The 700 Club - June 22, 2011
Children at House of Grace Church practice the supernatural lessons they've learned and Elena Popkov mysteriously survives a trip down a storm water drain that should have been her demise.
A jihadist vows to destroy Christianity and comes face to face with Jesus Christ.
Who are you?
We’re entering into a world of angels, of theophanies, of people who are being raised from the dead. We’re seeing some unusual things, and this is a week of miracles on The 700 Club. You don’t want to miss one minute of it. But in the news, a new candidate has entered the GOP presidential field. He speaks fluent Mandarin. His most recent reference on his resume is President Obama. Jon Huntsman is Obama’s former ambassador to China.
And you know what else, Pat? Huntsman is also the former governor of Utah. He brings impressive experience to the race, but can he connect with the voters? That’s the question of the day, and David Brody recently talked to him about that very question and that challenge.
The visuals and location were unmistakable: flags, family, and standing in the exact spot where Ronald Reagan stood when he began his run for the White House.
We're not just choosing new leaders. We're choosing whether we are to be yesterday's story or tomorrow's. Everything is at stake.
Huntsman, a former ambassador, plans to position himself as the consummate statesman in the race, vowing to not tear down his opponents or the president himself.
Jon Hunts I respect the president of the United States. He and I have a difference of opinion on how to help a country we both love. But the question each of us wants the voters to answer is who will be the better president, not who’s the better American.
He brings a thick resume to the contest. As Utah's governor, he cut taxes, balanced budgets, and signed three big pro-life bills, including one that made second trimester abortions illegal. In our one-on-one interview, he stressed that social issues would not be forgotten in a Huntsman administration.
Jon Hunts Social issues are the gel that binds us as people. That's the gel that keeps generation after generation together.
But that gel can be sticky. For example, Huntsman supports civil unions, which may not play well with evangelical voters. He also worked for the Obama Administration as the ambassador to China. Huntsman touts that experience saying it puts him in the best position to navigate the global economy. While some conservatives grumble about his time on the other side, sources inside the administration have admitted that Huntsman might give the president a run for his money. (Interviewing): Do you think the Obama Administration might be a little concerned about running against you?
Jon Hunts I don't know that I believe it. To the extent that I might be in a position to define and talk about the issues better than others? That might give rise to such talk, but I'll have to consult the experts on that.
Although he's an unknown, Huntsman's intimate knowledge of China as a world power sets him apart from the bigger names. Just listen. (Interviewing): How could I go without saying something in Mandarin Chinese?
Jon Hunts Speaking in Mandarin.
That’s a great point. I never thought about that. What does that mean? Please translate.
Jon Hunts I basically said it's a pleasure to be with you, and although we have some challenges today, America will continue forward as the greatest country in the world.
Huntsman's challenge now is taking his skill set and translating it into victory. David Brody, CBN News, Washington.
It’s interesting there are two Mormons now as seemingly front runners in the race. Certainly Mitt Romney is ahead and former governor of Massachusetts, and Huntsman a former governor of Utah. Very interesting. Tomorrow we’re going to have an interview with another governor, another Republican presidential candidate, former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty. And now Wendy Griffith has the top stories from the CBN Newsroom. Wendy.
Thank you, Pat. Tea Party-backed congressmen are demanding specific conditions for raising the nation’s debt ceiling. That comes as House and Senate lawmakers are negotiating a deal with Vice President Joe Biden. Tea Party congressmen want to cut the deficit in half. That means trimming more than $300 billion out of the 2012 budget. They’re also calling for a cap on future spending and a constitutional amendment requiring Congress to pass balanced budgets. New Jersey Congressman Scott Garrett says the freshman class of lawmakers came in with a mandate from the Tea Party to cut spending and trim the size of government.
So, it's a little bit odd if you think about it for the administration to be expecting that same class of freshmen and the existing conservatives in the House to bow to the scare tactics that they've been giving us.
The Treasury Department says Congress must raise the debt ceiling by August 2nd or risk a financial meltdown. Pat, what do you think?
Well, Wendy, you know it’s one of those things they’ve got to do. They have to extend the debt ceiling. We can’t default on our obligations. I believe they’re playing a game of “chicken,” but well they should, and 300 billion is not all that much cutting out of this enormous deficit they have. When they’re looking at a 1.6 trillion dollar deficit, this isn’t all that much to ask. But there’s a cute thing that took place in California, and Wendy’s going to tell you about that, what happens when they don’t pass a balanced budget.
There’s some tough love out there in California, Pat. In that state, 120 state lawmakers won’t even be paid until they approve a balanced budget. That was the decision of the state’s Controller John Chiang. California is facing serious debt problems. Last week, Democrats used a simple majority vote approve a budget. But after reviewing it, Chiang said it wasn’t balanced. Their plan cut spending but didn’t create enough revenue. Lawmakers can start receiving their salaries and expenses again once they pass a balanced budget but won't be paid for the days the budget was late.
Well, today’s young generation has been pushing the envelope when it comes to using high tech gadgets for raunchy purposes, and many teens are now facing felony charges. That’s because sending naked pictures of themselves is considered child porn. But some states are now trying to change that. Here’s Paul Strand.
Pennsylvania state Rep. Seth Grove thinks it’s too harsh a punishment when kids end up with felonies charges on their record for sexting.
Felony offense for kids means no military service. It's on their record for the rest of their lives.
So he pushed a bill through the Pennsylvania House in Harrisburg instead makes teen sexting a misdemeanor.
There's no way around arguing that it's not child pornography, and the courts have upheld sexting as a form of child pornography. But the felony offense was mostly for individuals who are out to exploit and hurt children.
Some 21 states are considering bills to fine-tune sexting punishments. Ten others have already passed youth sexting statutes in the last two years. This is becoming a bigger and bigger problem across the country. Even in Rep. Grove’s own district, there was a recent prominent sexting case. (Spring Grover Area High School): Two girls sent nude photos of themselves to the soccer team, and from there they went viral.
