The 700 Club: September 23, 2009

Today on Skinny Wednesday, author Dr. David Jeremiah talks about living with confidence in the midst of chaos. Also, Gailon Totheroh has an in-depth report on the billion-dollar health care concern that’s facing five million Americans.


UnderWing Transcripts PO Box 16282 Clearwater, Florida 33766 540 455-2333 / UnderWing@underwingtranscripts.com ________________________________________ The 700 Club Daily Broadcast Wednesday, September 23, 2009 PAT ROBERTSON: Well, welcome to The 700 Club. And it’s Skinny Wednesday! KRISTI WATTS: Skinny Wednesday! PAT ROBERTSON: Today we’re going to show you the story of a man who nearly ate himself to death. Since then, he has lost more than one hundred pounds. What a story. KRISTI WATTS: I tell you, it’s going to be an amazing story. Plus, we’re also going to be answering your questions on health and fitness, like this one from Paul, who says, “I’m having my annual cold. Do you know any good home remedies?” KRISTI WATTS: Do you, Pat? PAT ROBERTSON: Absolutely. KRISTI WATTS: Absolutely. Well, we’re going to be answering Paul’s question. PAT ROBERTSON: We’re going to fix Paul up today on this show. KRISTI WATTS: Absolutely. PAT ROBERTSON: Okay. But first in the news, the floodwaters are finally beginning to recede in the southeast, leaving behind a trail of death and destruction. David Brody has that story. FLOOD DAVID BRODY: We've no doubt all heard the children's song “Rain, Rain Go Away.” Well, that's the cry of the people in the south. Bonnie Fishman (Flood Victim): Insanity. Insanity. Never seen anything like it. DAVID BRODY: Tensions are high, especially for this parent, who was none too happy that despite the flooding, her child’s school stayed open. Woman: The school should have been closed in the first place! The school should not have been open. This is horrible for these children! DAVID BRODY: Three non-stop days of rain has led to horrible destruction in parts of Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee and North Carolina. Murky brown water is everywhere, dozens of bridges and highways closed and even a sewage plant flooded, leaving a smelly mess in the Atlanta suburbs. The damage stands in the hundreds of millions of dollars as homes turned to swamps. Mark Hutto (Flood Victim): The best word to describe it is an “epic” event. People that have been on this street for 25 years have never seen anything close to this. Reporter: Even Hurricane Ivan? Mark Hutto: Yes. DAVID BRODY: More damage: the Clay Road Baptist Church in Georgia: gone. Toby Morrison has been a member for over 50 years. Toby Morrison (Flood Victim): We lost everything as far as I know, all the songbooks and the pews. DAVID BRODY: But losing possessions is nothing compared with the heartache of losing a love one. Pat Crawford (Grandmother of Two-Year-Old Flood Victim): We could not get to them, me nor my husband, because the current was so bad. DAVID BRODY: Pat Crawford grieves over her two-year-old grandson Preston, swept away in a creek west of Atlanta after the floods ripped through their mobile home where the little boy lived. Pat Crawford: If we'd thought that this was going to happen, we would have went and got them and brought them back up to our house. DAVID BRODY: And if that’s not bad enough, just a few hours away from Atlanta, another heartbreaking story. Fourteen-year-old Nicolas Solzy just wanted to help. From a distance he thought someone was stuck in a jeep. He went into the water. It turns out it was a cornstalk sticking out of the jeep, not a person. He got tangled in it, and the current swept him away. Sarah Smith (Grandmother of 14-Year-Old Flood Victim): I just love him, and I miss him, and I just wish to God that he wasn't in that water. I kept screaming for him to come back, and he just couldn't come back. He just wanted to help whoever was in the truck. PAT ROBERTSON: Well, a story of courage and a story of tragedy. And it’s terrible. We understand that Georgia alone is 250 million dollars. Maybe it will be much higher. And, of course, Operation Blessing is sending relief supplies to help the victims right now. GRAPHIC: OPERATION BLESSING DISASTER FUND 1-800-759-0700 CBN.COM Operation Blessing’s Hunger Strike Force trucks are heading to the scene. GRAPHIC: Disaster Relief CBN Center Virginia Beach, VA 23463 OPERATION BLESSING DISASTER FUND 1-800-759-0700 CBN.COM We’ll also coordinate relief and clean up efforts. So if you want to help, the telephone is 1-800-759-0700. Heartbreak. This is heartrending, to see a little child lost and that brave young man who wants to go out and rescue somebody and he drowns. KRISTI WATTS: I know, Pat. My heart hurts. My heart hurts for all of them. PAT ROBERTSON: Amen. Well, it’s time for more of the news on The 700 Club. With that tragedy behind us, let’s go on to Lee Webb. PRAYER CONTROVERSY LEE WEBB: Pat, an atheist group has asked the Memphis City Council to stop praying before meetings. The Freedom From Religion Foundation claims that practice violates the so-called separation of church and state. The group says it has studied the city council’s prayers since January and found them to be mostly Christian, often using the name of Jesus. But the council chairman says he doesn’t believe the prayers are unconstitutional and locals are voicing support for the council. One columnist for the Memphis Commercial Appeal wrote of the atheists, “They have the right to voice their opinions, but so do the rest of us. And we will not submit to threats. I say shame on believers for staying in their holy huddles and letting this intimidation happen. We have allowed the atheists to dictate where, when, how and if we pray.” Strong words, Pat. PAT ROBERTSON: Well, I see atheists have an absolute right to believe in nothing. If they don’t want to believe in anything, no God—that’s what atheism means, no God—they have a right to do that. But at the same time, the tiny, tiny minority, maybe four percent, five percent, six percent, cannot or should not be allowed to dictate to the 94 percent who believe in God. They shouldn’t be allowed to take away our cherished beliefs. And I think it’s time we stood up against this kind of terrorism, and it is terrorism. And it’s perpetrated through the courts with complicit judges. Lee. HOUSTON LEE WEBB: Houston pastors are anticipating great results from a prayer rally held over the weekend. The organizers from Pray Around Houston said they want to give hope to their neighbors in what's been a tough year for many families. Paul Strand has that story. PAUL STRAND: This roadway in Texas is more like a highway to Heaven. Man: We’re really trumpeting out the Word of God and letting everybody know. PAUL STRAND: Just follow the red shirts. About 30,000 people formed a line which circled the 610 Loop to Pray Around Houston. Some prayers were personal. Woman: I'm going to pray for me personally, also my family. And I'm praying for my closer walk with Jesus and to understand Him a little bit more. PAUL STRAND: Some prayers lifted others up. Man: Our children are being prayed for, our finances. Our churches are being prayed for. Our schools are being prayed for. Everything within the infrastructure of the entire city is being prayed for. Man: We need people to be saved. We need people to repent to the Lord. PAUL STRAND: Participants came from 4,000 different churches in the Houston area and prayed for an hour on Saturday morning. Organizers hope the event leads to unity. Paul Strand, CBN News. LEE WEBB: And those who attended the event say they will be back next year, because they know their united prayers will change their city for the glory of God. VACCINE CONTROVERSY LEE