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The 700 Club

The 700 Club: December 21, 2009

Kathleen Arndt shares her Christmas entertaining tips. Pittsburgh Steeler Heath Miller opens up about life in the NFL.


The 700 Club Daily Broadcast Monday, December 21, 2009 PAT ROBERTSON: Well, welcome to The 700 Club. From what we gather, the Democrats paid off Senator Landrieu of Louisiana, and paid big time to Ben Nelson to bring him over. And suddenly, there is a totally partisan bill. Not one Republican on board, no consultation with the Republicans. Even Olympia Snowe said, “No way. They’re rushing this thing through.” And it’s amazing. You’ve got a stand off. This is not consensus, as our President promised when he was running for office. TERRY MEEUWSEN: That’s right. PAT ROBERTSON: So it looks like they will pass that thing by Christmas. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Well, one Democrat called it, quote, “the best Christmas gift to the American people.” However, Republicans say it’s a terrible mistake. And John Jessup has more from Washington. HEALTH CARE JOHN JESSUP: While most Americans were fast asleep, the United States Senate was in a rare early morning session for a critical vote on health care. Woman: The yeas are 60. The nays are 40. Having voted in the affirmative, the motion is agreed to. JOHN JESSUP: The one a.m. vote overcomes a Republican filibuster and puts the Senate’s health bill on track to being passed by Christmas Eve. Sen. Tom Harkin ([D] Iowa): And we’ll get this passed before Christmas. And it will be one of the best Christmas presents this Congress has ever given the American people. JOHN JESSUP: The party line result came at the cost of last minute deal making that won key votes, like Nebraska prolife Democrat Ben Nelson. He scored a number of benefits for his home state, including a commitment for the federal government to pick up the tab of expanding Medicaid. But prolife supporters are outraged that the Senate’s abortion compromise isn’t as strong as the language that passed in the House. The American Center for Justice and Law called it a scheme that violates longstanding federal law. On the GOP side, there was no mistaking their disappointment. Sen. Tom Coburn ([R] Oklahoma): This process is not legislation. This process is corruption. JOHN JESSUP: Not one Republican voted with the Democrats. GRAPHIC: FOX NEWS SUNDAY Sen. John McCain ([R] Arizona): We must look back and say we did everything we can to prevent this terrible mistake from taking place. JOHN JESSUP: Over at the White House, a different reaction. They’re celebrating the possibility of making history. GRAPHIC: NBC’S “MEET THE PRESS” David Axelrod (White House Adviser): Seven Presidents have tried this. Seven Presidents have failed. We have been talking about it for 100 years. So nobody expected this to be easy. JOHN JESSUP: Still, the journey is far from over. If and when the Senate bill does pass, it first must be reconciled with the House version that passed last month. While the core of those bills are pretty much the same, there are some major differences between the two, like the abortion funding issue and a public option that is contained in the House version, but not in the Senate’s. GRAPHIC: FOX NEWS SUNDAY Sen. Kent Conrad ([D] North Dakota): It is very clear that the bill, the final bill, to pass in the United States Senate, is going to have to be very close to the bill that has been negotiated here. Otherwise, it will not get 60 votes in the United States Senate. JOHN JESSUP: Leaving room for much more rancor as the process continues into next year. John Jessup, CBN News, Washington. PAT ROBERTSON: Thanks, John. I thought they were going to get snowed out. I was thinking, “The Lord has sent us a blessing.” TERRY MEEUWSEN: They got snowed in rather than snowed out. PAT ROBERTSON: But I’m telling you, this is one of the most monstrous things, and it will come back to bite them in the fall. But nevertheless, it’s in. And with a Democratic President, even if the Congress, the Republicans take over the Congress and they try to repeal this, they won’t be successful, because the President will be able to veto it. So it’s one of those things that we’re stuck with it. And it’s going to cost you and your grandchildren. You have no concept of how bad it’s going to be. And it’s going to be said as a gift to the American people. I tell you, it’s like the Grinch that stole Christmas. This isn’t Santa Claus. Well, Wendy Griffith has the rest of our top stories from the CBN Newsroom. Wendy. PASTORS HEALTH CARE WENDY GRIFFITH: Thanks, Pat. While the health care overhaul is now much closer to passage, some church leaders are hoping the measure can still be stopped. Mark Martin shows us how pastors are taking a stand for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Man: We are compelled to speak out publicly in opposition. MARK MARTIN: Like a page from an American history book describing when pastors spoke out against the evils of England's tyranny during the Revolutionary War, pastors today are also speaking out against too much government control. Bishop E. W. Jackson (Exodus Faith Ministries): Thomas Jefferson said a government that is strong enough to give you everything you need is strong enough to take everything you have. MARK MARTIN: Their primary concern: what will happen if health care reform drafted by liberals in Congress becomes law. Bishop E. W. Jackson: To in effect jam down the throats of the American people something they've made clear in town hall meetings all over this country, in faxes, in calls, in emails, to their congressmen, their senators, to the President, is an absolute disregard of this Democratic republic. MARK MARTIN: And they believe a disregard of freedom and the sanctity of life, if taxpayer-funded abortions are included. Pastor Kelly Burris (Kempsville Baptist Church): We live in a country that has always had the reputation that it's the land of the free, home of the brave. And yet at the same time, as I think about abortion, what kind of freedom does a little child have, when someone takes its life? MARK MARTIN: These pastors are part of a multi-denominational effort across the state of Virginia, urging congressmen to vote against the health care bill. They believe that if the plan becomes law, it will be a disaster for Americans, morally, spiritually and financially. Pastor Tommy Taylor (London Bridge Baptist Church): We stand not only for ourselves, but also for our children and grandchildren who will inherit this disaster if it is passed. MARK MARTIN: And like pastors during the Revolutionary War, they're issuing a call to action, not to take up arms, but to speak out loudly and clearly. Man: Call your senator. Call the White House and tell them, “We don’t want this. We stand against it.” MARK MARTIN: Mark Martin, CBN News. PREGNANT TROOPS WENDY GRIFFITH: A female soldier who gets pregnant while on active duty could face court martial and go to jail, and so could the soldier who got her pregnant. That includes married soldiers in combat zones at the same time. Currently, pregnant US soldiers are sent home from combat within 14 days. The top American commander for northern Iraq issued the new order after losing too many female GIs with special