It’s really fragmenting us as human beings. We're giving pieces away.
Christian therapist Janelle Hallman says kids often aren’t aware of the damage they can do to themselves sexting.
Janelle Hall It's definitely growing and a real concern for the young people who this is how they communicate and don't realize that there is danger, that there is really significance. This matters, how we're connecting with people.
And Grove believe sexting must be kept illegal in order to battle its harmful effects and child pornography.
We had a case in York County, Pennsylvania where a sexting event at a high school ended up on a convicted child predator's computer. So once these pictures are sent, there's no controlling them, where they go.
Paul Strand, CBN News, reporting from Spring Grove, Pennsylvania.
Pat, it’s crazy, isn’t it?
Well, it really is. I want to ask my co-hostess. Would you consider sending naked pictures of yourself out on the Internet?
Okay, I don’t mean to laugh, because I know this is a very serious subject. No. No!
Alright, I want to ask you why would girls do that?
Because I think these young girls don’t realize the repercussion that comes along with it. They think maybe this is enticing. Maybe he’ll like me. I don’t know! I personally want to slap every one of them as their mother to say, “Are you serious? Are you serious? Do you not realize the ramifications that come along with this?
I mean, what happened to modesty? Girls didn’t used to do this, and now they just let it all hang out.
Well, you know what, Pat? I think that’s part of it, too. Even beyond the moral value aspect of things, as women sometimes we’re so self conscious. I wouldn’t send it to anybody, just for shear vanity sake. But I guess these young girls think they’re so hot. God bless them. Don’t do it!
Don’t do it!
In any event, right now in many states it’s a felony, and that’s bad news. So I think the idea of making it a misdemeanor is better, but my goodness, gracious! Girls, keep your clothes on, and don’t put them on the Internet.
Oh, Lord. Okay. I didn’t know you were coming back to me. The U.S. is gearing up for the future of warfare cyber attacks. President Obama signed an order setting cyberwar guidelines for the Pentagon. Cyber attacks range from planting a computer virus to bringing down an enemy's electrical grid or defense network. Incoming Pentagon Chief Leon Panetta recently told Congress quote, “I've often said that there's a strong likelihood that the next Pearl Harbor that we confront could very well be a cyber attack that cripples our power systems, our grid, our security systems, our financial systems, and our governmental systems.” Hackers have already breached U.S. military networks and weapons programs. Top government officials warn it's only a matter of time before terror groups learn how to launch cyber attacks. And, Pat, I fear they are right.
You know, Wendy, I don't think people understand the seriousness of this. They say, “Oh, cyber. It’s something out in outer space, and it doesn’t affect me.” What happens is the electrical grid is very vulnerable. All those things are controlled by various electronic impulses, and if you can interrupt that, you can shut down the entire electrical grid, so there’s no power to your home. That’s number one. As far as the financial system, it flips around, trillions of dollars on wire transfers all over the world, and it depends on high speed communication. You interrupt that, and the commerce ceases, because none of the checks will clear, and nobody can get any money. That’s just for starters. Then you think of what happened in Iran when the United States, and Israel as far as we can tell, got together and created something called Stuxnet. Hah! The Iranians were to build a bomb. So what did the geniuses do? They stuck into their computers a code which made those centrifuges run at an extremely high speed until they exploded. Hah! So it set the Iranians back, and, of course, nobody admitted it. There were no boots on the ground. There were no prisoners. There was just this thing in cyberspace. The little Stuxnet was set up so that it disappeared after a short period of time. Amazing. But that’s what you’re facing. So every bit of daily life can be imperiled. The lights go out. The power goes out. The finances go out. And, of course, as far as the Pentagon goes and our ability to wage war. And the Chinese are doing everything they can to attack us. One particular institution I know of, a nonprofit, has taken 300,000 attacks a day!
You see, they just camp these big computers on these things, and they start running. So everyone is a new attack. Sooner or later they penetrate.
It’s fascinating, Pat. It’s scary, but it’s fascinating.
You better believe it’s scary. But anyhow, it’s time we get—and we are totally vulnerable right now in this country, totally. And many of the private sector companies say they never built for this. They never thought of this. So it’s time we get with it, because it’s very important.
Well, for the first time in decades, Cuba is taking baby steps toward capitalism. It’s kind of a joke, but they’re doing it. The government is now allowing some people to start small businesses, like hot dog stands and things like that. But, as George Thomas reports, churches are helping their members take advantage of these changes.
Eight out of every ten Cuban workers are employed by the government, a significant drain on the island's already-weak economy. Last year, Raul Castro promised to fix the problem by laying off half a million workers. He offered laid-off workers permission to start their own small businesses, a significant departure from long-standing policy that kept most enterprise in government hands. But for Communist Party members who might doubt his ideology, Castro renewed his pledge:
To defend, preserve, and continue to perfect socialism and never allow the return of the capitalist regime.
Yet Cuba's revolutionary old guard can't hold on to power much longer. Raul Castro is 79. Last month’s Communist Party Congress named him first secretary, formally replacing his brother Fidel who is 84. And an 80-year-old is now second in command. These leaders are very cautious about economic reform.
Cuba right now is in a state of great confusion between shifting from purely a socialist, communist system to a quasi-market system not quite at the acceleration of China or Vietnam and not knowing where they’re going.
A handful of evangelical church congregations are not waiting for government reforms. In fact, they're helping their members create their own income right now.
What the more aggressive churches have been is allowing the individual members of the churches to partner with organizations outside of Cuba that will help them start small businesses.
So far Babun’s Miami-based ECHO Cuba has helped Cuban evangelicals start more than 1200 small businesses.
We help them write a business plan, guide them in their process of how to start their business and then bring to them a business in a box.
The box includes all the tools they need to start a business. But Cuba's budding entrepreneurs must first unlearn what the communist government has taught them for the past 50 years.
The socialist model of Cuba starting in 1959, one head, everything coming down.
