The 700 Club Daily Broadcast
Thursday, December 3, 2009
PAT ROBERTSON: Well, welcome to The 700 Club. Do you remember that Carville statement, “It’s the economy, stupid?” Well, the economy is in bad shape, 10.2% official unemployment, but it’s probably much, much higher than that. And it hasn’t been getting much attention in Washington as they’ve been debating health care.
TERRY MEEUWSEN: Well, now President Obama is putting the economy back in the spotlight with a job summit. But not everyone is convinced that it’s going to do much good. Jennifer Wishon has the story.
JENNIFER WISHON: As Congress and the White House focus attention and political capital on healthcare reform, companies like this Georgia Pacific paper mill in Green Bay, Wisconsin, continue handing out pink slips. Nearly 16 million Americans are now out of work. The nation's unemployment rate has ballooned to more than ten percent and may go higher.
Paul Footit (United Steelworkers Union): What do you tell people when they are losing a good paying job? And I don't know. There is no answer, you know.
JENNIFER WISHON: Today, President Obama is seeking advice. He has invited corporation CEOs, small business owners, labor bosses and leaders of non-profits to the White House to take part in a jobs summit designed to generate ideas that put Americans back to work.
Eric Schmidt (CEO, Google): My business advice for the President is to go to the people who regulate our banks and figure out a way to get the small and medium-size loans to actually start happening. That's the quickest way that we can get businesses to hire people and create jobs.
JENNIFER WISHON: The President will address his critics who argue his oversight of the 787 billion dollar stimulus package has been mediocre. Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich has even hit the road on his own jobs summit tour, making the case for tax breaks he says would give small businesses a boost.
Newt Gingrich (Former House Speaker): Fewer people in the Obama Administration have a private sector job-creating background than any administration in American history.
JENNIFER WISHON: The average unemployed American has now been out of work for six months. That has lawmakers considering extending jobless benefits which could cost taxpayers an extra 100 billion dollars. The President will outline his ideas for job growth in a speech on Tuesday. Jennifer Wishon, CBN News, Washington.
PAT ROBERTSON: Well, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure what’s the matter. What’s wrong is the Democrats, especially the Obama Administration, have sent a signal, like, “We are against capital. We are against wealth. We are going to tax the daylights out of money you get. And we’re going to hurt small businesses.” And when they send that signal, what small businessman in his right mind is going to go out and say, “Well, I’d better hire another 20 people.” You’re not going to do it.
TERRY MEEUWSEN: Well, there are plenty of businesses that have been in trouble financially. So now, what do they do? They can’t borrow more money or get, because it’s going to cost them.
PAT ROBERTSON: All these TARPs and these stimuluses—we’re looking at huge amounts of money—hardly any of it, it’s like a teeny drip in a faucet going out instead of turning the spigot on. And the banks are hoarding the money. They’re not putting it out. But how are you going to stimulate the economy so people will hire? You’ll do it by saying to them, “You can have long range tax benefits. We will cut your taxes and we will make it easier for you to hire. And we will not load you down with all these mandates.” But they’re not saying that. “We’re going to stick it to you with health care. We’ll stick it to you with these other things.” And if you’re a small businessman, you’re hiding in a bunker to keep these fellows from hurting you. And that’s what it amounts to. Now, if they change the rhetoric in Washington, it will be different. But the Democrats aren’t about to change their rhetoric. They’re going to soak the rich. Every proposal you see says, “Well, let’s raise the taxes on the wealthy. Well, wealthy is somebody making over 200,000 dollars a year, which takes in most small businessmen. So, ladies and gentlemen, you may be out of work, and that’s one of the ways to fix it. It’s not the only way, but it sure would help. Well, Lee Webb has the rest of our top stories from the CBN Newsroom. Lee.
LEE WEBB: Pat, New York lawmakers have defeated a same-sex marriage bill, and the vote wasn’t as close as expected. Thirty-eight senators opposed the legislation. Only 24 supported it. Efrem Graham has the story.
EFREM GRAHAM: New York senators who support same-sex marriage overcame major hurdles to get the issue to the Senate floor. But in the end, the vote to defeat the bill was overwhelming. And it crossed racial, ethnic and party lines.
Man: Ayes, 24. Nays, 38.
Woman: The bill has lost.
EFREM GRAHAM: Democrat Ruben Diaz is among the 38 lawmakers who helped to defeat the measure. The Pentecostal pastor from the Bronx argued he couldn’t check his Christianity at the door, saying, “I am the church. I am the state. How can I separate myself from myself?” And he said another senator told him that he when he comes through the Senate door, he should leave his Bible outside.
Sen. Ruben Diaz ([D] 32nd District): Don't please. Don't. That's a wrong statement to send. The Bible should never be left out.
EFREM GRAHAM: The debate was also emotional for senators on the other side. Senator Thomas Duane is the openly gay member of the Senate who introduced the bill.
Sen. Thomas Duane ([D] 29th District): It would make me equal in every way to everyone else in this chamber.
EFREM GRAHAM: Supporters of traditional marriage are hoping the New York vote will send a message next door to New Jersey where leaders are considering taking up the issue as well. We spoke with Reverend Jason McGuire, executive director of New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms.
Jason McGuire (New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms): Part of our strategy if we went into this was we know if we could hold the wall and hold the line here in New York that we could effectively block same-sex marriage in two states. And I think we've done that. We sent a message to New York, but also a message to a lot of New Jerseyans who are watching what happens here.
EFREM GRAHAM: It is possible to bring up the bill again in New York, but next year is an election year, so it may be a while before the issue is raised again in the Empire State. Efrem Graham, CBN News.
LEE WEBB: A clash in the US Senate over abortion is putting the President’s healthcare plan in jeopardy. Senators are scrambling to come up with clear language in the bill about funding abortion. Prolife Republicans and Democrats want to guarantee that taxpayer money will not be paying for abortions. Feminist groups were caught off guard by a similar amendment that was tacked onto the House version of the healthcare bill. But this time, pro-abortion groups are ready for a fight. They went to Capitol Hill Wednesday to voice their opposition to what they call, quote, “the most significant rollback of women’s rights since abortion became legal.” Pat.
