Couple Cares For Children No One Else Wants

Domingo Garcia is busy in his shop. “I'm making a bed for my daughter; one of my daughters who is thirty-three years old is very short, very petite. And she does not fit in a normal bed.”

Irene talks about their decision to adopt. “We both talked about not adopting a child with brain damage cause that would be very difficult for us. And that's exactly what they called us on, the little girl. They told us maybe she'd make a year. We got her at six weeks, and I bet you she was only this big.”

“And then we met her and that's all it took.” Domingo continues, “We took her home. And that's the beginning of an adventure that we still live it out 33 years later. I think we ended up at one time Irene had counted like uh about thirty-four children that we fostered.  And we've adopted about half of those. We've adopted seventeen. This is like the third generation now.”

Irene talks about God’s part in starting the adoption process. “My boys were with their dad and they became very attached to him and they actually left my side and I all alone. I wanted a daughter and I couldn’t have any more kids. And just one day, God said, ‘well, it’s time to adopt’ which was so weird because in our family nobody adopted. That's something that you didn't do. You didn't even talk about stuff like that. When that became a thought in my heart, God just brought it to fruition.  And I asked Domingo about it, how did he feel?

Domingo had preconceptions about adoption. “I just saw it as a big restriction and it would be something that would keep us from doing the things that we loved to do, not knowing, the blessing that it would be.” 
Irene in the kitchen, “I'm making Albondigas soup. It's meatball soup.  It's kind of a family thing, especially when it's raining; we always make Albondigas soup and the kids love it.”

Child’s prayer: “Dear Lord, thank you for a family who loves me…”

Irene summarizes life at home, “And there are struggles, but you know what?  We always say, ‘We're the Garcias and with Christ in the center, no one can divide us.’"

Domingo explains where the children were before coming to the Garcia’s home.The ones we have now are mostly from drug raids and they've been abused and neglected and pretty badly battered; most of them with special needs. No matter what their needs are, what situation they come from, if God brings them to my door, and they call and say they need a home, we take them in. And the things that they do and accomplish, it’s incredible. God has just healed them and taken care of them and performed miracles with them. Nothing has ever been as fulfilling as what we’re doing now. It just completes us.”

Irene sums it up. ‘I can't imagine not having all these kids in our house. I know, like a lot of people say, ‘How do you do it?’  And my answer to that is ‘How do we not do it?’"

True devotion, the kind that is pure and faultless before God the Father, is this: to care for orphans and widows in their difficulties… James 1:27

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