WEBB: A 17-year-old British girl’s refusal to get a controversial vaccine is preventing her from immigrating to America. Gardasil is given to young girls to prevent sexually transmitted human papilloma virus, or HPV. And for the most part, it’s voluntary. But Gardasil is required for immigrants. Simone Davis is a Christian, and she argues that she doesn’t need the vaccine, because she’s not sexually active and doesn’t plan to be in the near future. SETTLEMENTS VICTORY LEE WEBB: Israel’s foreign minister says his country won a victory on the key issue of Jewish settlements in east Jerusalem and the West Bank. President Obama has demanded that Israel stop building new settlements. But Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stood firm on the position that Israelis should be allowed to keep building in those areas, despite opposition from Palestinians and the US. GAZA LEE WEBB: Life is difficult for those who live in the Gaza Strip. The area is poor and isolated. And for the last two years, Hamas leaders have imposed tough Sharia law on Gazans. John Waage has that story. JOHN WAAGE: The crackdown is most visible at the Gaza beaches where Hamas patrols prevent men from going shirtless and break up groups of young singles. At a lingerie shop, modesty police order a cover-up for the mannequins. The campaign is evident, especially in public places. Eyad Abu Kweek (Gaza Shopkeeper): Every year I used to sell jeans. Now they prevented it. I had stock from last year, but I was prevented from selling it. In this city, there are Muslims and Christians, but the Sharia is imposed on everyone. JOHN WAAGE: When it first took over the Gaza Strip in 2007, Hamas said it wouldn’t impose the severe Islamic codes. But a judge ruled that female lawyers will be banned from courtrooms if they don’t wear the Hijab headscarf and the Islamic black robe. This attorney says she will defy the order. Despite the ruling, some Gazans said there is no real crackdown. Alyaa Marad (Gaza Resident): I've worn the Hijab throughout my life. No one forced me to wear it. It's a gift from God and whoever wants to wear it can do it. JOHN WAAGE: But others are concerned that Hamas will shut down dissent and make even more severe restrictions. Hamdi Shakoura (Palestinian Center for Human Rights): Hamas is trying to impose Islamic Sharia on this society. JOHN WAAGE: John Waage, CBN News. LEE WEBB: What do you think, Pat? PAT ROBERTSON: Well, I think that wherever you find extreme Islam, you’re going to find Sharia. And Sharia is devastating to the population, and it gets out of hand, like what the Taliban did to people in Afghanistan. It’s just horrible. They have these moral police that go around beating women if their skirts are a couple inches too short or something. It’s just outrageous what they do. And we need to resist that in America. We need to resist it in Great Britain. We need to resist it in Europe. We need to resist it all over the world, because this is a type of dictatorship. Lee. FLU AND HEART ATTACKS LEE WEBB: Pat, catching the flu increases your chance of a heart attack. And with the influenza season just around the corner, experts say it’s crucial that heart patients get vaccinated against the regular flu, as well as the swine flu. A new study shows that up to half of all unexpected flu deaths were due to heart disease. SMOKING BANS AND HEART LEE WEBB: Another new study in the US, Canada and Europe shows smoking bans in public places are reducing heart attacks. Reuters reports the study adds to the already strong evidence that secondhand smoke causes heart attacks and that by passing 100 percent smoke-free laws in public places it greatly helps reduce the amount of heart attacks. The study shows the heart attack rates fall immediately after smoking bans are put into place, dropping 17 percent the first year and by as much as 36 percent after three years. SOFT DRINKS AND OBESITY LEE WEBB: An extensive new study by UCLA shows that soft drinks absolutely make people fat. In the past, researchers have often said soft drinks probably cause obesity, but this new research establishes a solid link between the two. The widespread study interviewed 42,000 Californians of all ages, and researchers found that adults who drank at least one soda a day were 27 percent more likely to be overweight, regardless of ethnicity and income. It’s much worse for kids. The Sacramento Bee newspaper reports for each glass of soda consumed per day, a child’s likelihood of becoming obese increases by 60 percent. Pat. PAT ROBERTSON: They shouldn’t be selling those things in school. They shouldn’t be having those vending machines in schools where young children are going to be drinking Cokes and Pepsis and other kinds of sodas. It’s a shame, but we have companies, very big companies, very powerful companies, very wealthy companies, widely owned through the stock market, who are actually poisoning America. We’re making people fat, giving them heart attacks and all the rest of it. And it’s kind of tough to have a nanny state and say, “You can’t do this,” but sooner or later we’re going to have to say no. Kristi. KRISTI WATTS: Well, you said it for me, Pat. I was going to chime in. I have nothing to say. PAT ROBERTSON: Of course, you don’t smoke. KRISTI WATTS: I don’t smoke, and I don’t drink soda. PAT ROBERTSON: Okay. KRISTI WATTS: Yes. PAT ROBERTSON: That’s why you’re so healthy. KRISTI WATTS: Well, I try. PAT ROBERTSON: All right. Go ahead. You try. KRISTI WATTS: Well, up next, there is no cure for Alzheimer’s, but this couple says they found the next best thing. Man: Things started kind of clearing up in my mind. When she’d say, “Well, we’re going to have breakfast,” the thought was, “Well, we need cereal bowls or we need milk,” or whatever it was that we needed. And I just kind of got up and started doing those things. KRISTI WATTS: Find out what this couple discovered, after this. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 1: CURVES Announcer: So you finally decided that it’s the right time for you to lose weight. That’s great. And maybe you’re considering going to Weight Watchers. Woman: Weight Watchers? Woman: Oh, no, girl. Woman: You’re going to try something new. Woman: I am? Woman: We’re clear. Go, go, go, go, go! Announcer: Introducing the new Curves 30-day diet plan. It’s clinically proven and a brand new way to lose weight and keep it off, without counting points forever. There are diet classes every month, which are free to everyone. No membership required. Curves’ exclusive 30-day diet is designed to help you retrain and sustain your metabolism. That way you can reach your goal weight and stay there. Want to get started? Woman: Let’s try something else. Announcer: Learn a whole new way to take off the weight. Call your local Curves club about the 30-day diet plan and find out when you can try a class near you, free. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NEXT DAY PROMO GRAPHIC: FROM BREAKUP TO MAKEUP LEE WEBB: Tomorrow. Their marriage went from bad to worse. Woman: Hitting and kicking. And we lived like that for years. LEE WEBB: Until they got their divorce papers. Man: I’m just laying in the bed crying out to God, “What have I done?” * * * GRAPHIC: LAND OF THE FREE LEE WEBB: Plus, a Muslim woman flees to America to escape persecution and finds the land of the free isn’t. Woman: There were people surveilling us. LEE WEBB: Tomorrow on The 700 Club. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PAT ROBERTSON: It is a living death. It is a darkness that descends on people. They are lost. They can’t respond. Inside their body, who knows what goes on, but their minds aren’t functioning. Five million American people are suffering from the disease known as Alzheimer’s. It was named after a German researcher—I believe he was German—named Alzheimer, who discovered what was causing some of these things. And although there is no cure for this dread disease, one woman found a combination of diet and a few supplements that helped her husband make an amazing turnaround. Medical reporter Gailon Totheroh has this remarkable story. FOCUS: ALZHEIMER’S RECOVERY GAILON TOTHEROH: Bill and Nita Scoggan love their town, Bedford, Indiana, the limestone capital of the world. And they have a wonderful now, but 11 years ago, Bill was not himself. He began showing signs of dementia. The first hint had come when he worked in Defense Intelligence in Washington, DC. Bill Scoggan (Dementia Patient): I had 125 people working for me, three shifts a day, 365 days a year. And it was awful tough getting up in front of those people sometimes, and I'd forget what I was really up there for. GAILON TOTHEROH: Forgetfulness is one of the early signs of Alzheimer's disease. And the kind of stress Bill was under is known to contribute to Alzheimer's. Bill soon retired from his stressful job. But the couple stayed active in ministry, even leading Bible studies at the White House and Pentagon. Then Bill stopped wanting to be active, and Nita worried. Nita Scoggan (Bill’s Wife): I'd say, “Oh, honey, let's do so and so. Let's go somewhere with so and so.” “Oh, I don't feel like it. Let's do it another time.” GAILON TOTHEROH: As time went on, Bill realized something was wrong. Bill Scoggan: You’ve already got an excuse. “Well, it’s just a mental block or just a moment that I forgot.” But it progresses more and more and more. You start realizing, “Hey, I've got a problem.” GAILON TOTHEROH: Doctors couldn't find anything wrong. Testing found nothing. But as Bill’s condition worsened, Nita decided to move him back to Indiana. By this time, Bill could no longer drive and didn’t even remember his home town. Nita Scoggan: Bill didn’t know where we were going. And I just kept saying, “Honey, we’re going to Indiana. Everything's going to be wonderful.” He was scared, because he really didn't know . . . . GAILON TOTHEROH (Interviewing): What was going on. Nita Scoggan: . . . what was going on. And he cried. And, of course, that would just break my heart. GAILON TOTHEROH (Reporting): Doctors finally diagnosed Bill’s condition as Alzheimer's and put him on the drug Aricept. But Nita told the doctor it wasn't working. Nita Scoggan: This medicine doesn’t seem to be doing any good. I said, “He’s getting very angry, and it’s hard for me to deal with that.” And she said, “Get used to it.” GAILON TOTHEROH: Like his other physicians, the Scoggans’ long-term dentist witnessed Bill’s mental decline. Lawrence Howell, DDS (Scoggans’ Dentist): It was becoming more and more difficult for him to sit in the chair and process what we were talking about, the work that needed to be done. GAILON TOTHEROH: And Bill lost all interest in things he once enjoyed, hunting, gardening, even eating, and began spending most of his time sleeping. Nita prayed desperately for a way to help her husband. Once a crack researcher at the Pentagon, she put those skills to work digging for information on what's good for the brain. That led her to put Bill on a low-carb diet. Nita Scoggan: Starchy carbs will make your brain sluggish. I thought, “His favorite foods that I’ve been trying to fix for him all these years we’ve been married is making him worse.” GAILON TOTHEROH: She also found a nutrient produced in the body and called phosphatidylserine, or PS. The body makes less and less PS with age, but it’s in health food stores for about a dollar a capsule. PS boosts the brain by increasing the movement of nutrition into and the waste out of nerve cells. In Italy and Sweden, doctors prescribe PS for dementia and depression in the elderly. Nita began giving Bill three PS capsules every day. That’s 300 milligrams. And two months later . . . . Bill Scoggan: Things started kind of clearing up in my mind. When she'd say, “Well, we're going to have breakfast,” the thought was that, “We need cereal bowls or we need milk,” or whatever it was that we needed. And I just kind of got up and started doing those things. GAILON TOTHEROH: His improvement continued, especially as they added other brain boosters like coenzyme Q10, carnitine and magnesium. GRAPHIC: FOR MORE INFORMATION LOG ON TO CBN.COM Within a year after starting PS, Bill was back driving their van. Dental visits became a more pleasant experience for both doctor and patient. Now five years later, Bill is able to enjoy activities at the local senior center and able to concentrate on yard work and even help out in the kitchen. Bill's neurologists were amazed at his turnaround, and all thanks to changes in his diet and the addition of a simple dietary supplement, a discover the Scoggans say was an answer to prayer. Nita Scoggan: So I think God gets all the glory. GAILON TOTHEROH: From Bedford, Indiana, Gailon Totheroh, CBN News. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PAT ROBERTSON: I’ve been taking phosphatidylserine for years. KRISTI WATTS: Yes. See, that’s why you’re as sharp as a tack. PAT ROBERTSON: Sharp as a tack. KRISTI WATTS: Yes. PAT ROBERTSON: Phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylcholine. These are neuro boosters or whatever that really work in your brain, plus l-carnitine, which is very important. You take any of this stuff? KRISTI WATTS: I don’t take any of that. But remember, I take those Flintstone vitamins, pills. There’s got to be some phosphate-something in those, don’t you think? PAT ROBERTSON: There is nothing in those. Nothing, nothing, nothing. KRISTI WATTS: Well, they taste good. PAT ROBERTSON: Well, taste good is not the answer. Chocolate cake tastes good, but it doesn’t have phosphatidylserine. KRISTI WATTS: That’s true. I was going to talk about chocolate cake, but I thought, “Kristi, be focused.” PAT ROBERTSON: All right. It’s Skinny Wednesday. Focus. KRISTI WATTS: I’m going to focus. And one of the things I’m going to focus on is that if you want more information on Alzheimer’s, all you have to do is just log on to CBN.com. GRAPHIC: FOR MORE INFORMATION LOG ON TO CBN.COM We have some phenomenal information that you either just check it out, print it out, whatever works for you. We’re here for you. Well, as Pat and I have talked about, it’s Skinny Wednesday. And that means that we’re ready to answer your health questions. In fact, Aaron asks, “I want to lose 75 pounds. Is it possible to lose that much weight without having extra skin or stretch marks?” KRISTI WATTS: Well, Aaron, we’re going to Bring It On with your question and so much more, so don’t go away. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GRAPHIC: DEATH BY CHEESEBURGER LEE WEBB: Still ahead: Man: I found out later that the things I loved to eat were basically killing me. LEE WEBB: A near death experience because of a cheeseburger. Man: They told me it was no doubt about it, I was having a heart attack. LEE WEBB: His wake up call . . . . Man: I knew that I didn’t want to give up. LEE WEBB: . . . . and how it helped him lose 120 pounds. Man: “If you would help me live, I will do my part to change, whatever it is.” * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 2A: ISRAEL PAT ROBERTSON: Israel, the land where God came to mankind. Imagine to be in the place where our Lord lived, to stand where He performed His miracles, to see where He taught the multitudes. The pages of the Bible come alive in the land filled with God’s promises. Don’t miss this experience of a lifetime. Visit Israel. You’ll never be the same. ANNOUNCER: Call today. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 2B: AMMED DIRECT Nicole Johnson: Hi, I’m Nicole Johnson, Miss America 1999. I’ve had diabetes since 1993, and I hate boring food. Don’t you? Well, I got these three free cookbooks with fantastic tasting recipes for people with diabetes. If you have diabetes and have Medicare or qualified insurance, you can get these cookbooks free. Announcer: Call now to qualify for not one, not two, but three free cookbooks. Call 1-800-746-6449. Nicole Johnson: You’ll love this rich, chocolate cake. It makes my mouth water. Plus, oven fried chicken and nachos. Yum! You’ll also get this free meal planning guide and this free diabetes magazine. So call now for your free Better Care kit with three free cookbooks. Announcer: To qualify, call 1-800-746-6449. That’s 1-800-746-6449. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * KRISTI WATTS: Well, every year, Alabama native Fred Kelly and hundreds of others bike more than 90 miles as part of a fundraiser. It’s a tough and grueling journey through the states, so it’s kind of funny that someone like Fred would actually participate in the event. Why? Because not too long ago, Fred was so out of shape that he was literally about to die. FRED KELLEY MIA EVANS-SARACUAL: Monroeville, Alabama, is known to many people as the hometown of authors Truman Capote and Harper Lee, as well as the setting for the classic novel, To Kill a Mockingbird. But these days, the town has a new celebrity in Fred Kelley. Eight years ago, Fred tipped the scales at 308 pounds, but a life-threatening heart attack motivated him to lose 128 pounds. Fred Kelly: I loved to eat, and I found out later that the things I loved to eat were basically killing me. So I just made a complete lifestyle change, not just with the exercise, but learning how to use food to help you with your energy level and to feel better. MIA EVANS-SARACUAL: In March of 2000, after having a double cheeseburger and large fries for lunch, Fred began having chest pains at work and asked a co-worker to take him the doctor. Fred Kelly: I was just too sick to go to my local doctor’s office. He said, “I’m just going to turn in here to the emergency room. We’re going to run you right up here and let them check you out.” So we turned into the Monroe County Hospital Emergency Room. And he helped me get inside where they immediately told me there was no doubt about it. I was having a heart attack. MIA EVANS-SARACUAL: The hospital staff worked on Fred and then prepared to transfer him to a hospital in Mobile. Fred resigned himself to the fact that he might not be coming home. Then, as he was in the back of the ambulance, he saw something that gave him the will to live. Fred Kelly: I was ready to go, if it was my time. I had already made my peace with God. And they closed the door of the ambulance, and I could see my daughter through those windows, crying. And I knew that I didn’t want to give up. I wanted to fight this thing. So I asked God if He would help me live, I would do my part to change, whatever it is. MIA EVANS-SARACUAL: Fred believes that God honored his request. After his open-heart surgery, Fred began walking every day at a nearby community college and revamped his diet. Fred Kelly: What I had to do was figure out what I could eat that would fuel my body, help me have strength and energy, and not weigh me down with high salt and high fat. Most things have plenty of salt in it already. MIA EVANS-SARACUAL: One of Fred’s pastimes is hosting a local radio program, The Phil and Fred Show, with Phil Allen. One afternoon in 2004, Fred agreed to help a local charity raise money for cancer. With just 20 minutes left in the show, Fred made his listeners an offer they couldn’t refuse. Fred Kelly: I said, “If we can raise a thousand dollars for the Relay for Life, I’ll ride a bicycle from the square in Monroeville to the Battleship Alabama.” I didn’t know when I said I would do that the battleship was 92 miles away. At the time I made the wager on the air, I did not even own a bicycle. I had not been on the seat of a bicycle in 27 years. MIA EVANS-SARACUAL: The radio station raised 5,000 dollars that day, and Fred made good on his promise. He bought a bike, began training, and a few weeks later rode his bike to the coast. The following year, other riders joined Fred and the Relay for Life eventually became Peddlin’ for a Cure. The event has grown each year in popularity. In five years, Peddlin’ for a Cure has raised half a million dollars for cancer research and even earned Fred a trip to the White House. Fred Kelly: I think He spared me to help others to see the problems they could be getting into, and you don’t even know it. Just by losing ten percent of your body weight, you could help yourself with diabetes and heart disease and even some cancers. MIA EVANS-SARACUAL: Fred recently celebrated his 52nd birthday with a cake made from Splenda and low fat Cool Whip, of course. Fred’s physician, Dr. Sage Smith, has the highest praise for Fred’s determination and his new lifestyle. Dr. Sage Smith (Family Practitioner): Fred is just a model patient for all of us to look to. And he’s done a great job, but his faith was one of the strongest things that helped him, and the love of his family and the love of life. Fred said, “I want to live, and I’ve got a lot to live for.” He was the only one that could make those changes in his life, and with God’s help, he did that. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * KRISTI WATTS: What a fantastic inspiring story. Pat, one of the things I love about that is that he realized that his body is a temple of the Lord’s. And we’ve got to realize that our bodies are not our own. And so we’ve got to honor what the Lord has given us by doing it good. Does that make sense? Is that grammatically incorrect? PAT ROBERTSON: Doing it good. That’s right on the money. Doing it good. KRISTI WATTS: Doing it good. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BRING IT ON PAT ROBERTSON: Okay, let’s take some good questions. KRISTI WATTS: All right, here we go. It’s time to Bring It On with your e-mail questions that you have either logged on to CBN.com with. Paul writes in and says, “Pat, I’m having my annual cold. The worst part is that nagging cough. Cough medicine and cough drops never seem to help me much. Do you know of any good home remedies?” PAT ROBERTSON: Well, Paul, I’m a great believer in honey. But not honey you buy in a store. You’ve got to get honey that is locally grown, and the bees have got to get the pollen from local flowers. And that is very helpful in terms of allergies and other things that cause colds. So get pure, unprocessed, local honey. You’ve probably got to go to some health food store or someplace like that to find that. But look for that and do it. The other thing is zinc. Zinc is extremely good. You don’t want to overdo it. Take anything over, oh, I don’t know, three or four milligrams of the stuff. But if you take too much it can make you sick. But I think zinc is extremely good for you, like a cold. The other thing that Paul Bragg, the grandfather of these health food things, he was a great believer in natural apple cider. And he took apple cider and honey, and he was remarkably healthy. He had a little glass of that, a little stuff of it, every day. Honey and apple cider vinegar. KRISTI WATTS: Well, you know the key to—I was talking to my sister about this the other day, because she always gets like this big-time cough. And I always know when, when she runs her body down. She’s too exhausted and doesn’t get enough sleep and doesn’t eat properly. So the best thing is just preventative