A Financial Principle From Successful Retirees
Russ and Karol Hadick have been married for over 50 years and they have a passion for giving. They became CBN partners in the late 70’s and they’ve been giving ever since.
“The ministry that’s closest to my heart with CBN is Operation Blessing,” says Russ. “And that’s because it’s had a large effect worldwide.”
“They’re out there bringing hope to people that maybe never heard of the gospel,” says Karol. “And when they bring out people who bring water, fresh water to others who haven’t any fresh water and their children are dying, that is such a hope for them to turn to the Lord and begin to trust him.”
Russ and Karol understand that giving is one of God ’s financial principles. As owners of a recruiting agency since 1980, they’ve used that principle to weather many financial storms including three major recessions, but they stayed in business and didn’t have to lay anyone off.
“It was because we stayed obedient to the Lord through those times and continued giving, that the Lord blessed us,” says Karol.
Today, Russ and Karol are enjoying retirement and the business continues to thrive under the management of one of their two sons. Over the years, one thing hasn’t changed, their passion to give and partnership with CBN.
“Giving is so wonderful,” says Russ. “Not only the rewards you may get out of it from God, but it’s the feeling you have of helping, of knowing you’ve helped somebody in whatever small way.”
“I’ve been consistent in giving to CBN because it has been a ministry that has not only sowed into my own heart and my life as far as the encouragement, the hope, but I’m seeing CBN doing that into other people’s lives,” says Karol.