PAT ROBERTSON: That statement is total nonsense. Women have never had a right to have the federal government pay for their abortions. Never. So how is this a rollback of women’s rights? There’s no rollback, because they don’t have the right, and they shouldn’t get the right. The taxpayers of America should not be forced to pay for abortions, many of whom think it is murder. And they don’t want to support it. They’re against it. And so Congress is going to talk about women’s rights. It has nothing to do with women’s rights. This does not keep a woman from having an abortion. However you may feel about it, there’s nothing against it in this bill. The only thing is that these legislators are saying government shouldn’t have to pay for it. That’s all. Lee.
LEE WEBB: Big developing nations like China and India are rejecting key points in worldwide climate guidelines. Reuters reports a major point of contention is cutting world greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. They also don’t like the idea of setting a 2020 deadline for a peak in emissions worldwide. The developing nations fear the strict guidelines will hamper their economic growth. The pushback comes just five days before talks about climate control are set to start in Copenhagen, Denmark, Pat.
PAT ROBERTSON: The last time I was in China, I had the privilege of speaking to a three cell church on a Sunday morning, and it was packed with people. And as we drove in, the air was so dense with smog and noxious fumes that my lungs were actually injured. At least, I felt they were injured just breathing the air between my hotel and the place where I was going to speak. And China is one of the worst polluters. They have a tremendous pollution problem in terms of water. They’re running out of water. And they have an air pollution problem that is massive. And they need to deal with it. And I think every nation on earth needs to help them, whatever help is needed. But Terry, they can go to nuclear. They can go to other kinds of energy. But right now, they burn coal. They burn lots and lots of coal, and it’s not processed as cleanly as they could do it.
TERRY MEEUWSEN: It isn’t just China. There are a number of nations that really are. We were in Nepal last year, and the same thing you’re talking about, where you could barely breathe out in public, because it was just so thick.
PAT ROBERTSON: I was in Czechoslavakia right after the fall of communism, and I met with our then-ambassador Shirley Temple Black. She said just breathing the air in Prague is like smoking two packs of cigarettes a day. It is so polluted. And you go in to the Vistula River up in Poland. There was pollution all over the east bloc. The communists didn’t care about the environment. So there is a lot to do. We need to clean it up. We need to have clean water, fresh water, clean air to breathe and all these things. And we need to stop yelling at each other and get together and say, “What is the most practical way to do this?” And let’s not say, “Well, you’re a rich country. You ought to cut yours. And you’re a little country. You ought to do different.” That’s not going to do it. If we get together and say, “What is the most effective technology we can put in place, and what’s it going to cost and how can we raise the money?” And it will work. Lee.
LEE WEBB: Pat, the European Union could endorse a declaration next week to divide Jerusalem and support the Palestinian claim for east Jerusalem as its capital. As Chris Mitchell reports, Israel is upset about it.
CHRIS MITCHELL: The European Union is calling for an immediate resumption of negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians. That’s just one part of a draft resolution the Swedish led European Union might accept next week. The document was revealed this week in the Israeli daily Haaretz. It says the goal of the talks is “an independent, democratic, contiguous and viable state of Palestine, comprising the West Bank and Gaza and with east Jerusalem as its capital.” Israel maintains that the entire city of Jerusalem will remain its undivided capital forever. The draft resolution has upset the Israeli government. While the position of the EU is well known, Israel’s Foreign Ministry said such a resolution would hurt the EU’s ability to mediate between Israel and the Palestinians. The Foreign Ministry criticized the EU for not giving Israel enough credit for steps it took last week to jumpstart the peace process. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called for a ten month freeze on new building in Judea and Samaria, the West Bank. The Foreign Ministry told CBN News in light of Netanyu’s move, the Europeans should be pressing the Palestinians to return to negotiations. It’s still possible the resolution could be changed. It requires a unanimous vote of all 27 EU members to adopt such a resolution. But if the resolution is adopted, Israel is warning it would encourage the Palestinians not to return to the negotiating table. Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem.
LEE WEBB: Pat, does the EU carry a lot of weight in this situation?
PAT ROBERTSON: It shouldn’t, but it will, because it will influence a lot of other nations. But Lee, the thing is that there are a lot of Muslims now in Sweden. What difference does it make to Sweden what they do in Jerusalem? It’s none of their business. And the Swedes are going off of this particular counsel in the EU in another few months. And they want to get their licks in. And they’re playing for domestic politics, so their local Muslims will say, “Well, you’re good guys. We’ll vote for you.” But it’s shocking. This is the capital of Israel. It was won by David, and it goes all the way back to the time that he and Solomon and the other kings of Israel ruled that great nation. And Jerusalem is the undivided capital of Israel. And the EU has no business fooling with it. I met some years ago with Yasser Arafat. And Yasser Arafat was saying, “Well, we’re just going to try to do what we can do to see what can happen.” And lo and behold, they’ve finagled and moved along to try to make a claim to Jerusalem. Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, period. And it ought to stay that way. And I appreciate Bibi Netanyahu saying it’s non-negotiable. I hope he stays tough, but let me tell you, the nations of the earth, you look at prophecy, the nations of the earth will come against Israel. And it will be on the issue of Jerusalem. That will be the issue. The Israelis will give up on almost everything else. When it comes to Jerusalem, they won’t do it. And that obdurate relation, which is they ought to do, will set off a firestorm. And so all the nations, European nations and finally the United States, will come against them. That’s what the Bible says is going to happen. And there may be military action, and it may be very painful. But that’s what the Bible says is going to happen in the last days. And we’re setting up that conflict. Terry.
TERRY MEEUWSEN: Well, up next, she’s a rising star in the Republican Party.
Meet Congresswoman Michele Bachmann and find out why she’s calling for an orderly revolution.
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LEE WEBB: Coming up later, doctors gave him a one percent chance of survival.
Man: He was burned, his entire face, his hands, his arms, his legs.
LEE WEBB: But there was one thing they didn’t count on.
Woman: There was this voice in there that said, “Tony will be okay.” And I looked at him, and I said, “Tony will be okay.”
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LEE WEBB: Tomorrow. Go on a mission with Afghanistan’s elite.
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LEE WEBB: Plus . . . .
Robert A. Schuller: I would curse at the sky. I would curse at everything.
LEE WEBB: Robert A. Schuller reveals why he was fired from the Crystal Cathedral and answers the toughest question of all.
GORDON ROBERTSON: You can really truly say, “I forgive, and I bless.” Have you gotten to that?
LEE WEBB: Tomorrow on The 700 Club.
