Donna Sikes: A Head-On Collision with Healing

CBN.com “All of a sudden, I looked in the mirror and saw this guy coming at me… and he just smashed right into me. When the car hit me, my head went backwards, forwards, backwards again.”

The crash left Donna Sikes with a severe concussion and lingering side effects. The back injury Donna sustained in the accident caused excruciating pain.

“I was in bed a lot,” Donna says. “I was sitting down a lot too. Actually, I couldn’t lie down for a long time; I couldn’t sit for a long time; I couldn’t stand, and I couldn’t walk for a long time. So it was all bad.”

It was that relentless pain that prompted Donna to visit her chiropractor. That led to a shocking discovery.

“I was laying on the table, and my chiropractor had pushed on the top part of my back. He really pushed hard, and when I got up off the table, he turned white as a ghost. He said, ‘Donna, do you have breast implants?’ And I said no. On my breast I had a big water spot.”

At first Donna wasn’t worried, until she heard a second doctor’s diagnosis – a possible brain tumor.

“She said, ‘Donna, we’re gonna have to do an MRI on you because we think you might have something going on. She eventually sent me to a neurologist, and they found the tumor.”

Dr. Alicia Elmore was one of Donna’s doctors.

“She was diagnosed with a pituitary tumor,” Dr. Elmore says. “The pituitary gland is in your brain.”

This gland produces hormones. Since hormones affect breast tissue, Donna’s spot revealed a growing tumor in her brain.

Dr. Elmore says, “The tumor that Donna had was about the size of a dime. The tumor is larger than what the pituitary gland is.”

“Surgery was the only option they gave me,” says Donna. “I thought, okay, all right, but I can’t do it. I fell into a real bad depression.”

A depression so deep Donna felt that her life wasn’t worth living.

“I had taken a walk out to the beach. I thought, I can’t take the brain tumor. I can’t take this other stuff that’s going on with me. I could just walk right out now and kill myself. Let myself drown.”

Then words she’d heard on The 700 Club came to mind…

“I think Pat Robertson had said no matter what, if you’re still living, you can always get a miracle,” Donna recalls. “I thought, that was a point that I realized I’m going to live. He would help me with my tumor, and everything would be okay.”

As Donna kept watching The 700 Club, her hope and faith grew.

“At the end, where they would read things about miracles that would happen to people, I thought, I want a miracle. I need a miracle God.”

That miracle was closer than Donna ever imagined. Believing God would take care of her, she decided to have surgery to remove the tumor. But before she had her final MRI…

“I had previously ordered a tape called ‘Infinite Power’ by Pat Robertson and Gordon. I thought, I’ll take that with me, and I’ll listen to it. So I popped in the cassette, kept listening to it, and when it was all done, I popped it in again. I listened to it, and I thought, I want my miracle. He said I can have a miracle. I want it.

“Gordon said, ‘Now wherever you have the problem, lay your hand on it.’ So I put my hand on my head, and I’m praying.

“So when I get to the doctors, they had put me in the MRI machine, and then halfway through it, they had pulled me out. She was injecting the dye. I knew without a shadow of a doubt my tumor was gone, because when she pulled me out to put the dye in, she goes, ‘Now what were we looking for again?’

“By the time she came and saw me, she had had one MRI that showed no tumor. But I wasn’t sure if I really believed it. So I got another MRI, and I had the radiologist go over it with a fine-toothed comb. He said, ‘No, there’s definitely no tumor here.’”

Dr. Elmore says, “It sounds like a miracle to me.”

“It wasn’t a surprise that I didn’t have the brain tumor,” says Donna. “It was not a surprise to me ‘cause God already told me I was okay.

“He is the love of my life. He is my Lord and Savior. He is my best friend. He is all I have, and He is all I want. So it’s just fabulous.”

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