Now they're learning the basics of a free-market economy with their own micro-enterprise projects. And once Christians start their own businesses, other freedoms may follow:
The freedom to be able to operate not only in the marketplace, but also in their place of worship, freely without any kind of restriction from any form of government.
George Thomas, CBN news.
It's funny; they didn't pick up the example of the Chinese. Deng Xiaoping came in, and he says to be rich is glorious; and he turned loose the creative energies of the Chinese people, and they have gone gangbusters. They claim it's communism with Chinese characteristics, but actually it's free-market capitalism, and they've gotten a lot of very rich capitalists as a result. But nevertheless, China is booming. Cuba has some of the most entrepreneurial brilliant people in the world. They just need to have their energies turned loose. And so this is a baby step, but it's highly regulated system where only certain specified—you can have a shoe shine stand or maybe you could have a hotdog stand or you could have some tiny little business. As far as major business, it's no way. But one day those two old men are going to die, and a new generation will take their place. Kristi.
Well, Pat, you know this is a special week of programming. We've got some amazing stories about the supernatural. Well, still ahead, a young girl is swept away in a flood and lives to tell about it.
You're going to hear her story later on today's program. But first, they dream dreams. They actually see visions, and they pray for people.
When an adult would go to the altar, they would just go down there and start gathering around and then praying in the spirit.
Meet the children—and I said “children”—and the teacher who's actually been leading them by example. It's an amazing story; you've got to watch it.
Still ahead, a terrorist is stopped in his tracks by Jesus Christ.
Jesus: I’m the one you're searching for.
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Tomorrow, the road to the White House runs through The 700 Club. We sit down with presidential hopeful Tim Pawlenty for the interview you won't see anywhere else.
And then, the news no parent wants to hear.
It was all consistent with what we know to be a miscarriage.
And why one couple never lost hope, on The 700 Club.
Well, we're in the middle of our Secrets of the Supernatural week. It has been amazing. Well, listen, we want to show you one group who's actually already discovered those secrets, a Sunday school class from the House of Grace Church.
Jesus is our King, our Savior, our healer and our Father.
I'm learning how to dream dreams and see visions.
I love Jesus because He brought me into the world. He's my heavenly daddy, and His love will never change for me.
God is awesome!
): I stumbled on this spiritual gift webcast probably about a year and a half ago. I was watching “God TV,” and they did a segment on Isabel Allum, and it really sparked an interest in me, because she was talking about how you could operate in the prophetic even if you weren’t given a gift for operating in the prophetic or you didn't think that you had a gifting. So I wanted to find other things that she had done, so I just Googled her name, and it pulled up the Spiritual Gift webcast, because she was teaching on there. And then I noticed that's what the whole webcast is all about. You know, it's just a whole webcast filled with teaching people how to activate and begin operating in the gifts. So then when I then went and saw the very first one, it was on soaking, and I had never heard of soaking. I did not even know of the concept of soaking. I watched the second one that they ever did, and Gordon was teaching on moving in the prophetic gift. It was very simple; I actually made notes from it and shared those Scriptures. I pretty much did the same lesson with our kids. One of the things that I loved about the spiritual gift webcast is how when people felt very timid about something, Gordon would just sort of put them on the spot and push them past their comfort zone. So if there was ever a time that Marguerite or one of the guests would hesitate if Gordon was saying something, and he'd say, “Do you believe God can do that?” And they'd say, “Yeah, sure, of course God can do that.” “Do you think He could do that through you?” And you could see it, I was like, “Oh, he's got them. He’s about to make them step out and do it.” Because then they'd be like, “Yeah, He can use me.” And he's like, “Okay get ready, let's do it.” And I loved it, because I've always been that timid person that's just scared to step out there. Doing it with the kids has actually helped me a lot, that's been my motivator, or my push; because I can't take them where I'm not going. So if I'm telling them to pray for people during the week and bring back testimonies, if I don't have a testimony myself, then it kind of makes me look bad. I feel like I need to lead by example.
We started out teaching about the baptism in the Holy Spirit, because I just thought if you want to move in the gifts, you need the baptism in the Holy Spirit. That's the first step. There's probably now 90% of the kids now confidently pray in their prayer language. We went from teaching about the baptism in the Holy Spirit to teaching about healing. They began to pray for their parents at home as their parents were sick. They would say, “Well can I pray for you?”
I said, “Can I pray for your head?” She said, “Sure.” Then I prayed for it one time, and she said it was about seven. Well before she said it was about seven, I said, “I said it's going to be a scale from 1 to 10.” She said, “Is one better or ten better?” I said, “Ten, and then I prayed for it one time, and she said, “It’s about seven.” Then I prayed again, and she said, “It’s ten, it's completely better.”
This picture of this foot just flashed at me, and I went to school, and I went to Miss. Rogers, and I asked her, and I go, “Can I pray for this girl outside the class?” And she said yes; and so I prayed for the girl, and I asked her to go back up and walk back to me. And she walked back up, and I she walked back to me she said, “She was so wowed. Her face was like really like wow! And she said, “It’s 100% better.” And she was like feeling great, and the next day she came back to school without a cast, without a wheelchair, or anything.
We really have some amazing kids in our program. They're hearing from God themselves. A lot of them are experiencing things that maybe even their parents aren't experiencing yet. I just threw out the question, “What is God doing in you? How do you feel like you're growing spiritually?” Without fail, someone's going to say, “Because I've got my prayer language; because I can pray in tongues, I now know how to pray for someone.” One thing that began happening after the kids were baptized in the Holy Spirit, and we began talking about praying for people for healing is in the church service they began to just, when an adult would go the altar—no one ever told our kids, you can go pray for them. They just started doing it. They became so confident in it that they would just go down there and start gathering around them and praying in the Spirit. I believe that the gifts are very important to this new generation. Our kids are looking for the supernatural, and that intrigues them. When they begin to experience for themselves the power of God, and they have experienced God healing through them, when they get to college or out of the home, and momma’s not there to make them go to church, and they have professors telling them that there is no God, they'll say, “What you mean there's no God? I've seen Him heal. He talks to me. He’s spoken to some others through me.” They've encountered Him; they've had more than information about God. They’ve seen the power.
