The 700 Club: November 13, 2009

On today's show we meet Nick Vujicic a quadraplegic from birth sharing the gospel with the world. Also Gordon and Terry prepare Chicken with Lemon Zest for family dinner.


UnderWing Transcripts PO Box 16282 Clearwater, Florida 33766 540 455-2333 / UnderWing@underwingtranscripts.com ________________________________________ The 700 Club Daily Broadcast Friday, November 13, 2009 GORDON ROBERTSON: Well, welcome to The 700 Club. For today’s top headlines, let’s go over to the CBN News Desk. EAST COAST STORM LEE WEBB: Gordon, what’s left of Tropical Storm Ida is still packing a punch as it moves up the east coast. So far, the storm has killed at least five people and eroded beaches and flooded neighborhoods. Paul Strand has the story. PAUL STRAND: Ida’s harsh winds are still pounding hard against Maryland, Delaware and New Jersey, after whipping up to more than 70 miles an hour in Virginia. Man: We’re just getting double banged with winds and rains and power outages, trees down. Woman: It just shows you how powerful nature is. And it puts things into perspective. Jack Murphy (Bethany Beach, NJ Resident): It’s eating into the dunes right now. There was a young lady walking up. I said, “Don’t go too close to the edge,” because it looked like it could collapse at any time. Linda Grandinetti (Bethany Beach, NJ Resident): I don’t know if the dune is going to hold up. I really don’t. It’s scary. We’ll probably lose some stores. PAUL STRAND: Virginians bore much of the storm’s most powerful punch, causing some areas around cities like Norfolk to be evacuated. Justin Silverthorne (Norfolk, VA): I heard something banging against the house, so I woke up, looked out my side mirror in my bedroom, and there was water flooded everywhere around my house. My house is surrounded with water, so it looked like a lake. PAUL STRAND: A falling tree nearly hit Paris Diaz and his grandmother. Paris Diaz: The whole house was shaking. It was just shaking and stuff. Doug Hill (WJLA Washington DC): What we’re experiencing is what appears to be a classic nor’easter, an exceptionally strong, exceptionally slow moving nor’easter. Man: This situation will obviously be aggravated through Friday evening. PAUL STRAND: Paul Strand, CBN News. “SOLDIER OF ALLAH” LEE WEBB: Business cards found in the apartment of US Army Major Nidal Hasan revealed more of his views on Islam. On the cards, Hasan declared himself a “Soldier of Allah.” Printed beneath his name were the acronyms SoA and SWT. SoA stands for Soldier of Allah. It's commonly used on jihadist web sites. SWT is used by Muslims to mean, “Glory to God.” One FBI agent told ABC News it's another piece of evidence investigators might have found if they had taken a hard look at Nidal Hasan. ACORN LAWSUIT LEE WEBB: The controversial community organizing group ACORN is now suing the federal government. Congress voted to cut all federal funding from the group after a video scandal uncovered them committing tax fraud. That cost them millions in government funds. ACORN is suing to try to get that money back, claiming Congress violated the Constitution. ACORN officials say they underestimated the impact of the congressional action. Gordon and Terry will be back with more of The 700 Club in a moment. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GRAPHIC: “WHY” GORDON ROBERTSON: Still ahead . . . . . Man: My dad had to leave the room, and he couldn’t believe what he saw. My mom, at first she didn’t want to hold me. GORDON ROBERTSON: If you’ve ever asked why me . . . . Man: Why would God let the pastor’s son be born that way? GORDON ROBERTSON: . . . . we’ll show you the answer. Man: There was nothing else I could find. There was nothing else that could give me peace. GORDON ROBERTSON: Later on The 700 Club. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 1: GOLDLINE REASONS Jay Johnson (Former Director US Mint): All you have to do is read a newspaper or watch TV to know our investments and our savings have lost value in this tough economy. And no one knows how long this will last. Hi, I’m Jay Johnson, former director of the US Mint. I supervised our nation’s gold supply, and I’m often asked why I buy gold. I buy gold because it helps protect against inflation and huge government spending. Gold offers diversity in a bad economy, and it’s a safe haven asset that has never dropped to zero. In fact, did you know gold prices have tripled since 2001 and may reach new record highs because of inflation and the falling dollar? Make gold part of your portfolio. Call Goldline now, a company with nearly half a billion dollars in annual sales. Goldline has been helping investors acquire gold for nearly 50 years. Call Goldline now. Ask for your free investor’s kit and learn why gold should be a part of your portfolio. Call now. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GORDON ROBERTSON: Well, Russell and Margie McDaniel thought they were ready to retire. Then the recession hit. Russell got sick, and they found themselves more than 50,000 dollars in debt. RUSSELL AND MARGIE MCDANIEL Russell McDaniel: We had a lot of bills. We had credit card debt. We had personal loans. KEN HULME: A few years back, Russell and Margie McDaniel were looking forward to retirement, but not in the way that it was thrust upon them. Russell McDaniel: I was sick at the time, and the bills just kept coming in. We would pay them. We would have money to pay them, but all I can just say, it was nerve wracking. I think a lot of people experience that. KEN HULME: And that led to anxiety and sleepless nights. Margie McDaniel: There were nights I would wake up, and he said, “Well, we’re not going to be able to make it.” KEN HULME: After Russell retired, the couple still had to pay off two new cars, 50,000 in credit card debt and more in personal lines of credit. Without Russell’s income, they were spending 1,800 dollars a month more than they were bringing in. Russell McDaniel: You worried about losing the house. You worried about losing your car. You just worried about losing everything. Margie McDaniel: We decided no matter what, come what may, that we were not going to stop tithing. We were going to continue to tithe and give, no matter what, even if we went bankrupt. KEN HULME: One place the McDaniels gave was to The 700 Club. Margie McDaniel: I feel that we’re doing what God has called us to do when we give to CBN, when we help the less fortunate, with the people being saved. All of that blesses us, blesses our heart, to see people come into the Kingdom of God. KEN HULME: At the time Russell retired, Margie was working part time for a small cosmetics company. That year, the company hired her full time and gave her a bonus equal to an entire year’s salary. The next year, she got another big promotion. Margie McDaniel: I was promoted to plant manager, and I received an increase twice the salary I had before. So that was God honoring our giving, honoring our faithfulness. And we knew it was Him. KEN HULME: Russell and Margie continued to increase their tithes to their church and to CBN and committed to obey all that God was telling them to do. That’s when Margie’s company was bought out, and she was given early retirement. To reward her service, the company gave Margie a huge exit bonus, enough to pay off their cars, credit cards, even the balance on their house. Russell McDaniel: God honors His Word. But you have to learn to trust Him. You have to learn to be obedient. