Dr. Michael Roizen: Getting to Know 'You'

CBN.com From the author of the best-selling books You, The Owner’s Manual and You, The Smart Patient comes the latest addition to the series, You, Staying Young (release: Oct. 30, 2007).

Dr. Michael Roizen has teamed up once again with Dr. Mehmet C. Oz to translate cutting-edge information to help their readers. Just as they do in their other books, they achieve this goal by giving readers what they call the best weapon: knowledge.


Even though more cures for cancers are being researched and there are a lot more treatments available, our job is to avoid getting cancer in the first place. In his soon-to-be-released new book Dr. Roizen writes about how to prevent cancer.

The main thing you can do to decrease your chances of cancer is reducing repetitive injury to your normal cells. This is so that the gene, "p53" (which has the job of recognizing when your cells are at risk of developing into cancer and doing what it can to stop it) can protect the body properly and not kill off any good cells.

Dr. Roizen and Dr. Oz describe the "p53" gene like a biological guard dog and computer spell checker in one. There are two types of genes that when mutated, can cause a cell to become cancerous. Unfortunately, having one of these mutations can actually increase a cell's risk of having the second kind of mutation.

How can you prevent the biological guard dog gene "p53" from making a mistake and allowing cancers to kill off a weakened but necessary cell and then grow and spread? By being aware and taking steps to protect yourself against many of the "Major Agers," like toxins, infections, mitochondrial damage from free oxygen radicals, and genetic defects. Taking these steps can also help prevent the birth and spread of cancer cells.


  • Here are some other practical tips to prevent cancer:
  • Get the aspirin advantage – Taking 162mg of aspirin a day (2 baby aspirins or half of a regular) can decrease the risk of getting certain types of cancers (colon, esophageal, prostate, ovarian and breast) – all by 40 percent.
  • Fortify Yourself with D - Vitamin D decreases the risk of cancer, perhaps because it's toxic to cancer cells. If you're younger than 60, you should get 800IU a day. If you're over 60, you should get 1000IU a day. You can't get it by food alone. Don't get more than 2000IU a day.
  • Protect Your Liver – Your liver is the main detox organ, so keep it performing at its best. Some things to keep your liver healthy are broccoli sprouts, seaweed, dark greens, choline (which can be found in cabbage, cauliflower, and soybeans), 500 mg of N-acetyl cysteine, 200mg of milk thistle, 1 TBSP daily of lecithin, and 150mg of rosemary extract. 
  • Take Your B Vitamins (folate) – Research has shown that folate (part of the B complex vitamins) deficiency is linked to cancer. Foods like tomatoes, spinach, and orange juice contain folate. Through food, you may get 275-375 micrograms of folate, so you need to supplement 525 micrograms to reduce your risk of cancer.
  • Tomato Sauce – Eating 10 or more tablespoons of tomato sauce can decrease the risk of certain types of cancers. Many believe the active ingredient is lycopene, but it's more available to your body when it's cooked.
  • Olive Oil – Olive oil rich in monounsaturated fat helps your heart and also may help to deter cancer.
  • Green Tea
  • Selenium