measures. PAT ROBERTSON: Keep your body healthy to begin with and it won’t be subject to these diseases. All right. KRISTI WATTS: Exactly. All right, Aaron writes in and says, “My goal is to go from 250 pounds to 175 pounds, which is the proper weight for my body type. Is it possible for anyone to lose a large amount of weight without having extra skin or stretch marks if it is done through proper diet and exercise?” PAT ROBERTSON: Aaron, you didn’t say how old you are, but I presume you’re in your 30s or 40s. If you’re a lot older than that, it’s tougher. The older you are, the less resiliency your skin has. But the amount of weight you’re going to lose isn’t that much. Seventy-five pounds isn’t that much. And if you take it down—if you had a pound a week, 52 weeks in a year, you’ve lost 50 pounds. A year and a half, you’ve got your weight off. But while you’re doing that, your skin is adjusting to that little bit, and it’s tightening up, tightening up. The other thing that you want to do is to exercise, especially with aerobics. If you do walking or jogging or bicycling or something like that, it will help tone your body and that skin will come down. But you’re not losing that much. But sometimes people that just lose two or three hundred pounds, there is just nothing you can do except see a plastic surgeon and get kind of a full body work over, take some of that skin off. KRISTI WATTS: That’s true. But you know what, what I discovered is, without telling too much of my information, women sometimes after we have a child, our little belly can be a little bit flabby. Not that mine is. PAT ROBERTSON: Yes. Of course. KRISTI WATTS: Who am I kidding? Anyway. But weights and bands actually really, really help. Just the resistance bands and weights really helps build your muscle up while toning your skin. PAT ROBERTSON: Well, I think to add light weights along with aerobics is the way to go. KRISTI WATTS: Yes. PAT ROBERTSON: All right. KRISTI WATTS: Okay, Carolyn says, “I’m a big coffee drinker, but people say tea is much better for me and say it actually has health benefits. So what kind of benefits does tea really have?” KRISTI WATTS: Are you tea or coffee, Pat? PAT ROBERTSON: Oh, tea. I haven’t drunk coffee for years. I got home to my apartment. I had such a horrible headache. I’d been out fasting, and my head was about to kill me. And I said, “Lord, if you’ll take this away, I’ll never touch coffee as long as I live.” And all of a sudden, like a hand went over my head, and the headache left. And said, “Wait, give it back.” KRISTI WATTS: Be careful what you pray for. PAT ROBERTSON: That’s right. I haven’t had coffee since. Anyhow, tea is good for, let’s see, cancer. It will accelerate your fat burning mechanism in your body and help you to burn fat faster. It will regulate the HDL, LDL mix in your cholesterol, make it healthy. They have also found that it does extremely good things for people that are suffering from any number of diseases, like Parkinson’s and some of these serious things. Green tea is awesome, just absolutely awesome. And, let’s see, I’ve got something here. Let me read this for you. It’s used for the treatment of prevention of cancer, used to stop Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. It is used to raise the metabolism and increase the oxidation, reduces the risk of esophageal cancer. Drinking green tea inhibits the growth of certain cancer cells, reduces the level of cholesterol. KRISTI WATTS: In other words, it’s good. PAT ROBERTSON: Well, in a manner of speaking, it’s fantastic. KRISTI WATTS: It’s fantastic. PAT ROBERTSON: Okay. KRISTI WATTS: Well, good to know. We’re done. PAT ROBERTSON: That’s all? KRISTI WATTS: Well, not with the show. PAT ROBERTSON: No more questions? KRISTI WATTS: Just with the Skinny Wednesday part. PAT ROBERTSON: That’s all the questions? KRISTI WATTS: Yes, that’s all the questions. PAT ROBERTSON: Okay. KRISTI WATTS: But I have an interesting story coming up. PAT ROBERTSON: Please, let’s have it. KRISTI WATTS: Well, still ahead, a man with pain so bad he couldn’t eat, he couldn’t sleep, he couldn’t even think. Man: Throughout the day I was having a hard time concentrating at different times. I definitely felt like I was at a dead end. KRISTI WATTS: But these days he’s pain-free without the help of a doctor. You’re going to see why on today’s 700 Club. Don’t go away. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 3: CURVES Announcer: So you finally decided that it’s the right time for you to lose weight. That’s great. And maybe you’re considering going to Weight Watchers. Woman: Weight Watchers? Woman: Oh, no, girl. Woman: You’re going to try something new. Woman: I am? Woman: We’re clear. Go, go, go, go, go! Announcer: Introducing the new Curves 30-day diet plan. It’s clinically proven and a brand new way to lose weight and keep it off, without counting points forever. There are diet classes every month, which are free to everyone. No membership required. Curves’ exclusive 30-day diet is designed to help you retrain and sustain your metabolism. That way you can reach your goal weight and stay there. Want to get started? Woman: Let’s try something else. Announcer: Learn a whole new way to take off the weight. Call your local Curves club about the 30-day diet plan and find out when you can try a class near you, free. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SYDNEY DUST STORM LEE WEBB: Welcome back to The 700 Club. A dust storm in Australia has given a new meaning to the phrase “painting the town red.” Take a look at this amazing video. Australia’s entire east coast, including the country’s capital of Sydney, was blanketed by the worst dust storm the country has seen in 60 years. The dust cloud of red outback grit nearly closed the country’s largest airport. Man: The color was amazing. I’ve never seen it. I'm 72 years old, and I've never seen that in my life before. It's the first time ever. So, it's really a phenomenon. LEE WEBB: The dust storm left millions of Aussies coughing and sputtering in the streets, although no one was seriously injured during the storm. NURSE AND CROSS CONTROVERSY LEE WEBB: A Christian nurse in Great Britain could face disciplinary action by her employer after refusing to remove her cross necklace. Shirley Chaplin has faithfully worked for National Health Service for nearly 30 years and had plans to retire in eight months. Assist News Services, though, reports she has always worn a cross around her neck. Now her employer says the cross is a breach of uniform policy and a health risk to her patients. Chaplin argues that she has never injured herself or another patient in three decades of nursing with the one-inch silver cross. She has even agreed to sign a disclaimer freeing her of any liability and the employer as well. Chaplin says the request is an infringement of her human rights. You can always get the latest from CBN News by going to our web site at CBN.com. GRAPHIC: FOR MORE INFORMATION LOG ON TO CBN.COM Pat and Kristi will be back with more of The 700 Club, after this. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 4A: GOLDLINE Jay Johnson (Former Director US Mint): All you have to do is read a newspaper or watch TV to know that millions of us have seen our investments and our nest eggs lose value in these tough economic times. And no one knows how long this will last. Hi, I’m Jay Johnson, former director of the US Mint. I supervised our nation’s gold supply, including Fort Knox. Let’s look at three popular investment choices: stocks, real estate and gold. Stocks have declined. Housing has crashed. Yet, gold has tripled in value since 2001. Some experts, like me, believe gold may reach new record highs due to inflation and the falling dollar. Gold is a safe haven asset that has never dropped to zero. Make gold part of your portfolio. Call Goldline now, a company with nearly half a billion dollars in annual sales. Goldline has been helping investors acquire gold for nearly 50 years. Call Goldline now. Ask for your free investor’s kit and learn why gold should be a part of your portfolio. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 4B: BETHANY HOUSE – MISSING Announcer: New from New York Time’s bestselling author, Beverly Lewis, The Missing. A painful absence, a desperate search, an unlikely friendship. Will Grace’s search for truth lead to hope or heartache? The Missing. Book two in the Seasons of Grace series, from Beverly Lewis, America’s favorite author of Amish fiction. Get your copy today, from Bethany House. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * KRISTI WATTS: Well, here at CBN, we’re in the middle of Seven Days Ablaze, where each day the CBN staff gathers together to pray for our partners, for you. Well, yesterday, the author of The Prayer of Jabez, Bruce Wilkinson, spoke to us about miracles. It was awesome. Take a look. SEVEN DAYS ABLAZE HIGHLIGHTS Bruce Wilkinson: How many needs do you really have right this minute? You have lots of them and so do I. Guess what? Every one of those needs—you have to understand this—every one of those needs is an invitation for a miracle. GRAPHIC: BRUCE WILKINSON CHAPEL 9-22-09 Once you know the way of God in a given area, oh, mercy, just follow His lead and a miracle is going to happen. You are desperately needed to partner with God. Ask the Father to send you on a miracle mission. Ask Him, and He will say yes, because He knows all the people around you that need one. He knows what you’re equipped to do, will either nudge you or will reveal the need in the other person. And if you learn how to partner with God, how to do it with the Spirit, how to handle the fear that comes in your heart with the risk key, your life will be forever transformed. Man: We thank you, Lord, that you are a God of miracles. There is no limit to your power. And we now ask, Lord, that you would work a miracle, that you would do works of healing, that you would do works of relationship restoration, that you would bring about peace of heart where there is a sense of hopelessness. Do miracles in us and through us, we pray, as it is in Heaven. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * KRISTI WATTS: That was so awesome. I’ve got to tell you, Pat, really quick, I was there yesterday. And he was so wonderful, because he was talking about in terms of miracles, we think that God has a treasure box and that He has all these miracles. And maybe you’re worthy, maybe you’re not. And it wasn’t like that. He’s like, “The Lord is just waiting to bestow miracles on us. He’s just waiting to do it.” And I tell you, it was so inspirational. It was wonderful. PAT ROBERTSON: It is. He’s a great guy. KRISTI WATTS: He is. PAT ROBERTSON: His book—of course, The Prayer of Jabez sold about ten million copies. People were just thrilled at that word. Well, let’s talk about a miracle. Steve Ridler knows the power of prayer firsthand. At one time he suffered from intense jaw pain. Steve didn’t know what to do, until he turned on the television set. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * STEVE RIDLER GRAPHIC: It Happened to Me Steve Ridler: My TMJ was keeping me from enjoying foods that I liked. I couldn’t eat on the right side of my jaw. I couldn’t open my mouth as far as I needed to. I had to chew my food on my left side, and I still couldn’t bite down really hard. So it took me a while to eat a sandwich. The pain was very severe. It was causing me to lose sleep throughout the day. I was having a hard time concentrating at different times. I would try stretching it. I would try working it. I definitely felt like I was at a dead end. I was sitting on my couch trying to study, and The 700 Club came on. And Gordon talked about somebody out there that had pain in the right side of their jaw. GORDON ROBERTSON: Someone else with pain in your right jaw, and it goes deep. Steve Ridler: I knew that was me. GORDON ROBERTSON: Well, you’re going to be able to move that jaw, that joint in the right jaw. What you couldn’t do before, do it now and realize God has just healed you. Steve Ridler: And I put my hand on my jaw and closed my eyes while he prayed. And the pain just went away. It was just gone. I was shocked. I was amazed. There was no way that I did it or a doctor did it. It was right then. It was purely God healing. That healing gave me a really good testimony, a good testimony to talk to people and to tell them that God is real. He is right there. He is just waiting for us to open up and let Him in, let Him do what He wants to do. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * HOSTS PRAY FOR NEEDS PAT ROBERTSON: God is real. He’s right there. He’s just waiting, if we’ll let Him in. TMJ is a terrible thing. It’s just a terrible thing, because not only does it affect your jaw, it affects your muscles in your neck. People have headaches and pain and all around this part. But God healed him. He healed him. Now, folks, I believe in God. I believe that God answers prayer. We have in front of us here hundreds and I suppose thousands of prayer requests that have come. We’ve had close to 100,000 prayer requests for this week, and these are just a sample of them. Here is somebody that has breast cancer and that needs prayer. A husband is an alcoholic and needs to be delivered. Somebody has severe allergies. Somebody has diabetes. Somebody needs the ability to pay off a credit card debt, and that speaks to a lot of people. What do you have? KRISTI WATTS: Absolutely. Someone is asking for healing for their back, hips and knees, for their son who is in prison, Pat. The sale of their home. I know there are many people for that prayer. A nephew, healing from Hodgkin’s disease, and then more healings. So we’re going to be praying for you. PAT ROBERTSON: All right. We’re going to join hands. What does the Bible say? The Bible says, “If two of you would agree on earth as touching anything that they will ask, it will be done for them by My Father which is in Heaven.” Now, Kristi and I are going to agree. It’s just that simple. We’re going to agree for you. Of course, we’ll talk about all these many requests before us, but your needs, whatever it is on the air right now. Nothing is impossible. “Father, in the name of Jesus, Kristi and I agree together, just like you said in your Word, if two of you would agree on earth as touching anything that they’ll ask. Now, Lord, we agree together, and we agree with your Holy Spirit. We believe God, in the name of Jesus.” There are people in this audience who are suffering. Somebody has pleurisy, and they need to be healed. And God is touching them. Somebody else has pneumonia. Somebody else has a serious virus. Somebody has strep throat. In the name of Jesus. Kristi, what’s God saying to you? KRISTI WATTS: Thank you, Jesus. Someone has just severe itching in your ear. It just won’t stop. It’s irritating. The Lord is healing you from that. There is another person. On the left side of, I don’t know if it’s your abdominal area, but it’s like even a bump there. The Lord is healing you from that as well, as well as that fear. Thank you, Jesus. PAT ROBERTSON: Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. You mentioned fear. There is tremendous fear right now. Perfect love casts out fear. The Lord is setting you free from fear, a spirit of fear. We bind that spirit of fear right now. In the name of Jesus, loose