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GORDON TEACHES GORDON ROBERTSON: Learn to trust Him. Learn to be obedient. Here’s what Jesus says about it. It’s in Matthew 6, “So don’t worry about having enough food or drink or clothing. Your Heavenly Father already knows all your needs, and He will give you all you need from day to day if you live for Him and make the Kingdom of God your primary concern. How do you know when you’re making the Kingdom your primary concern? When you’re giving in to the Kingdom, when you’re sowing into the Kingdom. If we live for Him day to day, then He knows all our needs. And Russell and Margie learned that. You saw him, sleepless nights, anxiety, “How are we going to do this? This debt is crushing.” God knew their need. He knew. And when they gave, He opened the windows of Heaven and poured out a blessing over them. Do that. You can get rid of that anxiety, all that concern, if you live for Him and make the Kingdom of God your primary concern. Terry. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Well, when baby Chenyu was born, his parents were devastated. Their son had a life threatening condition, and they had no way to pay for a doctor. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * WU CHENYU’S HEART TERRY MEEUWSEN: Yayun was thrilled when she found out she was going to have a baby. She immediately started sewing baby clothes. For good luck, she embroidered the words “long life” one on of the shirts. But after Chenyu was born, Yayun got the news: her son had a serious heart problem and wouldn’t live long. In fact, without surgery, he wouldn’t make it past the age of ten. Yayun: My heart was broken. I was so careful about everything I ate and everything I did during my pregnancy. How could this terrible thing happen to my son? TERRY MEEUWSEN: Yayun’s husband Fang works hard as a farmer, but only makes 350 dollars a year, not enough to afford surgery for Chenyu. Fang: I did not know what to do. There was a powerful voice inside me saying I must be strong and carry on, because my son needed me. So I decided to try everything to save his life. TERRY MEEUWSEN: The Wu’s borrowed money from friends and family to put towards surgery. Yayun even took a job as a seamstress. Yayun: The work was really hard. I usually worked 13 hours a day, many times much more. TERRY MEEUWSEN: But the young couple never saved enough for the surgery, and Chenyu’s health grew worse. In desperation, Fang wrote every organization he knew of, asking for help. Fang: No one cared. No one helped. It made me feel like this was just a cruel world. So my heart grew cold. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Then one doctor told the Wu’s about CBN, and CBN offered to provide free surgery for their son. Yayun: The news from CBN brought comfort and hope back to our hearts. The voice on the phone was the sweetest sound I have ever heard in the whole world. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Doctors operated on Chenyu’s heart. Today, he’s the healthy baby the Wu’s always dreamed of having, and he just celebrated his first birthday. Fang: I’m so grateful for CBN. I know I’ll never get a chance to meet the people who helped me. I’ll never know your names, but I want to thank you. It’s almost like you will always be right here watching my son grow and caring for him. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Yayun is so thankful, she embroidered a new shirt for her son. This one says “Long life, thanks to CBN.” Yayun: CBN has shown us true love, a love we have never known before. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TERRY MEEUWSEN: It’s a precious story, isn’t it? Mr. and Mrs. Wu called every organization. They contacted everyone they had any idea of. GRAPHIC: 1-800-759-0700 CBN.COM And no one responded. But you did. That doctor knew of the work of CBN. That’s your work if you’re a 700 Club member. And he mentioned it to this family, and you responded to their need. And because of that, their child has hope and a future. This is a little boy who wouldn’t have made it if you hadn’t been there for him. CBN partners are doing that all around the world. That’s why we ask you to join The 700 Club today. That’s what The 700 Club does. It reaches into the needs of people like the Wu’s and makes a difference. How much does it cost to have that kind of an impact? Well, it’s 65 cents a day, 20 dollars a month. You can join The 700 Club right now by going to your phone and calling 1-800-759-0700. When you join, will you do it through Pledge Express? That’s automatic monthly giving. GRAPHIC: FREE WITH PLEDGE EXPRESS 1-800-759-0700 CBN.COM It means your bank does all the work, but it saves us a lot of administrative costs. And our way of saying thank you for that is to send you “Power for Life” teachings each month. We believe that this will strengthen and encourage you in your faith. But it will also allow us to take more of your gift and put it right into the lives of people like the Wu’s. So call now. You can also log on to CBN.com. Gordon. GORDON ROBERTSON: Well, in some cultures, the man you’re about to meet wouldn’t have made it past birth. Man: The whole church was mourning, like, “Why would God let the pastor’s son be born that way?” And my mom, at first she didn’t want to hold me. She didn’t want to breastfeed me. And it took them quite a while before they could trust in God that He didn’t make a mistake. GORDON ROBERTSON: Why this man says his birth was no accident, when we come back. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 2A: PLEDGE EXPRESS Announcer: While Mary feeds her two young daughters, she also helps feed needy families around the world. While Bob hands a drink out to a co-worker, he helps give water to villages with new wells. And while Carl builds a house for his son’s new puppy, he helps rebuild homes in disaster areas. TERRY MEEUWSEN: These people all have something in common. They’re CBN partners who have joined Pledge Express. I hope you’ll consider joining Pledge Express, too. It’s a way to simplify your own life while speeding help to others, all at the same time. There are no checks to remember or stamps to buy. And your gift goes to work faster, helping those who need it most. So join us and change the world for someone today. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 2B: SIMPLE SAM Announcer: Over the last several months, we’ve been talking with everyone who has Medicare about the money-saving health plans from Humana. These are all-in-one plans that combine medical and prescription drug coverage, all with an affordable monthly health plan premium that may surprise you. If you have a separate drug plan with original Medicare or with a Medicare supplement, you could be getting more benefits and saving money with Humana’s Medicare health plans. Could Humana be a better value for your health care dollar? Call 1-888-411-8607. Or go online to HumanaFreeBook.com and get this free booklet that will help you decide if our all-in-one plans are right for you. More than one million people have made the call and are enjoying Humana’s all-in-one Medicare plans. The facts you need are in the book, and it’s totally free. Call 1-888-411-8607. Or go to HumanaFreeBook.com. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GORDON ROBERTSON: Nick Vujicic was his parents’ firstborn son, but no one sent flowers, and no one thought Nick’s birth was anything but a mistake. NICK VUJICIC KRISTI WATTS: What makes someone extraordinary? Their abilities? Their talents? Or simply, their smile? When I first met Nick Vujicic, I knew I had just encountered someone extraordinary. From the moment he began to share his amazing story with me, I witnessed firsthand how God is using a man with no arms and no legs to be God’s hands and His feet. Nick Vujicic: My dad was saying that his head was next to my mom’s head as I was being born. And he saw my shoulder, and he just went pale. He was hoping my mom didn’t see me, because he saw that I had no right arm. And my dad had to leave the room, and he couldn’t believe what he saw. And the doctor came in, and my dad said, “My son, he has no right arm.” And he says, “No, your son has no arms or legs.” And he said he nearly fell on the floor, and he couldn’t believe it. And the whole church was mourning, like, “Why would God let the pastor’s son be born that way?” And my mom, at first, she didn’t want to hold me. She didn’t want to breastfeed me and all that. She just felt very uncomfortable for the first four months. And it took them quite a while before they could trust in God that He didn’t make a mistake, that He didn’t forget them or me. KRISTI WATTS: Nick’s parents gave their fear and even disappointment in their son’s disability over to the Lord. They chose to trust God and His promise that He had a plan and purpose, a hope and a future for their son. But as the years passed, Nick on the other hand, had many challenges trusting in a God that he felt gave him less. Nick Vujicic: I challenged God. I said, “God, I know that I’m a sinner. I know that I won’t probably have peace until you’re in my heart. But I will not let you in my heart until you answer me, why? Why did you take my arms and legs? Why didn’t you give me what everybody else has?” And I said, “God, until you answer me that question, I will not serve you.” And so I wanted to end it. If God wasn’t going to end my pain, I was going to end it myself. So at age eight, I tried to drown myself in a bathtub with four inches of water. I told my mom and dad, “I’m just going to relax in the bathtub. Can you put me in the bathtub?” And I turned over a couple of times to see if I could do it. I couldn’t do it. The thought that stopped me from going through with it was the love for my parents, because I loved them so much, and all they did was love me. And I thought to myself, “If actually went through with this,” I pictured my funeral. I pictured my parents, and all I saw was guilt on their shoulders that they couldn’t have done more. KRISTI WATTS: That would be the last time Nick would attempt suicide. But it wouldn’t be the last time he would come face to face with those deep issues that made him want to end the pain. Then one day Nick’s mother had him read an article about a severely disabled man. And that man’s story made a huge impact on Nick. Nick Vujicic: I have a choice to either be angry at God for what I don’t have or be thankful for what I do have. And my mom, she said, “Nick, God’s going to use you. I don’t know how. I don’t know when, but God’s going to use you.” And those seeds started penetrating in my heart. And that’s when I started seeing that there is no point in being complete on the outside when you’re broken on the inside. And I found out that God can heal you without changing your circumstance. I gave my life to Jesus Christ when I read John 9 at age 15, where a man was coming through a village, this blind man from birth. Jesus saw him. People said, “Why was this man born that way?” Jesus said, “It was done so that the works of God may be revealed through him.” And in II Timothy 3:16, it says, “All scripture is God-breathed.” And I believe God breathed in me life and faith. This faith came over me. This peace came over me. And I felt like God answered my question. KRISTI WATTS (Interviewing): And what was the question, and what was the answer? Nick Vujicic: The question was, “Why? Why did you make me this way?” And the answer was, “Do you trust Me?” That’s the question. And when you say yes to that question, nothing else matters. KRISTI WATTS: But what was it specifically for you that made you say, “Lord, I’m going to trust your Word, because I know it’s true. I’m going to trust you, even if I don’t know what you have in store for me tomorrow?” Nick Vujicic: Right. Because there was nothing else I could find. There was nothing else that could give me peace. I knew arms and legs wouldn’t give me peace anyway, arms and legs alone. I needed to know the truth of who I am, why I’m here and where I’m going when I’m not here. And I haven’t found that truth anywhere else but in Jesus Christ. KRISTI WATTS (Reporting): And it was in Jesus Christ where Nick found the strength to do what many thought would be the impossible. Nick Vujicic: It’s so hard to be strong when people constantly say, “You’re not good enough. Go away. We don’t want anything to do with you. Nick, you’re a nobody. Nick, you can’t do this. Nick, you can’t do that. Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick.” In life, if you don’t know the truth, then you can’t be free, because then you’ll believe that the lies are the truth. But once we realize that when we read the Word of God and you know the truth of who you are, I am not a man without arms and legs. I am a child of God. I am forgiven of my sins. I am an ambassador of the King of kings and the Lord of lords. I am nothing but a servant of the Most High God. This is not about Nick. It’s not about Nick’s capacity and capability to become this conqueror. I am nothing. I am nothing. God, though, lives in me, and I now live in His strength. And whatever Jesus conquered, I conquer. I believe if God doesn’t give you a miracle, you are a miracle of God for somebody else’s salvation. And I thank God that He didn’t answer my prayer when I was begging him for arms and legs at age eight, because guess what? Because I have no arms and no legs, He’s using me all around the world. And we’ve seen, so far, approximately—this is conservative—200,000 souls come to Jesus Christ for the very first time in the last six, seven years. And what would you rather? Would you rather have arms and legs, Nick, here on