700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

The 700 Club: October 5, 2009

Single moms have a tough job at home and in the business world. However, this mom learned the key to financial success.


UnderWing Transcripts PO Box 16282 Clearwater, Florida 33766 540 455-2333 / UnderWing@underwingtranscripts.com ________________________________________ The 700 Club Telethon Broadcast Monday, October 5, 2009 GORDON ROBERTSON: Well, welcome to The 700 Club. The first batches of the H1N1 flu vaccine have finally arrived, and just in time. The flu is expected to spread in every state in the next few days. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Even so, many Americans say they are not worried about the flu, and they’re not getting vaccinated. Here is reporter Paul Strand. FLU PAUL STRAND: Some 7 million doses of H1N1 flu vaccine arrive across America this week, 40 million more in the next couple of weeks. First in line to get it: health care workers, since it is important they stay healthy in order to help everyone else get vaccinated. And more are getting sick right now, like at this Dallas hospital. Eden Pineda: As of right now, we have increased employee absences due to fevers, flu-like symptoms. PAUL STRAND: Then experts have recommended that pregnant women get vaccinated, since their risk of dying from H1N1 is six times higher than most Americans, although many expectant mothers are worried about complications from the vaccine. Children and young people up to 24 are also more vulnerable, odd, since flu usually hits senior citizens the hardest. But many Americans are still concerned about the vaccine and not all that worried about getting swine flu. Six in ten people say they may not get vaccinated. Four out of ten parents aren’t sure they’re going to get their kids vaccinated. Laura Thomas: I don't think I'll get the swine flu vaccine. I'm not terribly concerned about getting the swine flu. PAUL STRAND: Many doctors don't approve of that kind of thinking, especially with the possibility the swine flu could still morph into a much deadlier strain and with children particularly vulnerable. Dr. Richard Besser: As a parent and as a pediatrician, if I can keep a child from getting an illness that will keep them out of school for three, five, seven days, that's doing something. PAUL STRAND: As for worries about the vaccine . . . . Dr. William Schaffner: We’re very secure about how it was produced and how it was tested. This is a safe vaccine, and it's going to be very effective. PAUL STRAND: Paul Strand, CBN News, Washington. GORDON ROBERTSON: This is a virulent flu, so please protect yourself. We’ve already had one report of a major university, 2,000 cases in just the first few weeks of university being open. So if you’re among crowds, if you’re among people, if you’re particularly among children, please guard yourself. And if you do get sick, stay home. Lee Webb has the rest of our top stories from the CBN Newsroom. Lee. PACIFIC DISASTERS LEE WEBB: Gordon, three Pacific nations are dealing with the aftermath of major natural disasters. Rescue workers have called off the search for survivors in Indonesia. The government says more than 600 people have died from last week’s earthquakes, while the United Nations puts the death toll at more like 1,100. In Samoa, hundreds of survivors gathered at a church on high ground to mourn lost relatives. One hundred seventy-seven people died from the massive tsunami there. And people in the Philippines are glad Typhoon Parma changed course at the last minute over the weekend. Still, it dumped 16 inches of water on the island nation, but it could have been far worse. PHILIPPINES LEE WEBB: Typhoon Ketsana hit the Philippines a week earlier, bringing the worst floods in 40 years to the island nation. Some observers compared it to Hurricane Katrina here in the US. But Filippinos have quick to recover from this deadly disaster. George Thomas has that story now from Manila. GEORGE THOMAS: In Pasig, one of the hardest-hit districts of metro Manila, there are signs this Monday that life is slowly returning to normal. A week after floods from Typhoon Ketsana left nearly 300 dead and reduced wide swathes of the capital to ruins, residents in Pasig are picking up the pieces. Kids are heading back to school. Garbage is being collected. The water is back on. And businesses are clearing and cleaning up. Eric Conde: Yes, trying to recover everything that we lost. GEORGE THOMAS: And at the corner of Paseo de Animals and Gabrielle street in Pasig, Sola Gracia Baptist Church opened its doors on Sunday for the very first time since the storm hit. The church has been on this corner for nearly 20 years. Last Saturday, when the typhoon came ashore, the entire neighborhood went under. Pastor Richard Sorilla: We are used to getting floodwaters that reach to our thighs. But this time, it was over two meters above the roof of the church. Just look around. This place is a mess. The road is destroyed, so people have to walk through all this mud. I've never seen such destruction. GEORGE THOMAS: Despite the obvious inconveniences of trying to hold Sunday service in a place like this, mounds of trash as far as the eye can see, water all over the place, people trying to rebuild their homes, for Pastor Sorilla it was an important message to send to this devastated community Pastor Richard Sorilla: We had to open the church. We had to tell people that God is alive, that He cares for them and loves them in the midst of their suffering. GEORGE THOMAS: Many other areas in Manila and nearby eastern provinces remain flooded. Typhoon Ketsana dumped a month's worth of rainfall in just six hours. Nearly 400,000 displaced people are still living in evacuation centers like this one. This weekend, CBN's Operation Blessing International deployed teams of doctors to some of the hardest-hit areas, while other Operation Blessing teams rolled up their sleeves and cooked hot meals for children. It capped off a week of ministering by Operation Blessing to over 64,000 victims of Typhoon Ketsana, and it is just the beginning. This coming week, Operation Blessing disaster relief teams head to villages that have yet to be reached with desperate supplies like food, water and medical attention. George Thomas, CBN News, Manila. LEE WEBB: God loves them in the midst of their suffering. Gordon, you know, having lived there, how resilient those folks are. GORDON ROBERTSON: Yes, they are. But at the same time, this was a Katrina-type event. And I went through a super typhoon when I lived in Manila, and the devastation of that was something I had never seen before. But this one is even worse, and it’s because of the flooding. If you remember Katrina, we all felt we had dodged a bullet when it hit, and it didn’t seem to have that much force directed at New Orleans. The brunt seemed to hit southern Mississippi. But it was the flooding that did the damage and the long term damage. So this is something where Operation Blessing teams are going to be on the field at work in the midst of their own tragedy, because employees with CBN Asia and Operation Blessing have literally lost their homes. Nine have completely lost their homes. Another 12, the floodwaters are up to the second story. Another 25 on staff lost all the clothes, all the appliances, all the furniture that they owned. So this is the time to be reaching out. This isn’t a time to be pulling back. And we need to keep that in mind in these difficult economic times, because over the past year millions of Americans have lost their jobs. Steve and Janice Zimmerman were among them. With six kids to feed, money was tight. Then Steve and Janice made a decision that defied logic and multiplied their money. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * STEVE ZIMMERMAN ANDREW KNOX: Steve and Janice Zimmerman know from experience that when it comes to finances, life can turn on a dime. Steve Zimmerman: Our income went from, oh, possibly about 150,000 down to maybe 40. ANDREW KNOX: Steve is an independent remodeling contractor and a board member of a local bank. In the summer of 2008, the bank eliminated dividend payments for board members, and the construction industry dried up as well. Steve Zimmerman: It’s just like everything shut down. And the phone quit ringing. The jobs quit coming in. I didn’t get calls for anything. So we were hit really hard. ANDREW KNOX: In addition to tithing to their local church, the Zimmermans had also pledged 10,000 dollars to CBN that year. But with six children, three of them in college, Steve didn’t see how they could do it. Steve Zimmerman: I wanted to hunker down. That was my first impression, was to hunker down, to pull in, to turn off the lights, to quit eating so much, whatever it took. ANDREW KNOX: But Janice knew they had to keep their word. Janice Zimmerman: I would just say, “Steve, we made a pledge for 10,000 dollars. We have to follow through with it.” And I knew it was just a matter of time until he finally was able to relinquish it to the Lord and say, “Okay.” ANDREW KNOX: Steve and Janice knew the family would have to make sacrifices in many areas. Janice Zimmerman: Our spending changed dramatically. I started clipping even more coupons. I’d look for all the sales and shop for the sales, for the food and clothing, everything. ANDREW KNOX: Eventually, Steve got on board with Janice. Steve Zimmerman: So I just sort of abandoned everything at that point and said, “Yes, let’s just go for it. Let’s just give where we said we were going to give and see where God is going to make up the difference.” ANDREW KNOX: Then, in early 2009, Steve got a call from Terry, his former business partner. Steve Zimmerman: Twenty years ago, we had worked together, for several years. So he called me up and said, “Steve, I don’t have any employees anymore. Things have really changed, but I need help. I’ve got jobs. Let’s work together again.” ANDREW KNOX: Within weeks, Steve and Terry were back in business together. Steve Zimmerman: The phones started ringing again. And they were not just little jobs. They were big jobs. And they were with great people. And they’re still flowing in. ANDREW KNOX: The Zimmermans’ experience reinforced what Janice believed about God’s faithfulness. Janice Zimmerman: I knew He would always come through. I did not have any doubt. We wanted to increase our faith, to believe for even more miracles in our lives. ANDREW KNOX: And it has helped Steve to look at giving a little differently, too. Steve Zimmerman: That has been a faith boost for me, to not be in the hunker-down mode, and to say, “God is bigger,” and to not just say it, but then to trust that it can come out of nothing. He creates out of nothing, so He can bring finances out of nothing. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GORDON TEACHES GORDON ROBERTSON: He creates out of nothing. He can bring finances out of nothing. Listen to that. That’s Steve talking from his own experience. Here he went from a six-figure income down to a five-figure income. And his income was cut by 75 percent. He had kids in college. What do you do? Where do you go? If there was ever a time, as he said, to hunker down, that was the time to hunker down. But we’ve got to realize, Christians have to realizes that in this world today we have to be dependent on God. I know in America, what were we dependent on? Were we dependent on our ability to borrow from our home equity? Were we dependent on our retirement funds? Were we dependent on stock markets always going up? What were we dependent on? Well, when we understand that we can be dependent upon God, and He can make something out of nothing, He is able, when we put our trust in Him, then we see the miracles. And Steve has got the key. It’s not just in our words. It’s also in our actions. Here is the promise. It’s from Isaiah 35, “For waters shall burst forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert. The parched ground shall become a pool, and the thirsty lands springs of water.” That can happen to you. You can have streams in the desert if you just take God at His word and what are the keys to prosperity, the keys to the Kingdom of God, the keys to seeing His provision. When you follow them, then you get the streams in the desert. Well, Merlie Springsteen started out as a single mother only making minimum wage. But soon she went from being a cashier to owning her own business. And here is how she did it. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * MERLIE SPRINGSTEEN ANDREW KNOX: Merlie Springsteen of Rawlins, Wyoming, has achieved more in a few short years than many people do in a lifetime. But when Merlie first moved to Wyoming as a single mother, the future didn’t look so bright. Merlie Springsteen: It’s hard at first, but I have to do what I have to do to support my kids. And that’s what I did. So I got a job as a cashier, making minimum wage. I think at that time it was only 5.25 an hour. ANDREW KNOX: Even though her income was small, Merlie tithed faithfully. Merlie Springsteen: I was taught when I was a child to give ten percent to God, and that’s it. I’ve been practicing that ever since I was a kid. ANDREW KNOX: Merlie worked her way up to accounting manager and bought a house for her family. A year later, she refinanced and bought a larger home better suited for her kids’ needs. Their first home became a rental. Through it all, she didn’t waver in her giving. Merlie Springsteen: As my income grows, or increases, of course, my giving is increasing, too. ANDREW KNOX: Over the next eight years, Merlie bought more residential and commercial properties. Merlie Springsteen: The Lord kept on increasing. Some people even come to me, “Can you buy my property?” And it’s a good buy. ANDREW KNOX: In 2005, Merlie decided to become a CBN partner at the basic level, giving 20 dollars a month. Merlie Springsteen: One night, when I turned it on, The 700 Club, and you know when you give 20 dollars? I like to give. You know how the Lord talks to you? There’s a small voice, “Okay, give.” So I give 20 first. Then the next month, I want to increase, because 20 is just little to me. ANDREW KNOX: Merlie increased her giving to 40 dollars a month. As her rental business grew, she continued to increase her pledge. Just two years after becoming a CBN partner, Merlie became a member of The Chairman’s Circle, giving 10,000 dollars a year. Merlie Springsteen: I know God gives us the power to get wealth, so I know God is on my side. And whatever I do, I always prosper. I think that’s the power of giving. ANDREW KNOX: Merlie now manages 60 rental properties and three businesses. She says her success is no accident. Merlie Springsteen: I know for sure it’s Him. It’s God who gave me the ability. Sometimes He gives you the simple idea what to do. I write the tithe first. I give it first. He supplies all my needs. I think I find favor with God. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GORDON TEACHES GORDON ROBERTSON: It doesn’t get any simpler than that. And you heard it from Merlie, “I find favor with God. And I write the tithe first, and then He gives me ideas. He gives me things to do.” Now, imagine, you come into America, and you get a job as a cashier. Do you think you’re going to make it? Do you think you’re going to come into the American dream? Well, with God on your side, with God’s favor behind you, then you can. Here are His promises from Deuteronomy, “Never think that it was your own strength and energy that made you wealthy.” Boy, have we gotten into that in America. We think it was our own strength, our own energy. Somehow it was our own wisdom that brought us all the blessings here in America. No. Always remember that it is the Lord your God who gives you the power to become rich. And that’s what happened to Merlie. She received the power to become rich. He gives ideas. He gives ability. He gives favor. And when you walk in that, then surely, surely, you’ll walk into many, many, many blessings. And this is the promise of God, that when you bring all the tithes into the storehouse, when you meet Him first, when you give Him your first fruits, then everything else is going to be added unto you. He’s going to open the windows of Heaven and pour out a blessing you cannot contain. Now, this is a special week for us here at CBN where we ask others to join with us. We ask you to partner with us, to become a member of The 700 Club. We’re a lot more than just a TV show. We’re reaching out with hands of compassion around the world. You saw what we were doing with disaster relief in the Philippines. We’re helping orphans around the world. We’re building water wells around the world. We’re having medical missions around the world. And most importantly, we’re preaching the Gospel around the world in their own heart language. We have 12 regional centers, all dedicated to preaching the Gospel. If you want to be a part of that, all you have to do is call: 1-800-759-0700. Say, “I want to join The 700 Club.” How much is that? It’s just 20 dollars a month, 65 cents a day, and you join with tens of thousands of other people that want to make a difference in the world today. And to encourage you to give, if I can get a drum roll, we’ve got some great news. Some existing CBN partners from Ohio say, “We like giving to CBN so much, we want to challenge others to give.” For the next 30 minutes, they will challenge you dollar for dollar up to 100,000 dollars. Let’s pray. “Lord God, we just ask for blessing from the partners in Ohio who made it possible to issue this challenge. And Lord, for those who are watching right now and making decisions, wondering, wondering, Lord, we just ask that you would speak to them and encourage them and let them know that you want to give them the ability. Do it, Lord, for we ask it in Jesus’ name. Amen.” TERRY MEEUWSEN: Amen. GORDON ROBERTSON: You heard it, 100,000 dollars, 30 minutes. Now it’s 29 minutes and 54 seconds We need to hear from you, so go to the phone and call us: 1-800-759-0700. Just say, “I want to join The 700 Club. I want to give 20 dollars a month.” You can also do it through CBN.com. When you join through the Internet, you automatically sign up for Pledge Express. It’s electronic monthly giving. No stamps, no checks, no hassle. We save so much on the processing we’re able to give as our gift back to you “Power for Life” monthly teaching CDs. Let’s go over to Wendy at the phones and see what’s happening. Wendy. WENDY GRIFFITH: All right, thanks, Gordon. Well, if you’re anything like me, you’ve been asking God for help with your money. Well, the good news is God loves you, and He cares about you and your money, and He wants you to prosper. That’s what the Bible says. Well, we want you to prosper, too. That’s why Pat has put together this great new teaching called Right on the Money, financial advice for tough times. Here is Pat to tell you more. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PAT ENDORSEMENT PAT ROBERTSON: The world’s financial landscape is rapidly changing. Each of us needs to understand the new economy and how we can survive and thrive amid such sweeping change. That’s why I’ve compiled a special CBN partner audio edition of my latest book, Right on the Money. ANNOUNCER: In this special CBN partner audio edition by Pat Robertson, you’ll discover the biblically based principles that can help you get out of debt, create a road map to wealth, protect your investments and much more. Get Right on the Money, our gift to you when you join The 700 Club. PAT ROBERTSON: Above all, I want you to remember that God is greater than any economic downturn. He knows who you are and every circumstance in your life. He has provided opportunities all around you. Get the wisdom you need today and build a secure financial future. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * WENDY GRIFFITH: Right on the Money. It is Godly wisdom for your financial success, and we want you to have it. It’s our free gift to you when you call right now and join The 700 Club: 1-800-759-0700 is the number to call. Or you can log on to CBN.com. It’s another great way to give. We are in the middle of a 100,000 dollar challenge. That means right now if you call right now and give, every dollar that you pledge will be matched dollar for dollar. So we need you to rush to the phones right now and give us a call. Gordon. GORDON ROBERTSON: Well, Andy Manganiello worked 16 hours a day, and all he had to show for it was half a million dollars in debt. Andy thought suicide was the only way out, until his wife made a life-changing investment. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ANDY AND MARI JAYNE MANGANIELLO Andy Manganiello: I was borrowing from wherever I could at the time. I was taking loans out on my house. I was basically borrowing from Peter to pay Paul. And I was just working 20 hours a day and spinning my wheels. DORY NISSEN: Andy Manganiello was a half a million dollars in debt, and he could no longer handle the pressure of a failing business. His credit line was maxed. Creditors pounded on his door, and he was about to foreclose on his house. Suicide seemed the only option. Andy Manganiello: I was empty. The tank was empty, and there was no future for me. I had the little boy I’d always wanted, and I had the wonderful wife I’d always wanted, but I was ruining their lives, as well. DORY NISSEN: His wife, Mari Jayne, began to realize just how serious the situation was, so she turned to the power of prayer and asked God to turn the situation around. Mari Jayne Manganiello: It just confirmed to me God’s desire to give us the desires of our heart and to want the best for us. DORY NISSEN: She also prayed for a financial breakthrough. She says she found the answer on The 700 Club, when Pat Robertson was teaching on tithing. She decided it was time to start giving, so she called and joined The 700 Club. Andy was dumbfounded. Andy Manganiello: When I found out that she was giving money to The 700 Club, I thought she had to be nuts. It’s my money. We need the money. Why are you giving this money away? DORY NISSEN: But Mari Jayne kept giving and prayed that God would change Andy’s heart. That prayer was answered one night when Mari Jayne called Andy at work. Andy Manganiello: One night she called, and she asked, “Hey, when are you coming home?” And I said, “How do I know what time I’m coming home? It’s only 8:00 at night.” I’d been there 15 hours already. And she said, “I just want to let you know your son said goodnight to your picture.” And that just killed me. It still kills me. So that’s when I knew it just wasn’t worth anything. I was losing the most precious things I had, because I was trying to make a business work. DORY NISSEN: Andy asked God to take over, and he says God told him to close his trucking business. He did. The next evening, he was offered a job by another trucking company. Andy drew a paycheck immediately, and this time he agreed to tithe; but the Manganiellos’ financial problems were far from over. Andy had to face his creditors in court and settle his 500,000 dollars in debt. Andy Manganiello: And I went to court and just felt that I didn’t need a lawyer. God was with me through all this. DORY NISSEN: Every creditor was willing to work with Andy, because had had not filed for bankruptcy. Large sums of money were waived and payment plans established on the rest. Andy Manganiello: We settled every one of them, one way or the other. Mari Jayne Manganiello: I was absolutely thrilled, because we had the opportunity to really rely on God, and follow Him, and just be completely dependent on Him. DORY NISSEN: These days, Andy’s priorities are in order, and he puts God and family first. He also has a new warehouse business that is very successful, even in tough economic times. He attributes that to God’s favor, because the Manganiellos are faithful in their giving. Andy Manganiello: In the Bible is the only place in your finances where He says to test Him. The only place, in Malachi, He says, “Test Me.” Give Him a try. Test Him. He’ll knock your socks off. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GORDON TEACHES GORDON ROBERTSON: He will knock your socks off if you just do what the Bible says. Here it is from Proverbs 3, “Honor the Lord with your possessions and with the first fruits of all your increase, so your barns will be filled with plenty and your vats will overflow with new wine. That can happen to you if you just take God at His word, if you just trust Him with your finances. I’ve heard it said that nine is greater than ten in God’s economy. And what that means is that you are trusting God. You’re keeping the nine. You’re giving away the ten. You’re keeping the nine. And you’re saying, “God, I know that my nine with you is greater than my ten.” That is how God wants to multiply. That’s His economy. It seems counterintuitive, but it works. Well, Michigan’s economy has been hit hard by the problems in the auto industry. But one small start up company there is thriving thanks to a key investment by its owners. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * KEVIN AND RITA HOOLEY TIM BRANSON: Kevin Hooley always dreamed of turning his hobby as an artist into a full-time career. So he and his wife Rita started a sign company called Flamingo Kid. In the summer, jobs were plentiful, but during the cold Michigan winters, work was painfully slow. Kevin Hooley: There were many, many times where I didn’t think we would make it. Rita Hooley: We would have to charge our house payments on a credit card or our utilities bills, because the cash was not coming in to pay for the bills. TIM BRANSON: The family lived paycheck to paycheck as their debt continued to grow. One Sunday at church Kevin and Rita heard a message on giving that changed everything. Kevin Hooley: We gave just whatever, 20 here, ten there. It wasn’t tithing. It was just giving out of convenience. Rita Hooley: I remember it very clearly that that is the one spot in Scripture that God says to test Him on. And it really stuck with both of us. TIM BRANSON: The message was about tithing ten percent of income, but it came at a time when giving away money was the last thing they felt they could do. Rita Hooley: Typically our money does not come in every week. We’ll do a large project, and at the end, we get one big check. It was 2,100 dollars for a project. And I looked at that, and I said, “That’s a tenth. It's 210 dollars.” TIM BRANSON: The next Sunday they placed 210 dollars into their church’s offering. Kevin’s parents were visiting from out of town and knew nothing about the young couple’s decision to tithe. As they were leaving, they handed Kevin and Rita an envelope. Kevin Hooley: She handed it to us, and we hugged them and thanked them. And then when they left, we opened it up and saw that it was the exact amount that we tithed, down to the ten dollars. TIM BRANSON: That 210 dollars was the first sign to the Hooleys that tithing works. So they decided to start giving to their church and to CBN. Rita Hooley: After we had written our first check out to CBN, the next month we landed a huge contract. And I definitely feel like God was blessing us by us supporting what CBN does. TIM BRANSON: Today the Hooley family is doing better than they ever imagined, and Flamingo Kid Signs no longer has a slow winter season. Business is booming all year long. Kevin Hooley: Well, it’s even more of a miracle that you can’t explain away. Rita Hooley: People say they can’t afford to give. Their financial situation is so tough. And our saying is, we can’t afford not to give, because we’re followers of Christ, and we believe in the principles in the Bible. And the principles in the Bible say to put Him first and to give first. And when you’re obedient to that, He takes care of you. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GORDON TEACHES GORDON ROBERTSON: Here is the principle. It’s from Matthew 6. These are the words of Jesus, “So don’t worry about having enough food or drink or clothing. Your Heavenly Father already knows all your needs. And He will give you all you need from day to day if you live for Him and make the Kingdom of God your primary concern.” Even in the middle of an economic downturn, God has ways of providing for His people. All we have to do is trust Him. What we’re asking you to do is join The 700 Club. How much is that? It’s just 20 dollars a month, 65 cents a day, and you can start an adventure in giving. So call: 1-800-759-0700. Let’s go to Kristi at the phones. Kristi. KRISTI WATTS: Thanks, Gordon. I was thinking, there is absolutely nothing in the newspaper that is shocking the Lord right now. He has already planned for everything. He has strategies for everything. If you just read the Bible, He even teaches us how we can prosper in terms of our finances and living. In fact, I have to tell you something that is so exciting. Pat has put something together called Right on the Money. And what Pat has done is literally lifted out some of those financial strategies from the Bible, put them on this audio CD, and check this out, it’s yours when you call. We have more to tell you about it, so rather than me talk about it, let me show you. Take a look. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GPS SPOT ANNOUNCER: There you were, on your way to financial security . . . . GPS: Continue straight ahead to reach your financial goals. ANNOUNCER: . . . . when suddenly everything changed. Your road to financial freedom, gone. Traditional ways of investing no longer work. You need direction. GPS: Recalculating. Turn here. ANNOUNCER: Discover a biblically based way to navigate your financial future. Pat Robertson’s teaching, Right on the Money, shows you what works and what doesn’t. Establish a budget. Get out of debt. Build your savings. Learn how to invest. Get Pat Robertson’s Right on the Money when you join The 700 Club and get on the road to a more secure future. Available now. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * KRISTI WATTS: Here we have it, Right On the Money. This is yours when you call in right now. So I want to ask you, don’t wait another second. This is the time. You can either call or log on to CBN.com. We’ve got seven minutes—no, 17. I can’t see. I need to put in my contacts. Seventeen minutes and 24 seconds left on this 100,000 dollar challenge. In fact, I’m going to throw it to Terry real quick. And Terry, why don’t you describe what a challenge is. Terry. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Well, a challenge means that partners that are already existing partners to CBN love what’s happening around the world so much that they want to match your giving dollar for dollar, up to the amount that’s specified. Right now, it’s 100,000 dollars. Who can beat this kind of an investment? Right now, when you call, every dollar that you pledge will be matched dollar for dollar, immediately. So we need to hear from you: 1-800-759-0700. And can I show you why we’re asking you to stand with us in all of this? On a recent trip to Zambia, I met a young girl. Her name is Sevina. She became an orphan when both of her parents died of AIDs. But today, Sevina has a new home and new hope for a bright future. Watch. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SEVINA’S SALVATION TERRY MEEUWSEN: Sevina lives in Macha, Zambia, where she was raised by both of her parents until she was three years old. Sevina: My father gets sick of AIDS, and then he died. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Her mother died when she was five. Not long after that, Sevina moved into a new boarding school built and supported by Orphan’s Promise. The new dorms were drastically different from the small mud brick huts in the village. This is a typical home in here Macha, Zambia. This is where most of the kids that live at the mixed boarding school would have come from. And you can see every square inch of this approximately ten by ten house is in full use. One bed, no matter how many people there are in the family. So can you imagine when a child goes to the boarding school what an amazing thing it is for them to have space of their own, belongings of their own? A bed of their own is an unimaginable thing. Sevina was proud to show us her room. (To Sevina): Do you guys talk to each other at night? Sevina: Yes. TERRY MEEUWSEN: What do you talk about in here? Sevina: We say that now we have to read nicely so that we can be a good girl at the end of the day. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Wow. So you encourage each other here, huh? You tell each other to make good choices. Sevina: Yes. TERRY MEEUWSEN: That is great. (Reporting): While we spent time with Sevina, we didn’t realize it, but she was about to make a big decision. (To Sevina): And God’s going to give you a vision for what He wants you to be, and what He wants you to do. And He’ll show you if you ask Him. If you ask Him in your heart, and just say, “God, I want to live for you. Show me what you want me to do,” then He’ll show you. And He’ll guide you. Have you ever invited Jesus into your heart? No, you have not? Would you like to invite Jesus into your life? Sevina: Yes. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Yes. Well, can I do that with you? So Sevina, just pray with me. Just say, “Lord Jesus.” Sevina: Lord Jesus. TERRY MEEUWSEN: “I want to know you.” Sevina: I want to know you. TERRY MEEUWSEN: “And I want to give my life to you.” Sevina: And I want to give my life to you. TERRY MEEUWSEN (Reporting): Because of this Christian school, Sevina has a comfortable home and a relationship with Jesus Christ. She’s learning about God, and she’s also learning computer skills and English so that she can have a brighter future. (To Sevina): You know what I think? I think that your mom would be very proud of you today. I really do. I think she would say, “My girl is so brave, and she is so smart, and she is so strong, and she is going to have a wonderful life.” Do you think she thinks that? Yes, I think so, too. I think so, too. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TERRY MEEUWSEN: Sevina is going to have a wonderful life, and if you’re a 700 Club member, you’re part of the reason that that’s happening. God is using you in the lives of children just like her all around the world. Can you imagine being five years old and losing both of your parents? Sevina went to live with her grandma for a while. She had other grandchildren living with her whose parents had died, couldn’t afford to keep her. She went to an uncle who was himself dying at the time. Nobody to look after this child, and then you made it possible for her to come into a place where she’s got her own room. She’s got friends. She’s going to school. She belongs there. Help us do this for other children around the world, will you? It takes so little to make a life changing difference. Join The 700 Club right now. You can do it for 65 cents a day, 20 dollars a month. And can I ask you, if you’re already a 700 Club member, go up to 700 Club Gold. That’s the next club level with a gift of 40 dollars or more a month. We’ve got 1000 Club members at 84 dollars a month, 2500 Club members. They join us at 209 dollars a month. The Founders level, that’s 417 dollars a month, 5,000 dollars a year. Then you’ve heard us talk about our Chairman’s Circle. There it is. That’s a gift of 10,000 dollars or more a month. When you call, will you also do it through Pledge Express? It means your bank does all the work. It’s actually pretty wonderful. You have none of the hassle. But it saves us a lot of administrative costs. And do you know what that means? It means more of every penny you give goes directly into the lives of children like Sevina. So call now: 1-800-759-0700. Don’t wait until later. We need to hear from you right now. Or you can log on to CBN.com and give that way. Well, 11-year-old Andre lives near a large trash dump in his Guatemalan village. And until recently, he spent almost every day there, digging through the trash to find food for his starving family. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BAG OF FRUIT KEN HULME: Eleven-year-old Andre Ramos is a shy boy with a bright smile. But we were sad to learn that he faces almost constant hunger where he lives with his brothers and sisters and Guatemala. Andre Ramos: I don’t like to be hungry, because my belly hurts. KEN HULME: Some days, food is scarce around Andre’s home. His mom described a recent meal, the only meal they had that day. Andre’s Mom: I had to sprinkle some chicken powder into hot water. And I said to my children that this was their soup. KEN HULME: When Andre is hungry, he walks to a garbage dump near his home, where he competes with vultures and dogs for scraps of food. Andre Ramos: I have found sausages and fruits in the dump. KEN HULME: But instead of being selfish and eating the food there, Andre took it home to this family, where he knew his brothers and sisters and mom were as hungry as he was. When Operation Blessing learned of their situation, we decided to help. First, we gave the family bags of rice and beans and sugar. Then we gave them some formula for a grandbaby living with them. Along with that, Operation Blessing began a chicken project. With a small investment of just 100 dollars, we were able to set up an organic chicken farm right next to Andre’s house. From the sale of the fully grown chickens every six weeks, Andre’s mom will make about 40 dollars profit. And that means there will always be enough food for his family to eat. Andre Ramos: Thank you, Operation Blessing. I had rice and beans at lunch, different from what I usually eat. Thank you! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TERRY MEEUWSEN: Water with some chicken powder in it. That’s what those children were eating, not once in a while, but regularly. How do you grow? How does your brain develop? How do you dream? How do you have hope for a future? You don’t, unless somebody makes a difference. You are making that difference on a regular basis. In Guatemala. You just saw our story from Zambia, Africa. All around the world if you’re a 700 Club member. Join with us right now. We need to hear from you. We’re in the midst of a 100,000 dollar challenge. That means every dollar you pledge gets matched dollar for dollar up to that amount. So please: 1-800-759-0700. Wendy. WENDY GRIFFITH: Thanks, Terry. Well, these days we can all use some good financial advice, can’t we? Well, you know what’s so great about God? He can take whatever you have, whether big or small, and He can multiply it, just like He did with the fishes and the loaves. There is nothing too hard for Him. And Pat Robertson has taken some Godly principles, some wisdom from the Bible, and he has put together Right on the Money, financial advice for tough times. Here is Pat with more. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PAT ENDORSEMENT PAT ROBERTSON: The world’s financial landscape is rapidly changing. Each of us needs to understand the new economy and how we can survive and thrive amid such sweeping change. That’s why I’ve compiled a special CBN partner audio edition of my latest book, Right on the Money. ANNOUNCER: In this special CBN partner audio edition by Pat Robertson, you’ll discover the biblically based principles that can help you get out of debt, create a road map to wealth, protect your investments and much more. Get Right on the Money, our gift to you when you join The 700 Club. PAT ROBERTSON: Above all, I want you to remember that God is greater than any economic downturn. He knows who you are and every circumstance in your life. He has provided opportunities all around you. Get the wisdom you need today and build a secure financial future. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * WENDY GRIFFITH: God wants you to not only survive in this economy, He wants you to thrive. And we want to show you how with Pat’s new audio DVD, Right on the Money. It’s yours when you give us a call right now. Building a solid financial future. That’s what we all need. A 100,000 dollar challenge we’re in right now. That means when you call right now, every dollar will be matched dollar for dollar. Or you can also log on to CBN.com. That’s another great way to give. But when you call, we will send you Right on the Money. You don’t want to miss this teaching. Gordon. GORDON ROBERTSON: All right. We’re in the middle of this challenge. We need to stop the clock, because some partners from Texas are saying 100,000 isn’t enough. They want to double the challenge to 200,000 dollars. We have until the end of the hour. “Lord, we just ask for blessing on the partners from Texas who made it possible to double this challenge. And Lord, we know your word over them is true and will be true for them this year, that you will open the windows of Heaven and pour out a blessing. Now, Lord, for those who are watching, making decisions right now, just speak to them. Comfort them, for we ask it in Jesus’ name. Amen.” TERRY MEEUWSEN: Amen. GORDON ROBERTSON: You heard it, 16 minutes to go. We’ve got a 200,000 dollar challenge. We need to hear from you, so go to the phone and call us: 1-800-759-0700. What we’re asking you to do is join The 700 Club. How much is that? It’s just 20 dollars a month, 65 cents a day. And you join tens of thousands of people that want to make a difference in the world today. If that’s you, call us right now. Well, Peter Scheurman knows what it’s like to be laid off. But when it happened to him he wasn’t worried, because he had a plan that got his family through six months without a paycheck. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PETER AND CHRISTINA SCHEURMAN ANDREW KNOX: In May of 1999, Peter Scheurman lost his computer engineering job and his family’s only source of income. His wife had left her job earlier that year to be a stay-at-home mom for the couple’s young sons. Peter Scheurman: The expectation was within two to four weeks I’d be hired again with another employer. Unfortunately, that went on for almost six months. ANDREW KNOX: Expensive health insurance and unexpected car repairs made his small unemployment checks dwindle fast. Despite the tight budget, the Scheurmans continued to tithe. They gave a portion of their income to their church. Peter Scheurman: Any money coming in, whether it was a gift, unemployment, and then eventually work, we always tithed. We always gave God His ten percent. ANDREW KNOX: For six months, they lived on their savings and stayed out of debt. Christina Scheurman: I never believed in credit card debt. But it was a road of trust. You really had to trust and know. I knew what God had done for us in the past, and I knew what He would do in the future, because He never changes. And so that’s what I just had to hold on to. ANDREW KNOX: Then, Peter landed a job with Microsoft. Around that time, the Scheurmans saw a story about CBN’s water well project. Peter Scheurman: That motivated us to give to CBN, because I want to fund these wells. I want to get this water out and get the Word of God out. Christina Scheurman: Not only physical water, but in a sense it’s spiritual water as well. ANDREW KNOX: As their income increases each year, so does their giving. Christina Scheurman: We can never out give God. Whenever we give something, God always gives us back. Peter Scheurman: One of the financial blessings is that back in 2005 we were able to pay off our house here completely and be debt free. Christina Scheurman: If people are just faithful to what God asks them to do, God will provide for them completely and totally. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GORDON ROBERTSON: It’s incredible what happens when we just trust God. When we trust Him with our finances, when we rely on Him, then He comes through. Now, we’re in the middle of a 200,000 dollar challenge. What that means is existing partners like giving to CBN so much they challenge others to give. And they will match you dollar for dollar up to 200,000 dollars. We’ve got 13 minutes left. If we can get the red number up, there is 94,000 left on a 200,000 dollar challenge. And we’re going to take the red number down, because Southern Pines, North Carolina, a current 2500 Club member says, “I want to double this year, and I want to do through the Internet and sign up for Pledge Express,” 5,000 dollars. And it’s catching. Latrobe, Pennsylvania, another Pledge Express. A 2500 Club member saying, “I want to go to 6,000 dollars this year. I’m trusting God.” All of that gets matched and doubled. We’ve got 79,000 left, 12 minutes and 44 seconds to go. We need to hear from you. Terry. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Well, Mike and Carrie Griegs live in Indianapolis, and that’s a city that’s been hit hard by the recession. The Griegses love to help people who are struggling. Yet not too long ago, they were the ones who needed help. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * MICHAEL AND CARRIE GRIEGS KEN HULME: For 15 years, Mike Griegs wrote auto loans for major domestic car dealers. This past year, he was unemployed. Mike Griegs: With the economy starting to go downhill, the lenders losing money and the bailouts and stuff that they needed, it obviously started to take a toll on my job. And eventually, it dwindled down to where my position was phased out all together. KEN HULME: When things got tight, Carrie says they didn’t know what to do. Carrie Griegs: “Oh, we need diapers. Let’s go to Wal-Mart, just go to the store and get it.” And we’re like, “Yes, the diapers are still at Wal-Mart, but they want money for those diapers.” But just basics like that, where you almost hate to even change your baby’s diaper, because you don’t know where the next diaper is coming from. KEN HULME: So Carrie sent the kids to her mom’s house, but it wasn’t simply so they could see grandma. Carrie Griegs: They’re used to going over to Mamaw’s house and picking through her cupboards to see what she doesn’t want instead of going to the grocery store. KEN HULME: But Grandma could only help so much. So the Griegses turned to a nearby food pantry called The Refuge, which gets a lot of its food and supplies from Operation Blessing. Mike Griegs: The Refuge and Operation Blessing was a big help. Back during the winter when it got really tough and we was struggling just to pay the bills here, food was hard to come by. And we were able to go into The Refuge and Operation Blessing and get some food and get some extra clothing. Carrie Griegs: They have diapers. Everything they helped out with. KEN HULME: The Griegses' story does have a happy ending. Mike is back to work, and the couple is actually giving back to others in need. Carrie Griegs: It was so wonderful to give some of that back, because we don’t know who is out there in the same situation that we were just in. It really meant so much to us, and that we were able to give back and do that. And I can’t wait until we can do it again. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TERRY MEEUWSEN: It can happen to anybody. Anybody, especially today, can find themselves in a pretty desperate situation. Let’s make a difference in other people’s lives when we can. When God blesses us, let’s let Him use us to touch others and give them an opportunity to move into that place of blessing as well. Our number is toll free. It’s 1-800-759-0700. You can call right now and join The 700 Club. Sixty-five cents a day, 20 dollars a month. If you just take your pocket change on a regular basis, you’ve got it. If you’re already a 700 Club member, consider doubling up. That’s what lots and lots of people have been doing today. We’d love to have you consider doing that as well. There are our club levels. You can see on the left the club level, on the right the monthly giving that’s a part of that club level. Join now. If you haven’t done it yet, you will be amazed at how God will bless you. And when you join through something we call Pledge Express, it’s electronic monthly giving. It means your bank does all the work. You have none of the hassle, but it saves us a tremendous amount of administrative costs, and so it allows us to put even more of your gift directly into the field to touch the lives of people who are waiting for help from people like you and I who have been blessed. So call now. We can make a difference. We can actually change the world. Gordon. GORDON ROBERTSON: Well, in India, more than two million are living with HIV. But thanks to Operation Blessing, many patients are getting more than just medical treatment. They’re learning a whole new way of life. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SHALINI AND LAXMI TERRY MEEUWSEN: It’s Shalini’s ninth birthday and her friends from Operation Blessing decided to give her a surprise party. It’s the first time she has ever celebrated her birthday. Four years ago, Shalini’s father died from AIDS. Her mother was also infected by him, passing it on to Shalini before she was born. Laxmi: When I found out that I had HIV, I was hurt. When I found out that my daughter was also a victim, I was completely broken. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Laxmi did her best to raise Shalini on her own, but her failing health made that impossible. Then she heard about a free HIV clinic sponsored by Operation Blessing India. Man: When we talk about HIV and AIDS, we always think of a banner of death over a person. But instead of that, the Operation Blessing clinic is able to offer them life, life in all its fullness, because of a good combination of medical care, counsel and also spiritual support. Laxmi: Every month, I go to the Operation Blessing medical clinic with my daughter. The doctors give us checkups and the clinic gives us bags of rice and all the other food that we need. TERRY MEEUWSEN: After their health improved, Operation Blessing taught Laxmi how to sew and gave her a sewing machine. Now, Laxmi can raise her daughter by tailoring and embroidering clothes. Laxmi: I will never forget what you have done. I give my heartfelt thanks to Operation Blessing India. They have comforted us in ways I cannot express. God bless you for all the love and kindness you have shown to me and my daughter. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GORDON ROBERTSON: We’re reaching out with hands of love and compassion around the world. If you want to be a part of it, all you have to do is call us: 1-800-759-0700. Just say, “Yes, I want to join The 700 Club.” How much is that? Well, it’s just 20 dollars a month. That’s only 65 cents a day. And you join with so many people who want to make a difference to bring help to people in need. Let’s go over to Kristi at the phones. Kristi. KRISTI WATTS: Gordon, I was just sitting here looking at this premium called Right on the Money, financial advice for tough times. Can I tell you, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. I’ve got to tell you, we have some new techniques, some new strategies for you that Pat lifted up right from the Bible and he has placed it right in this audio CD called Right on the Money. It’s yours when you call. In fact, I want to tell you a little bit more about it, but before I do, check out this clip. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GPS SPOT ANNOUNCER: There you were, on your way to financial security . . . . GPS: Continue straight ahead to reach your financial goals. ANNOUNCER: . . . . when suddenly everything changed. Your road to financial freedom, gone. Traditional ways of investing no longer work. You need direction. GPS: Recalculating. Turn here. ANNOUNCER: Discover a biblically based way to navigate your financial future. Pat Robertson’s teaching, Right on the Money, shows you what works and what doesn’t. Establish a budget. Get out of debt. Build your savings. Learn how to invest. Get Pat Robertson’s Right on the Money when you join The 700 Club and get on the road to a more secure future. Available now. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * KRISTI WATTS: Listen, our world is changing. We want to help you change with it. So we’re going to give you this, Right on the Money. It’s yours when you call in right now, so we need you to call. Listen, we’ve got, how many minutes, five minutes and eight seconds left on this challenge, a 200,000 challenge, which means that when you call right now, that’s what a challenge is, your money is automatically doubled. So call in right now. We need you. Or log on to CBN.com as well. Gordon. GORDON ROBERTSON: We’re counting down to victory. If we can have the red number up, we’ve got 18,000 dollars left in this 200,000 dollar challenge, so please go to the phone and call us. If you’ve been waiting, now is the time to call: 1-800-759-0700. When a flash flood damaged her home, Zena Hankins was devastated. She had no money, no way to repair the damage, until a crew from Operation Blessing showed up at her door. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ZENA NORFOLK FLOOD Zena Hankins: It was really pouring down rain, and the water was rising. And within minutes, I started seeing water coming in my house. And the water just kept on rising. It just kept on rising. TIM BRANSON: Flash flooding in Norfolk, Virginia, this summer left people like Zena Hankins with a water soaked home and no way to clean up the mess. Zena Hankins: At one point, I just sat and I cried. And I said, “Lord, I work every day. I did everything that I was supposed to do. I have insurance. I work hard. I don’t know why is this happening to me and what is happening at this point. I don’t have money to do the work that I knew that was going to be required.” TIM BRANSON: The next day, Operation Blessing’s Disaster Relief Team showed up to help Zena and the other residents clean up their homes. We’re in Zena’s kitchen right now, and I just want to show you something. We’re going to tilt down here, and I want to show you how saturated this rug is. This rug is history. It’s no longer usable. We’re going to go in here. And Operation Blessing guys are in here taking up the carpet, cutting out the dry wall. Now, I want to show you something. Right here is the water line. That’s how high the water got in Zena’s house. Now, it needs to be taken out as quickly as possible, because if they don’t, the results could be disastrous. Man: The mold is definitely a huge issue, and we make that we explain to the homeowners what we’re doing and how we want to protect them and get that carpet and dry wall out. TIM BRANSON: Zena was grateful for the help cleaning up, but Operation Blessing wanted to finish the job. So through local partnerships and the financial support of 700 Club partners, they restored all of the flooded homes in Zena’s community. Now, we’re back in Zena’s kitchen, and I want you to look at this brand new linoleum. We’ve got brand new carpet in the dining room and through the hallway, all the way into the living room. Now, this has all just been installed, so Zena is still settling in. But I want you to see something: brand new dry wall. You can’t even see where the water was. So there is no mold and no problems. Zena Hankins: I want to thank Operation Blessing and The 700 Club for coming to my rescue, because you are the only people that came to my rescue. You’re the only ones. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GORDON ROBERTSON: “You’re the only people that came to our rescue.” We’re reaching out around the world and right here at home. And if you want to be a part of it, call us: 1-800-759-0700. We’ve got a minute and 35 seconds left in a 200,000 dollar challenge. We want to go way over the top on this, because the needs are incredible in the world today. And it just seems to be disaster after disaster, flooding here in America. That was right here in Norfolk, Virginia. There was flooding outside of Atlanta all the way to Chattanooga. We’ve seen incredible storms in the Pacific, and then this earthquake in Indonesia. We want to reach out. When disaster strikes, we want to strike back. So if you want to be a part of it, call us right now: 1-800-759-0700. Let’s go over to Wendy at the phones. Wendy. WENDY GRIFFITH: Thanks, Gordon. And just a reminder: when you give to God, you get. That’s what the Bible says. It’s the only thing we can test Him on. And He wants you to prosper. Well, we have something just for you. It’s called Right on the Money, financial advice for tough times. Pat Robertson has put this together for you, and this will revolutionize your financial life. This is our free gift to you when you call us right now and join The 700 Club: 1-800-759-0700 is the number to call, or you can log on to CBN.com. And we will rush you Right on the Money. Gordon. GORDON ROBERTSON: All right, we’re counting down to victory. We’ve got 26 seconds to go. And here, this is something incredible. From Las Vegas—that’s a city that’s really been hit hard, both on real estate and everything else. People don’t want to gamble in the times of recession. Anyway, Las Vegas, Nevada, a Founder is increasing, and they’re going a credit card gift, 5,700 dollars. We’ve got two seconds left. We’re going to count everything that’s on the phones. It’s still not too late to call: 1-800-759-0700. We had a 200,000 dollar challenge. Against that, you gave 221,000 dollars. Thank you. We leave you with these words from Philippians, “Be anxious for nothing. But in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” God bless you. We’ll see you again tomorrow. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * END SPOT A: PLEDGE EXPRESS Announcer: While Mary feeds her two young daughters, she also helps feed needy families around the world. While Bob hands a drink out to a co-worker, he helps give water to villages with new wells. And while Carl builds a house for his son’s new puppy, he helps rebuild homes in disaster areas. TERRY MEEUWSEN: These people all have something in common. They’re CBN partners who have joined Pledge Express. It’s easy to sign up. Just give us a call, log on to CBN.com or return the Pledge Express form you receive in the mail. Then each month, we’ll send you “Power for Life,” and you’ll receive this powerful CD called Overcoming Stress. So join us and change the world for someone today. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * END SPOT B: RIGHT ON THE MONEY ANNOUNCER: Here is what people are saying about Right on the Money. Woman: Right on the Money helped me to be mindful and be prepared for the future for retirement, as well as college for my children. ANNOUNCER: Get Right on the Money and discover how to get out of debt, how to build your road map to wealth and how to prepare a solid financial future. Man: This teaching will give you a whole new start on how to manage your money. ANNOUNCER: Right on the Money. Available now. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GORDON ROBERTSON: Well, welcome to The 700 Club. The first batches of the H1N1 flu vaccine have finally arrived, and just in time. The flu is expected to spread to every state in the next few days. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Even so, many Americans say they are not worried about the flu, and they’re not getting vaccinated. Here is reporter Paul Strand. FLU PAUL STRAND: Some 7 million doses of H1N1 flu vaccine arrive across America this week, 40 million more in the next couple of weeks. First in line to get it: health care workers, since it is important they stay healthy in order to help everyone else get vaccinated. And more are getting sick right now, like at this Dallas hospital. Eden Pineda: As of right now, we have increased employee absences due to fevers, flu-like symptoms. PAUL STRAND: Then experts have recommended that pregnant women get vaccinated, since their risk of dying from H1N1 is six times higher than most Americans, although many expectant mothers are worried about complications from the vaccine. Children and young people up to 24 are also more vulnerable, odd, since flu usually hits senior citizens the hardest. But many Americans are still concerned about the vaccine and not all that worried about getting swine flu. Six in ten people say they may not get vaccinated. Four out of ten parents aren’t sure they’re going to get their kids vaccinated. Laura Thomas: I don't think I'll get the swine flu vaccine. I'm not terribly concerned about getting the swine flu. PAUL STRAND: Many doctors don't approve of that kind of thinking, especially with the possibility the swine flu could still morph into a much deadlier strain and with children particularly vulnerable. Dr. Richard Besser: As a parent and as a pediatrician, if I can keep a child from getting an illness that will keep them out of school for three, five, seven days, that's doing something. PAUL STRAND: As for worries about the vaccine . . . . Dr. William Schaffner: We’re very secure about how it was produced and how it was tested. This is a safe vaccine, and it's going to be very effective. PAUL STRAND: Paul Strand, CBN News, Washington. GORDON ROBERTSON: Well, this is going to be a rough flu season. And if you’ve known anyone that’s had this H1N1, it is a very, very bad case of the flu, and it’s also very virulent. And we’re worried now about it mutating into a much stronger one. So if you’re around children, if you are around places where people congregate, take the protections you need. And if you do get sick, do everyone a favor, including yourself, and stay home. Lee Webb has the rest of our top stories from the CBN Newsroom. Lee. PACIFIC DISASTERS LEE WEBB: Gordon, three Pacific nations are dealing with the aftermath of major natural disasters. Rescue workers have called off the search for survivors in Indonesia. The government says more than 600 people have died from last week’s earthquakes, while the United Nations puts the death toll at more like 1,100. In Samoa, hundreds of survivors gathered at a church on high ground to mourn lost relatives. One hundred seventy-seven people died from the massive tsunami there. And people in the Philippines are glad Typhoon Parma changed course at the last minute over the weekend. Still, it dumped 16 inches of water on the island nation, but it could have been far worse. PHILIPPINES LEE WEBB: Typhoon Ketsana hit the Philippines a week earlier, bringing the worst floods in 40 years to the island nation. Some observers compared it to Hurricane Katrina here in the US. But Filippinos have quick to recover from this deadly disaster. George Thomas has that story now from Manila. GEORGE THOMAS: In Pasig, one of the hardest-hit districts of metro Manila, there are signs this Monday that life is slowly returning to normal. A week after floods from Typhoon Ketsana left nearly 300 dead and reduced wide swathes of the capital to ruins, residents in Pasig are picking up the pieces. Kids are heading back to school. Garbage is being collected. The water is back on. And businesses are clearing and cleaning up. Eric Conde: Yes, trying to recover everything that we lost. GEORGE THOMAS: And at the corner of Paseo de Animals and Gabrielle street in Pasig, Sola Gracia Baptist Church opened its doors on Sunday for the very first time since the storm hit. The church has been on this corner for nearly 20 years. Last Saturday, when the typhoon came ashore, the entire neighborhood went under. Pastor Richard Sorilla: We are used to getting floodwaters that reach to our thighs. But this time, it was over two meters above the roof of the church. Just look around. This place is a mess. The road is destroyed, so people have to walk through all this mud. I've never seen such destruction. GE


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