700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

The 700 Club: September 3, 2009

Phil Stacey was an American Idol finalist in Season 6. He will discuss how his faith has impacted his life and career. CBN News recently spoke to one Palestinian who laid down his weapons and is now a friend of Israel--and a follower of Jesus.


________________________________________ The 700 Club Daily Broadcast Thursday, September 3, 2009 GORDON ROBERTSON: Well, welcome to The 700 Club. A government worker in London is paying a heavy price for speaking openly about faith while on the job. TERRY MEEUWSEN: He’s a homeless prevention officer, and he could end up homeless himself. Gary Lane has the story. BRIT FIRING GARY LANE: Government worker Duke Amachree told a terminally ill client to try putting her faith in God. She later filed a complaint. That led the Wandsworth Borough Council of London to suspend Amachree from his job. Duke Amachree (Fired Christian): My ID was removed from me, and I was escorted out of the premises. I didn't know what to make of it. I was speechless. GARY LANE: Amachree was fired three months later. Duke Amachree: I don't know how I'm going to take care of my wife and our two young children. GARY LANE: The Christian Legal Center is representing Amachree. The CLC’s Michael Philips says the Wandsworth Council said it was inappropriate for him to ever talk about God. They didn’t even want Amachree to tell clients, “God bless you.” The CLC's Libby Blaxall says Amachree never berated any of his clients. Libby Blaxall (Christian Legal Center): He simply encouraged the client to put her faith in God. Secondly, Mr. Amachree has never breached any of his employer's confidentiality agreements. GARY LANE: Ethics and constitutional law professor William Wagner suggests cases like Amachree's are putting UK democracy to the test. William Wagner (Cooley Law School): The test of a functional democracy, the test of a moral and a good democracy, is not one that will suppress speech of ideas that it disagrees, but will protect speech of ideas that it disagrees. Duke Amachree: Christians are being persecuted. We are gradually being silenced. We are suffering, and we are scared. GARY LANE: But they need not be, says Andrea Williams of Christian Concern for Our Nation. Her organization has collected more than 20,000 signatures demanding that British legislators protect the free speech rights of UK Christians. The petitions were delivered to number ten Downing Street last July. Andrea Williams (Christian Concern for Our Nation): My dream is that the church will not feel the chilling impact of the anti-Christian tide of legislation that has occurred in this country in recent years, but will boldly proclaim the Gospel. GARY LANE: And UK Christians like Amachree will likely continue to unashamedly share their faith, regardless of the consequences. Amachree is hoping to get his job back following an internal appeal process this fall. Gary Lane, CBN News. GORDON ROBERTSON: Well, I hope he does get his job back. But just imagine, you claim your democracy. You claim that you have free speech, free expression of ideas, and you do this. You fire someone for telling a terminally ill person, “Have faith in God.” And that’s what you’re let go for. You have 18 years on the job, 18 years of performance, and that’s the reason they let you go. It’s just incredible to me that Great Britain—and you look back just 50 years, and you have Winston Churchill saying, “We need to defend Christendom.” And here that same country, what happened in just a generation? It just underlines for me now more than ever we need to preach the Gospel around the world. And what used to be considered Christian no longer is. And now Great Britain is a mission field. Lee Webb has the rest of our top stories from the CBN Newsroom. Lee. CARE LEE WEBB: Gordon, Americans who are speaking out against the health care reform bill are making a difference. Members of Congress are heading back to Washington after getting an earful in town hall meetings. Now, the Obama Administration is retooling its strategy. And as Jennifer Wishon reports, the President will have to convince members of his own party to get on board. Woman: Stay out of my business! Stay out of my health care! JENNIFER WISHON: It’s the scene that has dominated August and the message that’s winning when it comes to health care reform. Woman: The whole bill needs to be started over and concentrate on those things that are not going to cost anything. JENNIFER WISHON: Whether it is cost, fear of health care rationing or too much government control, lawmakers have gotten an earful this summer. Tuesday, they head back to Capitol Hill, and even some Democrats are returning with newfound opposition to the bill on the table. Moderates are concerned about the one trillion dollar price tag on the House legislation, and others just don’t feel comfortable with the bill as it is written. In an effort to stop the downward spiral, President Obama will address a joint session of Congress Wednesday, just one day after lawmakers get back to work. David Axelrod: Now it's time to close the deal. JENNIFER WISHON: Mr. Obama is expected to lay out his vision for health care, specifically what should be included in legislation and what he's comfortable leaving out. Lawmakers who support the President's plans are practically begging for tough leadership on the issue. David Gergen (Former Presidential Advisor): This is make-or-break time for President Obama on health care, because the public has turned so sour and he's got a divided Congress. JENNIFER WISHON: The President is also up against weakening popularity. His approval ratings have fallen more sharply than any other new President, and that could affect his ability to get anything done this fall. If he can hold Democrats, the White House is signaling it is willing to go ahead with legislation with or without GOP support, that after two key Republicans on the Senate Finance Committee, Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley and Wyoming Senator Mike Enzi, harshly criticized the President's plans. One thing is certain: as the debate continues to play out, Americans will be watching. Group: Health care! Man: When do we need it? Group: Now! Man: It’s a bill about government control of our physical lives. JENNIFER WISHON: Jennifer Wishon, CBN News, Washington. UK SICK TOLD TO DIE LEE WEBB: Thousands of patients may be dying prematurely under Britain's national healthcare system. A group of medical experts caring for the terminally ill tells the London Daily Telegraph that some patients are wrongly judged to be close to death. And under the system’s guidelines, doctors then take away fluid and medicine from some of those patients and sedate them until they die. The doctors' warning comes a week after a patients group said that up to a million sick people in the UK had gotten what it terms “poor or cruel care” under the national health system there. CLUNKERS DELAY LEE WEBB: The US government's Cash for Clunkers program is still leaving car dealers in the red. Car Dealer: I wonder how long they'd wait if I owed them 3.2 million dollars. I