Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Reflection and Awe Lent Series - The Discipline of Fasting

“Fasting is an offering of emptiness to show where fullness can be found. It is a sacrifice of need and hunger.” –John Piper

Yesterday, we began our journey into fasting. We pray it has sparked your desire to put this into practice.

The act of fasting is a discipline. It doesn’t just happen; it takes real intentionality. Our bodies scream for attention, but there must be some overriding desire that takes the lead during these times. Remember from our time yesterday that fasting is about aligning ourselves with Almighty God and surrendering to His authority. 

Sometimes, we view discipline as a negative idea. We associate it with punishment or consequences for messing up. It is important to disassociate that thinking from fasting and our spiritual walk. Fasting is not a punishment. It is not us reprimanding our flesh because of its desire to sin, but rather helping it reconnect with its creator.

It’s putting our body and soul in its rightful place so it can grow and change. 

At its core, the discipline of fasting is the laying down of our own needs, wants, and desires and instead the preferring of the desires and ‘hunger’ of the spirit within us. To quote John Piper again, he said “Christian fasting, at its root, is the hunger of a homesickness for God.”

But that takes effort. It takes a decision.

The tough moment comes when our need butts up against our will. That’s when we need to practice the ways of the Spirit to ensure that the fleshly, human part of us submits to the new creation part of us. 

Discipline is also about practice and commitment. The more we do it, and the more dedicated or disciplined we are in the practice of it, the easier the fight between flesh and spirit becomes.

George Washington said, “Discipline is the soul of an army. It makes small numbers formidable; procures success to the weak, and esteem to all.”

If that is true in the throes of an earthly battle, how much more is that true of the army we belong to as believers in Christ?

Maybe today, you want to take the first step and put this into practice. You don’t have to do 40 days on the first try! Start small. Decide that you will not eat today until you have dinner tonight. Be assured that as you make that choice and focus on the Lord, there will be a deeper clarity and openness in your spirit.

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