Jorge Cruise and The 3-Hour Diet

Jorge Cruise has been on both sides of the fitness table. “I know what it’s like firsthand to be embarrassed by extra weight,” he says.


Jorge grew up in San Diego, California and struggled with his weight as a kid. “I know what it’s like firsthand to be embarrassed by extra weight,” says Jorge. “I’ve been there.” With a mom from Mexico City and a dad from Pennyslvania, Jorge said his family loved big portions of food. “I got so chubby that my mom used to call me el rey, which means 'the king' in Spanish,” he says. By the time he was 15, Jorge was a physical disaster. The kids at school called him “fatso”, and Jorge was always picked last during gym class. Because of his weight, Jorge was unable to keep up physically. “I had low energy and headaches,” says Jorge. “No one ever suspected that my health challenges were caused by the way I ate.” When he was 18, Jorge’s appendix burst, and he almost died. “During my slow and painful recovery, I started thinking a lot about being a healthier person,” he says. Then not long after, Jorge’s dad was diagnosed with cancer. Both father and son enrolled in an alternative health center program in San Diego as a last resort and learned all about nutrition. After they changed their diets, both of them became healthier. “Dad’s cancer went into remission, and my headaches disappeared. We both lost weight and felt more energetic.” Jorge says he still struggled for years to maintain this new healthy lifestyle. He says, “Sometimes willpower was not enough to keep me on track,” he confesses. Then one day in college, Jorge decided that he wanted to be a weight-loss specialist for busy people. Since then, Jorge has been studying how to help people get healthy and lose weight. Jorge began investigating why diets did not deliver lasting results. “The diets were unrealistic and required too much willpower to follow,” says Jorge. “Almost every single diet eroded lean muscle which directly destroyed the body’s resting metabolism.” That is why he saw many dieters hit a plateau and then saw fat creep back onto their bellies, thighs and hips. Jorge set out to design a weight loss plan that would work. One of his favorite studies was done at Georgia State University with Olympic athletes. It found that when athletes timed their meals and snacks with precision, it not only made them stronger and faster, but it made them leaner. “Proper timing helped increase their energy levels, alertness and muscle mass” says Jorge. The best news: you don’t have to be an Olympic athlete to benefit from meal timing. The good news: it works for everyday folks, too.


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