Wow, I am blown away by that story. You know, I have a seven-year-old son, and I pray for him, and I pray with him, but I tell you what, I just realized I have yet to pray, “Lord, give my son an encounter with you.”
I think you want to do that.
I know Pat, and that just ministered to me.
You know, Gordon trains his children. They have Spirit led worship on Sunday where he says, “What is God saying to you? Well the Lord said to me so and so, but He tells me that we should study Psalm number 15 or something.” It's amazing. They're led by the Holy Spirit, and why not?
But Jesus said their angels always behold the face of My Father in Heaven. “Suffer the little children to come unto me first of such is the kingdom of Heaven.” These children reflect the glory of God, so why not little kids?
Why not?
They don't have somebody tell them, “You can’t believe.” They don't have somebody tell them, “It won't work.”
There is no inhibitions there. That's the thing that rocked my world.
Yes, they just go, “Hey, go for it, go for it.” Well, amen.
We've got some other ones. We've got one on this program today, but in July of 2010, a Victor Popkov called The 700 Club. Victor prayed that God would do a miracle to prove His existence. The next day, Victor got his answer.
The Popkov children loved to play in the streets when it rained. That is, until a flash flood swept Elena into a drain pipe and out of their sight.
I was on like a swimming tube. I just sat on it, and the water just kept carrying me until I got to the drain pipe.
There was like no air in there. So she had no chances of breathing or anything.
While the current pushed Elena farther and farther down the sewer line, one of the other children ran to the house to get mom.
Mother: I couldn't believe it at first. I couldn't believe it. I started praying right away, "My God, please keep her alive. Please keep her alive."
While struggling to surface 11-year-old Elena remembered what her mother had taught her.
Mother: From the beginning I said, “If you're alone by yourself, and you’re struggling, and you can't find a way out, just pray to God. He's there for you. He's there listening to you.”
"Jesus, help me." That's all I said in my head. And then seconds later, there was some sort of bright light and somebody. It was like some sort of power was like just dragging me out of there on my arms. I didn't feel any pain or anything. It was like my body was already on the shore, and somebody was just dragging my soul from there.
Elena surfaced at a split in the pipe two city blocks from her back yard.
I don't really know how I got out, but I'm pretty sure that it was God.
Neighborhood kids helped Elena to an ambulance. She had minor scratches and bruises, but amazingly when doctors examined her at the hospital, they found no water in her lungs.
I thought it was a miracle that she got out, and she lived through it, and God was there the whole time.
The entire family credits God for Elena's miraculous survival.
I told my kids that life was boring without God. If you live for Jesus, your life will be exciting and full of miracles.
He can do anything even the impossible.
Some people they just think that there is no God, no hope, no nothing. But I know there is a God, and there is hope.
I know there's a God, and somebody appeared in just grabbed her and pulled her out of that pipe.
And no fluid in her lungs. A miracle!
You can't say that God does not exist.
The supernatural. All right.
It's amazing. I tell you what, this programming is amazing, it really is. Throughout this entire week, we've actually been running polls about the supernatural on our website, Well yesterday, we asked you if you believe that Angels still appear to people today. Well, here are the results.
96% said, “Yes.” Less than .44% said, “No.” And 3.32% said, “They're not sure.” Well, I don't know about you, but I agree with the 96%. Well, today we have a new poll coming up. Are you ready for it? “Have you ever had a supernatural visit, or vision?” Sorry. Supernatural vision.
All you have to do is log on to Give us your comments and weigh in on what you think. Either yes, no, you don’t know.
Well, anyway, coming up, a Muslim man has a vision of Jesus. Hear what Jesus said to him later on today's program.
Got a question for Pat? Send assures now on We'll Bring it Online with your questions from our live chat room, later on today's 700 Club.
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Welcome back to The 700 Club.
President Obama is announcing his plans to begin a drawdown of US troops in Afghanistan. That comes as the President’s new pick to lead America's military has been approved by Congress. The Senate unanimously confirmed Leon Panetta as Secretary of Defense, Tuesday. He leaves his post as CIA director to replace Robert Gates who retires next week.
The presidential campaign of Newt Gingrich has hit another snag. Tuesday, his top fundraisers left his campaign. People familiar with Gingrich say his fundraising has been troubled since he launched his bid. This latest blow comes after 16 top campaign staffers resigned earlier this month. The former speaker of the House insists he'll stay in the race. And you can always get the latest from CBN news by going to our website, that's Pat and Kristi will be back with more of The 700 Club, right after this.
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This is a week of programs of amazing stories. Dramatic things that have happened all around the world to people. You'll see the evidence of the power of God. I'll introduce you to a guy named “Khalil.” The goals of Khalil’s life were simple. Khalil wanted to serve Allah. And he also wanted to take down the infidels. But when Khalil accepted the challenge to do just that, he came face to face with Jesus Christ.
We lived and trained in the desert for one purpose, to return to Egypt and overthrow the government. We were ready to face any difficulties for the sake of Allah. We cared for nothing but the Islamic cause. We had only two choices, one was to die and to go to Heaven or survive by winning the battle. I excelled in sharp shooting and trained to be a sniper.
Khalil was a rising Muslim religious leader when the Emir approached him with a dramatic proposal, “Prove the Bible wrong.”
We vowed to put an end to Christian evangelism whatever the cost. The Emir ruled out a military confrontation instead proposing a logical confrontation in which we would write a book proving the Bible had been altered and couldn't be trusted. This was something that wasn't tried before.
Brethren, if you wrote the book that proves their book has been altered.
And who would write this book, Emir?
What’s your problem? Are you afraid of a book, Khalil?
