the hospital lights, they shattered everywhere. Then the next thing I remembered, I was in intensive care.
DAN REANY: Her parents were the first to be notified.
Rev. Larry Callahan (Becky’s Dad): Very devastating the news that we received about her injury, that electrocution that took place. It began to really attack our thinking that she wouldn’t survive or wouldn’t make it through that.
Becky Jones: I wake up in intensive care. I’m feeling things for the first time in my life that I have never felt before. I can’t breathe. My heart is going so fast, and I’m scared. But the very first thing that the Lord spoke to me, He brought that right back to me, “It’s not your time.”
DAN REANY: Becky survived and was released from the hospital, but she suffered constantly.
Becky Jones: Just trying to walk, my heart was feeling like it was just going to explode in my chest. So things were so difficult for me.
Rev. Larry Callahan: They were trying all kinds of medication and all kinds of treatments to try to correct it, but there was no correction.
DAN REANY: Her parents and children helped as much as they could.
Jonathan Jones (Becky’s Son): There would be times where I would pull her up the steps, because she couldn't walk up the steps. The doctors just told her, “You can only crawl around. You can only do this or that. Just basically don’t do anything but sit on the couch unless you have to get something, then crawl to the kitchen or crawl to the bathroom. That’s all you can do.”
DAN REANY: After working with 19 doctors over the course of 16 years, Becky still suffered daily from the debilitating effects of the electrocution. Dr. Blair Grubb is one of top heart specialists in the nation.
Blair P. Grubb, MD (University of Toledo School of Medicine): She was on the more severe side compared to many of the people we see. Pretty much had very little of what we would call a normal life.
Becky Jones: It caused me to have chest pain. It caused me, when I would stand up, I would start doing somersaults in my head. I would get so dizzy, and my heart would beat so hard and so fast, you would think I was running a marathon. And I had to go sit back down again.
Blair P. Grubb, MD: She was very, very affected when we saw her, that when she would try to stand up, her blood pressure would drop dramatically. When she was at her worst, she was pretty much bedridden or wheelchair bound, unable to do any of the normal activities of daily living. I didn’t have a lot of hope. I wasn’t real encouraged by her progress.
DAN REANY: Becky’s heart was wearing out.
Jonathan Jones: She was dying. I knew it. My sister knew it. It was probably the hardest night of my life, because I really believed that I was going to lose my mom that night. And I was scared.
Becky Jones: That was my darkest hour. That was the blackest black of my life. My body had had enough. And I remember October 27th, that though my faith was strong, though my mind was strong, my body had had enough. It had been through enough testing. It had been through enough medicines. It had been through enough procedures. And finally my body couldn't take it anymore. And I knew I was dying. My heart hurt so bad. It was like somebody was squeezing it so hard. I couldn't breathe. I had such pain hit me in my head like I’ve never had before. And I'm not talking about a migraine. I'm talking about horrendous pain.
DAN REANY: Even though they’d prayed many times before, her children asked God for a miracle.
Haley Jones (Becky’s Daughter): We had to come together and form a bond that we're believing for Mom that she is going to make it out of this, that she is going to be better than ever, that she’s not going to die, that she’s going to live, that God has spoken to her and that He is not a liar and that what He says does come true. You cannot waver in faith. Disbelief will not get you anywhere. So hat’s what we had to focus on, is that Mom is going to make it, that God is healing her.
DAN REANY: Becky says that night a bright light filled her room and she saw Jesus Christ.
Becky Jones: And He walked in my room, but this time, my Jesus wasn't walking in to bring me relief. This time He wasn’t walking in just to take a little pressure off me. This time He was walking in as my healer. His love consumed me, and the first thing that happened to me was I heard, and I felt a pop in my head. And that pain was instantly gone. That pain on my chest was gone. A supernatural—all I can explain it was a strength, a power. A heat surged through my body.
DAN REANY: After 16 years of waiting and believing, Becky was healed.
Haley Jones: To see her go walking was an incredible experience. I was just thrilled. The first time I saw her run, which I have never seen her run before in my life, to see her run, I was like, “Woo hoo! Yes!” I was so happy.
Blair P. Grubb, MD: She truly experienced a miraculous recovery.
Haley Jones: He can take what’s absolutely devastated, broken, completely fragile, and restore it and make it beautiful again.
Becky Jones: And I walk. I work out and I love it. It’s wonderful. God's awesome. He's allowed me to do the things that the doctors said I would never do. “You will never ride a horse. You won’t ride a plane. You won’t be able to walk. You won’t be able to work out.” And now I am allowed to do these things. I fly. I walk. There's nothing I don't do. I run. So God has given everything back. And like in His word, He said He'll restore the years. So He has given back to me those years, and I am thankful for it.