them! KRISTI WATTS: Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. PAT ROBERTSON: From that moment on, you begin to praise God and receive your freedom. Receive the freedom that God wants to give you, in Jesus’ name. For these others who have asked for prayer, many thousands, Lord, we ask that you would touch them in ways beyond what they could dare to ask or think, in Jesus’ name. Kristi. KRISTI WATTS: One more. Yes. There is a young lady by the name of Amanda. You have been praying about your house being sold. In fact, you’re watching this television set right now. The Lord said it will be sold within the next 30 days. PAT ROBERTSON: Amen! KRISTI WATTS: Thank you, Jesus. PAT ROBERTSON: Take it. KRISTI WATTS: Amen. Amen. PAT ROBERTSON: That’s all the time we’ve got on this, but thank you. Please call us. GRAPHIC: CALL WITH YOUR PRAYER REQUESTS 1-800-759-0700 CBN.COM We’re available 24 hours a day. Our counselors are here. Even though this program isn’t on the air after a certain point, the counselors continue, and they’re here. Just write that number down: 1-800-759-0700. KRISTI WATTS: Absolutely, Pat. And I want to piggyback on what Pat said. We’re here 24 hours, seven days a week for you. And I want to encourage you that we’re going to continue to pray for you right here all week long. And we know that the times are tough. So up next, we’re going to show you how to thrive in the midst of chaos with Dr. David Jeremiah. You don’t want to miss it. We’ll be right back. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 5A: WEEK OF PRAYER CALL IN TERRY MEEUWSEN: During the autumn each year, the entire staff of CBN sets aside a special week of prayer. Each day we pray for you and your family. We care about you and the things you need in your life right now. Whether it’s large or small, we want to pray with you. We believe in a miracle-working God who answers prayer, and we want to see the Lord accomplish miracles in your life. Please call us or mail your prayer request today. It’s our privilege to pray for you. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 5B: REGENT UNIVERSITY Female Student: Welcome to Preview Weekend. Male Student: Welcome to Preview Weekend. Group of Students: Welcome to Preview Weekend. Male Student: Regent University is amazing. Female Student: You can’t understand the university unless you visited and met the people. Male Student: I felt a sense of peace walking around the campus. Female Student: And I just said to myself, “That’s something I have to check out.” Announcer: Your calling, your purpose, your future. Find your place at Regent University Preview Weekend. Call 800-373-5504, or visit www.Regent.edu/Preview. Join us November 12th through 14th for Preview Weekend. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NEXT DAY PROMO GRAPHIC: FROM BREAKUP TO MAKEUP LEE WEBB: Tomorrow. Their marriage went from bad to worse. Woman: Hitting and kicking. And we lived like that for years. LEE WEBB: Until they got their divorce papers. Man: I’m just laying in the bed crying out to God, “What have I done?” * * * GRAPHIC: LAND OF THE FREE LEE WEBB: Plus, a Muslim woman flees to America to escape persecution and finds the land of the free isn’t. Woman: There were people surveilling us. LEE WEBB: Tomorrow on The 700 Club. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * KRISTI WATTS: Well, the stock market is down more than 30 percent from its all time high. The housing market still hasn’t recovered from the bubble bursting. And unemployment is on the brink of double digits. You don’t have to look far to realize that we’re living in a chaotic world. Take a look. SET-UP PIECE TIM BRANSON: Like many Americans, Martine Sincoskie is out of work. It’s been a year now, and she’s seven months behind on her mortgage. Martine Sincoskie: It’s just hard. TIM BRANSON: Martine is a single mom. She started selling her furniture, pawning jewelry and holding yard sales just to feed her children. She’s just one of millions who are out of work and at risk of losing their homes. But it’s not just the slumping economy here at home that has people on edge. Jarring headlines and diary ports from around the world bombard us with unsettling news. Dr. David Jeremiah has practical steps that can boost your confidence and faith when the pressures of life get tough. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GUEST: DAVID JEREMIAH KRISTI WATTS: Please welcome to The 700 Club the author of the book Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World, Dr. David Jeremiah. Thank you so much for being here. Dr. David Jeremiah: Good to be here. KRISTI WATTS: And I have to tell you—I did tell you this in the green room, but I’m so excited to be able to meet you and to just listen to you. I’ve listened to you for years and years on the radio, as well as television. So thank you. Dr. David Jeremiah: Well, thank you. The years and years part I don’t need, but the rest of it’s good. Right. Yes. Right. KRISTI WATTS: Okay, for a couple of years. Dr. David Jeremiah: Yes, right. KRISTI WATTS: Well, anybody who turns on the television set right now knows that we are in just an interesting time. Here is a question for you: do you think that we’re in the last days? Dr. David Jeremiah: Well, obviously, the last days, according to the scripture, is anytime between the Lord’s coming as a baby into this earth until He comes again. And so obviously, biblically we’re in the last times. But are we in the last of the last times? KRISTI WATTS: Yes. Dr. David Jeremiah: That’s a hard question. But I’ll tell you this: there has never been a time when there have been so many things that are predicted in the scriptures that are actually taking place as today, Israel’s return to her homeland, the Islamic revolution, the European coalition. You just go through all those things. And it’s not just one of them, Kristi, it’s all of them happening at once. That’s never, ever happened before. So I love the answer that is given in the book of Romans, in the 13th chapter. It says, “Your salvation is nearer than when you first believed.” I can tell you that for sure. His coming is sooner than it was when we got saved. He is coming back soon. And I tell everybody, I think I’m going to be alive when it happens. KRISTI WATTS: Wow. Well, the question is, what do we do? It’s like be in the world, but not of the world, but yet we’re still, many of us Christians are dealing with a lot of the consequences of what’s happening, whether it’s an economic fall or a job loss or what have you. How do we deal with it? Dr. David Jeremiah: Well, it’s an interesting question, because I wrote a book a couple of years ago called What in the World is Going On? And it was about these events that I just mentioned. And I began to notice that in the same text where we were told that Jesus is coming back, we were given clues about what we should do while we’re waiting. And that was very instructive to me, because a lot of people who study prophecy, they get paralyzed by the truth. They think, “Well, Jesus is coming back, so I might as well just cool it and not do anything.” But we don’t get that option from the scripture, because in the Bible, just about every place we’re told the Lord is coming back, we’re told what to do. And so I wrote this book, Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World, based upon those scriptures that tell us that Jesus is coming back. That’s true. But this is no time for us to sit on our hands. There is a great urgency about life now that we don’t know about unless we read the scripture. KRISTI WATTS: It’s interesting. The Lord has been dealing with me personally with this one concept, and that is God is