700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

The 700 Club: September 15, 2009

On today's show, wrestler "Robbie Rage" had to learn about grace the hard way, and there is a report on honor killings from CBN News.


UnderWing Transcripts PO Box 16282 Clearwater, Florida 33766 540 455-2333 / UnderWing@underwingtranscripts.com ________________________________________ The 700 Club Daily Broadcast Tuesday, September 15, 2009 PAT ROBERTSON: Well, welcome to The 700 Club, ladies and gentlemen. The President says the economy is on the rebound. Well, I hope he’s right. He claims the huge stimulus package helped turn things around. TERRY MEEUWSEN: But Americans are questioning the President’s handling of the economy, especially the enormous federal deficit. Here is reporter John Jessup. ECONOMY JOHN JESSUP: It’s a bit of a mixed message. With a growing number of people joining the ranks of the unemployed, confidence in the President's handling of the economy is slipping. But today President Obama is on the road, trying to assure Americans that his administration has a plan for recovery and that it's working. His message comes a day after he told Wall Street what's in store on the one-year anniversary of the collapse of Lehman Brothers which caused a near financial meltdown. President Barack Obama: Hear my words: We will not go back to the days of reckless behavior and unchecked excess that was at the heart of this crisis, where too many were motivated only by the appetite for quick kills and bloated bonuses. JOHN JESSUP: The White House is trying to make the case that the financial picture has improved. Hundreds of billions of dollars have gone toward rescuing banks, car companies and stimulating the economy with construction projects and popular but now disbanded programs like Cash for Clunkers. The temporary trade-in plan is credited for General Motors' decision to rehire a thousand workers at a Chevy plant near Youngstown, Ohio, where the President will hold a roundtable and tell his audience that his plan is putting Americans back to work. President Barack Obama: The work of recovery continues. And though I will never be satisfied while people are out of work and our financial system is weakened, we can be confident that the storms of the past two years are beginning to break. JOHN JESSUP: With unemployment hovering around 10 percent, about 15 million people out of work, Americans are concerned not enough is being done to avoid another meltdown or to turn the economy around. A new Washington Post-ABC News poll shows 51 percent approve of the way the President is dealing with the economy. And far fewer, only 39 percent, think he's doing a good job handling the federal deficit. Poll numbers that suggest the President has a lot of work to do selling Americans on this message. John Jessup, CBN News, Washington. PAT ROBERTSON: Thanks, John. Terry, the bureaucratic system is such that all that money they voted, it hasn’t gotten through. Maybe ten percent, twenty percent of it has gotten through. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Well, maybe that’s why we’re seeing some of the numbers that we are as far as unemployment is concerned. PAT ROBERTSON: Well, it’s crazy. These bureaucrats just block, block, block, block the initiative. There is nothing fast. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Isn’t there anything they can do, Pat, with that money that was given to banks? Even though it wasn’t given with the right boundaries attached to it, isn’t there anything they can do to free that money up faster? PAT ROBERTSON: Well, they could force them to give it, but they say, “No, we can’t force them,” to not give it, but to loan it. The banks don’t want to do that, because they want to shore up their own balance sheet. Everybody is looking after themselves. But all this stimulus that was supposed to be shovel ready, projects and all that, that’s nonsense. It hasn’t happened. And I don’t know why the people in Washington don’t understand it. We saw that in Katrina. The Feds couldn’t get their act together. FEMA couldn’t get stuff down there. When they did, it was the wrong stuff in the wrong place. Well, keep your fingers crossed. Lee Webb has the rest of our top stories from the CBN Newsroom. Lee. TRUST IN MEDIA FALLS LEE WEBB: Pat, the public’s trust in the news media has dropped to its lowest level in decades. That’s the finding from a new survey by the Pew Research Group. The public overwhelmingly believes the media are biased. Seventy-four percent believe news organizations favor one side on political and social issues. Fifty percent say the media are liberal, while 22 percent call it conservative. Only 29 percent say news organizations generally get the facts straight. ACORN FUNDING CUT LEE WEBB: The trouble keeps mounding for the community organizing group known as ACORN. Now the Senate has voted to block the Department of Housing and Urban Development from giving grants to ACORN. The organization was the subject of an undercover video produced by a freelance filmmaker. In it, ACORN workers in Baltimore give advice on dodging taxes to a man and woman posing as the leaders of a prostitution ring. Similar videos at ACORN offices in two other cities have also been released. ACORN has received 53 million dollars in taxpayer funds since 1994. The loss of housing funds comes shortly after the Census Bureau severed ties with ACORN because of voter fraud allegations. Pat. PAT ROBERTSON: The shocking thing about this is that ACORN was hip deep in the Obama campaign. He worked for them, as I understand, as a lawyer. He listed himself as a community organizer. Well, that was part of the community organizing. And that organization was shot through with fraud and problems that are now being revealed. And the thing is it’s not yet being tied back into Obama like it should be. But they were his roots. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Yes. I think everybody sees that, and now this video that’s come out is just kind of confirming all of it. PAT ROBERTSON: It’s confirming, but again, it’s not tying directly to him. But, oh, well. We’re going to have to live with this unless somebody decides, “No, I don’t like it.” But the leftwing media is so much in Obama’s camp they will not hear anything critical of him at all. And so the American people don’t get the truth. Lee. MORE TROOPS TO AFGHANISTAN? LEE WEBB: Pat, the Obama Administration is facing a tough decision whether to send more troops to Afghanistan. Many military and diplomatic leaders want the President to send thousands more Marines, soldiers and pilots to help reverse the crumbling security situation there. But some Democratic leaders oppose such a move now and may never support it. The US forces already there, though, are conducting effective raids. CBN’s Chuck Holton traveled with a select antidrug task force on a recent mission. Their goal? To cut off one of the Taliban’s major sources of funding: the opium trade. Here is his exclusive report from Helmand Province. RAIDS IN AFGHANISTAN CHUCK HOLTON: Well before dawn on September 11, several dozen warriors gathered on a dark airstrip in Kandahar, Afghanistan, preparing to commemorate the 9/11 anniversary their way, with a capture/kill mission on a Taliban kingpin. They