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KRISTI WATTS: Praise God. All it takes is a suddenly. God is a sudden type of God, isn’t He?
PAT ROBERTSON: Well, it took so long. And you wonder, why did it take so long? But I guess there was a time that He wanted to bring a miracle to pass. Hey, Kristi, we’ve got some people—we’ve had these little things we put on Christmas trees. “Healing from macular degeneration.” “A grandson who is prison and needs help.” “Salvation for a whole family this Christmas time.” They say, “Let’s pray for all of them.” What do you have?
KRISTI WATTS: This woman wrote in her son has a small business that’s failing. A loved who is on drugs and need to be clean. And a husband who needs to be healed from a mysterious disease that no one can figure out what the problem is.
PAT ROBERTSON: Well, folks, as you can see, this tree behind us, these are prayer requests that you have been sending in. We put them on that tree. And so together we’ll pray for them and your needs. What are your needs? We’re going to believe God together. “Father, Kristi and I join hands together. We believe God, that with you all things are possible. Lord, we can’t do it, but you can do it. We can’t heal people, but you can heal them. We can’t deliver them, but Lord, you can deliver them. And we pray right now for the delivering power of Jesus to come into people’s lives. Lift the burden. Do miracles. In Jesus’ name we ask it.” Kristi, what is God saying to you?
KRISTI WATTS: There is a person who saw the very first story about Oral Roberts, and you’ve been praying the entire show, “Lord, I want to hear your voice.” The Lord is going to reveal Himself to you in a way He’s never revealed before. God is real God. He’s speaking to you. He’s going to speak to you. Thank you, Jesus.
PAT ROBERTSON: Somebody has scalded your throat. You’ve got some material that was very hot that was in there, and it burned it. And it’s a serious burn. And right now, God is healing the tissues, and that skin is rejuvenating. And you’re going to see a miracle, even as we speak. Just put your hand on your throat. And in the name of Jesus, receive an answer. Kristi, what else have you got?
KRISTI WATTS: Heaviness. Heaviness. Heaviness of heart. We come against a spirit of depression and oppression right now, in the name of Jesus. We speak joy and abundance of joy in your life, right now. Thank you, Jesus.
PAT ROBERTSON: We speak words of healing. We speak words of faith. We speak words that would lift burdens, in the name of Jesus. Burdens will lift. Amen.
KRISTI WATTS: Thank you, Jesus. Amen.
PAT ROBERTSON: Wherever you are, let us hear from you, please.
Would you call in? Our telephone number is 1-800-759-0700. We’d love to hear from you. If you need further prayer, our counselors are there. They’re there on the phone night and day, very faithful. And they love you. They love God and they love you. So call in: 1-800-759-0700. And we’ll be back right after this, when we Bring It On.
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Spokeswoman: And with us today, Emmy Award-winning narrator Stephen Johnston with his brand-new DVD Bible.
Stephen Johnston: That’s right. And brand new technology has put the entire King James Bible on just one DVD. Instead of 29.95 for two discs, we’re passing the savings on to you, and all you’ll pay is just 19.95. Easy to see large text is displayed on your TV, while I read every word to you.
Stephen Johnston (Narrating): “Whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
Spokeswoman: Well, this would be great for someone like my mother who’s beginning to lose her vision.
Stephen Johnston: It’s easy. With a touch of your remote, you can go to chapter and book.
Stephen Johnston (Narrating): Chapter Four.
Spokeswoman: I understand there’s a bonus section.
Stephen Johnston: That’s right. There’s a tour of the Holy Land, gallery of photos, with all its rich history.
Spokeswoman: Well, I’ve never seen anything like this.
Stephen Johnston: We’ve sold over a million of the two disc DVD Bibles for just 29.95. But this new single DVD Bible with the Holy Land photo tour is yours for just 19.95. You save ten dollars.
Spokeswoman: When you order now, you get the Children’s Bible Favorites, a 9.95 value, free.
Child Narrator: “David knew he could stop Goliath with his slingshot.”
Spokeswoman: The DVD Bible makes a great gift.
Stephen Johnston: You’re right. And because the DVD Bible makes such a perfect gift, when you call in the next 20 minutes, we’ll send you a second DVD Bible to share with a loved one absolutely free. You get two complete DVD Bibles, a 40-dollar value, for just 19.95.
Spokeswoman: Order your DVD Bible right now.
Stephen Johnston: And God bless you. I know this will change your life.
Announcer: To order your complete King James version of the Bible on one DVD with both the Old and New Testament, and get a second King James Bible free, both with your two free children’s bonus CDs, all for only 19.95 plus processing, call 1-800-925-4334. That’s 1-800-925-4334. Or go to It makes a great Christmas gift for friends, family, Bible study, Sunday school or church groups. Order now.
