Soup Sundays

CBN.com - Lorraine always had a passion for cooking.  When she married news anchor, Chris Wallace, in 1997, they blended their 6 children together.  With a busy schedule and children’s activities, Lorraine had to learn to keep the family together at mealtimes. 

When Chris accepted a position at FoxNews in 2003, it turned around the whole family’s schedule.  Saturday nights were now nights to get to bed early, not go out.  Chris was up at 5:15 on Sunday mornings and home at 11:30, exhausted and hungry. 

“For the rest of our family, weekends were still weekends,” says Lorraine.  She was faced with a dilemma: how to feed all of her family members and bring them together, even for a short time. 

The answer was soup. This new tradition of soup on Sunday became a hit.  Chris bragged about it so much at work that his coworkers started guessing what the soup of the week was.  They even gave the Wallace ritual a name: “Soup Sunday.” 

Chris became Mr. Sunday and Lorraine is Mrs. Sunday.  “Not only is this a wonderful way to bring family together, it’s an affordable, healthy and easy way for families to share a delicious meal,” says Lorraine.  Though the children are grown, Chris and Lorraine maintain the Soup Sunday tradition.

For some of Lorraine's recipes, click here.

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