Debilitating Ear Pain Can’t Stop Woman’s Diving Trip
Many, many years ago in 1987, I had a really, really bad car accident so that led me to consistent problems throughout the years. The pain is a deep pain. It goes deep inside my head and causes me to be dizzy, so I lose my balance a lot. And then, every now and then it would become an infection kind of a situation where it's quite painful. It started to become probably the worst infection I've had. Truth be told, I didn't want my husband to know how bad it was, because of vacation coming, I would just kind of go along with (things) – it was fine. We were leaving for our vacation the last day of June, and it was the 29th of June that all of a sudden it came on with fury. And it was really, really painful.
I went back to the doctor and he said, ‘Well, this is serious and there's a problem with your Eustachian tube, I really need you to see an ENT.” And I explained we were leaving the next day and I said, ‘We've been planning this trip all year and scuba diving is our thing and we really want to go.’ and he said, No. I do not recommend you scuba dive because it can really cause permanent damage.
And that was just devastating to me because that was our whole trip. We had planned everything around scuba diving and fishing, and it was my birthday too. That was our huge vacation that we'd planned all year long. It was the only time we had to get away.
We did go fishing on my birthday and had a wonderful time. Caught some trout and all kinds of fish, so it was a great time, but I was in so much pain that day. I knew that as soon as I got home I was going to have to tell him, "I need to cancel the trip tomorrow, I can't do it."
We sat down on the couch. The 700 Club came on and at the end of the show Gordon was on that day and he was going to pray for people. So I took my husband's hand and we held hands and then I held my other hand over my ear and I thought, Oh, please God, I just want to go diving. And as silly at that sounds, in the big picture it's an earache on my birthday. You know? But to me, I know that God cares about all of us. And so I held hands and I held my hand over my ear and then Gordon immediately said, “Now, someone else with problems with your Eustachian tube in your right ear, a blockage, it’s affected your hearing, everything, balance, everything, God’s just cleansing all of that out. He’s opening everything up now…in Jesus name be healed. Be made whole.” And my pain was probably 75% gone. And I said, "Well, I think maybe I'll be able to dive tomorrow." Well, I went to bed that night and I woke up in the morning and it was 100% clear. I felt perfect and I have not had an issue since then. We went ahead and went on the trip. We had a dive master to go down with us and show us around. We had two of the best dives we've had in our whole time diving together. There is a Bible verse that says, God is good to all, his mercy is over all that he has created. And that includes even the little things as well as the big miracles.