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KRISTI WATTS: What a beautiful scene! I was just looking at that scene of the snow and the church. And isn’t that lovely?
KRISTI WATTS: Are you ready for Christmas, Pat?
PAT ROBERTSON: What’s ready? I don’t know. No, I’m not ready. I’m never ready.
KRISTI WATTS: You’re never ready?
KRISTI WATTS: I’m ready, have my shopping done.
PAT ROBERTSON: My wife is the one who does ready. I just kind of sit in the . . . .
KRISTI WATTS: And you show up.
PAT ROBERTSON: I show up. That’s right.
KRISTI WATTS: Well, there is only one present that matters. It’s Dede’s anyway, so I’m sure you’ll get that covered.
PAT ROBERTSON: I think I’ve taken care of that one. All right.
KRISTI WATTS: There you go. All right, it’s time to Bring It On with some e-mail questions. Are you ready?
KRISTI WATTS: All right, Claire writes in and says,
“My family and I will be traveling by plane for Christmas this year and going through some very crowded airports. Do you have any tips for staying healthy while traveling?”
PAT ROBERTSON: Take a lot of water, because you dry out in airplanes. So when you get on board, either take some water with you or else keep the asking the stewardess for water. And they’re supposed to give it to you. The other thing is, get some of this liquid cleanser. It’s an antibiotic type of soap, and you can put it in your hand, rub your hands together. You don’t want to touch your face, because you’re touching all those things. There are just germs everywhere. So do that frequently, and that will help you. Other than that, just pray you can drive your car or something.
KRISTI WATTS: Isn’t that the truth? That’s the one thing I hate about being in the airplane is you’re locked in. You’re breathing everyone else’s breath and sneezes and everything else. Ugh!
PAT ROBERTSON: You can at least keep it out of your face. And when you go to the restroom, the planes are supposed to be loaded with bacteria. So again, just constantly be fixing your hands. All right, what else?
KRISTI WATTS: I’m with you on that one. Okay, Justin writes in and Justin says,
“Dear Pat, is it true that cola drinks can harm your kidneys? I really like the taste of an ice cold cola, but I don’t want to ruin my kidneys. What do you think?”
PAT ROBERTSON: Well, if you take a couple of them a day, you will ruin your kidneys.
KRISTI WATTS: Because it’s sugar.
PAT ROBERTSON: Well, no, it’s the phosphoric acid, I think. It’s in diet as well as regular colas. It doesn’t matter which kind it is. I think an ice cold, frosty Coke is very tasty, too. But if you do them on a regular basis, you will harm your kidneys.
KRISTI WATTS: You know the best Coke I’ve ever had? We were talking about earlier, Africa and obesity in Africa. But in Africa, I guess they made Coke the old fashioned way with the sugar and not all the . . . .
PAT ROBERTSON: The old fashioned way was with coke, cocaine.
KRISTI WATTS: Maybe that’s why I liked it so much.
PAT ROBERTSON: That’s where Coca Cola came from. They used to call them dopes. But go ahead. What’s next? They’ve taken it out now.
PAT ROBERTSON: But they processed the cocaine. But in Africa they don’t. I don’t know how they make them in Africa.
KRISTI WATTS: I’m thrown now, because I was going to say how much I liked it. Barbara writes in and says,
“Pat, I exercise, eat correctly and take vitamins. Why am I still retaining water?”
PAT ROBERTSON: There could be a problem with your heart. It could be a problem with your kidneys. It may be you need to have a doctor take a look and check. But in addition, you need to, well, drink a lot of water and avoid salt. Just cut salt out of your diet entirely. Beyond that, you may have to have a doctor give you something like Lasix that will take the water out and flush it out of your system. But I’m a great believer in drinking a lot of water. And that has a tendency to help the swelling go down. Other than that, a whirlpool will take swelling out of your legs. Well, we leave you with these words from Proverbs 15, . . . .
Proverbs 15:30
“A cheerful look brings joy to the
heart; good news makes for good
. . . . . “A cheerful look brings joy to the heart; good news makes for good health.” We’ll see you tomorrow. Bye, bye.
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Announcer: While Mary feeds her two young daughters, she also helps feed needy families around the world. While Bob hands a drink out to a co-worker, he helps give water to villages with new wells. And while Carl builds a house for his son’s new puppy, he helps rebuild homes in disaster areas.
TERRY MEEUWSEN: These people all have something in common. They’re CBN partners who have joined Pledge Express. It’s easy to sign up. Just give us a call, log on to or return the Pledge Express form you receive in the mail. Then each month we’ll send you “Power for Life,” and you’ll receive this powerful CD called “Overcoming Stress.” So join us and change the world for someone today.
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