often concerned with our circumstances. And He can change our circumstances in a minute. But sometimes God is more concerned with changing our attitude and our hearts in the midst of the circumstance. So how does that concept apply to your book? Dr. David Jeremiah: Well, what’s happening today is a lot of people are having their circumstances changed. You know the old adage of the 401Ks are becoming the 101Ks, and people are losing their savings. And what happens during a time like that is who we really are becomes manifest. People used to say, “Well, that made me this way.” No, it doesn’t make us that way. It reveals what we are. And sometimes that’s a very difficult thing for us to face when we begin to see, “You know what? Maybe my walk with the Lord wasn’t as close as I thought it was.” It’s easy to walk with the Lord when everything is going great. But when trouble comes and when anxiety begins to float along with your life, you have to stop and say, “Do I have what it really takes to walk with the Lord even during difficult times?” And I see both. I see people who are really strong that I didn’t know would be strong. And then I see some people that I thought really had it together, and they’re coming unglued. So this reveals a lot of times what we are. KRISTI WATTS: Absolutely. Let’s talk about some of the different points in your book. I believe you have—I’m not sure if there are ten of them. Dr. David Jeremiah: Yes, ten. KRISTI WATTS: Let’s talk about staying connected. That’s kind of what we were talking about right now, what you had mentioned. Either we could go with the flow or we can really just press into the Lord like never before. Can you repeat that a little bit more? Dr. David Jeremiah: All right. Kristi, here is what I was talking about. Let me give you the verse. Hebrews says we’re not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is. Then it says this: but so much the more as you see the day approaching. In other words, while church attendance is waning in many places and recent Barna reports tell us that mainline churches are losing numbers in a drastic way, the Bible says that as we see the Lord’s return on the horizon, we ought to be coming together more than ever before. It ought to drive us together in our small groups and in our churches, because we can’t do this on our own. We can’t make it through these days. And God has given us one another, each other, so that we can go together through this difficult time. That’s what that chapter is all about, to stay connected. Don’t get unconnected, which is what you’re tempted to do. “I’m not going to go to church today. Life is so bad, I’m not.” No, no, no. You’ve got to fight through that and come back to the realization that if you’re going to get through these chaotic days with confidence, you can’t do it alone. KRISTI WATTS: That’s true. And that kind of piggybacks on the other chapter, when you talk about being compassionate, because a lot of times when things are hard for us, we focus on ourselves. We completely, not intentionally, ignore other people. “I have problems of my own.” But you say . . . . . Dr. David Jeremiah: Well, what happens, Kristi, is when we see the kind of things we’re seeing right now, it’s normal and natural for us to think, “Okay, how are my kids doing? Are they okay? How are my grandchildren?” That’s where I’m at right now. Are we going to be strong enough to get through this? And if we’re not careful, we just get absorbed with ourselves. And the Bible tell us in Thessalonians that during these difficult times we’re to reach out. We’re to love one another. And then it says, “And to love all.” And it means in a time when most people are pulling everything back inward in a self centered way, Christianity is totally the opposite. We reach out more than ever before. And I want to tell you something. Once you get that mentality, you see people everywhere who need your help, people who just need a word of prayer, just a bit of encouragement. And when you start to do that, you realize what a wonderful opportunity God has given us as His followers to be ministers of encouragement during these days when it is so desperately needed. KRISTI WATTS: Yes. How can we personally stay encouraged? There are so many people out there, and they’re listening, and they’re like, “Yes, I understand that other people have needs, but this is hard. I don’t have as much food, or my house is, whatever, in bankruptcy,” all these different issues. How can we personally stay encouraged on our own? Dr. David Jeremiah: Everybody wants a quick and easy way to do that, and I’m going to tell you what my wife and I have been talking about a lot, and I think it’s really important. We need grace to get through these days. But here is the key: God doesn’t give us His grace a week at a time or a month at a time or a year at a time. He gives us His grace one day at a time. And so every day we get up and we have a lot of questions and we don’t have many answers. We say, “Lord God, I don’t know where this is all going, but I know you’re trustworthy. And I need your grace today. And I know you’ve promised me enough grace for each day, and I’m counting on that. And we’ll get through this today, and then tomorrow is another day.” I just was with a couple before I came here, yesterday. And she just found out she’s got myeloma, multiple myeloma, which is a really bad kind of cancer. And we just talked about, “You know what, don’t get too far out in front of this thing. This is a one day at a time deal, and God will help you through it.” KRISTI WATTS: Amen. Well, thank you so much, pastor. Dr. David Jeremiah has a book. It is called Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World. And I’ve got to tell you, it releases nationwide on October 6th. I’ve got my copy. Dr. David Jeremiah: Yes. And you know what, the one thing that’s cool about that is there is a DVD study and a curriculum that you can use in small groups. And so I’m really praying that God will use this to encourage His people during these very stressful days. KRISTI WATTS: Fantastic. Dr. David Jeremiah: And thank you for having me on the show today. KRISTI WATTS: Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Can we throw to Pat or do you want me to read the scripture? Pat, go for it. PAT ROBERTSON: Throw to Pat. That’s it. I’m right here, Kristi. Thank you. We leave you today with these words from Psalm 55, . . . . GRAPHIC: Psalm 55:22 “Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you.” (NKJV) . . . . “Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you.” Thanks to David Jeremiah. We’ll see you tomorrow. Bye, bye. GRAPHIC: COPYRIGHT 2009 CHRISTIAN BROADCASTING NETWORK * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * END SPOT: YOU WERE THERE TERRY MEEUWSEN: I have the privilege of traveling all over the world and seeing firsthand the life changing things you make possible through your partnership. Thank you for joining The 700 Club. Here in India, you’re demonstrating the love of God to such wonderful people, most of who are in great need, both physically and spiritually. You’re bringing hope and joy to millions around the world, just like you did for Chen Yu. Born with a serious heart defect, doctors said he would soon die. His parents couldn’t afford surgery. That’s when you provided the operation that saved his life. Your monthly gift makes it possible to heal the sick, feed the hungry and preach the Gospel, both at home in America and throughout the world. So please watch for this mailing and send in your pledge. Imagine lifting someone’s life out of despair and filling it with hope instead. 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