Kathy Loidolt: Homemade Cleansers for a Healthy House

The author of “Shopper’s Guide to Healthy Living” shows you how to make cleansers that aren't toxic for your family.


MAKING OUR FAMILIES BETTER Kathy says, in our quest to clean our homes, we may be making our families sick. According to Kathy, research shows that women who work in the home are 54 percent more likely to die of cancer than those who work outside the home. Many experts point to the products we use to clean our homes. It is estimated that 1 in 15 people suffer from asthma. It is now the most common chronic condition among children. Kathy says researchers from Bristol University in the UK say that children were twice as likely to develop breathing problems if their parents used products like window cleaner, air freshners or disinfectants. “These products are not just contributing to asthma, but many cleaning products contain ingredients that have been identified as carcinogens or cause damage to the nervous system,” she says. In 2001, Kathy’s brother-in-law died of brain cancer. Her sister started researching organic products and foods and realized that many ingredients that we were exposed to caused cancer. So Kathy started doing her own research and eventually almost turned her entire house over to all-natural cleaners, make-up, etc. A FEW KEY INGREDIENTS Many times, we think eating and living healthy costs more money. Kathy says it is easy to make your own cleaners, and it is much cheaper too. The easiest way to save money while living healthy is to change the way you clean using simple recipes made from ingredients from common household products. Harmful substances are found in cleaners. While some are listed on the containers, many of the most toxic chemicals are not found on labels because manufacturers are not required to list ingredients that are deemed “trade secrets.” For an all-purpose cleaner, Kathy says to use equal parts white vinegar and water. Add lemon essential oils and use it in a spray bottle. Vinegar is a natural anti-bacterial so it can be used on kitchen or bathroom counters, windows and floors. This can replace many cleaners and disinfectants in the home. Furniture polish often contains petroleum distillates which have been linked to lupus, fibromyalgia and headaches by the American Home Journal of Epidemiology. To make furniture polish, Kathy uses equal parts vinegar and olive oil with a few drops of lemon essential oil. (This looks like salad dressing but should not be eaten.) It cleans furniture without toxins. The most fun recipe for kids puts childhood volcano games to good use. To make toilet bowl cleaner and drain declogger, Kathy mixes baking soda and vinegar. Let the chemical reaction of both ingredients do the work for a few minutes and then scrub or rinse down the drain. She also uses microfiber cloths to dust, clean counters, floors and sinks. It saves time by not needing a drying cloth; it saves money because it’s reusable. Kathy says we can feel better and do the work God has called us to simply by taking control over our health.


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