700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

Relief for Blind Quake Victims

As CBN disaster relief teams delivered supplies in and around Kathmandu, we found out about a special home where we were needed.  Thirty blind children live at this boarding school.

“I was so scared when the earth shook,” says Sonita.  “I ran outside and fell on the ground.”

 “When the earthquake came, I thought the boys were shaking my bed and playing a trick on me,” Chandra recalls. “When I realized what was happening, I ran outside as fast as I could.”

Sonita and Chandra are sisters who have lived here for five years.

(Sonita and Chandra sing)

“I asked what the words were to the song she was singing,” says CBN producer Daniel Reany.  “And it translates as, ‘I want to laugh, but my life is filled with tears. And I want to walk, but my path is filled with thorns.’ It’s hard to image what their lives are like day by day, and I can’t begin to imagine what their lives are like now after this earthquake.”

Most of the other blind students have families who came to get them after the earthquake.  Seven are still here; no one came for them.

“It is not too bad staying where we are now, but at night we get cold,” Chandra says.

The main buildings are so badly damaged they can’t stay inside them, so they all sleep in one small room. That’s where we set up a medical clinic for the day.

After the earthquake there was dust everywhere,” Sonita recalls. “I started coughing and I cannot seem to stop.”

We gave Sonita antibiotics that will clear up her cough.  And we did the same for her sister, because she’s been fighting off an ear infection.

“Thanks to you, now we will be cured,” Sonita says.

And we gave all the kids enough food for several months, and some super-soft blankets to stay warm at night.

“Many people are starving, but you decided to come to help us,” Chandra says. “From the bottom of my heart I thank you.”

Sonita agreed, “You came to help us. Thank you!”

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