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PAT ROBERTSON: Conservatives in the Republican Party have been looking for new leadership in the last few years. And one stand out is Congresswoman Michele Bachmann of Minnesota. John Jessup has this look at her rise to prominence.
JOHN JESSUP: On any given day, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann’s office gets its fair share of complaints. But to Bachmann, it's a sign that she's doing a good job, sticking to her conservative principles. Her journey through politics has taken many stops, starting out as a school bus driver, then a federal tax attorney and a small business owner. Bachmann entered politics fed up with the pro-tax, pro-choice stances of a local politician. Now seen as a lightning rod within the GOP, her vocal opposition of government bailouts to the Democrat's health care overhaul has turned this two-term congresswoman into a national headliner, who with a few words during a live TV interview inspired thousands to attend this house call, a massive gathering on the steps of Capitol Hill.
Rep. Michele Bachmann: Let me ask you a question. Is President Obama going to be your doctor?
Crowd: No!
Rep. Michele Bachmann: Can we fix stupid?
Crowd: No!
Rep. Michele Bachmann: No!
JOHN JESSUP: Bachmann is fueled by her core belief that government needs real reform. But this wife, mother of five children of her own and numerous foster kids, draws her greatest strength from her faith and what she calls traditional American values.
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PAT ROBERTSON: Well, Representative Bachmann joins us now from Capitol Hill. And Congresswoman, it’s a pleasure to have you on The 700 Club, as a Regent graduate, I might add.
Rep. Michel Bachmann: That’s right. It’s an honor to be able to be here. Thanks, Pat.
PAT ROBERTSON: Hey, listen, you were talking a little while ago to a group of us at Regent about this health care bill, and some of the iniquitous things that were being put out having to do with income levels and so forth. Could you spell out what is in that bill?
Rep. Michele Bachmann: Yes. It’s full of numerous nightmares, the health care bill. It’s essentially a government takeover of health care. Government will be in charge of our lives literally from cradle to grave. They will now have the proprietary interest in having life and death decisions. But when it comes to income, we’re looking at government actually using this bill to impose an iron curtain on wages, because all of the subsidy for health care falls away when your income is at 59,000, and that’s joint income. It doesn’t take a lot for two wage earners to get up to 59,000. So at 58,000, a person receives full government subsidy on health care. At 59,000, most likely your employer-paid health care goes away. You have to purchase it in the private market. People could be looking at anywhere, Pat, from 12 to 20 thousand dollars, non-tax-free money, in purchasing private health care. That will be a disaster for middle America.
PAT ROBERTSON: Listen, that hasn’t come out. The people aren’t talking about it. This is horrible. Do you mean to say if somebody goes from 58,000 to 59,000, suddenly all the health benefits are taken away from them?
Rep. Michele Bachmann: That’s right. At 59,000, the health benefits go away. Plus, there is a marriage penalty that’s imposed, because if two people are unmarried, living together, their income can actually be higher than if you’re married, living together. So there is a tremendous marriage penalty that also comes into play.
PAT ROBERTSON: That thing has about 2,000 pages. Have you read it?
Rep. Michele Bachmann: I have read it, and my staff continues to pour over it. And every day, Pat, we continue to come with new very bad information for the American people.
PAT ROBERTSON: You think your colleagues have read the thing? It’s such a voluminous piece of legislation.
Rep. Michele Bachmann: We are trying to, but the biggest part of this legislation, Pat, is the vagaries, all of the power that is giving to the middle man bureaucracy, because the bureaucracy will really make the decisions, rules, regulations that will govern the American people. And also, it’s important for your viewers to know that this bill is a lot of pain with very little gain. The taxes that we will pay will come into play immediately for about the first three to four years. There is no additional health care at all the government delivers for about three or four years. So we’re paying for this bill, enormous sums of money, three or four years even before any benefits ever get delivered.
PAT ROBERTSON: We were talking at the first of this program about the anti-business bias there seems to be on the Hill, at least in the White House. This bill carries that stigma, doesn’t it? It’s anti-business, because these taxes would fall on somebody that’s got a sub S corporation.
Rep. Michele Bachmann: That’s absolutely right. My husband and I are small business owners. My husband is also a Regent graduate. And we started from scratch. We were middle America low income people, and we got our equity together and pulled equity out of our home. We now employ 50 people in the state of Minnesota. And what it means for people like us and for small business owners, Pat, is an additional eight percent payroll tax. That means the tax doesn’t come after your profits, out of your profits, it’s a cost of doing businesses. And many businesses don’t have an extra eight percent margin to pay this tax from. So this will be a job killer, which is why President Obama’s chief economic advisor, Christina Romer, has said if this health care bill goes through, Pat, an additional 5.5 million jobs will be lost, because small business will have to shed more jobs. They can’t afford to have the jobs, because they have to pay more tax to the government.
PAT ROBERTSON: They know that when they’re facing a 10.2 percent unemployment? They know this is going to kill another five million jobs?
Rep. Michele Bachmann: They know this. This is their own numbers, and yet they’re persisting forward. When America has unemployment at a 26-year high, now they want to put something in that will bring about another 5.5 million job loss? It makes absolutely no sense, because, really, Pat, this is all about redistribution of wealth and government control over our lives. It has nothing to do with increasing health care access or bringing down the cost of health care.
PAT ROBERTSON: So what’s you’re dealing is doctrinaire leftists. They are leftist regardless of what the consequences are. Am I saying it right?
Rep. Michele Bachmann: Pat, there is no question. President Obama only met with House Republicans once, over across the street at the Capitol in the basement. And in a private, closed-door meeting he said to us House Republicans, “I would prefer to be a one-term President and achieve my agenda, rather than being a two-term President and not achieving my agenda.” This is the most radical President America ever elected, and the most radical Speaker of the House ever elected. And then there is Harry Reid in the Senate. So we have the most radical administration on Capitol Hill, and they are hell bent to impose their radical agenda. This is how radical it is, Pat. Since the inception of bailout nation last year, last year ago September, the federal government has taken over, either through ownership or control, 30 percent of our American economy. If President Obama succeeds in takeover health care, that’s an additional 18 percent, almost half of the economy. And Barney Frank has another bill that would take over the financial services industry, another 10 to 15 percent. Pat, it isn’t just in our lifetime that we’ve seen socialism imposed in America. It’s in the last year. This is very serious. We need to put the breaks on this onslaught of socialism, so that we can get back to what we always have been as a country: free, prosperous, free markets, capitalist nation. That’s what will bring us back into prosperity and job growth.
