Delivering Help to the Most Vulnerable

Elizabeth City, NC
During times of crisis, the most vulnerable need extra help. Operation Blessing partner Grace and Truth Community church does a drive through food distribution, but they know there are older people in the community who won’t be driving through the parking lot.
“Some of them don’t have vehicles,” says Keith Smith, Pastor of Grace and Truth Community Church. “And then some of them, they cannot drive. So, they couldn’t get here on their own to get the food.”
Some people like Lonice have dire family health concerns and are forced to stay home due to the impending threat of the corona virus.
“My husband, he’s 92,” says Lonice. “He’s on hospice, he has a bad heart and he can’t walk, and I have to do everything for him. I have no family here. I don’t want him to get anything. I don’t want to get anything and give it to him.”
Others like Jeri stay home because they know it’s the best way to stay safe.
“I was a nurse for 43 years,” says Jeri, “and I did public health. I’m 76. I’m in that group where they caution us to be careful.”
To reach people like Lonice, Jeri, and many others, the church team jumps into their van and heads into the community for some door to door ministry.
“They couldn’t be here on their own to get the food,” says Keith, “so we take it to them. We want to be able to reach those that can’t get to us, and that’s what Jesus did.”
Each week, Grace and Truth receives a trailer load of food from Operation Blessing.
Every year, Operation Blessing distributes millions of pounds of food to thousands of ministries nationwide, and the families who receive it are incredibly grateful, especially now.
“It’s a blessing,” says Lonice.
“Thank you for your giving,” Jeri says.
“Operation Blessing has been a blessing to the community and for our church,” says Keith. “Being able to have the resources to bless the community, in the name of Jesus Christ, it’s phenomenal.”
Getting food to feed these vulnerable families is only possible because of the generous support of Operation Blessing partners.
“We are so glad for what God has placed on your hearts,” says Keith. “The benefits of this, they’re spreading out further than you could ever imagine. You are making an impact, thank you, thank you, thank you.”
“For a lot of people, this is some of the only food that they get,” says Lonice. “It’s a blessing, I’m so thankful.”