United In Love
Above all, put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity. (Colossians 3:14 CSB)
We find our focus Scripture today in a passage about living the Christian life. Now, I don’t believe the Bible casually throws around words or instructions—so, the fact that Colossians 3:14 says “above all” makes me sit up and pay attention!
Above all, we are to put on love. Some translations tell us to “clothe ourselves in love.” If you think about it, most circumstances that cause conflict are because of a lack of love.
When a car cuts in front of us, for example, and forces us to slam on our brakes—do we extend love, and grace, to the guilty driver?
When harsh words are exchanged because people are tired and don’t have the energy to choose their words carefully, do we make love the priority and choose to not take offense?
If love is our focus each and every day, negative situations have the possibility of turning into positive outcomes.
We could, therefore, choose to have patience when a driver cuts in front of us. And instead of using harsh words, we could replace those with gentle, kinder words to avoid conflict.
Whatever we do, we can’t forfeit love. Let’s not allow impatience and anger to win. We must choose love to preserve unity with our brothers and sisters—and even peaceful love with strangers.
The greatest commandment given to humankind was rooted in love (Matthew 22:37-38). We are not encouraged or advised to love one another but commanded to do so. That’s how valuable the virtue of love is in the kingdom of God.
As I grow older and, hopefully, mature more in my faith, I am convinced that it is the seemingly small things that need our attention—such as how we respond to everyday conflict—because responding to seemingly small situations God’s way will reap significant rewards in His kingdom.
Choose love. Treat others well. Value peace. Then, we will all live together in community with a bond of unity, which Scripture tells us is “above all.”
Today, if you’re struggling to show love to another person, a people group, or even yourself, pray this prayer with me—trusting that God will empower you by His Holy Spirit to simply love as He loves us:
Father God, putting on love is hard for me right now. I am struggling to show love to ______________, and I need Your help. Please forgive me for the times I deliberately chose not to love and, instead, indulged in negative expressions. Please help me to love others as I love myself—and also to love You with everything I have. I choose love today, knowing that it is Your kingdom’s most excellent way. Help me, by your Holy Spirit, to love well. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
The Christian Standard Bible. Copyright © 2017 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Christian Standard Bible®, and CSB® are federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers, all rights reserved.
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