skills. The London Daily Mail reports this is not an Army-wide policy. The Pentagon says division commanders do have the authority to make rules like this for troops under their command. Pat, what do you think? PAT ROBERTSON: I think it’s an absolute outrage. I would be amazed if the feminists in our country don’t stand up against this. This is horrible. But it’s one of the prices we pay. The feminists wanted women in combat so badly, so they’ve got them in combat. But women in combat act like women anyplace else, and especially married women. What they’re saying, if a married woman gets pregnant, she and her husband could go to jail. This is an outrage. That general should get sacked. I know he needs troops in Iraq, but I tell you, we’ve got to have civil liberties in America. And they talk about reproductive freedom in terms of abortion. What if he had put out a memo saying, “You can’t have abortions under my command.” Whew, there would be a firestorm on that one. Well, it’s time somebody speaks out. I know we’re getting close to Christmas, but this is an outrage, and I think women are being discriminated against terribly in this. But for a man and his wife, and a general is saying, “You two can’t have sex together, and if you do, you’re going to go to jail.” Please. Wendy. EAST COAST SNOWSTORM WENDY GRIFFITH: Pat, airports across the country are scrambling to get people home for the holidays. This weekend’s blizzard forced airlines to cancel nearly 5,000 flights, and air traffic wasn’t the only problem. Snow and ice ripped down power and telephone lines, leaving many people without power or heat. Parts of the East Coast were buried under more than a foot of snow, and the timing couldn’t have been worse for retailers. This final weekend before Christmas was critical. Dave Williams (Jeweler): People are out and about, so we’re very, very fortunate. And we’re just glad it didn’t paralyze us for more than a day. WENDY GRIFFITH: Retailers say Internet sales were especially strong this weekend. Some online stores even offered free express shipping Sunday to lure shoppers stranded at home. PHILIPPINES VOLCANO WENDY GRIFFITH: Well, in the Philippines, tens of thousands of families have been forced to evacuate their homes because a volcano is threatening to erupt. A local church and Operation Blessing are on the scene preparing for the worst. Efrem Graham has more. EFREM GRAHAM: Red lava spitting out of the Mayon volcano and oozing down its slopes is a spectacular sight, but it’s also frightening, because it means a major eruption is at hand. CBN News Asia correspondent Lucille Talusan is at the scene. Lucille Talusan (Legazpi, Philippines): This area is part of the six kilometer permanent danger zone. And as we can see, this is like a ghost town because most of the homes, the houses, have been evacuated. But the heads of families still remain because of animals that they have to feed, they have to take care of. But tonight, according to the military, everybody will be forcibly evacuated because the alert level has just been raised to number four. And this means imminent danger for everybody living here. EFREM GRAHAM: Some 10,000 families are taking refuge in schools that have been turned into evacuation centers. But the centers are overcrowded, with as many as 25 families living in just one room. So many residents are taking a grave risk by going back to their houses during the day. Gemma Alawrin: It's very difficult at the evacuation center. And so at daytime we go back to our house to cook and to take a bath. EFREM GRAHAM: Members of a Christian church near the danger zone are fervently praying against a major eruption. Pastor Ruel Orijuela says more people are coming to church since the volcano became active. They remember having to leave their homes when the Mayon erupted in 2006. A disaster relief team from CBN's Operation Blessing is standing by to help victims if there is another major eruption. Pastor Orijuela and his church are also ready to serve alongside the ministry. It is a partnership that began several years ago when Operation Blessing helped to rebuild the church after a typhoon did severe damage. Pastor Ruel Orijuela (Soldiers of Christ Christian Community Church): I am very thankful to Operation Blessing because they were the ones who provided for the materials of our church. And now this church serves as a refuge for the people in this area who need comfort and hope, especially in our critical situation now. EFREM GRAHAM: Efrem Graham, CBN News. WENDY GRIFFITH: Thanks, Efrem. And our prayers are with those folks in the Philippines. ORAL ROBERTS FUNERAL TODAY WENDY GRIFFITH: Well, thousands are paying their respects today at the public memorial service for evangelist and university founder Oral Roberts. The service is being held on the campus of Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Dr. Vinson Synan (Regent University): Oral was a spellbinding speaker. He was without parallel in the pulpit. He was like a tiger. When he would say, “The Lord told me 150 people would be saved tonight,” he did a countdown, and the air was electric with people running to the front to be saved. WENDY GRIFFITH: And you can watch today’s memorial service live at CBNNews.com, and we’ll have full coverage on tomorrow’s 700 Club. Pat. GRAPHIC: FOR MORE INFORMATION LOG ON TO CBN.COM PAT ROBERTSON: Well, I plan to be there. TERRY MEEUWSEN: You are. I know you are. He was a wonderful man, a great heritage left behind with the university. PAT ROBERTSON: Yes, it is a great heritage, and he was a dear, dear friend of mine for about 50 years. And I will be there in attendance at that memorial. Terry. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Well, up next, 20 years after the Panama invasion, Army rangers on the ground that day ask was their sacrifice worth it? Man: The last time I could walk was 500 feet above Rio Hato, and so that's a little weird. Man: I wanted to be a ranger. That envy is something I just have to battle. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Their story, next on The 700 Club. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 1: SWISS AMERICA Pat Boone: The best investment of the new millennium: gold. Waves of change can destroy financial castles built on sand. But true wealth is built on a solid foundation of gold. Today’s economic crises have caused many to look to government for financial solutions, but experts warn that borrowing trillions will result in higher inflation and less money in your pocket. Gold offers protection, liquidity and growth. Rebuild your financial peace of mind starting with a golden foundation. Swiss America has provided millions of Americans with the best educational resources in print, online and now on television. Take a moment to request a free rare opportunity booklet, CD and DVD. Call the number below or visit online. Until next time, this is Pat Boone for Swiss America saying don’t wait to buy gold. Buy gold and wait. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NEXT DAY PROMO GRAHPIC: “THE BLIND SIDE” WENDY GRIFFITH: Tomorrow. Actress: Do you have anyplace to stay tonight? WENDY GRIFFITH: You’ve seen the movie. Now meet the family. Woman: I just get excited sometimes to think what the future holds. WENDY GRIFFITH: Get the story you didn’t see in theaters. * * * GRAPHIC: SUPERSTAR MARRIAGE WENDY GRIFFITH: Plus, 40 years in show business and 40 years in a marriage that almost wasn’t. Woman: I thought we had a great thing going, a wonderful relationship. Why mess it up with a marriage? WENDY GRIFFITH: Marilyn McCoo and Billy Davis, Jr. Tomorrow on The 700 Club. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PAT ROBERTSON: Well, 20 years ago, US troops overthrew a dictator in Panama and restored democracy to that country. CBN News reporter Chuck Holton was a part of that short, violent conflict. And recently, he returned to Panama with a group of former Army rangers. FOCUS: PANAMA ANNIVERSARY CHUCK HOLTON: The year was 1989. Tensions were high in the Central American country of Panama. Self-proclaimed president, Manuel Noriega, was threatening US interests in the country, including the Panama Canal. After years of failed diplomacy, then-President George H.W. Bush took action to bring Noriega to justice and install a democratically-elected government in his place. Almost 30,000 US troops converged on the country the week before Christmas to pull off the largest military operation since the Vietnam War. On Dec. 20, 1989 at one o’clock in the morning, over 700 American Rangers dropped from the sky onto this airfield 40 miles south of Panama City. I was one of them. Our objective was to take out the Panamanian Special Forces base located here at Rio Hato. We succeeded in that mission, but for one of my Ranger buddies, it was the last parachute drop he would ever make. Patrick “Mac” McElrath (Former Army Ranger): The light turned green in the C-130s that we were jumping, and it was the first time I wasn't afraid to jump. It was remarkably light out for being one o'clock in the morning. As I fell, I could see jumpers all over, tracer rounds shooting up through the sky. And pretty quickly I realized I was walking on top of somebody else's parachute. CHUCK HOLTON: Mac knew he was in trouble, because the lower jumper's canopy created a vacuum that caused his chute to collapse. Patrick “Mac” McElrath: I thought no big deal. They teach you this in jump school. I slipped my risers to the right, and I ran off the parachute. It's like walking on a pillow. CHUCK HOLTON: But this was no training jump. Anti-aircraft fire forced the planes to fly faster and lower than normal, and there wasn't enough time for Mac's parachute to re-inflate. Carrying a full combat load, he hit the ground so hard that it knocked him unconscious. When he awoke, he knew something had gone terribly wrong. Patrick “Mac” McElrath: As I tried to roll over so that I could get my 9mm out, I could hear this crunching in my back and the pain just swept over me, and I passed out. CHUCK HOLTON: A buddy soon found Mac facedown in the grass and went for help. After several hours, he was evacuated on the first plane back to the States, where he soon was given the news that his spine had been severed. More than 300 other American servicemen were wounded, and 23 were killed in the short conflict. Within three weeks, the operation was over. Noriega had surrendered. Eventually, the former dictator was convicted of drug trafficking, money laundering and racketeering. He was sentenced to 20 years in the federal penitentiary in Miami, Florida. Even after completing his sentence, Noriega is unlikely to taste freedom, because Panama and France are both clamoring to try him for crimes in their respective countries. Ten years after the invasion, the United States shuttered its bases in Panama and turned over control of the Panama Canal. Today, the country is a thriving financial center, tourist destination and enjoys the highest per capita income in Central America. As the 20th anniversary of the invasion approached, and along with a few other ranger buddies, Mac and I returned to Rio Hato, which had been our drop zone on December 20, 1989. Patrick “Mac” McElrath: . . . . or other buildings, but I know I was really close to the beginning of the runway. CHUCK HOLTON: While it was clear the landscape had changed, we also saw how much we had changed, and the memories were surprisingly emotional. Patrick “Mac” McElrath: I’m hoping I can hold myself together. It’s such a life changing day. The last time I would walk was 500 feet above Rio Hato, and so that's a little weird. I didn't get to do my job. I wanted to be the Hooah, I wanted to stop bad guys. And that envy is something I have to battle. CHUCK HOLTON: Mac went on to share how he was able to make it through the disappointment after his injury. Patrick “Mac” McElrath: I wasn't a Christian when I joined the Rangers, but my roommate was having a revival at their church in Lakewood, which was near Fort Lewis. So we go down to Panama for the invasion and he gives me a little New Testament, which I'm reading in the C-130 on the way to Noriega's place. CHUCK HOLTON: After Mac was injured, his roommate continued to talk to him about God. Patrick “Mac” McElrath: “How do you not like Jesus Christ? He's going around healing people.” Then my roommate calls me in February and says, “Are you ready? Have you got enough information?” And I did, and we prayed over the phone together. And it was by far the best thing I've done in my life. CHUCK HOLTON: That decision changed everything. It has even enabled Mac to be grateful for the way his life has turned out. Patrick “Mac” McElrath: Ever since I broke my back my life has been amazing. I kid you now, I cannot tell you how awesome my wife is. And my kids, I could never ask for anything more magnificent. My career, my friends and my mentors. I don't know how it could have been any better. CHUCK HOLTON: Our return to Panama 20 years later was actually therapeutic, healing old wounds and bringing closure, reaffirming the bond between a few old Rangers who once helped bring freedom to a country. And we all agreed, it was worth it. Patrick “Mac” McElrath: For me, being a part of that has been such a blessing of my life, because I feel like I was a part of something so much bigger than I could have ever done by myself. I know the people maybe in Panama don't ever think about Mac McElrath. They don’t think about any of our contribution here 20 years ago. But I don't care. I wasn't doing it for America, I wasn't doing it for the Army. I wanted to be a Ranger and I wanted to stop bad guys. And I think we did a pretty good job here. CHUCK HOLTON: Chuck Holton, CBN News, Panama City, Panama. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PAT ROBERTSON: Thanks, Chuck. That’s the spirit that imbues our fighting forces. They’re magnificent. And Ollie North said we’ve got the finest troops we’ve ever had in our history and the finest in the world. These are magnificent guys. And there was a ranger, a tough fellow, just had, you’d call it a bad break. But he certainly does have an overcoming spirit. And we appreciate him. He’s an inspiration to all of us. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Poignant and inspiring. PAT ROBERTSON: Indeed. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Well, still ahead, it’s Money Monday, and we’re going to Bring It On with your questions on finances. Don writes, “My family has a lot of medical bills. Someone told me to negotiate with my healthcare provider to try to lower the cost. But how do I do that?” TERRY MEEUWSEN: We’ll let you know, Don, later on today’s show. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GRAPHIC: PITTSBURGH’S HEATH MILLER WENDY GRIFFITH: Coming up, the biggest play of this Steeler’s life. Heath Miller: As a kid, you dream of playing in the NFL, winning the Super Bowl. WENDY GRIFFITH: And he missed it. SHAWN BROWN: Tell me what’s going on through your mind? Heath Miller: I was probably recalculating the score. WENDY GRIFFITH: How he bounced back, next. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 2: LOVE FINDS A HOME Announcer: From bestselling author Janette Oke . . . . . Actor: Can you see it? Actress: A cabin, with curtains in the windows. Announcer: . . . . and acclaimed producer-director Michael Landon, Jr. . . . . Actor: Don’t leave. Stay with me. Announcer: . . . . comes the inspiring and heartwarming movie series that will captivate the entire family. Now available through this special TV offer, the Love Comes Softly DVD collection. Katherine Heigl, Dale Midkiff, Erin Cottrell and January Jones star in this original series that explores one family’s journey from heartbreak to triumph in the rugged heartland of America. Actress: I hope to be a doctor someday. Actor: Why would a lady want to subject herself to such a taxing line of work? Actor: Oh, boy. Announcer: Eight unforgettable stories you and your family will enjoy together. And the series continues with a new release, Love Finds a Home, starting Haylie Duff and acclaimed actress Patty Duke. Actress: The Lord says we are to forgive if we expect to be forgiven. Announcer: Call now to order Love Finds a Home on DVD for 17.95 and ask how you can get free shipping. Plus, find out how you can own the complete Love Comes Softly collection. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PAT ROBERTSON: Well, they’re still playing football, if you’ve been watching. And the Pittsburgh Steelers are right in there, and their tight end Heath Miller had a big day yesterday. He caught passes for about 118 yards. Not too bad. But it should have been the greatest moment of his life. The rookie tight end for the Pittsburgh Steelers had just helped his team win the Super Bowl. But as his team celebrated in front of millions of people watching on TV, Heath had one thought: “There is more to life than just football.” HEALTH MILLER SHAWN BROWN: In just four short seasons with the Pittsburgh Steelers, the sure handed Heath Miller has established himself as one of the best all around tight ends in the NFL. Since his rookie season in 2005, he has won two Super Bowl rings and helped the Pittsburgh Steelers become the only franchise in NFL history to win six Lombardi trophies. (Interviewing): The last five minutes of Super Bowl XLIII, tell me what’s going on through your mind? Heath Miller: Well, I dropped the pass earlier in the game. It was near the goal line, too. We ended up kicking field goals, so I was probably recalculating the score, like, “Man, if I would have caught that pass and scored, we would have been up by four more points than we were at the time.” But it was pretty amazing. I don’t remember much about it aside from the catch. So it was a pretty cool feeling. SHAWN BROWN: When did you start playing football? Heath Miller: I started playing football in the second grade. SHAWN BROWN: Wow. Heath Miller: So I’ve been playing a long time. My mom gave some stipulations, so I looked like a mummy out there with all the pads I had to wear in order to play. But that’s when I started. But I enjoyed every sport that I played, so I was always active. But through high school, kind of football and baseball was my favorite. And football got me to college, so that’s obviously the route that I took. SHAWN BROWN: Growing up in Swords Creek, Virginia, Heath gained a lot of attention playing sports. But something else grabbed his attention as a young boy. Heath Miller: Maybe it was a Bible school or something I was going to. And I just heard the story, kind of one of the stories where it would ask, “What are you waiting for? Do you believe the Word? Why not start that relationship with Christ?” And I think as I’ve grown older I’ve kind of really grown to learn what that really means. And more than anything, I’ve learned that it’s a process. It’s a never ending process. SHAWN BROWN: Absolutely. Heath Miller: And you never really get to the point where you’re like, “Okay, I’m set. I’m good with Christ.” It’s always—it’s a relationship. SHAWN BROWN (Reporting): But Heath struggled with his faith throughout high school and during his four years at the University of Virginia. Heath Miller: Through the high school years, like I said, when you’re not sure of yourself and you’re trying to fit in and you don’t want to be the guy who says, “No, I can’t do that,” or, “No, I don’t want to do that.” Throughout college you’re thinking the same thing. SHAWN BROWN: Heath had a successful run at the University of Virginia. In his final season, he won the prestigious Mackey Award, given to the nation’s top collegiate tight end. NFL teams took notice of Heath’s record setting success in college, so much so that the Pittsburgh Steelers selected him in the first round of the 2005 draft. Miller was instantly catapulted to the limelight when he started making catches and playing a major role in the offense. Eventually, he helped his team win their fifth Super Bowl title, and it was during that season with the Super Bowl champs that he turned back to his childhood faith. Heath Miller: I think it maybe wasn’t until I came to Pittsburgh and maybe had a fresh start that I realized there is more to life than what’s on the surface. And that’s kind of when I started to maybe search and kind of realize God is still here. He hasn’t left me this whole time. And I maybe started to pay more attention to Him and put things in perspective better. SHAWN BROWN: But winning the Super Bowl in his rookie year brought a different reaction from Miller than you might thing. Heath Miller: As you kid, you dream of playing in the NFL, winning the Super Bowl. And the first year I did that. And you realize, “This isn’t all that life has for me. There’s got to be more to life than the game of football or winning the Super Bowl.” SHAWN BROWN: Flash forward to 2009. The Steelers are struggling to keep their playoff hopes alive. But even in a difficult season, Heath Miller is trying to keep everything in perspective. Heath Miller: And it’s what you strive to do as a football player. In this profession, it’s the top, it’s the thing you strive for. But in life, there is more to that, and that’s a relationship with Christ. Obviously, I think in a relationship, it has to come from the heart. And I think that’s what Jesus wants, is our heart. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PAT MINISTERS PAT ROBERTSON: Some of you have a desire, if you’re a little boy, you want to play football. And if you could play in the pros, that would be great. If you, as a pro, could get to the Super Bowl, it’s fantastic. If you could be on a team that wins the Super Bowl, it would be like nirvana. Wouldn’t it? Not really, because it’s like that song that Peggy Lee sang years ago. Some of you may have heard it, “If that’s all there is, let’s break out the booze and have a ball.” If that’s all there is. If making money is all there is. If fame is all there is. If exceeding in sport is all there is, there’s something wrong. We might as well just kind of drop out and get drunk or take drugs or whatever and forget it. But God Almighty comes and He says to Heath and He says to you and me, “I have something better. I’ve got something much better. I don’t mind giving you these other things. Seek the Kingdom of God first, and all these other things will be added unto you. I’ll give you these other things. That’s no problem.” But you want the highest and the best, and that’s God Himself. And if you want the highest and best, stay with me right now, the highest and best in your life, right now as we’re coming into Christmas, I want you to do something. I want you to pray a prayer with me, and I want you to believe it. And I’m going to lead you in prayer. All you have to do is say the words I say, but mean them in your heart. Bow your head wherever you are. Husband and wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, young men, young women, whoever you are. Pray now, these words. Do it. “Jesus.” That’s right. “Jesus, I am a sinner, Lord. I haven’t lived for you, but I know that you came to earth, was born as a baby and lived among us and taught us things we’d never heard before. And you showed us the miracle power of God. And Lord, you then died for our sins. But you didn’t stay in the grave. You rose again. And, Lord, I believe in the risen Christ. I believe in your power. I believe in the goodness of God. And right now, Lord, I ask you to come into my heart, live your life in me, and I will live for you, and I will serve you all the days of my life. Thank you, Lord, that you heard my prayer. Thank you that you came into my heart.” Now, if you prayed with me just then, what I want to do is give you something. You need a little help to get going. GRAPHIC: 1-800-759-0700 CBN.COM And I have here a 73-minute compact disc called “A New Day.” GRAPHIC: OUR GIFT TO YOU 1-800-759-0700 CBN.COM It opens up to you exactly what you’ve done, what it means, what the Bible says about it. And I have a little booklet along with it with 60-some scriptures taken from this teaching. And all you have to do is just read them. They’re very simple. And if you read these things and study them, you understand what’s going on. And it will help you be established in the Lord. So I want you to call somebody. I want you to tell somebody what you’ve done. And our counselors are on the phone and will be glad to send this to you. It’s absolutely free. There is no money involved: 1-800-759-0700. Say, “I prayed with Pat. I gave my heart to the Lord,” 1-800-759-0700. Terry. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Well, coming up, we’re going to help you with your financial questions. Thomas wants to know, “Is it wrong to buy a foreclosed house? My friend says it’s callous to take advantage of another person’s misfortune.” TERRY MEEUWSEN: We’ll Bring It On with that question and more, so stay with us. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 3: DVD BIBLE Spokeswoman: And with us today, Emmy Award-winning narrator Stephen Johnston with his brand-new DVD Bible. Stephen Johnston: That’s right. And brand new technology has put the entire King James Bible on just one DVD. Instead of 29.95 for two discs, we’re passing the savings on to you, and all you’ll pay is just 19.95. Easy to see large text is displayed on your TV, while I read every word to you. Stephen Johnston (Narrating): “Whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Spokeswoman: Well, this would be great for someone like my mother who’s beginning to lose her vision. Stephen Johnston: It’s easy. With a touch of your remote, you can go to chapter and book. Stephen Johnston (Narrating): Chapter Four. Spokeswoman: I understand there’s a bonus section. Stephen Johnston: That’s right. There’s a tour of the Holy Land, gallery of photos, with all its rich history. Spokeswoman: Well, I’ve never seen anything like this. Stephen Johnston: We’ve sold over a million of the two disc DVD Bibles for just 29.95. But this new single DVD Bible with the Holy Land photo tour is yours for just 19.95. You save ten dollars. Spokeswoman: When you order now, you get the Children’s Bible Favorites, a 9.95 value, free. Child Narrator: David knew he could stop Goliath with his slingshot. Spokeswoman: The DVD Bible makes a great gift. Stephen Johnston: You’re right. And because the DVD Bible makes such a perfect gift, when you call in the next 20 minutes, we’ll send you a second DVD Bible to share with a loved one absolutely free. You get two complete DVD Bibles, a 40-dollar value, for just 19.95. Spokeswoman: Order your DVD Bible right now. Stephen Johnston: And God bless you. I know this will change your life. Announcer: To order your complete King James version of the Bible on one DVD with both the Old and New Testament, and get a second King James Bible free, both with your two free children’s bonus CD’s, all for only 19.95 plus processing, call 1-800-925-4334. That’s 1-800-925-4334. Or go to BiblesonDVD.com. It makes a great gift for friends, family, Bible study, Sunday school or church groups. Order now. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DC GAY MARRIAGE WENDY GRIFFITH: Welcome back to The 700 Club. Same-sex marriage supporters in Washington, DC, celebrated their recent victory in a church. Washington, DC Mayor Adrian Fenty signed a bill to legalize same sex marriage at the All Souls Unitarian Church. The DC City Council approved the measure last week. Congress still has to sign off on it. Gay couples could begin marrying as early as March. But opponents vow to fight the law. CELL PHONE CANCER LINK? WENDY GRIFFITH: Lawmakers in Maine want their state to be the first state to require warnings about cell phone use. Representatives say numerous studies show a link between cell phones and the risk for brain cancer. But industry leaders dispute that claim and the National Cancer Institute says studies show mixed results about the cancer link. Still, Maine lawmakers want labels to be placed on cell phone packages warning about electromagnetic radiation. And they want to recommend that children and pregnant women use them with caution. Well, you can always get the latest from CBN News by going to our web site at CBN.com. GRAPHIC: FOR MORE INFORMATION LOG ON TO CBN.COM Pat and Terry will be back with more of The 700 Club, right after this. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 4: HUMANA Announcer: Over the last several months, we’ve been talking with everyone who has Medicare about the money-saving health plans from Humana. These are all-in-one plans that combine medical and prescription drug coverage, all with an affordable monthly health plan premium that may surprise you. If you have a separate drug plan with original Medicare or with a Medicare supplement, you could be getting more benefits and saving money with Humana’s Medicare health plans. Could Humana be a better value for your health care dollar? Call 1-888-411-8607. Or go online to HumanaFreeBook.com and get this free booklet that will help you decide if our all-in-one plans are right for you. More than one million people have made the call and are enjoying Humana’s all-in-one Medicare plans. The facts you need are in the book, and it’s totally free. Call 1-888-411-8607. Or go to HumanaFreeBook.com. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BRING IT ON TERRY MEEUWSEN: Well, we call Mondays “Money Monday,” and we like to take a few minutes to answer questions you’ve sent in regarding your finances. And Pat, this first one is from Don, who says, “With four active boys, we tend to have a lot of medical bills in our family. Someone suggested negotiating with our healthcare provider to try to lower the costs. How would I do that?” PAT ROBERTSON: Just do it. It’s exactly, how do you negotiate with somebody? You go and negotiate. I think if you would ask your hospital or ask your doctor or whatever it is, say, “Look, I’m hurting on these medical bills. Could you make some arrangement where we can pay less?” There’s one thing I understand that you get a discount if you pay cash. So that’s one of the—I don’t know if you’re able to do that, but that’s one of the ways you can do it. But just talk to people. People are reasonable. And I understand most of those who actually ask for some relief are able to get it. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Right. PAT ROBERTSON: All right. TERRY MEEUWSEN: This is Thomas, who says, “Is it wrong to buy a foreclosed house? My friend says it’s callous to take advantage of another person’s misfortune. What do you think?” PAT ROBERTSON: Is it wrong to buy a share of stock on the stock market knowing that somebody somewhere down the line has lost money in the stock market? Houses, it’s like a commodity. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Well, by the time a house is for sale that’s foreclosed, it’s already out of the hands of the person. PAT ROBERTSON: Well, of course it is. It now belongs to the bank or the mortgage company or someone else. It doesn’t belong to the individuals. There’s nothing callous about it. It’s just one of those things, as I say, like stock. Stock is bought and sold. And people lose money in the stock and they lose money on bonds and they lose money on all kinds of things, but it’s not callous to go ahead and buy in the market. It’s for sale on a marketplace. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Okay, this is from Lori, who says, “I have a co-worker who is always asking me how much I spent on my car, clothes or other purchases. Is it necessary for me to tell her? Aren’t finances supposed to be personal?” PAT ROBERTSON: Lori, they really are. That co-worker . . . . TERRY MEEUWSEN: Is presumptuous. PAT ROBERTSON: . . . . is presuming on your goodness. Here is the answer: you say, “I paid a lot for it.” Or, “I got a real bargain. I got it cheap.” Don’t say anything more. All right. TERRY MEEUWSEN: This is Susannah, who says, “I always assumed that bank debit card was more secure than a credit card, but someone told me that credit cards offer more protection. Which card is more secure?” PAT ROBERTSON: Well, I think a credit card is a little bit more secure. It’s not a huge amount of difference, but there are some factors, I think, having to with warranties on goods you purchase and things like that. Some of the credit cards have a warranty, whereas a debit card won’t. So debit cards are for the convenience of the bank, not for the convenience of the customer, in my opinion. TERRY MEEUWSEN: This is Helen, who says, “I’ve used incandescent bulbs for years, but should I check out those compact fluorescent bulbs? Is there much of a cost difference in the types of light bulbs I use in my home?” PAT ROBERTSON: It really is. On 60 watt and 100 watt bulbs, one of those compact deals might go 10,000 hours, whereas a fluorescent would go maybe 1,000 hours at best, and then it burns out and you’ve got to replace it, and it burns out, and it burns out, and it burns out. They use a lot more electricity. And for the same amount of illumination, the compact fluorescent is not a bad deal. But you’re not talking about huge amounts of money, but if you have a lot of bulbs, if we’re talking a manufacturing installation at a factory with all kinds of light bulbs, it would be a saving in the hundreds and hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions of dollars. All right. TERRY MEEUWSEN: This is Liz, who says, “When I go out to eat with friends, I usually get something much less expensive than the others. When the bill comes, they always suggest we just split it evenly. How can I tactfully let them know I’d rather just pay for my own?” PAT ROBERTSON: Unless you tactfully want to be known as a cheapskate, keep your mouth shut . . . TERRY MEEUWSEN: Yes. Pretty tough. PAT ROBERTSON: . . . .and kick into the pot. And if need be, have a real luxurious lunch the next time you go. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Enjoy. PAT ROBERTSON: Enjoy, because if it’s getting split five ways . . . . TERRY MEEUWSEN: Yes, you’re right. PAT ROBERTSON: But the idea of saying, “Well, I’d rather have mine out separately,” you’re going to really burn a lot of friendships that way. That isn’t a smart way to deal. TERRY MEEUWSEN: And for probably not a lot of money. PAT ROBERTSON: No, it’s not. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Okay, this is Eric, who says, “When I was young, my great aunt used to give me a savings bond for every birthday. Are savings bonds still around and are they a good investment?” PAT ROBERTSON: Well, they have some things called TIPs that was fairly popular. The interest rate was adjusted with the prevailing rates. I just think US savings bonds are the pits. I wouldn’t get those things for the world. You need a well managed corporation, company, that is doing business, hopefully overseas. Or you could buy stock in a foreign country, a company or something in doing natural resources, oil and gas or gold. That makes a whole lot more sense than a savings bond. There was a time, 40 or 50 years ago, when your grandmother lived, that a savings bond was a big deal, because it kept its value. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Well, people often gave them as gifts to children when they were born or baptized. PAT ROBERTSON: Well, sure. But they kept their value, so at the end of 10 to 20 years, you had money, and it was real. Now, those things are declining in value at a dramatic rate. Not good. Not a good investment. All right. TERRY MEEUWSEN: There you go. PAT ROBERTSON: Well, for years, Danny Smith worked on commission, and Danny struggled to pay the bills. Then one day he found the solution to his money problems. He did it watching TV. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DANNY AND JESSICA SMITH KRISTI WATTS: Danny Smith was always worried about money. Danny Smith: Growing up we didn’t have a lot. My dad lost his job during the recession in the 80’s, so I actually remember going to the same church we take my daughter to. We would go there for the food drive. I took from my experience as a kid that you need to work a lot, and you need to find a way to get more money. KRISTI WATTS: No matter how hard he worked, it seemed as though he never made enough. Jessica Smith: He would go into a depression. He would just completely shut down. And at first I was, “What’s wrong?” He would just shut off. I realized it was money, and I started to say, “You have to trust that God is going to take care of us.” And He always did. KRISTI WATTS: Both Danny and Jessica became Christians at a young age. But Danny never learned about the biblical principles of giving. Danny Smith: It was just nonsense to me to think that you’d give your money away. It wasn’t something that I was taught. KRISTI WATTS: Jessica, a faithful viewer of The 700 Club, knew she and her husband needed financial guidance. So she encouraged Danny to watch, too, and together they listened to Gordon Robertson teach about giving. GORDON ROBERTSON: Put the Kingdom of God first, and then all these other things are going to just follow. KRISTI WATTS: While listening to Gordon teach on the principles of giving, Danny had a revelation. Danny Smith: One of the biggest things that I had to learn to do personally was to give up and relinquish control over my life and over everything. And once you do that and you do that a hundred percent, then a weight has been lifted off your shoulder. KRISTI WATTS: Not only did Danny give all of their financial problems over to the Lord, he and Jessica became 700 Club partners. And around that same time they took another step of faith and started their own business installing home entertainment systems. They say God blessed their business almost immediately. Danny Smith: And as we started to actually make a living, we started to give more. And our business started to grow with it. KRISTI WATTS: Within months of becoming CBN partners, they increased their giving from 20 dollars a month to 100 dollars a week. Danny Smith: From there we really saw our business really start to snowball and start to pick up. KRISTI WATTS: Last year when the recession hit, he started having second thoughts about giving. Danny Smith: I was giving every week, and then business slowed down, so I dropped it down. And Jessica almost slapped me upside the head and said, “What are you doing?” Jessica Smith: You promised them that you would give this much, and that’s wrong. I said, “You need to honor your commitment. You need to keep giving what you said you would give.” Danny Smith: She was right. And as I started to consistently give again, that job was pending for three months now just closed. KRISTI WATTS: Today Danny and Jessica’s business has spread nationwide. And as they reflect on God’s goodness, they credit their success to one thing. Danny Smith: I attribute it to God continuing to bless us. He’s been faithful to us because we’ve been faithful to Him. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PAT ROBERTSON: What a wonderful testimony! TERRY MEEUWSEN: It is a wonderful testimony of God’s faithfulness. PAT ROBERTSON: Give and it will be given unto you, pressed down, good measure, running over will men heap into your bosom. That’s what it says. And for those of you who join The 700 Club, it’s a very simple thing. GRAPHIC: 1-800-759-0700 CBN.COM It’s 65 cents a day, 20 dollars a month. And for those who do, I want to send you this CD. It’s an audio version of my book, Right on the Money. And it’s got some pretty important factors. And you have, well, you’ve got . . . . GRAPHIC: YOURS WHEN YOU JOIN 1-800-759-0700 CBN.COM TERRY MEEUWSEN: I do. This is DeCarla, who is from Cleburne, Texas, who says, “This is what I’ve needed for my life. I’ve learned so many new things, and I’ve already started applying them to my financial situation. I feel that a burden is being lifted. Praise God.” It’s really interesting, isn’t it, that she says the same thing that he says in that story. When you finally surrender and give it all to the Lord it’s like a weight lifts off of you. PAT ROBERTSON: “My people perish for lack of knowledge.” Well, you have in your hand something pretty. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Well, I do, because we want you all to join The 700 Club. And when you do, it means you have an opportunity to touch the world. If you do it through something we call Pledge Express—that means the bank does all the work. It’s electronic monthly transfer—then we want to send you “Miracle Living Today.” Isn’t this pretty? PAT ROBERTSON: Wow. TERRY MEEUWSEN: It’s filled with wonderful stories. PAT ROBERTSON: We do that? That’s ours? TERRY MEEUWSEN: We do that. That’s ours. This is our people. PAT ROBERTSON: With our printing press? TERRY MEEUWSEN: Yes. With our printing press. It’s beautiful. PAT ROBERTSON: Can you believe that? That’s so pretty. Get a close up on that, Mr. Director. It’s beautiful. GRAPHIC: FREE WITH PLEDGE EXPRESS 1-800-759-0700 CBN.COM TERRY MEEUWSEN: And we want you to have this. PAT ROBERTSON: Yes. Look at that. TERRY MEEUWSEN: So please call right now. Join The 700 Club, 65 cents a day, 20 dollars a month. And join through Pledge Express. We will send you “Miracle Living” today. PAT ROBERTSON: Isn’t that nice? TERRY MEEUWSEN: It’s beautiful and inspiring. PAT ROBERTSON: Pledge Express. That’s so easy. It saves money to CBN. It saves you money. The bank does the work. TERRY MEEUWSEN: It’s worth it just to not have the paperwork and hassle. PAT ROBERTSON: Well, it saves a lot of money, so we’re able to afford to send out pretty things like that. That is so beautiful. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Isn’t that great? PAT ROBERTSON: Yes. Okay. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Well, the Christmas countdown has begun, and up next, we want to show you some last minute ideas that will help get your home ready for the holidays without breaking your budget. GRAPHIC: HOME DÉCOR * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 5A: PRAYER COUNSELING CENTER Son: Daddy? Father: Yeah, buddy? Son: How many nickels are in a dollar? Father: There are 20 nickels in a dollar. Son: How do birds fly? Does milk really make my bones stronger? Father: Yeah, yep. Son: Daddy, when we die, will we go to Heaven? Announcer: Do you have the answer to life’s biggest question? Call The 700 Club. We’ll help you find answers to the important questions life brings your way. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 5B: REGENT FROM ANYWHERE Announcer: All over the world, there are minds to inspire and opportunities for change. At Regent University, we prepare you to become a Christian leader and guide others in all walks of life. And with online classes from Regent, you can change the world from anywhere in the world. Regent University. Online education with a solid foundation. Visit anywhere.regent.edu. Or call 866-REGENT-U to request your welcome kit. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NEXT DAY PROMO GRAHPIC: “THE BLIND SIDE” WENDY GRIFFITH: Tomorrow. Actress: Do you have anyplace to stay tonight? WENDY GRIFFITH: You’ve seen the movie. Now meet the family. Woman: I just get excited sometimes to think what the future holds. WENDY GRIFFITH: Get the story you didn’t see in theaters. * * * GRAPHIC: SUPERSTAR MARRIAGE WENDY GRIFFITH: Plus, 40 years in show business and 40 years in a marriage that almost wasn’t. Woman: I thought we had a great thing going, a wonderful relationship. Why mess it up with a marriage? WENDY GRIFFITH: Marilyn McCoo and Billy Davis, Jr. Tomorrow on The 700 Club. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TERRY MEEUWSEN: Well, in a few days, your home will probably be filled with family and friends. There’s not much time left to decorate, and after Christmas shopping, you might not have much money left either. So we sent our reporter Mia Evans to meet designer Kathleen Arndt and find some easy ways to entertain on a budget. KATHLEEN ARNDT MIA EVANS-SARACUAL: This Christmas, if we’re entertaining and having friends and family over, what’s the best way to do that without all the stress and all the money spent? Kathleen Arndt: Well, Mia, I’ve learned over the years the best way is to get organized. Get a notebook. Have it be your entertaining notebook. Write your lists out. Write your menu out, your gift ideas out and stick to your list, because if you stick to your list and you don’t wait until the last minute, you won’t get so stressed out for the holidays, and you can enjoy them. MIA EVANS-SARACUAL: That’s exactly what I needed to hear. No stress this Christmas. Now, tell me about setting the mood, because when someone comes into your home, you want them to feel relaxed. Kathleen Arndt: You do. Setting the mood is so important, and how you set the mood for your home is by your lighting, using candlelight or Christmas tree lights or low watt bulbs. It is background music, and it needs to be just background, not really loud. And it’s decorating. You don’t want to over decorate your home, because you never want it to look gaudy. But you want to do a drop dead gorgeous tree as your centerpiece for Christmas. MIA EVANS-SARACUAL: And just add extra touches. Kathleen Arndt: Yes. Yes. MIA EVANS-SARACUAL: You taught me that. Kathleen Arndt: Yes, I did. MIA EVANS-SARACUAL: Now, tell me about fresh flowers, because you can buy them and not spend a lot of money. Kathleen Arndt: You’re right. There are so many easy things to do, and one easy touch is to get a hurricane lamp that you can get for under five dollars. You put a candle in it. Use a pie plate out of your kitchen. And I’ve used wet oasis and cut blocks to shape around the base of the hurricane. What we’re going to do is we’re going to put stems of cedar which we’ve cut from our backyard. MIA EVANS-SARACUAL: Wonderful. Show me how to do this. Kathleen Arndt: Okay, you want to put them in at an angle, and you want to just kind of fill in the floral using it down below and around. MIA EVANS-SARACUAL: This is so easy and inexpensive. Kathleen Arndt: And when you get done, that floral is going to look just like the floral on my table. MIA EVANS-SARACUAL: Oh, that’s beautiful. Now, Kathleen, you’ve set the stage with a gorgeous table, so what’s on the menu? Kathleen Arndt: Well, tonight we’re going to have Seafood Newburg. And there are only five ingredients in this Newburg. It’s garlic and butter and any kind of seafood you’d like to use, cream of shrimp soup and cream cheese. It’s so easy to make. You can make it in 15 minutes. MIA EVANS-SARACUAL: Its smells wonderful. Kathleen Arndt: Thank you. And serve it on puff pastry, and you just bake it up. MIA EVANS-SARACUAL: And what goes along with that. Kathleen Arndt: Along with that, Mia, could you please get the asparagus? MIA EVANS-SARACUAL: Sure. Kathleen Arndt: We’re going to have steamed asparagus with that, and I steamed it in my steamer for 10 minutes, and then I just drizzled butter and salt and pepper over it. MIA EVANS-SARACUAL: It’s so easy. Kathleen Arndt: It is so easy. MIA EVANS-SARACUAL: And what else as a side dish? Kathleen Arndt: We’re going to have a salad, and in the salad I’ve used mixed spring greens and some shredded carrots and tomato. And then I made a homemade tarragon, sweet tarragon dressing. MIA EVANS-SARACUAL: That sounds wonderful. For more recipes and tips on entertaining on a budget, you have to check out Kathleen’s book, Emerging Butterfly. GRAPHIC: For More Information Go To CBN.com Just log on to CBN.com. Oh, Kathleen, thank you so much. Kathleen Arndt: Oh, you’re so welcome, Mia. MIA EVANS-SARACUAL: I’m going to have some more. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TERRY MEEUWSEN: If you’d like more decorating tips from Kathleen Arndt, just log on to our web site, CBN.com. GRAPHIC: FOR MORE INFORMATION LOG ON TO CBN.COM PAT ROBERTSON: And it’s Christmas. Christmas on Friday. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Yes. Can you believe it? PAT ROBERTSON: It’s almost there. No, I can’t. TERRY MEEUWSEN: How did that happen? PAT ROBERTSON: Another week from that, it will be another year. It will be 2010. It’s gone by so fast. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Quickly, quickly, quickly. PAT ROBERTSON: Our days go by quicker than a weaver’s shuttle is what the . . . . TERRY MEEUWSEN: That’s right. PAT ROBERTSON: Yes. A whole year has gone by. TERRY MEEUWSEN: I know. PAT ROBERTSON: Have you got anything to show for it? TERRY MEEUWSEN: Not too much. Dishpan hands. PAT ROBERTSON: Well, we’ll have a review of it on the first of January from CBN. And I’m hoping to spend some time off in the mountains of Virginia to see if the Lord might not give me some insight as to what’s going to happen. Well, we now bring you the sounds of the season from the Annie Moses band. The song is from their latest CD, This Glorious Christmas, and it’s called “O Come, O Come Emmanuel.” * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ANNIE MOSES BAND SINGS “O COME, O COME EMMANUEL” Annie Moses Band (Singing): “O come, O come Emmanuel . . . .” GRAPHIC: Luke 2:11 “For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” (NKJV) GRAPHIC: COPYRIGHT 2009 CHRISTIAN BROADCASTING NETWORK * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DISCLAIMER: MONEY MONDAY GRAPHIC: The material provided on this Program is for general informational and educational purposes only. No information on the Program is intended as investment, tax, accounting or legal advice, as an offer or solicitation of an offer to sell or buy, or as an endorsement, recommendation or sponsorship of any company, security or fund. You alone are solely responsible for determining whether any invest- ment, security or strategy, or any other product or service, is appropri- ate or suitable for you based on your investment objectives and personal and financial situation. Seek the advice of a qualified securi- ties professional before making any investment. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * END SPOT: HOLIDAY OF HOPE Announcer: It’s Christmastime, the wonderful season when we remember the birth of Jesus Christ. 700 Club partners, this is the perfect time to make your celebration complete by helping people who are in desperate need. Your donation to CBN’s Holiday of Hope will provide gifts that will help support families all year long. You give food and clothing, sewing machines, and water wells, livestock for milk and cheese, job training and medical supplies, even scholarships and school materials that bring the promise of a better life. Most importantly, you preach the Gospel to people lost in darkness. You can bring glad tidings of great joy this year. Your life changing kindness will be remembered long after the ornaments and decorations are packed away. Give to CBN’s Holiday of Hope. It’s like inviting the world to your Christmas morning.


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