I remembered my mother says that Christians cast spells and do magic through this book. And whoever reads their book comes under a spell and a curse, I will not read it. No, no that's impossible.
Don't argue with me, Khalil. If you believe in Allah and the last day, you must do as I say, Khalil.
We broke camp in the desert, and I returned home. A month went by without me doing any work.
Khalil ultimately decided to follow his orders and research the Bible, searching for lies. Instead, months later, Khalil decided the Bible was indeed true. He prayed for God to reveal Himself.
God, please hear me. Show me your way. All I want, all I ever wanted is to know you and serve you with all my heart and soul. I have loved you since childhood. My whole life is in your hands. God, I am so confused, I need you. I know you are one God. Are you the God of the Muslims or the God of the Christians? If you're the God of the Muslims, take everything out of my mind except Islam. And if you are the God of the Christians, then bring light to my heart to worship you. God, show me your way. Show me the truth please, God.” That night I slept deeply like never before in all my life. When it was nearly dawn, I had a dream.
Do you still have doubts in me?
Who are you?
I'm the One you are searching for.
I can't remember.
Read the book.
I love the book.
Yes, I know.
After that dream, Khalil became a changed man.
I began to change from that day forward. People who knew me, people at work, all saw a difference in my life.
Khalil, do you believe that the Lord Jesus is the son of God?
I was a hateful, murderous man. I had burnt down churches, robbed stores, so many violent acts. But Christ changed my life.
I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
And I began to act according to what the Bible says. I became a loving person. I am free now. His Son has set me free. Life is Christ and that is gain. In the past, death was an ugly, fearful ghost. But death no longer rules. I am now in Christ and all things are new.
I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father but by me. Jesus Christ is God's son. He is truth. “I am the way.” He's the way to God. “I am the truth.” He is the life. If you don't have Him, you don't have life. And whoever has the Son has life. It's that simple. Would you like life? Would you like in your inner being, to have life? I can’t guarantee you a vision of Jesus, but many Muslims are having visions of Jesus himself. But what I will say, is that He is true, and the pages of the Bible record his—He said to his disciples, everything that is written about me, in Moses, in the Prophets, and in the Psalms must be fulfilled. Everything in that book must be fulfilled. They were all fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Now if you want Him, you have only to ask. Ask and you shall receive. Do you want Him? All you have to do is to say, yes. He said, repentance and forgiveness of sin must be preached in all the world, repentance and forgiveness of sin. That was the message that He came to bring. Repentance and forgiveness of sin. So if you will repent, it means having an afterthought, changing the way you're going, going in another direction. He will forgive your sins. That's the Gospel, the good news. That was the commission. He said repentance and forgiveness of sin must be preached in all the world. So I'm telling you right now, if you want this blessing, the Son of God is risen, and He's alive, and He lives forever more. Bow your head, where ever you are. If you want Him, pray these words. Pray then silently or pray them out loud. Pray them from your heart. As I speak the words, you say what I'm saying. Follow me in praying it, but mean them in your heart. These words, “Jesus.” That's right say it. “Jesus, I know that you're alive. And I know that you are the fulfillment of what was written by Moses, by the Prophets and in the Psalms. I know that you are the fulfillment of God's Word. And now, Lord, I come to you and I repent of my sin. I turn to you, and I say, ‘Jesus, come I pray into my heart. Live your life in me, and I will live for you, and I will serve you all the days of my life.’ Thank you, Jesus that you've heard my prayer and have come into my heart.” Now for those who prayed, I want to pray for you. Father let the anointing power of the Holy Spirit come upon them right now, and may they sense your presence in Jesus’ name, amen. For those who prayed, I want to give you something.
It's called a new day. What did you just do? It tells you.
There's a 73 minute CD, compact disc that tells you about a new life, and exchanged life. What you've just done. It tells you about what happens to sin. It tells you, what if you do sin, how you can be forgiven. It tells you about the second coming. It tells you about the baptism in the Holy Spirit. All this is available. And we also have with it, a book of some 60 Scriptures that tells you what the Bible says specifically about things that are in the CD. So, it's for you. We'll give it to you free, it's absolutely no charge. If you prayed with me, I want you to call right now. Tell somebody what you've done, and if you don't want to give your name, that's fine, but you need to call anyhow. But if you want, “A New Day,” we'll give it to you free. 1-800-759-0700. It's a toll-free number. No charge, no financial obligation, just call and say I prayed with Pat and Jesus Christ is in my heart. Kristi.
Wow, that's just power. Well, in a small village in Nigeria, a Muslim woman was attacked in her own home. But she found an unusual way to stop the robbery without even firing one shot.
I had no peace of mind, no joy.
Kemi was searching for meaning in her life. She was born a Muslim and lived according to the tenets of Islam. But she says she longed for something more.
I went to witch doctors, and they demanded chickens and all sorts of sacrifice just to consult the spirits for me.
Cyprian, a Christian living in her village, tried to tell her about Jesus, but she wouldn’t listen.
I decided to give her tapes of The 700 Club, because the program is anointed of God. And I have witnessed many miracles through it.
One night, Kemi decided to watch the tapes Cyprian gave her. She heard a noise outside. Then the door flew open, and a gang of robbers rushed in.
I was very afraid. I made a promise to God, saying, “Oh, Lord, if only you deliver me from this trouble, I’ll accept Jesus. I’ll follow Him as the Lord of my life.”
At that very moment on the television, Pat Robertson began to pray. Instantly, something strange happened.
Jacob, the leader of the gang, dropped to the floor.
I felt a strong whirlwind hit me, then I fell to the ground.
When he fell the other three gang members fled.
I couldn’t get up for around 15 minutes. I saw someone as white as an angel telling me to accept Christ.
When he came around, he was asking me to help him. He said he wanted Jesus in his life.
The guilt of my sins weighed heavily on me. I wanted to accept Christ. I knew I’d have peace and a change of life if I did.
Kemi sent for Cyprian who prayed with Jacob.