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BECOMING A SMART PATIENT Dr. Roizen says years ago physicians were seen as the supreme authorities. Patients believed everything their doctor told them. They diligently followed "doctors orders" and never questioned why. Today the emerging role of the patient has changed. Patients are now becoming more involved in keeping themselves healthy, strong, and in command of their lives. Dr. Roizen refers to these patients as "Smart Patients." Patients are using the Internet to research medical terms and alternative medications. Instead of asking the doctor "What should I do?" now patients are starting off with "Do you think I should..." Smart patients ask intelligent questions and have the instincts to politely challenge things they don't understand. Everyone needs to be a smart patient. In fact, in the worst cases, your life may even depend on it. Most patients don’t do a great job of communicating with their doctors because patients often give too little pertinent information for their doctor to go on. Or, they may give too many distracting or off-topic details. Some ways to show your doctor you are a smart patient is bring a completed health profile to your first office visit. To create a health profile you can go online and download the necessary forms at www.jcrinc.com and www.realage.com. Next, bring the completed forms and a baggie of all your medications, vitamins, herbs, or whatever else you might be taking to your appointment. Be sure to store copies of your health records in a fireproof safe and update them yearly or whenever a piece of key info changes. FINDING THE RIGHT DOCTOR One of the most important decisions you will ever make is choosing your doctor. Dr. Roizen says to consider your doctor as the head coach of your football team, the floor manager of your Hollywood restaurant, the captain of your ocean liner. Choose wisely, and you could rest easy for many years to come. Your primary physician will probably be the one you see the most often, and he or she should know your complete medical history. Make sure you feel comfortable with this doctor since you will most likely have the closest relationship with your primary care physician. When searching for Dr. Right, follow these steps: 1) Get Referrals Online - The Internet is the fastest, easiest modern medium for finding the doctor that is right for you. Finding a particular doctor listed on two or more websites is a good sign. Some websites to check out include: American Medical Association, American Board of Medical Specialties, American College of Physicians, American College of Surgeons, Diabetes Physician Recognition Program, and Family Doctor. 2) Call a Medical Society for Referrals – Most of these subgroups will refer you to physicians on their list in your area. To find out if the doctor you’re considering is board certified, call the American Board of Medical Specialties. Since becoming certified is optional, not all doctors choose to take the exam or they may be board eligible, which means they’ve not yet taken the exam or they’ve taken the exam and failed. 3) Grill the ER Nurse at the Best Local Hospital – These nurses work directly with primary care doctors. They know firsthand the doctors that are sharp, well respected, and which ones guess correctly 80 percent of the time. They also know which doctors are indecisive, which ones get second-guessed, and which ones are slow in answering their pages. PRESCRIPTION DRUGS It's estimated that every year about 40,000 people die and 1.3 million are seriously hurt from medication mishaps, which include taking the wrong dose, getting the wrong prescription, mixing the wrong pills, or a combination of all three. Only about half of all prescriptions are filled or taken correctly. Here are a few rules to keep in mind when it comes to prescription drugs. Make sure your doctor and your pharmacist know about every drug, vitamin, nutritional supplement, and herbal remedy you’re taking. Since some of these could interact dangerously with medications. Get it in writing. Don’t trust your memory. Ask your doctor to write down any instructions relevant to taking your medication and have your doctor write down the purpose of the medication as well as the generic and brand names of the prescription. Make sure you get the prescription filled. About two in six prescriptions never get filled because people decide they don’t need the medicine. Keep your medications in their original bottles or packages to avoid getting confused. Don’t take someone else’s medication. While at the pharmacy, read the label on your medication and make sure you have the right drug and the right dosage. Make sure the pills look like the pills you’ve taken before. Toss outdated medications. Old pills can lose their effectiveness, making them worthless. Don’t check your pills into your baggage at the airport. Take your medication list to the hospital. Make sure doctors and nurses have it before administering any new medications. Don’t store your drugs in the bathroom medicine cabinet. The moist environment can cause your pills to disintegrate or become useless. Don’t ask for antibiotics unless you and your doctor both agree they are necessary. If you take an antibiotic you don’t need, you’ll be wiping out the good bacteria in your system. Take the time to develop a personal relationship with your pharmacist. He or she has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to prescription drugs as well as over-the-counter drugs. There are thousands of over-the-counter drugs in your local pharmacy that deserve the same cautions as prescription drugs. Before purchasing an over-the-counter drug, stop by and talk with your pharmacist. They can help you make a wise and safe purchase. HABITS ARE IMPORTANT Dr. Roizen says habits are important. A smart patient should know that their habits will make a great difference in their health. Small changes can make a big difference in your risk of getting cancer. All genes do is make proteins or control other genes, and as far as your health and quality of life, you get a “do-over” if you want it. Not all our actions affect our genes and that’s great news because we get to turn them on and off. For example, saturated fat in butter or a crossaint apparently turns on genes that make certain cancers – lung, breast, colon, etc – also increasing the inflammation in the artery walls making them stiffer. Amazingly, if you develop prostate, breast, or colon cancer, it turns out that if you walk 30 minutes a day, you decrease your risk of recurrence of cancer by 50 percent. This happens because walking turns on a gene. Walking 10 or more minutes in a row turns on a gene that makes a protein that slows the growth of these tumors. Healthy meal choices make a big difference – you may consider substituting bread and butter with raws veggies and skip the dessert. Vitamin D is also necessary for a spell-checking gene in each cell. You also need it for bone strength. To cause your bones to get stronger one needs to “exercise to failure,” which means you do the proper exercise until you can’t do it anymore. Key bones to build are bones in your back and hips, and you can do the exercise of “the invisible chair” at home. Do it until you can’t anymore, maybe every other day. So walking, proper exercise, avoiding saturated fat, and getting vitamin D can turn on genes and make it more likely that you can avoid cancer and build bones so you can keep walking.


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