PAT ROBERTSON: Well, Michele, I hope you’ll continue to speak out. You’re a wonderful champion of the things we believe. I’m so proud of you. And get together with as many of your colleagues as you can and fight this thing, please, for all of us.
Rep. Michele Bachmann: There are wonderful people here who love the Lord, Pat, and who believe as I do. We are doing everything we can. We need the American people to keep making calls to their US Senator and their members of Congress, every day. We are encouraging people, when they wake up in the morning and comb their hair and take their vitamins, call your US Senator and say, “Vote no on the government takeover of health care.”
PAT ROBERTSON: Bless your heart. Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, a proud graduate of Regent University Law School. A real fighter for freedom. I’m so proud of her. She was elected in the same district where Hubert Humphrey came from. This is the ultra left of our country, and she was elected to Congress.
TERRY MEEUWSEN: She’s a great communicator. She really is able to clearly spell out what’s going on here.
PAT ROBERTSON: Yes. You’ll appreciate, she’s adopted, I don’t know, she has a number of foster children.
TERRY MEEUWSEN: Five children of her own, and then a number of foster children on top of that.
PAT ROBERTSON: Yes. Five plus, plus, and plus a small business, plus—incredible woman. But, anyhow, ladies and gentlemen, you might not have heard that before, but that laid it out clearly from somebody who is a congresswoman who has to vote on these measures and whose staff has read this whole bill.
PHONE: 202-224-3121
TERRY MEEUWSEN: We hear so much over the years with various Presidents on the significance of their legacy and how important that is to them. And what you’re hearing with this President is agenda, agenda, agenda. Not so much concerned about the legacy as getting the job done when it comes to changing things.
PAT ROBERTSON: Well, he represents a socialist mindset, far left. And far left means the government is running as much as it can. Now, is that some evil intent that he’s got, or that’s just the way he’s brought up? I don’t know.
TERRY MEEUWSEN: It could actually be his philosophy. Absolutely.
PAT ROBERTSON: It’s his philosophy of government. Dangerous, folks. And they talk about lost jobs. If you’re in Pittsburgh or you’re in Cleveland or you’re in the Midwest and you’re losing your job, this is one of the reasons. And you’re not going to have job creation until this mindset in Washington is changed. It’s just that simple. I’m on my soapbox today.
TERRY MEEUWSEN: It’s all right.
PAT ROBERTSON: It’s all right.
TERRY MEEUWSEN: It’s a good soapbox.
TERRY MEEUWSEN: Well, up next, a man who was burned alive.
Man: As I pushed a button, there was this massive explosion. I remember I was yelling and screaming, and because of all the massiveness of the fire, I could not see where I was going.
TERRY MEEUWSEN: Find out how he survived, after this.
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PAT ROBERTSON: Well, when the man in our next story lived in Iran, he survived childhood malaria, dodged political persecution and escaped from bomb attacks. When he moved to the United States, Tony thought his days of cheating death were over. But Tony was very wrong.
ANDREW KNOX: Tony Yarijanian is an Armenian immigrant who settled in the Los Angeles area, where he met and married Ani. In 2004, the couple owned several businesses, including a tanning and nail salon. Each Sunday, Tony and his son, Tobel, cleaned the salon together, but that morning, Tobel had a fever and stayed home. When Tony got to the salon, he noticed something strange.
Tony Yarijanian: As I opened the door to the salon, I noticed that everywhere it was just wet. I suspected that it might be a water leak, but the stench of that room was just unbearable.
ANDREW KNOX: Overnight, a faulty valve on a gas-powered dryer had caused the room to fill with natural gas. Tony decided to start a load of clothes before he looked for the source of the leak.
Tony Yarijanian: I just kind of pulled my t-shirt over my nose and took the towels to the very end of the salon where the dryer was.
ANDREW KNOX: The last thing Tony remembers is pressing the start button on the dryer.
Tony Yarijanian: As I pushed the button, there was this massive explosion. I remember I was yelling and screaming, and because of the massiveness of the fire, I could not see where I was going. And it seemed like a voice was telling me, “Go this direction. Go this direction.”
ANDREW KNOX: Tony made it as far as the street. A pastor from a local church saw him lying there.
Rick Whitlow, Assoc. Pastor (Crescenta Valley Community Church): I called 911 to tell them there was a fire at a strip mall, but as I arrived I was, much to my shock and horror, surprised to see a man lying in the gutter in front of a truck, and he was still smoldering.
ANDREW KNOX: Whitlow stayed with Tony and prayed until the ambulance arrived. Tony was taken to the Grossman Burn Center. Meanwhile, Ani was wondering where her husband was. When the burn center staff finally identified Tony, they called Ani who rushed to the hospital.
Ani Yarijanian: As I was walking toward the room, I smelled smoke, charcoal. It was like somebody had barbecued in there. He had no hair. His eyes were—I don’t even know how to describe his eyes. And the very first thing I said, I said, “That’s not Tony.” And she said, “Yes, that is Tony.”
ANDREW KNOX: Tony sustained third-degree burns on 90 percent of his body.
Dr. Peter Grossman (Co-Director, Grossman Burn Centers): He was burned on his entire face, his hands, his arms, his legs, a great deal of his trunk. He was burned indoors, and so there was an element of smoke inhalation. So he had some damage to his lungs that really made his chances of survival very, very slim.
Ani Yarijanian: Dr. Grossman said, “It looks worse than the report. The chance for him to survive is less than one percent.”
ANDREW KNOX: When the doctors told her to make funeral arrangements, Ani felt a strange presence come over her.
Ani Yarijanian: Right at the end of their report, I felt this fog coming down on me, and it was so calming, like I felt so relaxed, so calm. And there was this voice in there that said, “Tony will be okay.” And I looked at them and I said, “Tony will be okay, and he’s going to walk out of this hospital.” And they both looked at me like, “Okay, she is in denial.”
ANDREW KNOX: Tony was in a coma at the burn center for several months.
Tony Yarijanian: The next thing I remember was when I opened my eyes, and Ani was standing right above me with this beautiful face, beautiful smile. I had no idea where I was at the time. And I asked her, “What is going on? Where am I?” And she goes, “Well, you had a little accident.” And I go, “How bad is it?” And she goes, “Well, don’t worry about it. You are here with us, and that’s what really matters.”