As he prayed for me, I felt a great peace in my heart. I knew I’d never go back to my old ways.
Jacob didn’t have a job, so Cyprian bought him a motorcycle which he uses as a taxi business. Riding around town, Jacob still sees some of his former gang members.
I preach to them. Two of them are already Christians.
The experience changed Kemi’s life, too.
Before, I never believed that Jesus was Lord. But when I saw that wonder in my life and the other robbers running away, then I believed that indeed Jesus is Lord. CBN, I’m very thankful. I found salvation and healing through your program. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much.
I tell you what, if you don't, that story is one of those stories that you have to see it to believe it.
Isn't that incredible that the Lord used a tape, a tape of The 700 Club to stop a robbery. And the Holy Spirit penetrated that tape and changed not one life, but two lives. Listen, I tell you what, this is more than a television show. This is more than just something that goes out to encourage people. This is a life-changing program that cannot be done without you. So we need you to change the nations, to go into those remote villages where people have been crying out, to reach the Muslims, to reach just different people around the world. We need you. So with just 65 cents a day, $20 a month, you could become a 700 Club partner. Because it's the partnership, it's when we all join together that makes things happen. So when you call in right now, that's what we're asking you to do, just say you want to become a 700 Club partner, we want to bless you. You know, we’re in the middle of a series right now, but we had a series before called, “Life Beyond the Grave.” It was so popular and so life-changing, we put it on this DVD of people who died, went to Heaven or Hell; came back to tell us about it and how their life has changed and changed the lives of others.
So this is our gift to you when you call, so call or log on to right now. But listen, really quick, I want to tell you, before we even answer your questions, because we're just about to Bring It On, we have a praise report from Kelsey. She says, I was having a viral breakout of warts on my forehead. I went for treatments that didn't help. This week, this very week, I was watching The 700 Club when the host said, “Put your hand over whatever is bothering you.” Check this out, “When I woke up the next morning, the warts were gone. I was brought to tears, because God truly helped me.” I tell you what, that same Holy Spirit that went through the television and ministered to those people is the same Holy Spirit that's going to come forth today. Come on, Pat!
Okay, let's answer some questions.
All right I'm going to stop preaching. Carroll says, “Forty-three years ago my father purchased a reading from a white witch as my birthday present. I went through the motions of going, so I didn't hurt my father's feelings, but I didn't believe anything she said. Many years later, I'm still seeing her predictions come true. Am I cursed and if so how do I break it?”
Break it with your mouth, “In the name of Jesus I renounce the underhand works of darkness, and I bind Satan and cast him forth in Jesus’ name.” That's what you do, say it. You don't need to be cursed by this, but this stuff will stay with you unless you denounce it. I denounce the works of Satan. And that's where, white witch, dark witch, red witch, yellow witch, whatever name the witch is, witchcraft is still of Satan. There is no such thing as good witchcraft. And so it comes from Satan, and you need to understand what the source is, and you need to understand who has the power over Satan, and his name is Jesus. All right.
Amen. We're going to jump to the next one. Lexie says, “Recently I used a Ouija board and it worked. I was communicating with a friend of mine who committed suicide. Afterwards someone told me that Ouija boards aren't just tools the devil uses to get closer to him. Now I'm scared. Who was I talking to? My friend or a demon?”
Well, you weren't doing all that much talking. There's a little counter that’s running back and forth on a board.
But says she was talking to somebody.
Well, the talking comes through this board, spelling out letters. You know, Suzanne, s-u-s-a, that kind of thing. But it was demonic. Demons can control a Ouija board. And you begin to delve with the occult, that's who you're dealing with. You're not dealing with Jesus. You're not dealing with God. You're dealing with demonic. So, you have to be scared of it? No. You're not scared of the devil. He's God's devil, and the devil, Paul said, God's going to put the devil under your feet shortly. He is under the power of Jesus. He cannot do anything against Jesus Christ. And when you speak in Jesus’ name, that's more powerful than the devil. So say it. Don't be afraid to speak it out and use a command. God has given you that authority if you know Him, if you're filled with His spirit. All right.
Absolutely. And one real quick thing too, don't play with that stuff, whether it's Ouija boards or there's witchcraft on shows or television. Switch it, don't even let an entry point for it to come in.
Well, these kids, you know, they're into séances and levitation and all this stuff, and they think it's cute.
Right, and magic, Pat. You turn on cartoons now, and there's so many witches, and it's all about magic. Don't give an entry way into your heart, your family's heart, or your child's heart. Sonja says, “My family has got some deep dark secrets to go back on my grandmother's side that include witchcraft. Many family members suffer with severe . . . .”
It doesn't say and there are a lot of broken relationships.
. . . . and there's a lot of broken relationships in our family. Is there a chance that this all stems from a generational curse?”
Yes indeed it will come down. It'll come from one generation to another generation, and you need to have a specific time when you break that curse. You ought to get some people praying with you. You need a team in a sense, and you identify what it was where this thing came into family line, and you bind it. Again, Jesus talked about loosing, binding and loosing. You do it with your speech. A man shall eat good by the fruit of his lips. Speak it in the name of Jesus. All right.
“I break this generational curse, came from my great-grandfather,” whoever it was that was involved in it. The devil has no power over you, all right.
Exactly. We're going to hit the last one, I think. Letecia says “My husband has mysterious episodes at night. Once he falls asleep, he feels like something is trying to kill him by strangulation. Often he'll begin to cry and shake in his sleep. I wake him up to stop it, but then it takes a long time and a lot of prayer before he can actually fall asleep again. He's been tormented for 13 years. What can stop this?” Come on Pat, you got the answer.
The same thing. Everyone, I've got the same answer for everyone of you. You need to bind this kind of thing. You need to bind this sort of thing and cast it forth. It wouldn't hurt if you went back to the time maybe, 13 years ago he was involved in something either immoral or something that was having to do with the occult. Find what it is, confess it and put it away. All right, the next question.
