Dr. Manny Alvarez: A Healthy Plan to Grow Old With

CBN.com Dr. Manny, Senior Medical Contributor to the FOX News Channel says as people age, the effects of a person's health habits will start to show. In the 20's and 30's bad eating habits will be enhanced and metabolism starts to change. One can become clinically depressed about not losing weight. The extra weight will take its toll on the body. 

This can develop into Type 2 diabetes. More fat can cause kidney damage and elevate cholesterol levels. Dr. Manny calls the 30's the "make or break years."  At this age people should get serious about their health and learn how terrific life is. In other words, learning to have a positive view about life will help establish healthier habits. If you drink or smoke, you must re-evaluate your life. 

In your 30's you should:

  1. Breaking the bad habits
  2. Start paying attention to blood pressure, because it is a silent killer that has no warning signs. 
  3. Also pay attention to cholesterol levels. If you are overweight, take a hemoglobin test – A1C. This test gives an overview of what's happening in your body in the previous few months.

In the 40's and 50's, the metabolism begins to slow down, and weight is gained more easily. Type 2 diabetes can develop because of being overweight. In the 40's people will either be in terrific or bad shape, depending on what they did in their 30's.

In your 40's you should:

  1. Women should get mammograms and check their thyroids, estrogen, and progesterone levels. They will also be dealing with hormones. 
  2. Men should get prostate screenings and check their PSA. Many men will experience joint pain and suffer from the "Weekend Warrior" syndrome of only being active on weekends while having no regular exercise throughout the week. This causes a lot of joint injuries. 
  3. Both women and men should get screened for heart disease.           

Dr. Manny calls the 50's the "Cadillac Years."  Everything should be okay, if people were taking care of themselves ealier. Men and women should screen for colon cancer at this age. If you smoke, you should get a chest x-ray.


Rebounding is basically bouncing on a mini-trampoline. Unlike the regular trampoline, the aim isn’t to bounce high or perform gymnastic tricks, but to perform a series of small, controlled movements. It is a no impact workout that does not inflict pain on the joints. Some health and fitness consultants say that bouncing on a rebounder for just 10-20 minutes a day first thing in the morning increases circulation, improves cardiovascular health, lowers stress, encourages weight loss, and lightens your mood. 

One thing that makes rebounding stand out from other forms of exercise is the cleansing effects it has on the lymphatic system, which provides much of the body's immune defense. Rebounding has been found to help prevent allergies, most skin conditions, infections, chronic sinusitis, inflammation, and edema. One health consultant found that his clients who used the Rebounder regularly did not get sick in the cold and flu season as often as they did before.


Dr. Manny was born in Cuba, the oldest son of a middle income, Christian family. He was growing up during the Cuban revolution and the Cuban government took everything from his father. His parents made the decision to put him in a program where families put their children in foster homes overseas with families with religious backgrounds.

Dr. Manny was sent to Spain with this program when he was about twelve-years-old. Meanwhile, his father was placed in a concentration camp.  Dr. Manny was reunited with his family about four years later in New York. His father built a business and bought property. Dr. Manny continued to work hard in and out of school. He eventually went to medical school and specialized in obstetrics and gynecology.  He became successful in his field. In 1996, he became the Chairman of the Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynecology & Reproductive Science at Hackensack Univ. Med. Ctr, NJ. Through everything, Dr. Manny says his energy and strength comes from God, and his faith in God has helped him.

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