How Does God See You?
How do you see yourself? Pause for a moment and think about it. What thoughts ran through your mind today? Were they affirming or critical?
Too many people have a habit of criticizing themselves. For some, you can hear it in the way they put themselves down—but for many, it’s like a repetitive recording with thoughts that they are not smart enough, strong enough, accomplished enough … and the list goes on.
This critical self-talk is not what God wants for you. In fact, those thoughts are not from God. God does not look at any of His creation and criticize it. He loves what He made—and that includes you! So why do so many people not see themselves the way God sees them? I would suggest they are using the wrong measuring stick.
When you think you don’t measure up, what is the basis of that? Usually, it’s a comparison to others, or it comes from shame from your past or setting unrealistic standards and expectations. Maybe you can relate to this classic lie: “I should be thoroughly competent and successful in everything in order to consider myself worthwhile.”
That’s a high standard that simply cannot be met by anyone. This kind of pressure to perform or to do everything perfectly can lead people to a state of depression, never feeling like they measure up. So, how does God see you? Simply put, He loves you. He knows that none of us is perfect. In fact, He knows that we could never measure up, even to His standards, so He did something about it. He sent Jesus.
Jesus was perfect and He met God the Father’s standard. If we put our trust in Jesus and live in relationship with Him, we will experience the love that God has for us. We will be able to see ourselves the way He sees us, through a lens of love and not criticism. A powerful verse in Scripture shows us this truth:
But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8 NIV)
God showed us how much He loves us by laying down His life for us. Do you also know that God tells us He loves us over 300 times in the Bible? He wants us to be convinced of His love so that we will receive and love ourselves in return. Knowing God loves you is the key to loving yourself. God doesn’t want you to criticize His creation—and that includes you. So, no more critical self-talk, because you are dearly loved by God!
Scripture is quoted from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
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