And plead the blood of Jesus over that. Get your anointing oil too. I think we're done.
No, one more question.
okay, Cassandra says, “Pat, what kind of miracles have you witnessed?” Oh, that's a fun question.
We’ve had literally thousands of people healed on this program. Wonderful things happening. I've seen one time, that I'll never forget, a little teenage girl that was demon possessed. The demon began to talk to me and said, “You can't have her, she's mine. We've won.” And I said, “You haven't won devil, the Lord has won.” And it was kind of a wrestling match, and then this thing came out of her. Have I seen these things? Have I seen blind eyes opened? Yes. Deaf ears opened? Yes. Cancer healed? Yes all the way, God does miracles. That's all the time we have for today’s show. Thank you. Tomorrow we have an exclusive interview presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty. We leave you today with these words . . . .
“For all the promises of God are yes and amen.” See you tomorrow, bye-bye.
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A jihadist vows to destroy Christianity and comes face to face with Jesus Christ.
Who are you?
We’re entering into a world of angels, of theophanies, of people who are being raised from the dead. We’re seeing some unusual things, and this is a week of miracles on The 700 Club. You don’t want to miss one minute of it. But in the news, a new candidate has entered the GOP presidential field. He speaks fluent Mandarin. His most recent reference on his resume is President Obama. Jon Huntsman is Obama’s former ambassador to China.
And you know what else, Pat? Huntsman is also the former governor of Utah. He brings impressive experience to the race, but can he connect with the voters? That’s the question of the day, and David Brody recently talked to him about that very question and that challenge.
The visuals and location were unmistakable: flags, family, and standing in the exact spot where Ronald Reagan stood when he began his run for the White House.
We're not just choosing new leaders. We're choosing whether we are to be yesterday's story or tomorrow's. Everything is at stake.
Huntsman, a former ambassador, plans to position himself as the consummate statesman in the race, vowing to not tear down his opponents or the president himself.
Jon Hunts I respect the president of the United States. He and I have a difference of opinion on how to help a country we both love. But the question each of us wants the voters to answer is who will be the better president, not who’s the better American.
He brings a thick resume to the contest. As Utah's governor, he cut taxes, balanced budgets, and signed three big pro-life bills, including one that made second trimester abortions illegal. In our one-on-one interview, he stressed that social issues would not be forgotten in a Huntsman administration.
Jon Hunts Social issues are the gel that binds us as people. That's the gel that keeps generation after generation together.
But that gel can be sticky. For example, Huntsman supports civil unions, which may not play well with evangelical voters. He also worked for the Obama Administration as the ambassador to China. Huntsman touts that experience saying it puts him in the best position to navigate the global economy. While some conservatives grumble about his time on the other side, sources inside the administration have admitted that Huntsman might give the president a run for his money. (Interviewing): Do you think the Obama Administration might be a little concerned about running against you?
Jon Hunts I don't know that I believe it. To the extent that I might be in a position to define and talk about the issues better than others? That might give rise to such talk, but I'll have to consult the experts on that.
Although he's an unknown, Huntsman's intimate knowledge of China as a world power sets him apart from the bigger names. Just listen. (Interviewing): How could I go without saying something in Mandarin Chinese?
Jon Hunts Speaking in Mandarin.
That’s a great point. I never thought about that. What does that mean? Please translate.
Jon Hunts I basically said it's a pleasure to be with you, and although we have some challenges today, America will continue forward as the greatest country in the world.
Huntsman's challenge now is taking his skill set and translating it into victory. David Brody, CBN News, Washington.
It’s interesting there are two Mormons now as seemingly front runners in the race. Certainly Mitt Romney is ahead and former governor of Massachusetts, and Huntsman a former governor of Utah. Very interesting. Tomorrow we’re going to have an interview with another governor, another Republican presidential candidate, former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty. And now Wendy Griffith has the top stories from the CBN Newsroom. Wendy.
Thank you, Pat. Tea Party-backed congressmen are demanding specific conditions for raising the nation’s debt ceiling. That comes as House and Senate lawmakers are negotiating a deal with Vice President Joe Biden. Tea Party congressmen want to cut the deficit in half. That means trimming more than $300 billion out of the 2012 budget. They’re also calling for a cap on future spending and a constitutional amendment requiring Congress to pass balanced budgets. New Jersey Congressman Scott Garrett says the freshman class of lawmakers came in with a mandate from the Tea Party to cut spending and trim the size of government.
So, it's a little bit odd if you think about it for the administration to be expecting that same class of freshmen and the existing conservatives in the House to bow to the scare tactics that they've been giving us.
The Treasury Department says Congress must raise the debt ceiling by August 2nd or risk a financial meltdown. Pat, what do you think?
Well, Wendy, you know it’s one of those things they’ve got to do. They have to extend the debt ceiling. We can’t default on our obligations. I believe they’re playing a game of “chicken,” but well they should, and 300 billion is not all that much cutting out of this enormous deficit they have. When they’re looking at a 1.6 trillion dollar deficit, this isn’t all that much to ask. But there’s a cute thing that took place in California, and Wendy’s going to tell you about that, what happens when they don’t pass a balanced budget.
There’s some tough love out there in California, Pat. In that state, 120 state lawmakers won’t even be paid until they approve a balanced budget. That was the decision of the state’s Controller John Chiang. California is facing serious debt problems. Last week, Democrats used a simple majority vote approve a budget. But after reviewing it, Chiang said it wasn’t balanced. Their plan cut spending but didn’t create enough revenue. Lawmakers can start receiving their salaries and expenses again once they pass a balanced budget but won't be paid for the days the budget was late.
Well, today’s young generation has been pushing the envelope when it comes to using high tech gadgets for raunchy purposes, and many teens are now facing felony charges. That’s because sending naked pictures of themselves is considered child porn. But some states are now trying to change that. Here’s Paul Strand.
Pennsylvania state Rep. Seth Grove thinks it’s too harsh a punishment when kids end up with felonies charges on their record for sexting.