earth? No. Whatever His will is, because I’d rather have no arms and no legs temporarily here on earth to be able to reach someone else for Jesus Christ and then spend eternity with them there. KRISTI WATTS: In the last decade, Nick has shared his story in 24 countries to over three million people. And whether he’s talking to a stadium packed with people or one single person, his heart behind the message is the same. Nick Vujicic: God loves you. He hasn’t forgotten your pain. He hasn’t forgotten your family. And maybe while you’re watching this interview, you’ve compared your suffering to my suffering, and that’s not where hope is, to know that someone else in your opinion is suffering more than you. That’s not where hope is. But hope is in the name of God, the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Hope is when you compare your suffering to the infinite, immeasurable love and grace of God. Isaiah 40:31 says, “Those who wait upon the Lord, who renew their strength, they shall mount up on wings as eagles.” I didn’t need my circumstance to change. I don’t need arms and legs. I need the wings of the Holy Spirit. And I’m flying, because I know Jesus is holding me up. Don’t give up on God, because God will not give up on you. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GORDON MINISTERS GORDON ROBERTSON: God will not give up on you. He wants to change you. And He wants to change you from the inside. Sometimes we look at things, and we look at circumstances. And we get into these questions, “Why? Why did this happen? Where was God in all of this?” And I know for me, I’ve gone through difficult times, that I was asking why. And it seemed like God wasn’t running the universe all that well for me right then. But I didn’t see the larger picture. I didn’t see how He was weaving things together and truly for me He was working all things together for my good, for my good. What changed Nick? What got him through? What got him to the point of joy and peace? You can see it in his eyes. You can hear it in his voice. It was a Bible passage, John 9. Here was a man born blind. And the disciples brought that man to Jesus, not for healing, but to answer a theological question. And the question was this: “Who sinned? Was it this man, that he was born blind, that somehow God knew that he was going to sin and therefore put this horrible curse on him to make him born blind? Or was it a sin of his parents? What did they do wrong that this happened to him?” And we’re always looking for that. We’re always saying, “Why did this happen? Was it something that they did wrong?” I love the answer that Jesus gave him. He said, “Neither. Neither. This happened that the glory of God would be revealed.” The glory of God. Now, wherever you are right now, wherever you are with God and what’s happened to you, can you see how the glory of God could be revealed through what you’re going through? Maybe you were born blind. Maybe you were born like Nick. Maybe none of that compares with what you’re going through. But if you’ll only do what Nick did, to say, “Okay. All right, God. I want you. I want that change. I want that innermost change. I want to see how you’re going to work all this together for good. I want to see that happen. I want to see your glory revealed in me.” One of the great paradoxes of scripture is that it’s in our weakness that God’s strength is made perfect. From the world’s viewpoint, Nick shouldn’t be preaching to thousands. Nick shouldn’t be traveling the world. Nick shouldn’t be having the time of his life. Nick shouldn’t be having joy. But God was able to do that. What will He be able to do with you? If you want to find out, if you want to take the greatest adventure there is to take, it’s knowing Him, it’s knowing your Creator and allowing Him in, not turning Him away, not saying, “Well, I don’t understand why this happened, therefore, I don’t want you,” but saying, “Come in. Reveal yourself to me. I want to know your love.” And if you’ll do that, if you’ll take that step, He can turn all things together for your good. If this is for you, if this is what you want, just bow your head. Pray a very simple prayer. Maybe you’ve prayed it before. Maybe you were a Christian and something bad happened to you, and you decided to walk away. Come home today. Let God be God for you again. Let Jesus love. Let His love just come and fill all that hurt, all that wound, all that rejection. He didn’t want that to happen. He wants to turn and make all things work together for your good. So if this is you, if this for you, just bow your head. Pray this prayer. Let Jesus come back. “Lord God.” That’s right. Say it out loud. “Lord God, I come to you and I open my heart. And Jesus, I ask that you would come in. And Lord, I don’t understand so many things that have happened to me. But one thing I want to understand and I want to know is your love and your forgiveness and how you’re able to turn all things together, reform and remake all things together for my good. So, Lord, come in. Make me new again. Give me joy. Give me peace that passes all understanding. And Lord, I ask that you would make me a light, that you would make me a witness of your glory, that in my weakness, your strength would be made perfect. So, Jesus, shine through me. Let the world see your love through me. Make me new. Restore to me the joy of my salvation, for I ask it in Jesus’ name. Amen. And amen. If you prayed with me, what I want you to do is make a toll free phone call: 1-800-759-0700. GRAPHIC: 1-800-759-0700 CBN.COM If it was the first time you’ve ever prayed a prayer like that, we’ve got a free packet for you. It’s called “A Higher Calling.” GRAPHIC: OUR GIFT TO YOU 1-800-759-0700 CBN.COM In there is a CD teaching on how to live the Christian life. We also encourage you to join a church. Get a Bible. Start reading it every day. If it wasn’t the first time for you, let today be the day where you allow God to restore you, make all things new, give you back the joy of your salvation. And if there are things that you have been carrying, hurts, wounds, things you need to walk through, have somebody else counsel you, call us: 1-800-759-0700. You don’t need to leave your name. We just want to bring the love of Jesus Christ to bear. Some of you, you may have been wounded by the church. You may have been wounded by a pastor. Let God come in. In that weakness, let His strength be made perfect for you. So call us: 1-800-759-0700. We’ll be back with more of The 700 Club, right after this. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GRAPHIC: EASY SUNDAY DINNER GORDON ROBERTSON: Still ahead, cook like a gourmet chef, without breaking your budget. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Oh, my word. You all need to make this. GORDON ROBERTSON: Later on The 700 Club. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 3: CANCER CENTERS – LAURA Laura Brokow: The doctor came in. I was still waking up from anesthesia. He leaned over my bed and he said, “Laura, you have cancer,” and he walked out of the room. The first thought is, “What’s going to happen to my children?” I knew I was ready to fight this, and I just wanted this cancer out of me. I wanted to take care of it and move on. Then my mom called me. She had seen an ad on TV for Cancer Treatment Centers of America. It was just a tremendous experience from the minute that I walked in the door. Their bedside manner, you just can’t even describe it. It takes a very special person to do what they’re doing. Announcer: Hope is alive at Cancer Treatment Centers of America. Call us now to have a real conversation about you and your treatment options. We’ll send you this free DVD that shows you how this very special group of people put you at the center of everything they do. Laura Brokow: I wanted to live to see my kids grow up. That’s what gave me the drive to fight cancer. They supported that in me. They gave me choices. They made me realize that every life is worth saving. You can’t fight cancer if you don’t have hope. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 95TH BIRTHDAY INVITATION LEE WEBB: Welcome back to The 700 Club. Evangelist Billy Graham invited his family to his 95th birthday. Franklin Graham says his famous father gave that invitation at his 91st birthday celebration last weekend. The younger Graham says that that shows his father is still pretty optimistic. And he says his father watches the news, answers correspondence and receives guests. THIS WEEK IN OPERATION BLESSING LEE WEBB: Deadly mudslides killed more than a 130 people in El Salvador this past weekend. More than 12,000 people were left homeless. CBN's Operation Blessing, along with medical teams from the Mayo Clinic, are in the region bringing help to survivors. The aid organization has been distributing food to local families and the team of doctors is offering emergency care to victims over the next few days. Operation Blessing has had an ongoing relationship with the Mayo Clinic to bring medical training and free health care to communities across El Salvador. You can find out more by going to OB.org. GRAPHIC: FOR MORE INFORMATION GO TO OB.ORG We’ll be back in a moment. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 4: LOVE FINDS A HOME Announcer: From bestselling author Janette Oke . . . . . Actor: Can you see it? Actress: A cabin, with curtains in the windows. Announcer: . . . . and acclaimed producer-director Michael Landon, Jr. . . . . Actor: Don’t leave. Stay with me. Announcer: . . . . comes the inspiring and heartwarming movie series that will captivate the entire family. Now available through this special TV offer, the Love Comes Softly DVD collection. Katherine Heigl, Dale Midkiff, Erin Cottrell and January Jones star in this original series that explores one family’s journey from heartbreak to triumph in the rugged heartland of America. Actress: I hope to be a doctor someday. Actor: Why would a lady want to subject herself to such a taxing line of work? Actor: Oh, boy. Announcer: Eight unforgettable stories you and your family will enjoy together. And the series continues with a new release, Love Finds a Home, starting Haylie Duff and acclaimed actress Patty Duke. Actress: The Lord says we are to forgive if we expect to be forgiven. Announcer: Call now to order Love Finds a Home on DVD for 17.95 and ask how you can get free shipping. Plus, find out how you can own the complete Love Comes Softly collection. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TERRY MEEUWSEN: The Sunday dinner is a lost art, but it shouldn’t be. We’re about to show you the simple way to make a mouthwatering meal that will have your entire family begging for seconds. Take a look. SUNDAY DINNERS GORDON ROBERTSON: Today, we want to show you another Sunday supper. I really want to encourage families to start eating more together. And so today we’re going to be cooking roast chicken with lemon and roasted garlic, roast potato wedges with rosemary, roasted broccoli with parmesan cheese. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Awesome. GORDON ROBERTSON: And then a very special dessert: lemon curd mousse with fresh berries. It sounds complicated. Each one of these recipes is easy to do. And trust me, if I can do it, you can do it. So, we’re going to start with the chicken. And what I really encourage people—this is the only kitchen gadget I think you may not have in your kitchen. It’s a microplane grater. I really love these things. And you can use these to get zest. If you use a box grater for zesting the lemon, you may need two lemons, because you lose a lot when you use a box grater for grating. But I’ll just illustrate how easy it is to get it off. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Wow, look at that. You’re hardly having to do anything. GORDON ROBERTSON: And you get this wonderful zest coming off of this. You don’t want to take it down too far. And if you can see, I’ve just taken off just the top, just the yellow part. If you get into the white part, it will get a little bitter. And what I’m going to do is just take what we’ve already prepped and you put that into a bowl. You put a couple tablespoons of olive oil. And here is the thyme. And we are ready to dress our bird. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Ooh, does that smell wonderful. GORDON ROBERTSON: Now, you take the chicken, and a lot of people don’t know this, but if you put your finger all the way down, you can separate . . . . TERRY MEEUWSEN: Oh, the skin from the meat. GORDON ROBERTSON: . . . . the skin from the meat. And when you do that, it really helps it crisp. But what you’re doing is you’re creating a pocket in the roast chicken all the way around. TERRY MEEUWSEN: And that’s where you’re going to put the zest. Ah! GORDON ROBERTSON: You put all that in, and so it gets . . . . TERRY MEEUWSEN: So it cooks right down into the bird. GORDON ROBERTSON: You flavor the meat as opposed to flavoring the skin. TERRY MEEUWSEN: That’s great. And then the skin gets nice and crispy on top of it. GORDON ROBERTSON: And then the skin gets crispy, because you’re using olive oil. And you get it all around, and get enough where you’re going to be able to taste the difference. Anything left, just put it in the center. And now I’ve got really yucky hands. Anytime you are dealing with raw chicken, you need to be careful that you’re not cross contaminating. Thank you very much. I feel like I’m a doctor. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Yes. I’m the scrub nurse. GORDON ROBERTSON: All right. The next part is you’re going to take the lemon that you’ve already zested, and you’re going to quarter it. And it’s real simple. Don’t worry about the seeds. You don’t care about them. I’m trying to make this easy. And then you . . . . TERRY MEEUWSEN: Just stuff it in. GORDON ROBERTSON: . . . . stuff it in there, to the extent it will hold it. And you will take one of these small yellow onions, and do the same thing. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Just quartering it. GORDON ROBERTSON: It’s easy to do. And that will flavor and keep the bird moist. Then you put it into a roasting pan, and you are now ready to salt it. And then you take a little bit of this, and you put that on the outside. And that helps everything get all nice and friendly. And then you take a pepper mill and you pepper it. So you put that in the oven at 425 for 20 minutes. And then you take it out and you take another onion, and you just slice it like this, real simple. Make sure you don’t cut your thumb. You want these big chunk slices. And then you take these and you just, once it’s been cooked for, again, 20 minutes at 425, you throw these into the bottom of the pan. All you’re trying to do is, this is going to end up in your gravy. So you’re going have some nice . . . . TERRY MEEUWSEN: That’s so easy. That’s great. GORDON ROBERTSON: . . . . roasted onions down in there. Make sure they’re in there flat. When you’re putting the onions in with the chicken after you’ve roasted it, take a little chicken stock and just pour it around the edges. And you want to add a little liquid and that will keep the onions from getting scorched. And then put it back in the oven. Take the temperature down. TERRY MEEUWSEN: It stays at 425? Oh. GORDON ROBERTSON: No. Take it down to 375. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Okay. GORDON ROBERTSON: And it just couldn’t get any easier than that. That’s the roasted chicken. TERRY MEEUWSEN: And how long are you leaving it in there for? GORDON ROBERTSON: Probably another hour at 375. Total cooking time, an hour and 20. It could be an hour and 15. The easiest way to figure out, if you see the big part of that thigh, if you prick it there with a fork and it runs clear, you’re good. TERRY MEEUWSEN: It’s done. GORDON ROBERTSON: All right. Easy? TERRY MEEUWSEN: Very easy. GORDON ROBERTSON: Now, the next part is roasted garlic. A lot of people don’t understand roasted garlic, don’t use it. And it’s real simple to get, and you get a whole other flavor complex when you roast garlic as opposed to fresh garlic. And a lot of the bite goes away. A little salt. TERRY MEEUWSEN: You’ve simply cut the top off of it, right? GORDON ROBERTSON: Right. A little olive oil drizzled. TERRY MEEUWSEN: That’s it. GORDON ROBERTSON: And put it in the same oven that you’re cooking your chicken in. TERRY MEEUWSEN: At the 375. GORDON ROBERTSON: Yes. At the 375 or the 425. It doesn’t matter. You don’t want to cook this more than 20 minutes. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Oh. Okay. Awesome. GORDON ROBERTSON: Now, we are going to see the finished product. What’s it going to look like when you get done with it. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Oh, wow. GORDON ROBERTSON: That is what it comes out looking. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Wow. GORDON ROBERTSON: And so you’ve got crisp skin on top, but the good part is all of that which is underneath, and that is what is going to make your gravy. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Gravy. GORDON ROBERTSON: I’ll take this out. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Perfect. Wow. GORDON ROBERTSON: And I’ll take my little roasting rack out. Now, this is the beautiful part. And what makes this recipe so easy is you’ve got all this wonderful sauce and the onions are just perfect, and they’re all nice and wilted. And you want all these little bits. All of that comes out. If you don’t have this much liquid, you can always add more chicken stock. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Can I help you there with this? Or are you good? GORDON ROBERTSON: Yes, if you can scrape that in there. TERRY MEEUWSEN: You bet you. GORDON ROBERTSON: This is going to become a wonderful flourless gravy, where you first take all those nice roasted juices, all the nice roasted onions. And here is what roasted garlic looks like when you’re done. It’s got this look, and it’s real soft. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Ooh, yes. GORDON ROBERTSON: Okay. And so you’re not scared of getting dirty, and you just do the back of your hand like this. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Wow. GORDON ROBERTSON: You squeeze it out. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Look at that. And they all pop. It’s almost like they just . . . . GORDON ROBERTSON: They pop out of their skins. TERRY MEEUWSEN: . . . . pop out of their . . . . GORDON ROBERTSON: Then you take a chef’s knife and you finish the job. And you are creating a wonderful garlic paste. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Wow. GORDON ROBERTSON: Because when you eat this, you don’t want a big chunk of garlic. TERRY MEEUWSEN: You just want the flavoring of it. GORDON ROBERTSON: You want the flavor of it. TERRY MEEUWSEN: That’s great. Look at that. GORDON ROBERTSON: Chopped garlic made easy. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Yes, really. GORDON ROBERTSON: All right, once you’ve done this, you’re going to let the blender do the rest of the work. And so literally, even though that looks like a ton of garlic, it’s going to taste fine. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Really? GORDON ROBERTSON: And now, you cover. Be careful with hot liquid in any blender, and always do this, because hot liquid in a blender will expand. And you don’t want it to expand all over you. I’m going to use that olive oil bowl. But just to show you how this comes out. And it’s already heated, and it’s already ready to roll. The small one. TERRY MEEUWSEN: You think the small one will be okay? GORDON ROBERTSON: And that becomes a wonderful . . . . TERRY MEEUWSEN: Wow, like a puree almost. GORDON ROBERTSON: . . . . gravy. And you can use that now on your chicken, and it will taste wonderful. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Mm. Looking good. GORDON ROBERTSON: Is that easy? TERRY MEEUWSEN: That’s very easy. GORDON ROBERTSON: It’s an easy chicken gravy. It’s got a lemon flavor to it. It’s got a thyme flavor to it. And it’s got a garlic flavor to it. You can also use this if you want as a dressing for raw vegetables. All right, here is the chicken, how you present it. We’ve got roasted potato wedges with rosemary, roasted broccoli with parmesan cheese and some wonderful, fresh cherry tomatoes. It really makes it look festive. These are Amy Reed’s specialties, her yeast rolls . . . . TERRY MEEUWSEN: Yeast rolls. GORDON ROBERTSON: . . . . done in a muffin pain, which are beautiful and really taste good and are really easy to do. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Yes. Oh, they do look beautiful. GORDON ROBERTSON: And one of my favorites is a lemon curd mousse, and that will knock everybody’s socks off and think that you’re wonderful. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Really. Berries are the jewelry of food. Yes. GORDON ROBERTSON: All right. So we’re going to put a little garlic gravy on the chicken. And have a taste and tell me what you think. You get a wonderful lemon flavor. You get the thyme flavor. You get the garlic flavor. You get the onion. And the proof is in the pudding. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Oh, my word. You all need to make this. Whoa! GORDON ROBERTSON: Is that good? TERRY MEEUWSEN: Oh, it’s beyond good. GORDON ROBERTSON: You ready to go straight to dessert? TERRY MEEUWSEN: Sunday dinner. Don’t you know? GORDON ROBERTSON: I need another spoon. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Can I just take this right of here like this? GORDON ROBERTSON: Yes. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Now, this is a lemon zest curd, you said? GORDON ROBERTSON: Lemon juice. You put a little zest in afterwards, and then whipping cream, eggs, sugar, lemon juice. You make the curd. You let it chill. You whip the cream, and you fold the cream in with the lemon curd. And it comes out beautiful. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Can you I tell you, your family will run to dinner. And your guests will never leave. This is fabulous. But it’s real light. Well, you just carry on. I’m going for number three. GORDON ROBERTSON: All right. You carry on. All right, and you carry on, too. And keep in mind, all of these recipes are on CBN.com. GRAPHIC: FOR MORE INFORMATION LOG ON TO CBN.COM All you have to do is log on there, and it will be available for you to download, and you can experiment this weekend with how to cook this. If you want to vary the recipes, I always like to encourage people to be innovative in how they cook. And keep in mind this wonderful verse from Proverbs, that it’s the food of love. GRAPHIC: PROVERBS 15:17 Even a dinner of herbs, if it’s made with love, is a lot better than a roasted calf made with hatred. Give your family the food of love this weekend, and you’ll be amazed at what happens. TERRY MEEUWSEN: They will love you back. GORDON ROBERTSON: Okay, Terry and I are going to run away and eat a lot of lemon curd, but we’ll be back with more of The 700 Club, right after this. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GRAPHIC: RX FOR A MIRACLE GORDON ROBERTSON: Still ahead, a little boy with a big problem . . . . Woman: It was the worst type of E. coli that you could get. GORDON ROBERTSON: . . . . a desperate mom . . . . Woman: The first time the word “fatal” came out of the doctor’s mouth, I couldn’t believe it. GORDON ROBERTSON: . . . . and a prescription for a miracle. Woman: I walked back into the hospital room with the Krispy Kreme donuts, and my little boy was back. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 5A: DIRECT BUY Announcer: This is the information retailers don’t want you to know, especially now. They don’t want you to learn just how much money you’ve been giving away to retail markups on items you purchase for your home, all because you don’t know how to buy like the insiders do at Direct Buy Club, the home improvement and furnishings club with direct insider prices. Woman: The best thing about Direct Buy is you’re getting the best price that you can, and it’s very easy to go shopping at Direct Buy. Woman: I have purchased a coffee pot, toaster, blender, food processor, all of those things. The savings are significant. It truly is. Announcer: And now for the first time ever, Direct Buy is offering you a certificate for a free 30 day membership. Members buy top quality name brand merchandise from hundreds and hundreds of trusted manufacturers. So call the number on your screen now, and we’ll rush you your free visitor’s pass to your local Direct Buy Club and your certificate for a free 30 day membership. This is a limited offer, so call now. No dealers, please. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 5B: ALERT USA Dr. Joyce Brothers: Hi, I’m Dr. Joyce Brothers. Those of us who are independent and live alone shouldn’t do so without having emergency protection. And for reliability and peace of mind, I recommend Alert USA. Announcer: With Alert USA, if you ever need assistance, just press your pendant to be connected to an operator who can summon help to your home 24 hours a day. Dr. Joyce Brothers: I’ve been giving advice for many years, and I believe Alert USA provides the best emergency support and value for your dollar. Call now for a free brochure. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GORDON ROBERTSON: Carter Ranson is a boy with a big heart. He loves helping other people, and when Carter needed help himself, thousands of people answered the call. CARTER RANSON MIA EVANS-SARACUAL: It was the summer of 2001. The Ranson family was making their way through Texas on vacation when mom Jennifer noticed her seven-year-old son Carter was crying. Jennifer Ranson (Mother): I looked back, and I saw Carter. And he just had tears streaming down his face. And I’m like, “Carter, are you okay?” I thought the kids were fighting or something, I had missed something. And he said, “Mommy, we have to do something to help these hungry people. We have to do something.” MIA EVANS-SARACUAL: The family had just passed through the small, destitute town of Deweyville. Jennifer Ranson: God started working something in him and in his heart, and he would not let it go. MIA EVANS-SARACUAL: Back home after vacation, Carter called a meeting with his parents. Jennifer Ranson: He started describing to us something that had to be a God idea. And so he goes, “What I want to do is to make Thanksgiving food boxes and bring them to Deweyville.” MIA EVANS-SARACUAL: So Carter came up with a plan. He sent a letter to everyone he knew asking for donations. He also worked for his dad in the family lighting business. Jennifer Ranson: That year we took 25 food boxes to Deweyville. So when the people leave, they really have everything that it takes to have a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner, just like we would have at our home. MIA EVANS-SARACUAL: Carter put together food boxes for the next three years, but his plans came to a halt when Jennifer got a call from her husband, Tim. Jennifer Ranson: He was like, “Carter’s sick. And he really has really bad diarrhea and is throwing up.” When I got home, I came into the house, and Carter was in the restroom. And I went into the bathroom. And when I saw what was happening myself, it was very different. What I saw was just—I was like, “Something is not right. Something is not right.” MIA EVANS-SARACUAL: Jennifer and Tim rushed ten-year-old Carter to the emergency room. Several difficult days passed before doctors found out what was wrong. Jennifer Ranson: They came in one day, and they said that it was E. coli, and it was the worst type of E. coli that you could get. There’s nothing you can do. You can’t treat for E. coli. You just have to just treat the symptoms that it produces. And so for over, I guess a week and a half or so, Carter still was just violently ill all the time. We would just sit there and pray, and just pray that our little boy would be okay, that our little boy would walk out of that hospital. MIA EVANS-SARACUAL: After two weeks in the hospital, the Ransons became desperate. Jennifer Ranson: It was literally several times