ANDREW KNOX: Ani rarely left her husband’s side.
Ani Yarijanian: The whole time I had faith. Every time I was away from his room or in his room, I could picture Jesus right over his head. All I was doing was just reading the Bible, day in and day out. And I wouldn’t allow anybody to come to his room, no visitors, because I didn’t want anybody to cry in his room. I never cried in his room. It was all encouraging words: “You’re going to make it. You look good.” And I would pray with him every day.
ANDREW KNOX: Members of Rick Witlow’s church began a prayer vigil for Tony and his family after the accident. One of the members, Mike Martin, visited Tony every day.
Tony Yarijanian: I remember he would start praying for me, and I got this really warm feeling coming on me. and from that day on, I could not wait until Mike comes and prays for me.
ANDREW KNOX: Although Tony had been a sporadic churchgoer before the fire, he realized he had never had a personal relationship with Jesus.
Tony Yarijanian: One time, he said that, “I want you to declare Jesus as Christ as your Lord and Savior.” I said, “I declare Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.” Things started changing from that moment on.
ANDREW KNOX: Tony underwent over 40 surgeries on his face and body. He is in the Guinness Book of World Records as the person with the greatest percentage of third-degree burns. Tony is convinced if it had not been for the incredibly skilled hands of his surgeons, the prayers of a caring group of believers, and the love of his family, he would not have survived.
Tony Yarijanian: One time I was sitting on the bed and looking at some older pictures of mine, so I started getting really upset and started crying. And Tobel came and sat next to me and literally took the pictures from my hand and threw them on the floor. And he goes, “That’s not important.” He said, “What’s important is that you are here. And I have a dad.”
Dr. Peter Grossman: There are these intangible things that occur in medicine that we would love to be able to explain, but as of yet, can’t. The faith that both of them had that they could survive, in my non-medical point of view, I think that had a big part in it.
ANDREW KNOX: The Yarijanians want to use their experience to bless others and to spread the Gospel.
Tony Yarijanian: We try to share our stories to help other survivors. We do everything and anything we can within our powers to motivate, encourage and let people understand that there is a God, He’s powerful, and when you declare Jesus as your Lord and Savior, it can really change things around.
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PAT ROBERTSON: God is almighty, and He is powerful. He is greater than burns. He is greater than disease. He is greater than accidents. He is greater than tragedy. He is greater than all the problems of humanity combined. God Almighty is able. He is able. God is able to do anything. And if we will trust Him, He will lift us out of the problems that we have. The problems are there because we focus on the problems. And they stay there, and we’re trapped in the midst of all these problems. And God says, “If you’ll look to Me, I’ll get you out of those problems.” In Tony’s case, it took a few months. It didn’t happen overnight, but you look at him now, it’s amazing that he had third degree burns over 90 percent of his body. It is amazing that he survived and that those skin grafts took and all the rest of it. Yes, he had skilled doctors. He had skilled people, but more than anything, he had a wife that loved him and he had church members who prayed for him. Now, what is the problem you have? Right now, right now, let’s give it to the Lord. It may be money. It may be your marriage. It may be your kids. It may be an accident. It may be some chronic disease. Right now, let’s give it to God. “Father, I pray together with the people in this audience. Many have suffered. Many have been the victims of accidents. Many have been beaten and bruised. Many are hurting in their spirits, but God, you are able to take these wounds and heal them. And you can lift these people up. And so my brothers and sisters, in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, we speak the word, be made whole. And may the glory of the Lord surround you and may you be lifted out of the problem that you have into the arms of a loving God, in Jesus’ name. His arms are enfolding you, and you are knowing His touch, underneath of the everlasting arms, in Jesus’ name. Thank you, Lord, for hearing our prayer. Thank you, Lord, for setting people free, in Jesus’ name. Amen.” If we can pray for you some more, please call.
There are people here who would be glad to talk to you: 1-800-759-0700. People are here who care. But more than anything, God is with you. Praise Him for what He has just done for you and receive an answer. Well, we’ll be back with more of The 700 Club right after this. Stay tuned.
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LEE WEBB: Coming up later . . . .
Moll Anderson: This is my, what I call, absolutely no stress.
LEE WEBB: Lifestyle saver Moll Anderson’s five must haves.
Moll Anderson: Paint, lighting, music, fabric and flowers.
LEE WEBB: Enhance your home for the holidays, for less than 25 dollars.
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Announcer: Have you heard the Word of Promise, the number one selling audio Bible in the world? Now, you and your family can hear and feel the Bible come alive in dramatic audio theater, with 600 actors, including Jim Caviezel as Jesus . . . .
Jim Caviezel (Narrating): He who believes and is baptized will be saved, but he who does not believe will be condemned.
Announcer: . . . . Richard Dreyfuss as Moses, John Voight as Abraham, Lou Gossett, Jr. as John . . . .
Lou Gossett, Jr. (Narrating): In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God.
Announcer: . . . . Stacy Keach as Paul, Gary Sinise as David and narrated by Michael York.
Michael York (Narrating): And God divided the light from the darkness.
Announcer: With an original music score and movie quality sound effects, the Word of Promise audio Bible will transport you to the time when these world-changing events took place. Four years in the making, 98 hours of audio on 79 CDs, from Genesis to Revelation, perfect for listening at home, in the car, while you travel or exercise. In this special TV offer, you can own the Word of Promise audio Bible on 79 CDs, plus a bonus behind the scenes DVD of the making of this incredible project. It all comes beautifully housed in a collector box that includes a zippered travel case. And if you order now, we will include the Word of Promise Christmas story, the Easter story and the epic music score on five additional CDs, a 150 dollar value, yours for only two payments of 39.95. And here is our money back guarantee: if this is not the greatest audio Bible you have ever heard, return it within 60 days for a full refund, but keep the Christmas, Easter and music score CDs as our gift to you. This is a limited time offer. Call now: 1-800-225-2560. That’s 1-800-225-2560. Or visit wordofpromisebible.com.
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LEE WEBB: Welcome back to The 700 Club. Government funded embryonic stem cell research has moved to a new level. The National Institutes of Health approved 13 new embryonic stem cell lines for testing, and taxpayer dollars will be used for research using those lines. Last spring, President Obama lifted former President George Bush's ban on federal funding for new stem cell research.
