NBA Coach Learns Winning Strategy

New Orleans Hornets head coach Monty Williams started as a player, but his career was going nowhere—until his wife taught him a tactic that leads to success.


Portland Trailblazers’ assistant coach Monty Williams is a great mentor for young NBA players. He spent nearly a decade playing in the league. The 6’8” small forward was forced into retirement due to chronic knee problems and has been able to stay in the game he loves serving as a coach. But not all of his life lessons were learned on the basketball court. Monty says one of the biggest lessons he learned was from his wife, Ingrid. “I would say even before we were married in college, I watched her tithe,” Monty says. “Would just look at her like, ‘You got to be kidding me.’ What I saw in my wife changed my life. I started to realize I was missing out on a huge blessing.” At the time, Monty was struggling with his game. “My career was just up and down, a lot of talent, really not consistent. I’d have a few weeks of playing well, and then I’d have a half a season where I was just really non-existent.” Monty decided it was time to make giving a priority in his own life, and the Bible served as his guide. He says, “I just began to dig in the Scriptures and really trust God with not only my career, but my finances, my marriage, my relationships, and things started to change.” His career started turning a new direction. “When I started tithing and leading my house in tithing, my career started to be more consistent. I began to find my niche in the league. Before I knew it, the respect level for my game had risen. Doc Rivers had already started to see me as a coach. I was in my 5th year in the league. He [said], ‘Mont, you’re going to be a coach someday.’” As the giving grew, Monty wanted to make sure they were giving to an organization that would use the money wisely. “We’re supposed to sow on fertile ground. I told my wife we’re going to be partners with CBN. They’re bringing people to know Christ, discipling people, hooking them up with churches. They’re in areas of the world that most people won’t even think about going to. They’re on the cutting edge, but still simple in their approach. Jesus Christ is Lord and master of the universe.” He continues, “The blessing that comes from tithing… The Bible says He gives exceedingly and abundantly above all that we could ask or think.” Monty encourages others to give to CBN. “It’s like this ministry’s been on TV for many, many decades now, and the proof is in the pudding. Just be a part of it.” Monty saw the rewards of applying the Law of Reciprocity -- "Give and it shall be given to you" -- by giving to CBN. Here is your chance to give to the Lord and see your dollars bring truth to hurting people, feed and clothe needy children, keep The 700 Club Prayer Counseling Center phone lines operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and provide medical care to those who need a tangible touch of God's love. Become a CBN partner today!


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