Felony offense for kids means no military service. It's on their record for the rest of their lives.
So he pushed a bill through the Pennsylvania House in Harrisburg instead makes teen sexting a misdemeanor.
There's no way around arguing that it's not child pornography, and the courts have upheld sexting as a form of child pornography. But the felony offense was mostly for individuals who are out to exploit and hurt children.
Some 21 states are considering bills to fine-tune sexting punishments. Ten others have already passed youth sexting statutes in the last two years. This is becoming a bigger and bigger problem across the country. Even in Rep. Grove’s own district, there was a recent prominent sexting case. (Spring Grover Area High School): Two girls sent nude photos of themselves to the soccer team, and from there they went viral.
It’s really fragmenting us as human beings. We're giving pieces away.
Christian therapist Janelle Hallman says kids often aren’t aware of the damage they can do to themselves sexting.
Janelle Hall It's definitely growing and a real concern for the young people who this is how they communicate and don't realize that there is danger, that there is really significance. This matters, how we're connecting with people.
And Grove believe sexting must be kept illegal in order to battle its harmful effects and child pornography.
We had a case in York County, Pennsylvania where a sexting event at a high school ended up on a convicted child predator's computer. So once these pictures are sent, there's no controlling them, where they go.
Paul Strand, CBN News, reporting from Spring Grove, Pennsylvania.
Pat, it’s crazy, isn’t it?
Well, it really is. I want to ask my co-hostess. Would you consider sending naked pictures of yourself out on the Internet?
Okay, I don’t mean to laugh, because I know this is a very serious subject. No. No!
Alright, I want to ask you why would girls do that?
Because I think these young girls don’t realize the repercussion that comes along with it. They think maybe this is enticing. Maybe he’ll like me. I don’t know! I personally want to slap every one of them as their mother to say, “Are you serious? Are you serious? Do you not realize the ramifications that come along with this?
I mean, what happened to modesty? Girls didn’t used to do this, and now they just let it all hang out.
Well, you know what, Pat? I think that’s part of it, too. Even beyond the moral value aspect of things, as women sometimes we’re so self conscious. I wouldn’t send it to anybody, just for shear vanity sake. But I guess these young girls think they’re so hot. God bless them. Don’t do it!
Don’t do it!
In any event, right now in many states it’s a felony, and that’s bad news. So I think the idea of making it a misdemeanor is better, but my goodness, gracious! Girls, keep your clothes on, and don’t put them on the Internet.
Oh, Lord. Okay. I didn’t know you were coming back to me. The U.S. is gearing up for the future of warfare cyber attacks. President Obama signed an order setting cyberwar guidelines for the Pentagon. Cyber attacks range from planting a computer virus to bringing down an enemy's electrical grid or defense network. Incoming Pentagon Chief Leon Panetta recently told Congress quote, “I've often said that there's a strong likelihood that the next Pearl Harbor that we confront could very well be a cyber attack that cripples our power systems, our grid, our security systems, our financial systems, and our governmental systems.” Hackers have already breached U.S. military networks and weapons programs. Top government officials warn it's only a matter of time before terror groups learn how to launch cyber attacks. And, Pat, I fear they are right.
You know, Wendy, I don't think people understand the seriousness of this. They say, “Oh, cyber. It’s something out in outer space, and it doesn’t affect me.” What happens is the electrical grid is very vulnerable. All those things are controlled by various electronic impulses, and if you can interrupt that, you can shut down the entire electrical grid, so there’s no power to your home. That’s number one. As far as the financial system, it flips around, trillions of dollars on wire transfers all over the world, and it depends on high speed communication. You interrupt that, and the commerce ceases, because none of the checks will clear, and nobody can get any money. That’s just for starters. Then you think of what happened in Iran when the United States, and Israel as far as we can tell, got together and created something called Stuxnet. Hah! The Iranians were to build a bomb. So what did the geniuses do? They stuck into their computers a code which made those centrifuges run at an extremely high speed until they exploded. Hah! So it set the Iranians back, and, of course, nobody admitted it. There were no boots on the ground. There were no prisoners. There was just this thing in cyberspace. The little Stuxnet was set up so that it disappeared after a short period of time. Amazing. But that’s what you’re facing. So every bit of daily life can be imperiled. The lights go out. The power goes out. The finances go out. And, of course, as far as the Pentagon goes and our ability to wage war. And the Chinese are doing everything they can to attack us. One particular institution I know of, a nonprofit, has taken 300,000 attacks a day!
You see, they just camp these big computers on these things, and they start running. So everyone is a new attack. Sooner or later they penetrate.
It’s fascinating, Pat. It’s scary, but it’s fascinating.
You better believe it’s scary. But anyhow, it’s time we get—and we are totally vulnerable right now in this country, totally. And many of the private sector companies say they never built for this. They never thought of this. So it’s time we get with it, because it’s very important.
Well, for the first time in decades, Cuba is taking baby steps toward capitalism. It’s kind of a joke, but they’re doing it. The government is now allowing some people to start small businesses, like hot dog stands and things like that. But, as George Thomas reports, churches are helping their members take advantage of these changes.
Eight out of every ten Cuban workers are employed by the government, a significant drain on the island's already-weak economy. Last year, Raul Castro promised to fix the problem by laying off half a million workers. He offered laid-off workers permission to start their own small businesses, a significant departure from long-standing policy that kept most enterprise in government hands. But for Communist Party members who might doubt his ideology, Castro renewed his pledge:
To defend, preserve, and continue to perfect socialism and never allow the return of the capitalist regime.
Yet Cuba's revolutionary old guard can't hold on to power much longer. Raul Castro is 79. Last month’s Communist Party Congress named him first secretary, formally replacing his brother Fidel who is 84. And an 80-year-old is now second in command. These leaders are very cautious about economic reform.
Cuba right now is in a state of great confusion between shifting from purely a socialist, communist system to a quasi-market system not quite at the accel
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