LEE WEBB: A federal court is reviewing rules that restrict the distribution of religious materials in Plano, Texas, schools. The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ordered a lower court to review its decision that upheld a school district policy. That policy banned students from giving away pencils that said, “Jesus is the reason for the season,” as well as candy canes with the true story of Christmas. The Liberty Legal Institute says the policy unfairly restricts religious freedom. You can always get the latest from CBN News by going to our web site at CBN.com.
Pat and Terry will be back with more of The 700 Club, after this.
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PAT ROBERTSON: You and I are ordinary people, ordinary people who are capable of affecting the world in extraordinary ways. Come to Regent University. When you earn your degree from Regent, you become a vital part of the mission we all share. Christian leadership to change the world. For a free welcome kit, visit Lead.Regent.edu or call 866-REGENT-U.
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TERRY MEEUWSEN: Well, if you’re like me, you love to decorate your home for the holidays, and that can take a big bite out of your Christmas budget. But it doesn’t have to. We sent our reporter Michelle Wilson to the home of designer Moll Anderson for some ideas. And the best part is they’re all under 25 dollars.
MICHELLE WILSON: I love your book.
Moll Anderson: Thank you.
MICHELLE WILSON: Change Your Home, Change Your Life. What is that title all about?
Moll Anderson: It means that if you make small changes to your home, you can begin to change your life. It’s absolutely true.
MICHELLE WILSON: You talk about the five must-haves and how it can make a dramatic impact on your home and everyday life. Talk about what are the five must-haves?
Moll Anderson: Well, first of all, it's paint, lighting, music, fabric and flowers. It’s that easy. You can change any space just like that.
MICHELLE WILSON: So how does that translate into the Christmas décor that you have set up for us?
Moll Anderson: Well, believe it or not, it does. And the first one, of course, when we talk about paint, and we could have painted a basket, but we’re going to talk about color, because, let’s face it, that’s how you bring color into your home, with paint, correct?
Moll Anderson: All right, well, we’re going to bring color into the holiday. All we did was take three cylinder vases, that you can use and put flowers in all year round. And then for Christmas, guess what? Just fill it with your simple ornaments. So I know you can do this.
MICHELLE WILSON: You think I can do this?
Moll Anderson: This is simple. Just put them in there. Okay.
Moll Anderson: Was that hard?
MICHELLE WILSON: No, it wasn’t hard.
Moll Anderson: Okay. And look how beautiful this is.
MICHELLE WILSON: Now this was pretty simple.
Moll Anderson: Yes. Yes.
MICHELLE WILSON: But this right here, I don’t think anybody can do this. What is this?
Moll Anderson: Oh, come on. This is actually what we call much, much more for very little time and less. Okay, all this is literally is a grape vine wreath, some candles set on foam. That’s it. Okay. Center that on your table. This is just Spanish moss. Now, I keep Spanish moss all the time because it hides a multitude of sins. Am I allowed to say that?
MICHELLE WILSON: Yes, you are.
Moll Anderson: Okay. Anyway, I just took some of the beautiful ribbon that I had, and all I did literally was twist and make a bow and tie it on these little pick sticks.
MICHELLE WILSON: And these are called wood picks?
Moll Anderson: That’s right.
MICHELLE WILSON: That you get from . . . .
Moll Anderson: You can get them at any art supply store . . . .
MICHELLE WILSON: Any art supply store.
Moll Anderson: . . . . or home improvement center. And I just stuck that in here.
MICHELLE WILSON: So the average person can do this. You promise?
Moll Anderson: Absolutely. Absolutely. And then when you light them, they’re really beautiful.
MICHELLE WILSON: Okay, so what do we have here?
Moll Anderson: This is my what I call absolutely no stress for men and women—men love this one. All I did was get these three vases, and it’s always much more interesting you’ll find to do things in threes or fives or sevens. So what I’ve done is I’ve simply put in the black rocks. . . .
Moll Anderson: . . . . which again come in little bags at any home improvement or art store. So this is again a very inexpensive thing, about two dollars for your rocks. And then what I’ve done is put water in and just literally cover the rocks like this, just enough to get that covered. You’re not going to believe this. All right. Gerber daisies are my favorite, because they lay flat.
MICHELLE WILSON: Oh, they’re beautiful.
Moll Anderson: Michelle, this is going to be your job, because I want to prove that anybody can do it. So you’re going to cut that at about half an inch, right below. I’m going to grab that so it doesn’t drop. Okay. And then this is how easy this is.
MICHELLE WILSON: So you just drop it in there.
Moll Anderson: Drop that right down in the water, and it floats. Now, do the other two. I think you’ve got it now.
MICHELLE WILSON: You think I can do this? Okay.
Moll Anderson: Yes. I think you’re doing it.
MICHELLE WILSON: You’re a good teacher.
Moll Anderson: Okay. And I’m going to lay that right in the water.
MICHELLE WILSON: Okay. Here’s the last one.
Moll Anderson: This is such a cool one, and guys get so excited, because they can do this for their wife.
Moll Anderson: This is a fabulous arrangement that we call Greens and Roses.
MICHELLE WILSON: Greens and Roses. Now, is this real?
Moll Anderson: It is real. And again all this is, is green Christmas greens and, are you ready for this, a dozen roses for under 12 bucks.
MICHELLE WILSON: For under 12. Wow.
Moll Anderson: Twelve dollars.
MICHELLE WILSON: That’s great.
Moll Anderson: Okay.
MICHELLE WILSON: And this was for free.
Moll Anderson: That’s right.
MICHELLE WILSON: So we’re now at 12 dollars.
Moll Anderson: That’s right. And then, of course, you know me with my ribbon, the ribbon, and the pick stick.
MICHELLE WILSON: The pick stick.
Moll Anderson: Which we love. I did my bow.
MICHELLE WILSON: This is our staple Moll. This is our staple.
Moll Anderson: That’s right, this is our staple, that and Spanish moss. But then again, take that special step to give it that finishing touch. And that’s what makes it special. And then you just stick the bow right inside there.
MICHELLE WILSON: And the poinsettias?
Moll Anderson: Oh, the poinsettias are great! I got an arrangement one time and called to order one, and again, it was in the two to three hundred dollar market. And I was thinking, okay, that’s a little expensive. So I took a basket that I had, and I took two small poinsettia plants that I picked up just at the nursery around the corner. Not very much money. Spanish moss. . . .