loaded onto unmarked Russian helicopters for the incursion, joined by a team of agents from the Drug Enforcement Administration’s Foreign Advisory and Support Team, called FAST. The helicopters sped toward the objective low and fast, the best way to maintain the element of surprise. Landing at first light, they deployed quickly around the Taliban compound to keep anyone from slipping away. Then they began a methodical search of each and every building. Women and children were gently led to safety. Several military age males were detained for questioning. The search turned up several key loads of opium, heroin and, more importantly, materials used to construct improvised explosive devices, the kind which have become the biggest killer of American troops on the ground. The contraband was collected up and destroyed with military plastic explosives. When it was over, the helicopters returned, and the men loaded up for the trip back to base, already looking ahead to the next mission. For these special operators, it was a fitting tribute to those who died on 9/11, a direct hit on the Taliban’s pocketbook, putting a dent in their ability to wage terror. Chuck Holton, CBN News, with the DEA FAST team in Kandahar, Afghanistan. LEE WEBB: Amazing. Pat, as you know, this is one of several trips that Chuck has made to Afghanistan and Iraq. He’s a former Army ranger and a former helicopter pilot, and he’s been given incredible access to some of these missions. PAT ROBERTSON: Well, these are exclusive pictures, which are very revealing. I may be saying the unthinkable. And ladies and gentlemen, don’t hold me to it. But I don’t know there has been any conquering country that has been able to hold on to Afghanistan. It certainly broke the Russians. Their adventure in Afghanistan really brought down the whole Soviet Empire. TERRY MEEUWSEN: So you think we should send more troops in at this point? PAT ROBERTSON: No. I think we ought to start getting out. We put in a government. Now there is massive voter fraud. More people apparently have voted than exist in the country. There were some serious irregularities. The opium trade, those opium poppies, have flourished under our administration. It is a huge supplier of heroin. It comes out of Afghanistan under our watch. And you go back to the Brits, the Brits couldn’t hold Afghanistan. They tried and tried and tried. They couldn’t do it. And I just wonder, ladies and gentlemen, whether or not we want Afghanistan. They don’t have any oil. They’ve got a bunch of mountains up there, and they’ve got some fierce tribes. They had no strong central government. Outside of the capital city, there is very little of the central government’s presence. And I don’t know how much blood and treasure it’s going to take to, I don’t know what you would say, placate those people, or subdue them. They don’t like us. They don’t like anybody. They’re amazing folks, but they like to be left alone. And I don’t whether the Taliban has the authority any longer to come in and do bad things to them. But if we left them a functioning government and a functioning army and then say, “Okay, we’ve done what we have to do. You’re on your own.” That may be a little bit startling, but . . . . TERRY MEEUWSEN: Maybe not. It might be time. PAT ROBERTSON: There are so many military adventures any country can take on, and I think we’ve taken on enough. And let’s wind that baby in Iraq down somewhat. It seems to be stabilized with law and order. And we can turn our attention to Iran and possibly North Korea. But I just think we’re going to bleed ourselves to death on this thing and Afghanistan if we’re not careful. Lee. SYNAGOGUE FOUND LEE WEBB: Israeli archaeologists say they have uncovered a 2,000-year-old synagogue where Jesus may have prayed. CBN’s Chris Mitchell has that story. CHRIS MITCHELL: The remains of this ancient synagogue were discovered on the site of a planned hotel north of Tiberias in Migdal, the town where Mary Magdalene once lived. These finds along the Sea of Galilee represent some of the oldest discoveries ever found in the region. Some experts say it is certain that these are the places where Jesus lived, taught and healed the sick. Dina Avshalom-Gorni (Head Archaeologist): We presume that this synagogue, this beautiful, decorated, well-decorated synagogue was maybe the synagogue that Jesus and His community and Mary Magdalena sat together and learned and studied and prayed together in this building. CHRIS MITCHELL: The building would have been huge, nearly 1,300 square feet in the main hall. It was decorated with frescos and had a mosaic floor. And most of the stones were left standing or lying intact. Israel Antiquities Authority archaeologist Dina Avshalom-Gorni is heading the excavation. She says they have also found an unusual stone inside the synagogue. Dina Avshalom-Gorni: In the middle of the synagogue, jus tin the middle of the benches around the walls, we found the base of a stone, which was decorated also with a menorah. CHRIS MITCHELL: The seven-branched candelabra was part of the temple in Jerusalem. A few depictions of menorahs have surfaced, but this one is unique because it is far from Jerusalem and in a synagogue. Experts say this sheds light on the links between Jewish communities in the Galilee and Jerusalem in that day. IAA archaeologist Yosi Stepansky says the artist might have been capturing what he actually saw on the stone. Yosi Stepansky (IAA Archaeologist): The artist himself may have seen the original menorah in the second temple and used it for himself when he engraved the menorah here on this stone. CHRIS MITCHELL: Avshalom-Gorni says it is remarkable that the synagogue is so well-preserved, because it was found just a few inches beneath the surface. Dina Avshalom-Gorni: After 2,000 years nobody damaged this building. It's unbelievable. And it's so beautiful also in archeologist, because the hotel could be built a little bit to the south, a little bit to the north, and we could miss it by a few meters. We could miss this unbelievable evidence. CHRIS MITCHELL: Despite plans to build on the site, Stepansky says he is certain it will be preserved for Jews and Christians alike. Yosi Stepansky: I think everybody wants the public also to see the synagogue and maybe even a chance to pray in the synagogue, a synagogue that's here 2000 years. That's a big treat for anybody. CHRIS MITCHELL: Chris Mitchell, CBN News, the Galilee. LEE WEBB: Pat, these Israeli archaeologists are doing amazing work over there. PAT ROBERTSON: Extraordinary. They are so dedicated. But the Bible makes it clear that Jesus went into a synagogue in Capernaum. It was right there on the Sea of Galilee where He cast demons out. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Those kinds of treasures are underfoot everywhere in Israel. It’s amazing. I remember being in Caesarea and looking down and seeing shards of old pottery just lying on the ground around you. It was remarkable. PAT ROBERTSON: And paving stones from the Roman period and way beyond. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Unbelievable. PAT ROBERTSON: Well, anyhow, what’s next? TERRY MEEUWSEN: Well, up next, she was stripped, kicked and stoned, and her murder was captured on a cell phone. GRAPHIC: BLOOD FOR HONOR Her crime? She was in love. Why so-called honor killings are taking place around the world and what’s being done to stop them. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 1: CURVES Announcer: So you finally decided that it’s the right time for you to lose weight. That’s great. And maybe you’re considering going to Weight Watchers. Woman: Weight Watchers? Woman: Oh, no, girl. Woman: You’re going to try something new. Woman: I am? Woman: We’re clear. Go, go, go, go, go! Announcer: Introducing the new Curves 30-day diet plan. It’s clinically proven and a brand new way to lose weight and keep it off, without counting points forever. There are diet classes every month which are free to everyone. No membership required. Curves’ exclusive 30-day diet is designed to help you retrain and sustain your metabolism. That way you can reach your goal weight and stay there. Want to get started? Woman: Let’s try something else. Announcer: Learn a whole new way to take off the weight. Call your local Curves club about the 30-day diet plan and find out when you can try a class near you, free. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NEXT DAY PROMO GRAPHIC: “LUMBERBILL” CHAMPION LEE WEBB: Tomorrow on Skinny Wednesday. Learn how this “LumberJill” won the world championships just weeks after giving birth. * * * GRAPHIC: “MEDI-SHARE” LEE WEBB: Plus: Man: She was rushed to the hospital. LEE WEBB: How families like this are paying their medical bills at about half the cost of health insurance. Man: It’s a very caring group of people trying to help you. LEE WEBB: Tomorrow on The 700 Club. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PAT ROBERTSON: So-called honor killings. You think, “Could it happen in America?” Well, the answer is yes, it does happen in America. Well, after 17-year-old Rifqa Bary converted to Christianity, she was forced to leave home. It took a couple of years, but she did, for she was afraid her Muslim family was going to kill or hurt her. Officials have found no evidence that suggests that is going to happen. Still, her case has brought honor killings into the spotlight. And as George Thomas reports, it’s a serious problem throughout the world. FOCUS: MUSLIM HONOR KILLINGS Rana Husseini: Living in a patriarchal society, women somehow tend to be always blamed for any fault. Her family holds her responsible for their reputation, so the minute this woman did something wrong, they see no solution but to kill her. For them blood cleanses honor. GEORGE THOMAS: On April 7, 2007, just outside Iraq's northern city of Mosul, 17-year-old Du'a Khalil Aswad was dragged by a group of relatives, including her brother and uncle, into the village square. Hundreds of townspeople watched as she was stripped, kicked and repeatedly stoned. Her gruesome killing was caught on a video cell phone. Miss Aswad's crime: she was in love with a young man, and members of her family disapproved. Each year, hundreds, if not thousands, of people worldwide are shot, stabbed, strangled, stoned or burned to death. And almost always the victim is a woman accused of tarnishing her family's honor. Rana Husseini (Reporter, The Jordan Times): Families decide to kill for these reasons: rumors, suspicion, rape. If a woman is raped, sometimes they blame her for the rape, incest, also they might kill her, choosing her own man to get married to, talking to a man. GEORGE THOMAS: Rana Husseini has documented the practice of honor killings as a reporter for one of Jordan’s leading newspapers. She is on a mission to end the silence surrounding this horrific crime. Rana Husseini: And I think I'm here to speak in the name of these women who have no voices. GEORGE THOMAS: Her book, Murder in the Name of Honor, documents the rise of honor crimes worldwide. Rana Husseini: The typical honor killer usually is the brother. Some families are very knowledgeable about the law. Sometimes they choose minors to commit the crime, because these minors, they get away with very lenient sentences. It could range from three months to two years. GEORGE THOMAS: It's difficult to get precise numbers, but the UN estimates that worldwide at least 13 people are killed a day, at least 5,000 a year. And while the majority of these crimes occur in Arab and Muslim countries, a growing number take place in immigrant communities in the US, Europe and elsewhere. Honor killings are not just a problem isolated to the Muslim communities in the Middle East. Today, Christian families are also engaging in this horrific practice. Rana Husseini: There are similar cases reported in Syria, similar cases reported in Egypt, South America also. GEORGE THOMAS: But the problem is generally more prevalent in Islamic cultures where women are often viewed as property with no rights. A few months before Du'a Khalil's murder, Fareeda, also from Northern Iraq, was kidnapped from her home and taken to the Turkish city of Silopi. There she was drugged, raped and sold into prostitution. Fareeda (Rape Victim): I was treated like an animal. I was used like a piece of meat. GEORGE THOMAS: She was discovered by Turkish authorities and sent back to Iraq. But instead of being welcomed home, her family now wants her dead. Fareeda: To them, I am dirty and worthless. GEORGE THOMAS: Fareeda is being protected by a group of human rights activists at an undisclosed location. But the day we met her, she had tried to kill herself by jumping from this window. Fareeda: I don't want to live anymore. I am as good as dead to my family. GEORGE THOMAS: In Jordan, if a woman is afraid that her family wants to kill her, she can check herself into the local prison. That's what Wadid did after she was raped. The only problem is that Wadid can't check herself out of prison. The only person who can check her out is a male relative. Rana Husseini: And most of the time if the family decides they want to release their female, 99 percent it's to kill them. GEORGE THOMAS: Human rights experts say dozens of women are languishing under this so-called protective custody in Jordanian prisons. Nourhan Fakhoury (Human Rights Advocate): Some of the women, they've been in the prison for more than five years. GEORGE THOMAS: Social, religious and political groups are stirring up public debate on the topic. But challenges remain. Husseini receives numerous death threats and is accused of being anti-Islamic. Still, she is trying to convince her society and others around the world that life is more important than some distorted view of honor. Rana Husseini: The right of life is something very holy, and it’s not for anyone on this planet to take someone else’s life. God created us. God takes us. GEORGE THOMAS: George Thomas, CBN News, Amman, Jordan. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PAT ROBERTSON: Well, you talk about, again, Islam being the religion of peace, this is just one of the ugly sides of Islam. There is no question about it. And this is real. These aren’t made up stories. Honor killings go on all the time, and it’s brutal. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Absolutely. PAT ROBERTSON: Yes. And usually it’s brothers. It’s members of a household that feel that they are honor bound by their religion to kill their sisters, who, maybe they want to get married to somebody who is a non-Muslim, for example. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Well, that’s why in the situation with Rifqa Bary, I wind up saying when lawyers say there is no evidence that this could happen to her, and you’re looking at stories like this, and we know that it’s a general part of life in a lot of Muslim cultures, how can you say there is no possibility of it, or potential? PAT ROBERTSON: Lawyers and judges can say all kinds of funny things. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Yes, I guess so. PAT ROBERTSON: They do that. They ignore the facts, and they say, “Well, unfortunately, you don’t have a cause.” All right. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Well, coming up, Robbie Rage was more than his name. It was his attitude. Man: Kenny just looked at me, and he says, “Your name is Rage.” He says, “I have never met anyone as angry and physical and aggressive that could handle the pain as you do.” TERRY MEEUWSEN: Watch as this wrestler turns his rage against himself. That’s next. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 2: SWISS AMERICA Spokesman: Seventy-seven million baby boomers hope to retire in the next ten to 20 years, and just three percent will be financially independent. But Uncle Sam wants to help you put gold into your retirement plan by creating a self-directed Precious Metal IRA. There are no tax penalties or new contributions needed to convert an existing IRA or other retirement fund into gold. Pat Boone: This is Pat Boone to tell you about Swiss America’s three step plan for successful gold investing. First, call Swiss America. Request their free book, materials, and rare opportunity CD. Second, review the materials and learn why gold has more than doubled in the last five years and why experts say it may double again. And third, earn a return through growth of your gold investment. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PAT ROBERTSON: Professional wrestling. It is a brutal game. And with every weight he lifted, with every needle he injected, with every pill he popped, wrestler Rob Knapik was training for one opponent: his own father. ROB KNAPIK WILL DAWSON: Robbie Rage, a name befitting a man once regarded as one of the most physical wrestlers in the ring. Announcer: Look at how he’s built. The guy truly one of the strongest, most powerful men in our sport. WILL DAWSON: He grew up in Plymouth, Massachusetts, where he was simply known as Rob Knapik. A gifted athlete, Rob played everything from baseball to soccer to hockey. On the field, Rob appeared to be a typical kid, but when he came home, he was emotionally and physically abused by his father. Rob Knapik: As a kid, I always thought that I always dirty, physically, emotionally. As a child, you desire that fatherly love. You desire to please your father. Love to me was literally a slap in the face. WILL DAWSON: Rob worked out to relieve the stress. Rob Knapik: I was tired of being beat up by my dad, being abused physically, mentally, emotionally day in and day out, being woken up in the middle of the night and being hit for something and thrown around the room for something that I didn’t even do. WILL DAWSON: When he was 18, Rob began taking steroids. Rob Knapik: My way at getting back at my father was, “I’m going to build my body up at any cost, whatever it takes. If it takes injecting needles to popping pills, then that’s what I’m going to do.” WILL DAWSON: After high school, he tried college, but it just didn’t pan out. Then a friend invited Rob to a live wrestling event in Florida. Rob Knapik: And I can remember just being so intrigued by the whole thing. “I’m going to do this!” So I can remember getting on the phone for a couple of weeks and just pounding the phone, calling promotions, calling people. And to make a long story short, I ended up at the WCW having a tryout.” WILL DAWSON: World Championship Wrestling offered Rob a contract and Rob Knapik became “Robbie Rage.” Rage was more than just his wrestling persona. Rob Knapik: Kenny just looked at me, and he says, “You’re name is Rage.” He says, “I’ve never met anyone as angry and physical and aggressive that could handle the pain that you put yourself through to train to be in this business as you do.” WILL DAWSON: In 1995, Rob moved to Atlanta. He joined with Kenny Chaos to form the tag team High Voltage. They were featured on Monday Nitro, which at the time was the highest rated program on cable television. Success was immediate in the ring as well as out of it, as Rob made up to 20,000 dollars a month. Rob Knapik: It wasn’t a thing for me to purchase a 6500-square-foot home and have a home in Florida and have a couple different vehicles. WILL DAWSON: Despite his success, Rob’s body was taking a pounding day after day in the ring. Years of steroid use caught up to him, and after nearly five years of pro wrestling, Rob was forced out of the ring. Rob Knapik: I had reconstructive shoulder surgery on my right shoulder. I could not even move my right arm for seven months. My arm was strapped to my body. WILL DAWSON: Rob became depressed. He couldn’t use physical activity to cope as he did before, so he developed an addiction to pain pills and ecstasy, which was affecting his mind. Rob Knapik: I was so low that I was a prisoner in my own home. I was afraid of the bed to go to sleep at night, because I was so addicted to these drugs. I didn’t leave my house at one time for six months. I would stop eating, so I could get high on drugs. WILL DAWSON: Rob’s injury kept him out of the ring, and the WCW pulled his contract. Rob Knapik: That six-figure-a-year contract, I lost my contract. That 6,500-square-foot house, lost the house. Those cars and that house in Florida, I had lost everything. And in those six months, it was just the most grueling, just soul-searching, gut-wrenching self-examination of my life that if I died right now, I knew I would go to Hell. WILL DAWSON: Afraid to leave his home, addicted to drugs and without a job, Rob cried out to God. Rob Knapik: So He removed all those things from me. He ripped the rug out from under me and caused me to look up, that I had no avenue, none whatsoever, but to fling myself at the Son of God for mercy, to cry out for mercy, that He showed me my true self, my true sinful self. And that’s when I repented of my sins. WILL DAWSON: Rob gave his life to Jesus Christ and was baptized. And over the next two years, he dedicated his time to knowing God. Rob Knapik: The Lord blessed that time as a foundation to teach me about Himself. The God that I hated, the God that I spat in His face, I rejected His Gospel, and it took Him to turn my world upside down to get my attention. WILL DAWSON: Today, Rob is a personal trainer, sharing his testimony everywhere he goes. The painful scars of his past have been healed. (Interviewing): So how precious is Jesus to you, then? Rob Knapik: He is more precious than my life, than anything this world could offer: fame, fortune, money. Salvation is a love affair, and the love letter is the Bible. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PAT MINISTERS PAT ROBERTSON: Have you had the abuse of an overbearing father? Have you been physically abused? Have you been mentally abused? Some of you have been sexually abused by either a father or some older relative. Do you have scars in your life? Well, there are many people that do, and you may be one of them. And I’m talking to you right now. Please know that the answer to getting rid of those scars isn’t drugs. It is not steroids. It is not rage. It is not crime. It is not sex. It is not all these things that the world throws out to you. But there are many people that try to medicate what’s been done to them. They try to east the pain by some kind of narcotic or alcohol. And right now, Jesus Christ is saying to you, “I have an answer for your pain. I have an answer to the problems that you have been having in your life. I have something more precious than jewels, more costly than gold, and I’ll give it to you free: the gift of eternal life.” And if you want this blessing, what I want you to do right now is to bow your head at this moment—don’t go anywhere—at this moment, and say, “Jesus, I want you. I want to get free of all the things that have been on my life. I want to be free.” I want you to bow your head right now and pray this prayer with me. Do it now. “Jesus.” That’s right. Pray with me. “Jesus, you know what I’ve been through. You know the early days of childhood. You know the days of teenage problems. You know what I have done. You know what’s been done to me. You know what I’ve been through and how I’ve called out to you or how I’ve cursed you. God, I ask you to forgive me. I didn’t know what I was doing. And I pray right now, Lord, that you might take me as I am, that you would heal the pain that is in my heart, that you would wash away the memories and that you would fill me with yourself. Do it, Lord, I pray. I receive your blessing. I receive your salvation. From this moment on, Jesus, I am yours.” Now, if you prayed with me just then, what I want you to do is go to your telephone, and I want you to call in and say, “I just prayed with Pat.” GRAPHIC: 1-800-759-0700 CBN.COM And I’ve got a little booklet I want to give you. It’s called “A New Day.” It’s kind of pretty. It has a teaching that I did on what happens next. There is a little book of scriptures here. “A New Day.” And we’ll give this to you free if you just call in. GRAPHIC: OUR GIFT TO YOU 1-800-759-0700 CBN.COM Just say, “I gave my heart to the Lord. I prayed with that guy on TV.” Please go to your phones. It’s a toll free number: 1-800-759-0700. And just say, “Yes, yes, yes. I said yes to Jesus.” Go to your phone right now. And the angels of Heaven are rejoicing over the decision you just made. Terry, it’s a great day in Heaven. TERRY MEEUWSEN: You know it is. Well, still ahead, we’re going to answer your e-mail questions. Many of you have written in. But Colleen writes, “I told a family friend that he can’t live in my house after I found his stash of drugs. Now I feel guilty. Did I do the right thing?” TERRY MEEUWSEN: Pat is going to Bring It On with his response to that question and more, later on today’s 700 Club. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 3A: PCC SPOT Son: Daddy? Father: Yeah, buddy? Son: How many nickels are in a dollar? Father: There are 20 nickels in a dollar. Son: How do birds fly? Does milk really make my bones stronger? Father: Yeah. Yep. Son: Daddy, when we die, will we go to Heaven? Announcer: Do you have the answer to life’s biggest question? Call The 700 Club. We’ll help you find answers to the important questions life brings your way. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 3B: CURVES Announcer: So you finally decided that it’s the right time for you to lose weight. That’s great. And maybe you’re considering going to Weight Watchers. Woman: Weight Watchers? Woman: Oh, no, girl. Woman: You’re going to try something new. Woman: I am? Woman: We’re clear. Go, go, go, go, go! Announcer: Introducing the new Curves 30-day diet plan. It’s clinically proven and a brand new way to lose weight and keep it off, without counting points forever. There are diet classes every month, which are free to everyone. No membership required. Curves’ exclusive 30-day diet is designed to help you retrain and sustain your metabolism. That way you can reach your goal weight and stay there. Want to get started? Woman: Let’s try something else. Announcer: Learn a whole new way to take off the weight. Call your local Curves club about the 30-day diet plan and find out when you can try a class near you, free. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * STONING CRIMES LEE WEBB: Welcome back to The 700 Club. It will soon be legal to stone adulterers to death in Indonesia’s Aceh Province. Homosexuality will be punishable by public lashings and more than eight years in prison. Lawmakers in the predominantly Muslim-Indonesian province voted unanimously for that change. Islamic Sharia law has been practiced in the Aceh region for several years. Indonesia now joins a growing list of countries with regions that have legal execution by stoning. Among them are Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and parts of Nigeria. SEEKING NEW HUSBAND AT 107 LEE WEBB: A 107-year-old Malaysian woman is seeking a husband for the 23rd time. Wok Kundor’s current husband is a 37-year-old drug addict who is currently in rehabilitation. She fears that once he’s out of the program, he will leave her for a younger woman. Wok says she wants to remarry to avoid being lonely. You can always get the latest from CBN News by going to our web site at CBN.com. GRAPHIC: FOR MORE INFORMATION LOG ON TO CBN.COM Pat and Terry will be back with more of The 700 Club, after this. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 4A: SIMPLEX Announcer: Attention, those on Medicare with diabetes. Woman: Results from testing my blood glucose were often wrong. I’d have to code my meter. Pharmacist: If you’re on Medicare with diabetes, then you need to know about the newest methods in checking your blood glucose. You don’t have to code your meter anymore, and you don’t have to stab your fingers. These new no-code meters are easier to use and nearly painless. Woman: This new method hurts less, and I don’t have to code the test strips anymore. Pharmacist: No coding helps make testing faster and confirms accuracy. And the best news is that Diabetes Care Club will send you one of these new meters. Woman: I called, got my no-code meter. Now my fingers don’t hurt anymore. Pharmacist: Diabetes Care Club delivers the latest technology directly to your door for free. So call and find out why over 100,000 patients choose Diabetes Care Club. Woman: Honey, you don’t have to code anymore. Upgrade your meter and change the way you test now. Call now. I’m glad I did. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 4B: SYNVISC Announcer: If you have osteoarthritis knee pain, Synvisc One treats it right at the source and helps you get back to doing the things you love. Synvisc One is the only treatment that can give you up to six months of pain relief with just one injection. It’s a natural substance similar to healthy joint fluid that lubricates and cushions your joint and relieves pain without the serious side effects that pain pills can have. For your free information kit, call 1-800-211-9223. Synvisc One may not work for everyone. Before beginning treatment, tell your doctor if you are allergic to products from birds, such as feathers, eggs or poultry, or if your leg is swollen or infected. The most common side effects are temporary pain, stiffness, swelling and fluid buildup in and around the knee. Synvisc One has not been tested in children, pregnant women or women who are nursing. To learn more, call this number, go online or ask your doctor about Synvisc One. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GRAPHIC: CBN CELEBRATES ROSH HASHANAH LIVE WEBCAST ON CBN.COM 7PM FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18TH TERRY MEEUWSEN: Well, this Friday, something wonderful is happening, and you can be a part of it. It’s September the 18th, and at seven p.m. eastern time you can log on to CBN.com and be a part of CBN’s Rosh Hashanah celebration. We want to invite you to join us for a wonderful evening of praise, celebration and prayer. Rosh Hashanah is the head of the year, and it kicks off our Seven Days Ablaze week of prayer for our partners, as well as for the ministry of CBN. So we want to invite you to join us. That’s this Friday night at seven p.m. for CBN’s Rosh Hashanah celebration. Paul Wilbur is going to be back with us. He’s amazing. Just a wonderful time, and it’s live on CBN.com. Hope we have wonderful weather like we did the last time we did this. PAT ROBERTSON: Well, the Lord is going to bless us. You know He will. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Yes, I know He will. It’s wonderful. It’s great. PAT ROBERTSON: All right. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BRING IT ON TERRY MEEUWSEN: Well, we’ve got some e-mail questions, Pat. Are you ready? PAT ROBERTSON: Let’s get on them. TERRY MEEUWSEN: This is someone named Colleen, who says, “Dear Pat, we lived with and took care of my husband’s mother until she passed away. We continued to stay in her home so her boyfriend could have a place to live. He does pay rent. Recently we learned that he’s on drugs. While he was in the hospital, we searched his room and found his stash. Because of the drugs, we’ve told him he may no longer live in the house. But we feel so guilty. Do you think this is the right thing to do?” PAT ROBERTSON: Colleen, it was definitely the right thing to do. I don’t know if you’re aware of that, but if the Feds come and find the, quote, “stash,” they can confiscate your house. And you say, “Well, I didn’t have anything to do with the drugs.” And they say, “That’s tough luck. It was on your premises, and therefore we’ll take your house and sell it.” You don’t want that to happen. If this guy is going to jeopardize the stability of your home, then he’s got no right to stay there. It’s an amazing situation, though. This is the father’s mother, or mother-in-law. TERRY MEEUWSEN: The mother’s boyfriend. PAT ROBERTSON: Yes, but I mean it’s her boyfriend. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Yes. PAT ROBERTSON: But I mean, boyfriend? How old are these people? This is a weird situation. But anyhow, no, you’ve got to throw him out, and don’t feel bad about it. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Okay. This is from Omega, who says, “I’m 20 years old with three kids. I live with the father of my kids, but we’re not married. He says he doesn’t want to marry me right now, that he’s not ready for a commitment. How do I get him to commit?” PAT ROBERTSON: Omega, as long as he can get free sex and you’re going to look after him and feed him his food and he’s got a place to say, why would he commit? He’s got no incentive to commit. You’ve got to hold out some benefit, and say, “Look, Charlie, I’m not going to do this any longer. And if you want to go through with marriage and make this thing legal. I’m sorry, but that’s the end of the line.” And you’ve got to say no. No is a very powerful weapon. And he doesn’t believe you’ll do it. He believes he can talk you into keeping on the relationship. TERRY MEEUWSEN: You might need to back that up with a place to stay. Twenty years old with three kids. Wow. PAT ROBERTSON: The house apparently is hers. It’s not the boyfriend’s. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Well, she says, “I live with the father of my kids.” PAT ROBERTSON: Live with him, but it doesn’t mean that he’s providing it. TERRY MEEUWSEN: I don’t know. PAT ROBERTSON: It sounds like he’s a free loader. I don’t know. You don’t know all the circumstances. But I don’t care what the circumstances are, she needs to break that off. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Do the right thing. Do the right thing. PAT ROBERTSON: Twenty years old and three children. Oh, Lord. TERRY MEEUWSEN: And then not married to the father. PAT ROBERTSON: Yes. Okay. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Okay, here’s Niral, who says, “I’ve never believed in demonic possession, but ever since I started talking to a friend of mine involved in sexual sin, I’ve been getting strange dreams. It has also become easier and easier to commit sins against the Lord. Could simply hanging around with the wrong people affect my behavior and thinking?” PAT ROBERTSON: There is no question. I don’t know if that’s demons or not. I don’t know enough about it to say it is. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Influence, not possession, maybe. PAT ROBERTSON: Sure. But whether or not the woman that you’re dealing with has a demonic spirit or whether she just has loose morals. But loose morals will lead to this kind of conduct. And there is no doubt about it. If you have friends that are engaged in drunkenness and carousing and various types of sexual sin, then you will be enticed into those sins yourself. There is no question about it. So you’ve got to break off those relationships and do it fast, because they will corrupt you in a heartbeat. And you say, “Well, I’m going to minister to her.” No, you’re not. She’s ministering to you, and it’s all bad. TERRY MEEUWSEN: This is Loraine, who says, “Do you think age is important when it comes to marrying someone when you’re older? My friend is 45 years old, and she is dating a man who is 35. She says the maturity level is what counts. Do you think she’s right or should there be a limit on age difference?” PAT ROBERTSON: There’s no limit. It’s a question of maturity, but . . . . TERRY MEEUWSEN: What is she saying? She’s immature or the guy is mature? PAT ROBERTSON: Well, a 45-year-old woman is not all that old. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Exactly. A spring chicken as far as I’m concerned. PAT ROBERTSON: Just a mere child. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Exactly. PAT ROBERTSON: The difference between 35 and 45 isn’t all that much. But keep in mind, and this is the thing people have to consider, is as you get older, the older one of the two is going to start having diseases and maladies and afflictions that come about from age. And you’d better be prepared to look after somebody like that. But there is nothing in the world wrong with it. There is no limit. But what your friend said, it’s a question of the maturity level. Some people are extraordinarily mature for their age and some aren’t. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Here is a fun one. This is from Julia. She says, “Hi, I’m Julia. I’m 13 years old, and I have a question for Pat. A friend of mine told me that God has a sense of humor, and He laughs at things. Is this true?” PAT ROBERTSON: Well, the Bible says, if you listen to the Messiah, it says He will laugh them to scorn. It’s in the Messiah. Yes, God laughs. I think God has got a wonderful sense of humor. He really does. TERRY MEEUWSEN: He says the joy of the Lord is our strength, too, so joy is His idea. PAT ROBERTSON: Well, it is. Joy. You read in Job about the morning stars singing together. I think God has a marvelous sense of humor, and the universe is filled with music and song and dancing and joy. That’s God. So your friend is right. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Well, thank you for your questions. We always enjoy hearing from you. Well, at 53 years old, Jo Anne Price is retired, debt free, and she is enjoying the view from her waterfront condo. But that wasn’t always the case. At one time Jo Anne was so deep in debt that she was about to lose her home. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * JO ANNE PRICE TIM BRANSON: Jo Anne Price worked long days as an oil company employee to pay the huge bills left by her ex-husband. And at night, after putting her son to bed, she would drown her fears in alcohol. Jo Anne Price: When I got home from work, I was so scared to be there by myself, alcohol seemed the way out. TIM BRANSON: Night after night, Jo Anne drank until she was drunk. Then one day, as she flipped through the channels, she found The 700 Club. Jo Anne Price: I prayed with them, and after I prayed I went, took care of all my alcohol, put it down the drain. It was amazing the way I felt. And so I kept watching The 700 Club every night. TIM BRANSON: Jo Anne’s fear was gone, but she still had more debt than she could pay off with her income. In fact, the bank was threatening to foreclose on her home. In spite of this, Jo Anne wanted to start giving to The 700 Club. Jo Anne Price: I thought, “Well, how am I going to join The 700 Club?” It was 20 dollars a month, and I thought, “Man, I’ve got a lot of debt here.” TIM BRANSON: Jo Anne sent her 20 dollars to The 700 Club anyway. Then a few weeks passed. Jo Anne Price: I got an unexpected bonus, an increase in my salary, not just a bonus. It was an eight percent increase in salary. And as soon as I got that, I started remembering Pat Robertson was teaching on tithing, and I thought, “Well, God has proved that He could take care of me.” TIM BRANSON: The first check Jo Anne wrote out of that salary increase was a tithe, ten percent of her paycheck. Jo Anne Price: Within six months, I got another eight percent increase, and it was just such a blessing. It was just beyond words. TIM BRANSON: Within a year, Jo Anne was free and clear of debt. Jo Anne Price: God kept giving me scriptures showing me that He was my supplier. He was going to take care of my need. I wasn’t to look to man. I wasn’t to look to my ex-husband for child support. I wasn’t to look to anybody but God. He was the one that was going to take care of my need. TIM BRANSON: Giving became a priority for Jo Anne. She also began investing more money into her retirement plan, which paid off in a big way. She was only 53 when she retired. Jo Anne Price: I haven’t had to go back to work. God has blessed me abundantly. God has assured me from the very beginning that He was the one to take care of me. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TERRY MEEUWSEN: It’s amazing, isn’t it? God’s plan is amazing. He says that when we give to Him, He will bless other people with our giving, but then He turns right around and blesses us. That’s why we want to invite you to be a part of stepping into that flow of blessing. GRAPHIC: 1-800-759-0700 CBN.COM It’s not our idea. It’s God’s idea. But He invites every one of us to participate. And so we want to invite you to join with us. We’re using the gifts that people like you give to touch the lives of people around the world with the love of Jesus Christ, with life changing opportunities. And we want to invite you to be a part of that by joining The 700 Club. It’s 65 cents a day, 20 dollars a month. But you can change the world with that. When we all link arms together, we can make an incredible difference. How do you do that? Well, you call that toll free number that you see on your screen: 1-800-759-0700. Just say, “I want to join The 700 Club.” When you do, do it through Pledge Express. It means the bank does all the work. GRAPHIC: FREE WITH PLEDGE EXPRESS 1-800-759-0700 CBN.COM You have none of the hassle or the headache. It’s electronic monthly giving, but it saves us a lot of administrative costs. And so our way of saying thank you for using Pledge Express is to send you “Power for Life” teachings each month. We believe that these will be a blessing to you and will enhance your own walk with the Lord. So call right now: 1-800-759-0700. Or you can also log on to CBN.com. PAT ROBERTSON: Start a wonderful adventure. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Indeed. PAT ROBERTSON: We believe in adventure. We believe in fun. We believe in the glory of the Lord, and He will let you see glory. And there’s nothing better than getting your prayers answered. It really makes you happy. TERRY MEEUWSEN: It sure does. PAT ROBERTSON: Aren’t you happy? TERRY MEEUWSEN: Well, it does. And it builds your faith. You realize that what she said is true. God is there. He’s doing what He says He’d do. PAT ROBERTSON: Well, coming up next, a woman’s lingering shoulder pain vanishes in an instant. GRAPHIC: FREE FROM PAIN See it happen, after this. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 5A: YOU WERE THERE TERRY MEEUWSEN: I have the privilege of traveling all over the world and seeing firsthand the life changing things you make possible through your partnership. Thank you for joining The 700 Club. Here in India, you’re demonstrating the love of God to such wonderful people, most of who are in great need, both physically and spiritually. You’re bringing hope and joy to millions around the world, just like you did for Akhtar and Rasheed. They were abandoned by their father, left to hunt for food and sleep on the streets. You gave them a wonderful new home and a bright, happy future. Your monthly gift makes it possible to heal the sick, feed the hungry and preach the Gospel, both at home in America and throughout the world. So please watch for this mailing and send in your pledge. Imagine lifting someone’s life out of despair and filling it with hope instead. That’s what you make possible every day, and it only happens because you were there. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 5B: BETHANY HOUSE MISSING Announcer: New from New York Time’s bestselling author, Beverly Lewis, The Missing. A painful absence, a desperate search, an unlikely friendship. Will Grace’s search for truth lead to hope or heartache? The Missing. Book two in the Seasons of Grace series, from Beverly Lewis, America’s favorite author of Amish fiction. Get your copy today, from Bethany House. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TERRY MEEUWSEN: Cascille Hammock couldn’t shake her shoulder pain. She thought it was something that she would have to live with for the rest of her life, until one day when she turned on the television and that pain disappeared. CASCILLE HAMMOCK GRAPHIC: It Happened to Me Cascille Hammock: I had a really bad car accident. It was in 1990, and this van just ran the stop sign and was going really fast and hit me broadside. But that intense impact on my shoulder, it hit me to the side this way before the telephone pole hit this way. And when I got out of the car, I thought something really bad must be wrong with me. And I ended up needing physical therapy, but because of the car accident, I couldn’t get to work. So I lost my job, and then I lost my insurance. So then my shoulder ended up healing wrong. And I’ve had many years of intense pain. It would feel like there was a big dagger just stuck in the back of my right shoulder blade all the time. I just had developed really bad headaches, migraine headaches, from the intense pain in my shoulder. I have an 18-month-old son, and he weighs 30 pounds, and we live upstairs in this condo. And to try to put him on my hip and carry him upstairs, it was impossible. The pain would get so bad, and the headaches would become so bad that I couldn’t function. And I would literally just pass out. One day, I was having a lot of stress, and a lot of problems with pain. And The 700 Club was on. I got right down on my knees, and I asked the Lord to please heal me. And right then, as I was praying, Gordon said, “You’re crying out to God,” which I was. GORDON ROBERTSON: Someone else, you’ve got pain your shoulder. It’s back in the back shoulder blade. God is just doing a redo within that whole joint. And what you couldn’t do before, you couldn’t raise your right arm, do it right now, and receive that healing into it. Cascille Hammock: And I couldn’t lift my arm before. And I lifted my arm, and there was no pain. So he said word for word. It was God speaking through him the word of knowledge, that this is what God is doing right now. And that’s what God was doing right then. My shoulder was completely healed. The headache was gone. The nausea was gone. The pain was gone. Everything. And I just praise God. It was an instant healing. God just did it completely. I saw that He reached down and touched my body, and He healed me, so that I would be 100 percent healed and pain free, and I could praise Him, that I could say He loved me so much that He touched my body and took this pain away. He’s faithful. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * HOSTS PRAY FOR NEEDS TERRY MEEUWSEN: “I am the Lord your healer.” That’s what God says in His Word. PAT ROBERTSON: Here are some testimonies. This is Jean, who lives in Downsville, Louisiana. She had knee replacement surgery a couple of years ago. As a result of that operation, her hip was thrown out of line. Her biggest problem was the excruciating pain she began to experience in that hip. It continued daily for nine months. During that time, she watched The 700 Club regularly and was praying that a host would one day say something about it. Last March, she heard Terry say, “There is somebody, your hips are out of alignment. God is just straightening that condition for you right now.” And she got up from her seat and started walking unassisted. She has had absolutely no pain since. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Wow. That’s awesome. PAT ROBERTSON: What else? TERRY MEEUWSEN: This is Annette, who lives in Florida. She was involved in a car crash. Another car struck her vehicle at 60 miles per hour and she suffered whiplash in her neck. She took pain medication, saw her doctor all the time, but continued to have a lot of pain. One day she was watching this program, and Pat, you gave a word of knowledge. You said, “A neck injury has been healed right now. Move your neck. Move your head. The pain and stiffness in the muscles have gone away.” So she claimed the word, began moving her head back and forth. All pain had completely left her neck. She has not had any trouble since then. PAT ROBERTSON: Folks, God loves you. I can’t say it clearly enough. God loves you. And Terry and I are going to pray, and we’re going to let God express His love for you. Now, what is your need? It may be a big one for finances. It may be something for your marriage that’s all messed up. It may be some relationship. It may be you’re in prison and you’re crying out to God for deliverance. I don’t know what the need is, but God knows. Now, we’re going to join hands, and we’re going to believe God. “Father, we believe God together. And Terry and I have joined together. And you said, ‘If two of you would agree on earth as touching anything they ask.’ Now we agree for these people in this audience right now, these who have suffered intense pain.” There is a bone in your spine, the top level. I don’t know which number of the vertebrae it is, but this thing is kind of like it’s enlarged and when anything touches it, it just hurts. It’s like a knife going through you. God right now has healed that, in the name of Jesus. Terry, what is God saying to you? TERRY MEEUWSEN: Somebody, you’ve lately had a problem with like a mental fog, like it’s like you just can’t get on top of things as far as your thoughts are concerned. God is clearing that for you, and you’re going to have total clarity. Somebody else, there is something in your right ear you’ve had a problem with you. And you just hear that pop right now as God opens that up and you hear clearly. PAT ROBERTSON: In the name of Jesus, be healed. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Thank you, God. PAT ROBERTSON: Folks, that’s all the time we’ve got. You can keep calling. Our telephones are available all the time, so you can call in if you need further prayer. GRAPHIC: 1-800-759-0700 CBN.COM We leave you today with these words from Luke, . . . . GRAPHIC: Luke 11:10 “For everyone who asks receives; He who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.” (NIV) . . . . “For everyone who asks receives. He who seeks finds. And to him who knocks, the door will be opened.” For Terry and Lee and all of us, this is Pat Robertson. We’ll see you tomorrow. Bye, bye. GRAPHIC: COPYRIGHT 2009 CHRISTIAN BROADCASTING NETWORK * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * END SPOT A: PLEDGE EXPRESS Announcer: While Mary feeds her two young daughters, she also helps feed needy families around the world. While Bob hands a drink out to a co-worker, he helps give water to villages with new wells. And while Carl builds a house for his son’s new puppy, he helps rebuild homes in disaster areas. TERRY MEEUWSEN: These people all have something in common. They’re CBN partners who have joined Pledge Express. It’s easy to sign up. Just give us a call, log on to CBN.com or return the Pledge Express form you receive in the mail. Then each month, we’ll send you “Power for Life,” and you’ll receive this powerful CD called Overcoming Stress. So join us and change the world for someone today. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * END SPOT B: PREMIUM TEASE WITH PAT ANNOUNCER: The Bible is filled with stories of the miraculous, but are miracles a thing of the past? Jesus still does miracles today. Experience His incredible power in Pat Robertson’s newest teaching, Miracles Beyond Measure. Discover how you can build your faith, pray with power and authority and eliminate obstacles to answered prayer. Miracles Beyond Measure. Available now.


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