think they'd probably be at my door, or at least at my banker's door. LEE WEBB: That South Carolina dealer is just one of many across the country waiting to be reimbursed. The government owes dealerships an estimated 2.8 billion dollars. The Cash for Clunkers program originally promised reimbursement within ten days. OBAMA DROPS KIDS PLAN LEE WEBB: The White House is backpedaling on its recommendation to have students write papers about how they can help the President. The Washington Times reports teachers were also told to start a discussion about what the President, quote, “wants us to do.” Republicans accuse the White House of politicizing the education system. Now the White House says it’s asking kids to write papers about how they can achieve their long and short-term educational goals. The President also plans a televised back-to-school address for students next week. DC MARRIAGE LEE WEBB: This week Vermont becomes the latest state to have legalized gay marriage. And the battle is underway in states across the country. It’s also happening at our nation’s capital. The DC City Council recently voted to recognize gay marriages performed in other places, but as Paul Strand reports, pastors there are fighting to let voters have a say. PAUL STRAND: A group of clergy and their associates shouted out “the will of the people” at the government building Tuesday where they filed a ballot initiative that would let DC voters ban gay marriage. They say DC residents are being denied the right to decide themselves one of the most fundamental questions for a society: who should be allowed to marry? They are concerned by news the City Council is going to go ahead by itself and legalize gay marriage soon. Rev. Dale Wafer (The Harvest Church): The citizens want marriage to be between a woman and a man. They don't want this upended. We're not opposed to any rights at all. We believe everybody should have a right to vote, everybody have a right to vote on this issue. And all we're saying is let the people be heard. PAUL STRAND: The group has already faced one defeat with the Board of Elections. The board refused to allow a ballot initiative on overturning the City Council's recognition of gay marriages performed elsewhere. But the clergymen feel this is a battle they must fight and take to court if the board turns them down. One thing that worries those concerned about this issue is that what happens in the District of Columbia won't just necessarily affect DC, but could have implications for the entire nation. Congress has a right to overrule the DC City Council if it votes for gay marriage, but Congress probably won’t. Then gay rights groups could take that passive federal approval and argue in court it should trump individual states' disapproval of gay marriage. Bishop Harry Jackson (Stand4MarriageDC): This is a case we as a pro-family movement need to win. PAUL STRAND: But Reverend Anthony Evans, a Democrat himself, says if the Democrat leaders of Congress don't stand up against gay marriage, they may well find themselves in trouble with the very black voters who do so much to keep them in Congress. Rev. Anthony Evans (National Black Church Initiative): We do not approve of homosexual marriages. We do not approve of same-sex marriage. And if you try to enforce that on us, then we're going to sit on our hands in key states around the country and deny the Democrats the majority in the House. PAUL STRAND: Jackson believes, even in ultra liberal DC, its overwhelmingly black population will stand up for traditional marriage. Bishop Harry Jackson: We have a righteous, moral core group that wants the best for this city and believe that marriage and family are unchangeable values that must be upheld. PAUL STRAND: Paul Strand, CBN News, Washington. STEVENS RETIRING? LEE WEBB: There is speculation in Washington that Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens may be retiring next year. That’s because Stevens has hired only one law clerk for the upcoming year. Usually justices hire four. But Stevens hasn’t said if he’ll retire at the end of this term. Stevens is 89 and the second oldest justice in the court’s history. He’s been serving for more than 33 years. Gerald Ford appointed him back in the mid 70’s, Gordon. GORDON ROBERTSON: Well, it’s interesting to me that Obama is going to get, it looks like, two opportunities within the first year of being in office of appointing Supreme Court justices. And both those replacements were made—both of those were Republican appointees. Stevens by Ford, Souter by the first Bush. And I tell you, it underlines for me that there is a ideological bent here to these appointments and to these retirements. The speculation is because Souter didn’t hire clerks, and that was a signal that he wasn’t, and now we have it with Stevens, that he’s not hiring clerks for this term, and therefore he’s getting ready to retire. But underneath that is ideology, that they were waiting for a President so that there would maintain a liberal balance within the court. And that, as a Supreme Court watcher, is fascinating. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Well, up next, the man was once known as “The Butcher.” He was also Yasser Arafat’s personal driver. Man: I don’t believe in the two-state solution, because I believe that land belongs to the Jews. It doesn’t belong to us. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Why this former terrorist now supports Israeli Jews, after this. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GRAPHIC: PHIL STACEY GORDON ROBERTSON: Coming up later . . . . Phil Stacey: I feel like I’m just living the dream. GORDON ROBERTSON: The man who missed the birth of his baby . . . . Phil Stacey: I think most women would probably beat their husbands half to death. GORDON ROBERTSON: . . . . to follow his dream. Phil Stacey: My wife actually shoved me out the door. GORDON ROBERTSON: American Idol’s Phil Stacey sings live on today’s 700 Club. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 1: SWISS AMERICA LEFT IN THE COLD Pat Boone: Pat Boone here for my good friends at Swiss America, the company that has helped Americans to rediscover gold for over 25 years now. You may have noticed gold prices have more than doubled in the last five years, but do you ever wonder why? Economists say the top five reasons are: a falling dollar, which also creates number two, a rising cost of living. Third, increasing demand for gold worldwide. Fourth, political uncertainty. And fifth, new Wall Street gold funds. It all adds up to higher prices ahead. Gold offers safety first and then profit. A wise economist has said a portfolio without gold is like walking around naked in zero degree temperatures. So don’t get caught in the cold without gold. Call Swiss America now for a free educational kit. Ask about tax free gold IRAs. Seize this rare opportunity today. Call now. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NEXT DAY PROMO GRAPHIC: CRACK HOUSE CALL GORDON ROBERTSON: Next week. A pastor who made house calls to a crack den. Woman: “Here comes that crazy lady. We can’t get high in peace.” GORDON ROBERTSON: See what happened when she took her four-year-old along. * * * GRAPHIC: BABY PICTURES GORDON ROBERTSON: Plus, a new dad sees his son’s shocking baby picture. Man: Looking at the ultrasound, we saw a baby and what appeared to be a telephone cord. But it wasn’t. It was intestines. It instantly changed my life. GORDON ROBERTSON: Monday, on The 700 Club. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GORDON ROBERTSON: For decades, Palestinian terrorists have been attacking Israel. But recently, Erick Stakelbeck spoke to a Palestinian sniper who laid down his weapons and became a friend of Israeli Jews. FOCUS: SNIPER ERICK STAKELBECK: In President Obama’s vision of the road to peace, his administration is counting on the Palestinian group Fatah to be Israel's partner on the journey. That may be easier said than done. Leaders of Fatah recently reaffirmed their commitment to what they call “armed resistance.” And they still refuse to recognize Israel as a Jewish state. These views sound all too familiar to Tass Saada, a Palestinian native who joined Fatah when he was just 17. Tass Saada (Former Fatah Sniper): I joined the Fatah movement basically because Arafat was my hero. ERICK STAKELBECK: He was drawn to the Palestinian leader shortly after Israel’s victory in the Six Day War in 1967. Tass Saada: I used to sit right across from him and just stare at him, just mesmerized. He was such a charismatic character. ERICK STAKELBECK: Saada believed the Jews had stolen Palestinian land. He was determined to help push Israel into the sea. Tass Saada: Our training was specialized, basically, in intense, marine-type fighting skills. We used to call ourselves guerilla fighters, commando fighters. ERICK STAKELBECK: He became a sniper, picking off Israeli soldiers. His nickname was “Butcher.” Tass Saada: My job was to knock off whoever was the commander of the unit. ERICK STAKELBECK: In addition to bloody battles against Israel, Saada also attempted to assassinate the Crown Prince of Jordan. But his most prestigious job was as a personal driver for Arafat. Tass Saada: Everybody knows that I am a fierce driver. So when it came a time and need for Arafat to be transported from one area of Jordan to the other, they called me to do that. ERICK STAKELBECK: Tass eventually moved to the US to attend school. By that point, he had given up on violent jihad, but he still hated Jews. He became a successful restaurant manager, married an American woman and had two children. But he was miserable, living a fast lifestyle of women and booze until a friend told him about Jesus Christ. Tass Saada: He put the Bible in the middle, between the two of us. And I just got scared, and I jumped away from the Bible. He said, “Why did you jump like that?” I said, “I cannot touch that.” He said, “Why? It’s just a piece of paper.” I said, “No, it's got the name of God and the Word of God in it.” He said, “So you believe this is the Word of God?” I said, “Yes.” Why did I say yes, when we as Muslims don't really believe that the Bible is valid as the word of God? ERICK STAKELBECK: He says he momentarily lost consciousness at that point. Tass Saada: The next I know, I'm on my knees with my hands lifted up, inviting Jesus. ERICK STAKELBECK: Then his friend threw him for another loop. Tass Saada: He said “Tass, to have the peace that I have, you must love a Jew.” I literally froze, turned around, looking at Charlie. Charlie knew how much I hated Jews. ERICK STAKELBECK: But Saada soon got past that lifelong hatred and began to look at Israel in a brand new light. His book, Once an Arafat Man, recounts his transformation. Tass Saada: I don’t believe in the two-state solution. I don’t believe in that, because I believe that land belongs to the Jews. It doesn’t belong to us. But, on the other hand, I believe that we have the right to live in that land. ERICK STAKELBECK: Today, Saada spends much of his time in the West Bank and Gaza helping provide modern necessities to Palestinians through his charitable organization, Seeds of Hope. He says Muslims in the Middle East are turning to Christ in record numbers. Tass Saada: Millions of Muslims around the earth, especially the Arabs in Saudi Arabia, in Qatar, in all these 12 nations of Ishmael that God had promised that they will have, all of these nations, there is so much conversion in that land. ERICK STAKELBECK: That's why Saada is confident that peace will one day come to the region, the kind of peace that politicians can never bring. Erick Stakelbeck, CBN News. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GORDON ROBERTSON: Well, if you believe in miracles, then you can believe that the driver for Yasser Arafat could become a Christian, a Palestinian sniper, a man dedicated to killing Jews, to driving them into the sea. He has now become a Christian and is now a friend of Israel. What an amazing story. TERRY MEEUWSEN: It is a miracle. It really, really is a miracle. That’s awesome. Well, coming up, American Idol finalist Phil Stacey joins us with music from his latest album when we come back. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 2: ENCORE DENTAL Spokeswoman: We’re downtown today, campaigning to save America’s teeth, because good dental health is about more than just brushing. Announcer: If you’re one of the millions of Americans without dental insurance, call Encore Dental for affordable, quality dental coverage. Spokeswoman: When was the last time you went to the dentist? Man: Uh . . . . Woman: Like, probably three years ago. Man: Probably back in college. Announcer: Poor oral health can lead to serious illnesses, like heart disease and stroke. Spokeswoman: What’s your excuse? Woman: It’s just too expensive. Woman: I’m self-employed. Spokeswoman: No dental insurance. Woman: None. Announcer: With Encore Dental, you can receive up to 100 percent coverage for preventative care and up to 50 percent on basic and major procedures. Woman: George retired a year ago. George: And when I did, I lost my dental coverage. Announcer: There are no claim forms and no waiting for reimbursement. Call now for a 30-day money back trial period. Announcer #2: Call 1-800-757-4903 now for a 30-day money back trial period. Announcer: Call now, and get an additional ten percent off when you pay by credit card. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TERRY MEEUWSEN: Because of his service in the Navy, Phil Stacey missed his friend’s wedding. To make it up to him, he asked Phil to audition for American Idol, and, well, the rest is history. SET-UP PIECE TIM BRANSON: American Idol fans will remember Phil Stacey from the 2007 season. He finished in sixth place and did a 55-city tour with his fellow American Idol finalists. Then his debut album, Phil Stacey, made it to number eight on Billboard’s Top Country Albums chart. Now, Phil has a new album, Into the Light. It features his top 20 Christian hit song, “You’re Not Shaken.” * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GUEST: PHIL STACEY TERRY MEEUWSEN: Please welcome to The 700 Club Phil Stacey. Hey, it’s great to have you here. Phil Stacey: Thank you. It’s great to be here. TERRY MEEUWSEN: So, American Idol was payback for missing your friend’s wedding. Were you surprised . . . . Phil Stacey: That’s right. Well, it was kind of funny. I was surprised. But he was one of those friends. And we all have people. We have people who encourage us. And he was always one of those guys. He was a really good buddy from college, and he was like, “You’ve just got a great voice. You need to be out there singing.” TERRY MEEUWSEN: Boy, that’s a good friend to have, somebody who is really . . . . Phil Stacey: That’s right. That’s right. TERRY MEEUWSEN: . . . . who sees it. Phil Stacey: Get some encouragers in your life. That’s right. TERRY MEEUWSEN: You missed something else, though. Tell us about what else you missed with your competition. Phil Stacey: I always get a hard time about this. I know. I missed my daughter’s birth. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Your discomfort’s showing. Phil Stacey: That’s right. I missed my daughter’s birth during the audition. My wife pushed me out the door to go do the audition, even though she was getting ready to deliver our second little girl. And I’m very appreciative of that. TERRY MEEUWSEN: So she must have known that this was a big dream in your heart and that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Phil Stacey: Absolutely. I have a very supportive, very encouraging wife. God has blessed me with a wonderful helpmate. And I was shocked. I think if I was her, I probably would have beat me up for it, but she didn’t, so there you go. TERRY MEEUWSEN: You came in, was it sixth or eighth out of a hundred . . . . Phil Stacey: I left the top five week. And there were 103,000 people. TERRY MEEUWSEN: A hundred and three thousand people. I have heard that that is a zoo when that audition is going on. Phil Stacey: It’s crazy. I loved it, though. I loved it. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Did you? Phil Stacey: One of my favorite times the entire time was my first day of audition, because I went with no preconceived notion. I didn’t know how far this was going to take me. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Whether it would mean anything or not. Yes. Phil Stacey: Honestly, I didn’t think it was going to go anywhere. But there were 16,000 people just there at the Fedex Forum in Memphis, Tennessee. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Good grief. Phil Stacey: I loved it. I had a great time. We were there at like three o’clock in the morning. I didn’t sing until like nine o’clock at night. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Mercy. So tell me about that whole experience and how it changed your life. Phil Stacey: More than anything, God taught me a powerful lesson about how when He gives you a platform, when He gives you a role, it’s not about you anymore. I felt like as much as I thought that there would be so much pressure on me to perform at a certain level or whatever, I think I had great spiritual accountability around me, pastors. My father is a pastor as well, and my mother that . . . . TERRY MEEUWSEN: So even as you competed and performed, you had this kind of support alongside you. Phil Stacey: Absolutely. Absolutely. And my wife, all of them, constantly encouraging me and saying, “This isn’t about you. This is about what God is doing through you.” And it was a fantastic experience. I had a blast. It was nerve-wracking, but I had a blast. TERRY MEEUWSEN: So one of the things we’re hearing in the news day after day after day now is the whole situation with Paula Abdul. How much do you think the show will change if she’s not there anymore? Phil Stacey: I’m not really sure. It’s an interesting question I think you’re asking, because I think the contestants will miss her far more than anybody else. TERRY MEEUWSEN: She’s such an encourager, isn’t she? Yes. Phil Stacey: Oh, she’s incredible. And she was the only one of the judges who took the time every single week, week after week, to come visit the contestants, give us a little—she’d give us like bracelets and necklaces, things with little pieces of encouragement on them, like printed words like, “Shoot for the stars. You might just become one.” TERRY MEEUWSEN: Wow. Phil Stacey: Far too cheesy to ever wear in public. No, I’m kidding. But she was really, really great. TERRY MEEUWSEN: But probably just what you need when you’re in that kind of an intense cooker. Phil Stacey: Exactly what we needed. She knew exactly what we were going through, and she’s always soft with her criticism. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Yes. Yes. Phil Stacey: We’d love that, because there were 30 million people watching her criticize us. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Exactly. Well, you really put yourself out there in a moment like that, don’t you? Well, once the whole thing was over, you went on tour from January until October, seven days a week. Is that right? Phil Stacey: It was, let’s see, yes. We lived in Hollywood from January to July, and then it was the tour from July until October. TERRY MEEUWSEN: From July until October. Phil Stacey: And it was just about every single day. We had like, I don’t know, like 60 performances or something like that. TERRY MEEUWSEN: What was that like? Did you all get along? Was it just fun or was it intense? Phil Stacey: It was intense. It was a lot of fun. We loved each other. And some of my best friends still today, Chris Sly, who is also a Christian artist now. He was there on the bus, and we would be cracking up and having a good time until three o’clock in the morning on the bus, because we’d gotten done performing. After you get done performing, you’ve got all this adrenaline. TERRY MEEUWSEN: You’re so wired. Yes. Phil Stacey: So it would take us forever to get to sleep, and then we’d be back up at nine o’clock doing interviews and stuff. So my wife laughed the whole time just about how she had to chase us around the country with our two little girls. And that was tough for her. TERRY MEEUWSEN: I have a mental picture of that. Phil Stacey: I know. She’s like dragging these kids through the airport and everything. And any mom, you know how hard it is to travel with little girls, or with little kids. And she’s just a trooper. TERRY MEEUWSEN: We can all imagine the fun it would be to be on a tour with a bunch of people who had all gone through a common intense experience like that. But always at the heart of it, God is teaching us something. No experience is ever wasted. Phil Stacey: That’s right. TERRY MEEUWSEN: How does God use this to change you, to strengthen your faith? What has it meant to you spiritually? Phil Stacey: The most is just what I said before, just the learning process of God has given me this platform. It’s about Him. He is going to use me. He’s not looking for perfection, for perfect people or whatever. He’s looking for willing people. And that’s my heart. I’m willing to be used by the Lord. If He will use me, I’m giving myself to Him. And according to Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Now, you’ve already done one CD. Your latest one, your second one, is out now. And I know you have some background in recording, not just musically, but also technology-wise. Did that help you in putting all of this together? Phil Stacey: I think it definitely helps just in the fact I do come from a technical background. I worked as an engineer in a recording studio in college, and I’ve got a rich history in music, both production and actually doing music. And I think it helps just because you more or less understand the aspects that are going on. But I had a lot of fun. I worked with Brown Bannister on this. You’ve heard Brown’s work. Even if you don’t know you’ve heard Brown’s work, you’ve heard his work. TERRY MEEUWSEN: You have, whether you know it or not. Phil Stacey: With Amy Grant, Steven Curtis Chapman, Third Day, Mercy Me. He’s incredible, such a man of God, such an awesome influence in my life. And I loved the experience. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Do you sometimes look back at where you were before and what God has done through all of this and go, “Wow, how did I get here?” Phil Stacey: Every day. Every day. But that’s been my entire life. I feel like I’ve lived in the blessings of God all my life. I feel like I’ve experienced a favor. And I come from—both of my grandfathers are pastors. My father is a pastor. And I believe because of their faithfulness, their serving the Lord, God is showing His favor to me and has throughout my entire life. So God is honoring your faithfulness not just by showing you His favor, but showing your children and their children His favor. TERRY MEEUWSEN: And you’re declaring the Word through every song that you’re singing now. Tell me about the latest CD, Into the Light. Phil Stacey: This CD, it’s a message of encouragement. As I’ve traveled around the country the last couple of years, I’ve met a lot of different people. And people are going through tough times, Christians who have dedicated their lives to serving the Lord from childhood, or whatever. They’re facing lost homes, lost jobs, illnesses within their family, situations that they have no control over. And this CD is a message of encouragement. It comes right out of Psalms 46:1. It says the Lord is our refuge and strength, a very present help in the time of trouble. TERRY MEEUWSEN: I love that. Phil Stacey: And no matter what time of trouble you may be going through, you’ve got to understand something: the road to that mountaintop of victory that God is taking you to is littered with valleys of the shadow of death. And it’s something that we have to go through, because we have to learn to put our faith totally and completely in Him. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Amen and amen. I know you’re going to sing for us. I’m going to let you head over toward the singing area. Phil Stacey: Wonderful. Awesome. TERRY MEEUWSEN: And I’m going to tell people that you can get Phil Stacey’s new CD. It is called Into the Light. It’s available wherever music is sold. And right now, Phil is going to sing for us a song from the CD. It’s called “You’re Not Shaken,” a great word for all of us in the hour we live in. So please welcome Phil Stacey. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PHIL STACEY SINGS “YOU’RE NOT SHAKEN” Phil Stacey (Singing): “I am sinking in a river . . . .” * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GRAPHIC: “AMERICA’S DUMBEST CRIMINAL” GORDON ROBERTSON: Still ahead . . . . Man: America’s dumbest criminal story. GORDON ROBERTSON: An in your face heist . . . . Man: This particular gas station was directly across the street from the Boone County Jail and Sheriff’s Department. GORDON ROBERTSON: . . . . and a high speed chase. Man: We started taking crime to a whole other level. GORDON ROBERTSON: But did the punishment fit the crime? Man: I knew I was never going to see freedom again. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 3A: SYNVISC Announcer: If you have osteoarthritis knee pain, Synvisc One treats it right at the source and helps you get back to doing the things you love. Synvisc One is the only treatment that can give you up to six months of pain relief with just one injection. It’s a natural substance similar to healthy joint fluid that lubricates and cushions your joint and relieves pain without the serious side effects that pain pills can have. For your free information kit, call 1-800-211-9223. Synvisc One may not work for everyone. Before beginning treatment, tell your doctor if you are allergic to products from birds, such as feathers, eggs or poultry, or if your leg is swollen or infected. The most common side effects are temporary pain, stiffness, swelling and fluid buildup in and around the knee. Synvisc One has not been tested in children, pregnant women or women who are nursing. To learn more, call this number, go online or ask your doctor about Synvisc One. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 3B: CURVES Announcer: So you finally decided that it’s the right time for you to lose weight. That’s great. And maybe you’re considering going to Weight Watchers. Woman: Weight Watchers? Woman: Oh, no, girl. Woman: You’re going to try something new. Woman: I am? Woman: We’re clear. Go, go, go, go, go! Announcer: Introducing the new Curves 30-day diet plan. It’s clinically proven and a brand new way to lose weight and keep it off, without counting points forever. There are diet classes every month, which are free to everyone. No membership required. Curves’ exclusive 30-day diet is designed to help you retrain and sustain your metabolism. That way you can reach your goal weight and stay there. Want to get started? Woman: Let’s try something else. Announcer: Learn a whole new way to take off the weight. Call your local Curves club about the 30-day diet plan and find out when you can try a class near you, free. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CHANGING WORKFORCE LEE WEBB: Welcome back to The 700 Club. The American workforce could be getting older. A new study by the Pew Research Center found that the number of Americans 55 and older looking for work rose by 40 percent this year. At the same time, the number of 16- to 24-year-old job seekers declined by nine percent in the last decade. The study says young people are deciding to stay in school, while older people are finding it more difficult to retire. It cites longer life spans and the bad economy as the chief reasons. If the trends continue, older workers are expected to make up 25 percent of the US labor force by the year 2016. BIG INFLUX OF SWINE FLU LEE WEBB: The White House is warning of a big influx of new swine flu cases this fall. But the Obama Administration says the government is better prepared for the outbreak now than they were at the end of the school year. The swine flu vaccine is likely to be available by October. And a report by one scientific advisory panel says it’s possible that 30 to 50 percent of the population could get the swine flu. So far, there have been more than 550 swine flu related deaths in the US. You can always get the latest from CBN News by going to our web site at CBN.com. GRAPHIC: FOR MORE INFORMATION LOG ON TO CBN.COM Gordon and Terry will be back with more of The 700 Club after this. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 4: ALERT USA Dr. Joyce Brothers: Hi, I’m Dr. Joyce Brothers. Those of us who are independent and live alone shouldn’t do so without having emergency protection. And for reliability and peace of mind, I recommend Alert USA. Announcer: With Alert USA, if you ever need assistance, just press your pendant to be connected to an operator who can summon help to your home 24 hours a day. Dr. Joyce Brothers: I’ve been giving advice for many years, and I believe Alert USA provides the best emergency support and value for your dollar. Call now for a free brochure. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NEXT DAY PROMO GRAPHIC: CRACK HOUSE CALL GORDON ROBERTSON: Next week. A pastor who made house calls to a crack den. Woman: “Here comes that crazy lady. We can’t get high in peace.” GORDON ROBERTSON: See what happened when she took her four-year-old along. * * * GRAPHIC: BABY PICTURES GORDON ROBERTSON: Plus, a new dad sees his son’s shocking baby picture. Man: Looking at the ultrasound, we saw a baby and what appeared to be a telephone cord. But it wasn’t. It was intestines. It instantly changed my life. GORDON ROBERTSON: Monday, on The 700 Club. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GORDON ROBERTSON: Mike Benson robbed his first bank at the age of 16. Mike served five years for that heist, but he was just getting started. After prison, Mike took his crimes to a whole other level. MIKE BENSON ANDREW KNOX: Mike Benson’s view of authority became distorted at a young age. Mike Benson: Growing up, my dad was passive aggressive. He’d let it all stay bottled up, and then he’d explode. So I think a lot of it was he took his frustrations out on me. ANDREW KNOX: As he got older, Mike grew angry, just like his father. Drugs and alcohol kept a lid on his emotions. Mike Benson: It was at the age of 16. A friend of mine and I, we were high on cocaine and drinking vodka all day long. And we decided that we were going to rob a bank. Right in broad daylight, we went into the bank and held the tellers up and took the money. And we ran and got away. ANDREW KNOX: Hours later, the FBI and state police caught up with Mike. He was sentenced as an adult and given five years in the Michigan Department of Corrections. Mike Benson: When the door shut and that key turned, that big key, it was like one of the lowest points of my life. And finally, after five years, though, I did get parole. And it was a happy day. I had all these good intentions. I had all these good desires. I was going to get a good job. I went to college when I was in there. And I did everything that I could to set myself up for success once I was released from prison. ANDREW KNOX: However, his criminal record kept him from getting the jobs he wanted. Mike’s old patterns returned. Mike Benson: And time after time being rejected, it brought back those feelings. And I heard the words that my father had spoke to me as a young man, “You’re worthless, and you’re a dummy. And you’re never going to amount to anything.” And so I went right back into a life of drugs and substance abuse, which was my attempt to just make the pain go away. And then I got reacquainted with the same person that we did the original bank robbery with in 1989. And him and I started to hang out together. And, of course, we started taking crime to a whole other level. ANDREW KNOX: A car theft put Mike and his partner on the run from the police. They began to rob their way through Michigan, Kentucky and Indiana. In October 1996, a gas station robbery put the police hot on Mike’s trail. Mike Benson: And I tell people this is the America’s dumbest criminal story. This particular gas station was directly across the street from the Boone County Jail and Sheriff’s Department, and two blocks down from the state police headquarters. ANDREW KNOX: After a dramatic high-speed chase through Indiana, Mike eluded the police. His partner abandoned him, but Mike made it to all the way to Florida. He was busy setting up a new life under a false identity when a Florida cop brought his plans to a screeching halt Mike Benson: An officer there was doing a routine stop. I’d been stopped several times before and talked my way out of it. But something wasn’t sitting right with him. And so he said, “I think we’re going to run you in and check your prints and see who you really are.” I knew when I got to Sarasota, I knew I was never going to see freedom again. ANDREW KNOX: Mike was arrested for three auto theft charges, kidnapping, parole violation and armed robbery. Mike first went Indiana to face his charges. Mike Benson: And I went into cell block A, in cell 12. I could look out the window and literally see the Shell gas station that I had robbed. And then in the middle of all that, the darkest time of my life, I started to remember some words that some guy spoke to me back when I was doing my first five years. He said, “Well, Mike, you know that Jesus died for your sins. And, well, Mike, you know that God has got a plan for your life. Now, He can redeem any area of your life. He can do this because of what He did in Jesus.” And I started to yell out to Him and say, “God, if you’re so good, if you’ve got this great plan for my life, then how come my life is so messed up?” And it was the first time I ever heard God’s voice, and it was right in here, and He just said, “Call on Me, son. Call on Me.” And I got on my hands and knees in the jail, and I reached out, and I said, “God, I’ve ruined this life, and there is nothing I can do about it. So I’m just giving it to you. You take it. It’s yours. Do whatever you want.” But when I got off the floor, nothing changed on the outside. Still facing all that time in prison. Still looking at never seeing freedom or my family again. But this time, something had changed on the inside, and something was different. And for the first time in my life, I really knew what life was and I really knew what it meant to be free. ANDREW KNOX: He got involved in prison worship services and Bible studies. When Mike went to court, judges saw the tangible changes in his life. Court case after court case was decided in Mike’s favor. Instead of doing life in prison like he expected, he only served six years for his crimes in both Michigan and Indiana. Mike Benson: Finally, October 31, 2002, right on Halloween, I was released from prison. And I’ll never forget when I crossed the threshold of that prison. I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “I will redeem the years that the enemy and the locusts have taken out of your life.” ANDREW KNOX: Shortly after prison, Mike met and soon married Stephanie, and he has two children. Today he also heads The Conquerors International Strength Team, group of evangelists who travel the world using strength demonstrations to help present the Gospel. Mike Benson: I understand that I don’t know everything about life, but He does. And so I submit myself to His authority, and I see it as a good thing now. It’s just knowing that it’s His grace, it’s His love, it’s His sacrifice. It’s all about Him, and that is the real freedom. That’s the freedom that there is in Jesus Christ. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GORDON MINISTERS SALVATION GORDON ROBERTSON: You can have that same freedom. So often we live our lives thinking we know what we’re doing, we know where we’re going. We often think we can get away with it. Mike thought that. He thought he could get away with it. He thought he could do all kinds of things and never pay any price for it. Yet, when he got caught, he remembered some words that were spoken to him. How about you? How about you? Do you remember? Do you remember things that were told you? Do you remember your own prayers? Do you remember your own conversations with God? And the same that happened to Mike can happen to you. You can hear that still small voice calling to you, saying, “Son, call to Me. Call to Me. If you’ll only let Me help you.” Now, that requires a surrender on our part. That requires acknowledging that no, we don’t know everything there is to know, that there are things that God can do for us that we can’t do for ourselves, that He knows the end from the beginning. And He knows how to guide and direct us. That acknowledgement requires us to humble ourselves and pray. And when we do that, when we do that, we enter into some incredible promises, where God says to you, “Call to Me, and I will answer you.” God says to you, “When you seek Me with all of your heart, then you will find Me.” Sometimes it takes us hitting rock bottom. Sometimes those prayers are from jail cells. But sometimes those are prayers are from right where you are, where you can say, “Okay, I saw what you did for Mike. What can you do for me?” If you do it, if you call to Him, there are some incredible promises. One of the ones that will just amaze you is He has created good works for you to walk into from the beginning of time, things that He uniquely created you to do. And if you’ll just ask Him, He’ll show them to you. But it takes surrender on your part. It takes you saying, “Not my will, but your will be done.” So if this is for you, if this is what you want, just bow your head. Pray a very simple prayer. Pray the same prayer that Mike prayed and let Jesus come in. Let Him be the Lord of your life. Let Him show you things. Let Him speak to you as a Father speaks to a child. Let Him speak to you. If you’ll do it, it will be the best decision you’ve ever made. Pray with me. “Lord Jesus.” That’s right. Say it out loud. “Lord Jesus, I come to you. I call to you. And I ask that you would speak to me, that you would answer me, that you would be God for me, that you would be Messiah for me. And Jesus, right now, I ask that you forgive me, and you forgive me for all the things that I’ve done wrong, that you forgive me for choosing my own way, that you forgive me for thinking that I knew better than you. So Jesus, I open my heart to you, and I ask that you come in. I ask that your Kingdom would come to me, that your will would be done in me. And Jesus, if you’ll do this, if you’ll speak to me, if you’ll guide me, I promise to follow you all the days of my life. Hear my prayer, for I pray it in Jesus’ name.” Father, for those who just prayed, I ask that you open their ears, that you would open their eyes, that you would give them a heart of understanding to know you and to hear your voice and to see the beginnings of your plan for their life. Do it now, for I ask it in Jesus’ name. Amen. If you just prayed with me, the Bible says that if you’ll confess Jesus before me, He will confess you before the Father. GRAPHIC: 1-800-759-0700 CBN.COM What I want you to do is make a toll free phone call: 1-800-759-0700. And just say, “I want to confess that I just made Jesus Lord of my life.” When you call, we’ve got a free packet for you. It’s called “A Higher Calling.” GRAPHIC: OUR GIFT TO YOU 1-800-759-0700 CBN.COM In there is a CD teaching on how to live the Christian life. There is also a booklet filled with Bible verses. But we encourage you to get a copy of the Bible. There is one available for you online if you don’t have one. It’s on CBN.com. And we encourage you to read it every day. It’s through the reading of the Bible that you have renewing of your mind, renewing of your thought process, renewing of your innermost being. We also encourage you to join a local church and go through water baptism. But all of this starts with you making that first confession, so do it right now: 1-800-759-0700. Terry, over to you. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Well, coming up, we’re going to Bring It On with your e-mail questions. Rosa says, “My boyfriend and I argue when we’re together, but neither one of us wants to be without the other. What’s our problem?” TERRY MEEUWSEN: We’ll tackle Rosa’s question and more, just ahead. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 5A: 7 DAYS ABLAZE TERRY MEEUWSEN: During the autumn each year, the entire staff of CBN sets aside a special week of prayer. Each day we pray for you and your family. We care about you and the things you need in your life right now. Whether it’s large or small, we want to pray with you. We believe in a miracle-working God who answers prayer, and we want to see the Lord accomplish miracles in your life. Please call us or mail your prayer request today. It’s our privilege to pray for you. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPOT 5B: CURVES Announcer: So you finally decided that it’s the right time for you to lose weight. That’s great. And maybe you’re considering going to Weight Watchers. Woman: Weight Watchers? Woman: Oh, no, girl. Woman: You’re going to try something new. Woman: I am? Woman: We’re clear. Go, go, go, go, go! Announcer: Introducing the new Curves 30-day diet plan. It’s clinically proven and a brand new way to lose weight and keep it off, without counting points forever. There are diet classes every month, which are free to everyone. No membership required. Curves’ exclusive 30-day diet is designed to help you retrain and sustain your metabolism. That way you can reach your goal weight and stay there. Want to get started? Woman: Let’s try something else. Announcer: Learn a whole new way to take off the weight. Call your local Curves club about the 30-day diet plan and find out when you can try a class near you, free. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TERRY MEEUWSEN: In parts of Laos, water is scarce. And until recently, people had to walk miles a day just to find it. DANGEROUS WATERS KEN HULME: Every day, twice a day, Von and his sister Kon walk over a mile each way in the blazing sun to draw water for their family. Mother: I can’t always fetch water for my kids. I have to take care of the baby. It is very difficult for all of us. KEN HULME: And the children often get sick after drinking the water. The riverbank also has its hidden dangers. When Kon was seven years old, she was stung by a scorpion. Mother: I was afraid that my daughter was going to die. I was very worried. KEN HULME: The family was so poor that they couldn’t afford to take Kon to the doctor or buy medicine. Mother: The children got better, but they had to suffer for weeks. How I wish things were better around here. KEN HULME: When CBN visited their village, the mothers came together and asked us to dig a well for them. We quickly granted their request. Today, that well stands in the middle of the community, within easy reach of every home. And it’s safe for the children to visit from dawn to dusk. Mother: The well you built is very convenient and very safe. The water is sweet to drink, too. Thank you. Life is definitely much easier now. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TERRY MEEUWSEN: Can you imagine as a young mom having to decide whether you’d leave your baby alone and get water or be without it for the day? GRAPHIC: 1-800-759-0700 CBN.COM So you send your very young children off to get it themselves. You should try lifting up those pails filled with water. You and I would have a difficult time carrying them, much less those small children. Every day they go through this endeavor. And then those of you who are 700 Club members, you show up in the midst of that, and you make a huge difference. Clean drinking water, it changes people’s lives. And drilling wells and creating cisterns is just one of the things that 700 Club partners do all around the world to help people like this little family. They’re not asking for a mansion. They’re not asking for a large amount of money. They’re just asking for a hand up, so that they can live life well. And you make that happen. Will you join The 700 Club if you’re not already a member with the rest of us? It’s so simple. It’s 65 cents a day, 20 dollars a month. But together, we can make a huge difference. You can join by calling our toll free number. It’s 1-800-759-0700. Or you can join by logging on to CBN.com. But do that today, so that we can continue to reach out to others and make a difference in their lives. TERRY MEEUWSEN: You ready for some e-mail? Oh, I want to tell you, by the way, when you join, you can join through Pledge Express. That means your bank does all the work. GRAPHIC: FREE WITH PLEDGE EXPRESS 1-800-759-0700 CBN.COM It saves us so much in administrative costs that we want to thank you by sending you “Power for Life” teachings every month. So when you call or log on, say, “I want to join using Pledge Express.” * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BRING IT ON GORDON ROBERTSON: Okay, it’s time for Bring It On. We’ve got e-mail questions. Our first one comes in from an unusual location: Serbia. TERRY MEEUWSEN: Serbia. Yes. This is Rosa. GORDON ROBERTSON: They’re watching online. TERRY MEEUWSEN: And she says, “I’m very unhappy. My boyfriend and I disagree often, but I really love him, even though he does not believe in God. We argue when we’re together, but neither one of us wants to be without the other. What’s our problem?” GORDON ROBERTSON: Each other. I hate to be that blunt with it. But the Bible is very specific: don’t be unequally yoked. And if you want trouble in life, marry an unbeliever. And if you think that somehow marriage is going to change or he’s going to change or the relationship is going to change or you’re going to change and things are going to get better, wrong. That’s not going to happen. If you want a lifetime of arguing, stick it out, because you’re going to get it. My advice to you is you need to break it, and you need to break it off soon. One of the things that happens with relationships, even bad ones, is you create ties. And they’re very strong. And those ties get harder to break the longer it goes on. And if you start in argument, you’re going to finish in it. And so save yourself pain down the road. Do you agree? TERRY MEEUWSEN: I agree wholeheartedly. Really. And sometimes we think—you say in here, Rosa, “I really love him.” And we think that that’s enough, and it really isn’t. You really need to do it the right way, and you’ll get the right result. GORDON ROBERTSON: To build a life together, there is so much to that. There are issues financially. There are issues about do you believe the same thing. And then there are issues about basic compatibility. Do you like the same things? Do you think the same way? And all of that has to check off. And then you check, “Do I really love him? And do I really love him unconditionally? And do I really love them the way they are now? I’m not looking for them to change.” And when you get all that lining up, then yay, you’ve got something you can build a future on. TERRY MEEUWSEN: This is from Ruth, who says, “For most of my husband’s childhood, his father was absent. Now, his father is in prison and his mother is a prostitute and addicted to drugs. How can my husband and I keep God’s commandment to honor our parents in such tough circumstances?” GORDON ROBERTSON: Well, both the Greek and Hebrew word behind that honor is a value, and you value their opinion. You value them as people. Unfortunately, in today’s culture, we’re having this phenomenon of prodigal parents, where for whatever reason, they wanted to pursue their own thing and were remarkably selfish in that. And my advice to children with prodigal parents is treat them just as the prodigal’s father treated him. Let them go. Let them go to that far country. You don’t have to seek them out. You just have to wait for them to come back. When they come back, that’s when you receive them with open arms. And there is no requirement in the commandments that you have to do more than that. Treat them the same way the prodigal father treated the prodigal son, and you’ll have the answer. We leave you with these words from Jesus from John 7. . . . . GRAPHIC: John 7:38 “He who believes in Me, as the scripture has said, Out of His heart will flow rivers of living water.” (NKJV) . . . . “He who believes in Me, as the scripture has said, out of His heart will flow rivers of living water.” God bless you. We’ll see you again. GRAPHIC: COPYRIGHT 2009 CHRISTIAN BROADCASTING NETWORK * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NEXT DAY PROMO GRAPHIC: CRACK HOUSE CALL GORDON ROBERTSON: Next week. A pastor who made house calls to a crack den. Woman: “Here comes that crazy lady. We can’t get high in peace.” GORDON ROBERTSON: See what happened when she took her four-year-old along. * * * GRAPHIC: BABY PICTURES GORDON ROBERTSON: Plus, a new dad sees his son’s shocking baby picture. Man: Looking at the ultrasound, we saw a baby and what appeared to be a telephone cord. But it wasn’t. It was intestines. It instantly changed my life. GORDON ROBERTSON: Monday, on The 700 Club. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * END SPOT: PLEDGE EXPRESS Announcer: While Mary feeds her two young daughters, she also helps feed needy families around the world. While Bob hands a drink out to a co-worker, he helps give water to villages with new wells. And while Carl builds a house for his son’s new puppy, he helps rebuild homes in disaster areas. TERRY MEEUWSEN: These people all have something in common. They’re CBN partners who have joined Pledge Express. It’s easy to sign up. Just give us a call, log on to CBN.com or return the Pledge Express form you receive in the mail. Then each month, we’ll send you “Power for Life,” and you’ll receive this powerful CD called Overcoming Stress. So join us and change the world for someone today.


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