MICHELLE WILSON: Spanish moss again.
Moll Anderson: . . . . a couple of bows. . . .
MICHELLE WILSON: A couple of bows.
Moll Anderson: . . . . with, again, the pick sticks. And it looks so great. Isn’t it?
MICHELLE WILSON: It looks wonderful. And it would be great for gifts.
Moll Anderson: Oh, absolutely. Tie a little card on there and have it delivered to your friend’s house. And leave it at their doorstep. Wouldn’t that be a fun little Santa surprise?
MICHELLE WILSON: It would be lovely. Now, Moll, I love this.
Moll Anderson: Isn’t that cool?
MICHELLE WILSON: This would bring out the Christmas Spirit, the cross. Talk about that.
Moll Anderson: Well, believe it or not, that’s a salad bowl.
MICHELLE WILSON: It’s a salad bowl?
Moll Anderson: It is. I tell you the truth. That’s a salad bowl, and, again, you can use anything. But I had a salad bowl, so I stuck a few extra ornaments in it, and then I added what we’re calling angel hair.
Moll Anderson: It’s the hot new thing now at all the craft stores, and it comes in every color, but I love the silver. And then I had that fabulous cross which I love.
Moll Anderson: And I would suggest you could use anything that you love and stick it in there. But look, it’s so much more now.
MICHELLE WILSON: It’s great, and it helps to bring out the Christmas spirit.
Moll Anderson: That’s right. And you could surround it with votives, and it would be fabulous.
MICHELLE WILSON: That’s awesome. Well, you did a fabulous job. Everything looks wonderful.
Moll Anderson: Thank you.
MICHELLE WILSON: So can I just take these all home?
Moll Anderson: Yes. Yes. Yes. Absolutely.
MICHELLE WILSON: And that’s how we can start me off.
Moll Anderson: If you start to use it and do it at home, you can do that.
MICHELLE WILSON: Okay. Thank you so much.
Moll Anderson: You’re welcome.
MICHELLE WILSON: Thank you for sharing.
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TERRY MEEUWSEN: Well, Moll and Michelle were inspired. We want you to be inspired, too. And if you have been, and you’d like to know more, Moll has a great book called Change Your Home, Change Your Life. And it’s available in bookstores around the country. What a great time of the year to get this and make something special in your home.
PAT ROBERTSON: She is so extraordinarily talented.
TERRY MEEUWSEN: Well, very festive. The things that she suggests doing really do change the environment.
PAT ROBERTSON: Yes. But all simple and all beautiful and all available to lesser mortals.
TERRY MEEUWSEN: You’re going out for those gerbera daisies today. I can tell.
PAT ROBERTSON: That’s right. I can hardly wait. Well, coming up next, we’re going to Bring It On with your e-mail. Heather writes,
“Should barren women adopt? Or does God use infertility as a way of telling women they shouldn’t have kids?”
PAT ROBERTSON: Well, we’ll try to answer that question and more when we return.
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Nicole Johnson (Miss America 1999): If you have diabetes, you could eat this. But wouldn’t you rather enjoy this? Hi, I’m Nicole Johnson, Miss America 1999. I’ve had diabetes for over 15 years. I got all these yummy recipes in my Better Care cookbooks. And if you have diabetes and have Medicare or qualified insurance, you can get these cookbooks free.
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Nicole Johnson: Enjoy mouthwatering recipes like this rich chocolate cake, plus oven fried chicken, nachos and more. You also get this free meal planning guide and this free diabetes magazine. So call now for your free Better Care kit, with three free cookbooks.
Announcer: To qualify, call 1-800-765-8132. That’s 1-800-765-8132.
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TERRY MEEUWSEN: For more than a decade, Pastor Matthew preached in his Hindu village with few results. Then in just one day, more than 100 villagers came to him to be baptized. Here is what made the difference.
ANDREW KNOX: More than 15 years ago, Pastor Matthew moved to Udaipur, a devout Hindu area of India, to preach the Gospel. It proved to be very dangerous for him and his family.
Pastor Matthew: They told us that we shouldn’t have come here. They would throw stones at us. Some people even said they were going to burn our motorcycle and kill us.
ANDREW KNOX: Pastor Matthew stayed. He prayed for a way to reach out to them. Then, Operation Blessing heard about his ministry and his dedication. They knew the villages in that area desperately needed clean drinking water and medical care. Over the next four years, Operation Blessing dug 136 wells and conducted 45 medical camps in Udaipur.
Pastor Matthew: When they asked us, “Why are you doing all this?” we teach them, we tell them that we are commanded by the love of Jesus Christ to do this.
ANDREW KNOX: The kindness shown by Operation Blessing and Pastor Matthew opened the hearts of many villagers.
Pastor Matthew: Since Operation Blessing’s Living Waters and medical teams came, I have seen a big difference. Now, when I enter a village, they welcome me and call me brother. They ask me to come to their homes, so they can talk and pray with me.
ANDREW KNOX: Many people in this area of India have asked Jesus to be their Savior. In one day, Pastor Matthew baptized more than 100 people.
Man: After the pastor prayed, we were given a well. Then my wife and I found peace in our home. That’s why I want to learn more about Jesus. Then I accepted Him as my Savior.
Pastor Matthew: Through God’s grace, we now have over 500 prayer groups. We have been able to transform the lives of many people. I thank my Lord Jesus Christ. I cannot express in words how happy I am.
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TERRY MEEUWSEN: Meeting their needs, daily life need, and also sharing the message of the love of Christ.
It’s happening all around the world. 700 Club members make that happen. That’s why we invite you today to become a part of the family of ministries here at CBN. It’s 65 cents a day, 20 dollars a month. But the minute you join us, you help us change the world with the love of Jesus. You can be a part of that by calling that toll free number that’s on your screen: 1-800-759-0700. Or you can log on to CBN.com and join with us that way. But please, call and make a difference today. When you do, our way of saying thank you is to send this CD. It has excerpts from Pat’s latest book, Right on the Money, and will be very, very beneficial to you as you make some decisions and determinations about your own financial picture.
So call now. We’ll get this out to you right away. I want to tell you, Randolph, who lives in South Hill, Virginia, said, “This is the best teaching on the subject I’ve ever heard. My wife says she understands more about finances than ever before. God bless CBN.” So you want to get a hold of your copy.
PAT ROBERTSON: I hope she not only understands it, but makes some money.
