Penetrating the Darkness

CBN.com - Jack Hayford knows the awesome power of God firsthand. When he was a baby, he was gripped by a life-threatening illness. But as a result of the earnest prayers of friends and family, he was miraculously healed. The doctors had no other explanation except that the grace of God snatched him back from the brink of death.

Several years later, Jack was struck down again by sickness. This time it was polio. The church elders anointed him and prayed for his recovery. God heard their petitions and granted a second miracle.

These two extraordinary events ignited in Jack's heart a passion for God and convinced him that the Holy Spirit is alive and active in the contemporary church. "Contrary to our preconceptions, God is not economical with healings and miracles. Such wondrous works are frequently attending the proclamation of truth in Jesus' name," asserts Pastor Jack.

The Bible says that “the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much” (James 5:16, KJV). Through the years, Jack has spent much time teaching on the topic of prayer and how it is important to The Body of Christ. In his new book, Penetrating the Darkness, Jack addressed the importance of prayer and how it relates to spiritual warfare.

Penetrating the Darkness was written with his daughter, Rebecca Hayford Bauer. In the book, he details his personal battle plan for unleashing God's power and defeating hell on earth. He says by embracing the power of the cross you can develop a powerful prayer life, engage in effective intercession, understand the weapons in your arsenal, and confront - and defeat – evil.

“Nothing has more greatly shaped the experiences and events of my life than prayer: personal prayer, public prayer gatherings, pointed and focused prayer, passionate prayer, and power-filled, Spirit-energized prayer!"

"This kind of praying," continues Jack, "rises from more than simple devotion; it is born of growing discipleship—availability to God’s Word joined to experience in applying its truth to the real-life pursuit and practice of prayer. That is the kind Jesus taught, praying that goes beyond the habits of multitudes who, when they do pray, are exercising something more akin to rubbing a rabbit’s foot—a hope heavenward that “something good will happen” or “this awful thing will go away”—a hope-against-hope call to a God irregularly consulted but now desperately needed,”

Jack lays out the strategies he's learned for engaging and defeating evil through prayer. In his book, he shows readers how to: develop powerful devotional habits, engage in intercession, plead the blood of Christ, understand the correct use of binding and loosing, confront evil and learn why some prayers don't succeed.                                                                                                                                                    

To be born again requires a life that is based in “the basics” of prayer, the Word, and a growing faith. Pastor Jack shares how there was a season in his life when his prayer life had been so impacted by deepening dimensions of worship and intercession that the basic practice of daily devotional prayer had been altered.

So, the Lord confronted Jack. He was sitting on his bed when the Lord spoke to him – You have forgotten the habit of daily devotional prayer. Although he was interceding he was not giving himself to the daily intimacy of time with Jesus.  The Lord taught Jack how vital the “basics” are to build all of life on as a person of prayer.

Jack says he knew that Jesus was inviting him to a place where that “first love” with Him could be found again. The breakthrough power of the Holy Spirit most naturally and effectively flows when in between we are living a solid, day-to-day walk with Jesus – in life and in prayer. Jack says it is important to renew the simplicity and intimacy in your relationship with the Lord. By doing so, you can be better equipped for spiritual warfare. He offers the following advice:  

  • Set the “practicals” into place - set aside time for devotions, but not a specific duration of time.
  • Present yourself to the Lord with thanksgiving and praise
  • Present your heart to Him to be cleansed.
  • Present your day to the Lord as a sacrifice.
  • Present your reach – pray for family, coworkers, neighbors, etc.

“When we accept the invitation to pray, we begin sowing the seed of seeing God’s Kingdom extended into the earth, into people’s lives. We begin to see the darkness of “this present evil age” (Galations 1:4) pressed back and overthrown,” reveals Jack.  

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