'Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall'
CBN.com -- The beautiful but wicked Queen was the villainess in the fairy tale Snow White. She would stand before her talking mirror to inquire, “Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?”
Each time, the mirror would respond, “Thou, O Queen, art the fairest in the land.” But over the years, Snow White grew into womanhood and her beauty transcended every other woman in the kingdom. Came the day when the mirror said to the Queen, “Snow White, O Queen, is the fairest of them all.”
From that time on, according to the fairy tale, Snow White was the object of the Queen’s hatred.
A king had a similar story. His name was David. The mirror was the faithful prophet Nathan.
He told King David the story of the doings of a wicked man in the Kingdom. “Who is this man,” the king snarled. And the prophet answered, “King David, you are the man.”
It’s scary sometimes to see us as God sees us. What we think is quite lovely God sees as warts, scars, and deformities; unless all those imperfections, which God calls sin, are covered by the pure and precious blood of Jesus.
If you haven’t committed your life to Christ, take a look in eternity’s mirror, which is the Bible. Stare into that glass intently, good friend. You may be very surprised at the image you see staring back at you.
This is the time to pray from the depths of your soul, “O Lord, be merciful to me, just an old sinner. Cover me with that only quilt of cover, the blood of Jesus. And save me today.”
Used with permission by author, Dan Betzer. Previously published on ByLine OnLine, copyright © 2005 Media Ministries of the Assemblies of God.
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