PAT ROBERTSON: That’s what it’s for, so you can prosper in these days.
TERRY MEEUWSEN: Yes. Yes. And it is possible.
PAT ROBERTSON: It’s certainly possible. It’s doing it.
PAT ROBERTSON: If people bought gold like I told them to, they’re prospering like crazy. All right. What else?
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TERRY MEEUWSEN: Okay, we’ve got some e-mail questions for you, Pat. This is from Heather, who says,
“My mother and I are both Christians, but disagree on the topic of adoption. She feels that if a woman is barren, God is closing the door to parenthood for the couple and they should not adopt, because that would be going against God’s will. I believe God sometimes uses infertility as a way of encouraging a couple to change a life by adopting a child. What are your thoughts?”
PAT ROBERTSON: Well, Heather, I’m a great advocate of adoption. There are so many children who are suffering. They’re abandoned, and they have no hope. And for somebody to come down and bring that child into their family, it is a big, big thing, and it’s evidence of grace. We’re supposed to look after the orphans and the widows. And to say, “Well, God made you barren, therefore you’re not supposed to adopt,” that’s illogical and it’s against scripture, because the Bible clearly says we’re supposed to take care of the widows and the orphans. How do you do it? Well, in today’s world, you adopt them. Okay.
TERRY MEEUWSEN: It also says God puts the lonely in families.
PAT ROBERTSON: Oh, sure, all that.
TERRY MEEUWSEN: So very biblical. Okay, this is Luann, who says,
“I’ve read in the New Testament where Jesus told His disciples that He would send the Holy Spirit to them once He went to Heaven to be with the Father. The Holy Spirit then appeared at Pentecost. I’m wondering, did the Holy Spirit also appear in the Old Testament?”
PAT ROBERTSON: Well, if you read the book of Genesis, it says the Spirit of God was brooding over the waters. The word was without form and the Holy Spirit was brooding like a hen broods over the waters. And so He was the agent of creation in those days. You look at King Saul. He was filled with the Spirit. The Spirit touched him and he began to prophesy. David wrote in the Psalms, “Take not your Holy Spirit from me,” after his sin. So, of course, the Holy Spirit was evident. But the outpoured baptism of the Spirit came on the day of Pentecost. It was a different experience, but the same Spirit. All right.
TERRY MEEUWSEN: Okay, this is Rya, who says,
“I’m a 25-year-old Christian woman in a serious relationship with a Christian man 20 years older than me. We’ve been dating for a year and a half, and we’ve talked about getting married sometime in the future. But for a while now, I’ve been questioning my true feelings for him. I keep on thinking that there is someone else for me. This is very confusing, since before we even got together, God confirmed our relationship through other people. What do I do now?”
PAT ROBERTSON: Rya, follow your heart, honey. This business about this guy is 20 years older than you. Just pass it down the road. When you get to be 50, he’s going to be 70. When you get to be 60, he’s going to be 80 and so forth. And the disparity of age will become more and more evident, because his body will begin to get old and the ravages of time. So you would rather have somebody more your age.
TERRY MEEUWSEN: Just the fact that she’s doubting it. Don’t you think that that says a lot?
PAT ROBERTSON: I think that says in your heart don’t get into a relationship if you have any doubts at all about it. That doesn’t make any sense.
TERRY MEEUWSEN: This is Anna, who says,
“My preschooler and his friends love to pretend they’re superheroes. They have a great time playing and running, but sometimes things get too physically aggressive. Should I tell him no more superhero games?”
PAT ROBERTSON: No, I wouldn’t do that, Anna. You’re taking away a joy, and it’s good exercise for them if they can play superhero, as long as they don’t try to jump off your garage or something and break their neck.
TERRY MEEUWSEN: Just set some boundaries, maybe.
PAT ROBERTSON: Well, yes. But there are a lot of these superheroes who are evil. If they’re good ones, this is an angel who has come, and you be the angel and deliver people from evil. But don’t get involved in some dark figure who is going to bring curses on people. And that’s the problem. But the fact that they’re active and they’re running and they’re playing superhero, unless they really have swords and they’re hitting each other with them, you can say something about that. But I certainly wouldn’t forbid it, because it’s kind of a fun game for them.
TERRY MEEUWSEN: This is Alexa, who says,
“A former classmate of mine used to be a Christian, but now wants nothing to do with his family, church or God. I feel a prompting to reach out to him, but I don’t really know how to start since we’ve not seen each other in years. What can I say to him?”
PAT ROBERTSON: Alexa, you can say what you’d ever say to somebody who doesn’t know Jesus, and you could pray for him. But I think that prayer is the most important thing. You pray that God will touch his heart. But be careful of this. He’s a man. You’re a woman. And so you’re going to come on a spiritual mission and you’re going to wind up being involved in a physical union with somebody that doesn’t know the Lord. It’s very easy to transfer those emotions, “Well, I’ll love him in the Lord,” and then, whammo, you’re into something that you shouldn’t be into.
TERRY MEEUWSEN: So often, praying is the first best choice for someone.
PAT ROBERTSON: Before you get to them. And I think I would get a male figure either to go with you or to be involved.
TERRY MEEUWSEN: That’s really a good word. That’s really a good word.
PAT ROBERTSON: It’s very important. Well, folks, thanks for those letters and those e-mails and all the ways you communicate with us. And we appreciate you being here with us. We’ve taken up a whole bunch of stuff today. And we leave you today with these words from Psalm 91, . . . .
Psalm 91:11
“He will command His angels
concerning you to guard you in all
your ways.”
“He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.” Well, that’s all the time we’ve got. Remember, we have telephones available 24 hours a day: 1-800-759-0700.
People are here that love you. And we’ll see you next time. Bye, bye.
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Announcer: It’s Christmastime, the wonderful season when we remember the birth of Jesus Christ. 700 Club partners, this is the perfect time to make your celebration complete, by helping people who are in desperate need. Your donation to CBN’s Holiday of Hope will provide gifts that will help support families all year long. You give food and clothing, sewing machines, and water wells, livestock for milk and cheese, job training and medical supplies, even scholarships and school materials that bring the promise of a better life. Most importantly, you preach the Gospel to people lost in darkness. You can bring glad tidings of great joy this year. Your life changing kindness will be remembered long after the ornaments and decorations are packed away. Give to CBN’s Holiday of Hope. It’s like inviting the world to your Christmas morning.