an hour that we were dragging the IV, pulling it into the bathroom and helping him. He was just so sick. MIA EVANS-SARACUAL: There was no relief for Carter, and he couldn’t eat. Then, the news got worse. Jennifer Ranson: The first time the word “fatal” came out of the doctor’s mouth, I couldn’t believe it. I had no clue what else he said, because that’s the only word that I heard. MIA EVANS-SARACUAL: Tim sent out an urgent e-mail asking for prayer. That night a group gathered at church to pray. Jennifer Ranson: Those hundreds of people that loved God passionately joined their prayers with other hundreds of people, thousands of people probably, that were praying around the world. And we believe that God gave us our miracle. MIA EVANS-SARACUAL: Jennifer went home for the first time in weeks to try and get a decent night’s sleep. The next morning, the phone rang. Jennifer Ranson: Tim called me and said, “Carter wants Krispy Kreme doughnuts.” And I’m like, “Huh?” The child had not asked for anything to eat in weeks. And I’m like, “He wants what?” He goes, “Stop and get some. The nurses said he has to eat some other things first, but bring the doughnuts.” And I’m like, “What?” I couldn’t believe it. And I walked back into the hospital room with the Krispy Kreme doughnuts. And as I walked into that room, my little boy was back, and God had given us the miracle that we had prayed for. MIA EVANS-SARACUAL: Three days later, the Ransons walked out of the hospital. Now 13, Carter has shown no side effects from the infection. Carter Ranson: It revealed to me that there’s a need. When I was in the hospital, I had very good healthcare, and I knew that people all around the world don’t have that, and they’re sicker than me. And so I feel like God wants me to help. God told me through E. coli that there’s a real need in the world and that we need to help. Jennifer Ranson: After Carter had E. coli, it was amazing what God did in his life. It was amazing to see the faith, it just was stretched so far when he was in the hospital. It was amazing to see just his passion for God and the things of God grow. Carter Ranson: I definitely want to be a light. And I want people to see that Jesus lives in me. And I want to make a difference. And I definitely want to see that people see the love of God in me. God loves you, and that He definitely has a purpose for your life. And He is always with you through every dark spot, and He is always going to love you no matter what. There’s nothing you can do to make God not love you. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * HOSTS PRAY FOR NEEDS GORDON ROBERTSON: There is nothing you can do that will make God not love you. He loves you. He loves you, right where you are. He loves you. He’ll never take that love away. He’ll never do that. He’ll never leave you. He’ll never forsake you. Now, do we love Him back? Jesus said, “The greatest commandment: you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength.” When everything lines up, when all of that lines up, when we seek Him with a single-minded purpose, when we say, “Lord, I love you with all that is within me. I praise you,” you open up channels of unbelievable power, because you literally can become one with Him. Jesus says that He will be in us, and we will be in Him. That kind of unity, and when you achieve that, when you have that, then all things can become possible for you. All things. “If you abide in Me and My words abide in you, whatever you ask,” whatever, whatever, it’s the key to miracles, becoming one with Him, letting His life live in you. He is the resurrection and the life. And that same resurrection power that raised Jesus from the dead is in you. So what is your need today? What is your need? What need do you see? Are you just like Carter? You’re seeing need all around you and asking, “Lord, what can I do to help?” Whatever your need is, let Jesus be the answer. Whatever need around you, let Jesus be the answer through you for that need. Right now, if you have any pain in your body, lay your hand on that area of the body that needs help, and we are going to pray. We’re going to agree, and we’re going to let God do all the rest for you. Pray with us. “Lord God, we lift the needs of the audience to you right now, and we just speak complete and total healing. And we come into agreement with them, and together we lay hands on their bodies now, in Jesus’ name. And we impart healing now, and anointing. And your Word says that those who believe, they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. So together, we lay hands on the sick, and we claim recovery now, in Jesus’ name.” There is a woman, you’re laying hands on your lower right lung. It’s painful for you when you breathe. You also have some kind of problem in your esophagus with pain there. And you’re wondering, “What is this?” I think you’ve been tested for it. It’s not a heart attack, but you’re wondering, “What is this?” Stop wondering and let Jesus just heal you right now. And in Jesus’ name, be healed and be made whole. Terry, what do you have? TERRY MEEUWSEN: There is someone else, you have a chronic sore throat. It’s a combination of tonsillitis and other things, but God is healing that for you, not just healing the sore throat, He’s healing the condition. You’ll not have that swelling in your throat or that discomfort anymore. GORDON ROBERTSON: Someone with a deep sinus infection. It’s above your eyes. It’s causing tremendous pain. God is just healing that, taking that all the way now. Let the peace of God come to you now, in Jesus’ name. Amen. We leave you with these words from Jesus . . . . GRAPHIC: John 15:10 “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire and it shall be done for you.” (NKJV) . . . . “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire and it shall be done for you.” For all of us here at The 700 Club, God bless you. We’ll see you again. GRAPHIC: COPYRIGHT CHRISTIAN BROADCASTING NETWORK * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * END SPOT: 700 CLUB LOCATOR TERRY MEEUWSEN: Thanks, Pete. Hi, I’m Terry Meeuwsen. We receive so many letters and e-mails from viewers who say their day just isn’t the same if they don’t see The 700 Club. That’s why I’m so excited to tell you that you’ll never have to miss another show. The 700 Club is here for you every Monday through Friday with stories of hope and encouragement, practical information to make your life better and insight you need to make sense of what’s going on in the world. It’s never been easier to see The 700 Club. Even if breaking news interrupts us, you can still watch the show. Call this number or go to CBN.com to get this list of all the different channels in your area where you can see The 700 Club. With The 700 Club airing on so many channels, you can choose the one that’s best for you. So remember, no matter what happens, whether it’s big or small, you can always see The 700 Club. ANNOUNCER: Call or log onto CBN.com for this important information.


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