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The 700 Club

Doctors Call Him a Miracle

Michelle Wilson - 700 Club Producer

On November 14th, 2004, a trash truck slams into Jermaine Green’s car putting him in a coma with severe head trauma. His dad, Bishop Joe Green Sr., and his mother Edna rush to the hospital.

Bishop Joe Green Sr., remembers, “It was very, very painful in the sense that being in a coma and not really knowing whether or not he was going to come out or not.”

Edna Green remembers, “I was like, ‘Ok Lord, you told me that he was going to be a preacher. He had work to do.’ I said, ‘God, whatever this is’ I said, ‘God, you got to turn this around.’”

Jermaine was paralyzed on one side of his body. His parents and their church prayed non-stop for healing. Then one night…

Edna Green recalls, “We're praying and I kind of open my eyes and I looked up and his left hand was going up, it was going up.  But the thing was he didn’t know he raised his hand. God did It! You know he raised his hand. That was encouragement to us.”

The next morning, he was up and walking.

Jermaine remembers, “I'm walking around my room, I'm giving God praise, tears are falling from my eyes, I cannot believe that God has just given me a miracle.”

Jermaine went home to his wife and children. But three weeks later at his parent’s church, he blacked out. When he woke up the left side of his body was paralyzed again.

Jermaine recalls, “I just felt like the Lord wasn't with me.  I felt like ‘Why…why would you ‘Why would you allow me to be healed just to be sick again?’”

Doctors diagnosed him with hemiparesis, a weakness of one side of his body.

Jermaine shares, “I'm believing God for a miracle.  And so, you know, now my approach about it is, ‘Any day now.’  We're going to ride the wave and as soon as He waves his hand at me I'm going to get up and I'll be fine.’ Uh but it didn’t happen like that. I felt like ‘What could I have done that was wrong?...in a month?  You just healed me from this, why am I experiencing this again?’”

All attempts of physical therapy failed and Jermaine had to face life confined to a wheelchair. Shortly thereafter, Jermaine and his wife divorced. Eventually, he became a single father of four. Jermaine fell into a depression and came to the conclusion that it would be better for everyone if he ended his life.

Jermaine says, “I got these blood pressure pills. I had them in my hand and so what stopped me was my daughter crawling on the floor just laughing and smiling to the point to where she climbed up, you know, on my leg. So, she sat right next to the bottle of pills. And that's what actually saved me. I didn’t do it.”

Eventually, Jermaine’s parents moved in to help him.  During this time, Jermaine had a revelation that no matter what his circumstances, he would live his life for God.

Jermaine recalls, “I had made up in my mind it didn't matter, ‘I’m going to preach, I'm going to prophesy, I'm going to do whatever you tell me to do. If I'm in this wheelchair until I die, so be it.’”

Then, two years later, on Easter Sunday 2007, Jermaine was bringing the service to a close, when he says God told him to tell the church to praise God.

Edna Green recalls, “And I just remember him saying something about, ‘It’s another wave of anointing. God is getting ready to work a miracle.’”

Bishop Joe Green Sr. says, “He just stood up right after that and started walking. And I stood up to that miracle.”

Edna Green says, “And I’m looking at him. And what he doesn’t know is what I saw. He wasn't walking, he was gliding. That's the way he looked going down the aisle.  That was the most beautiful thing to see him.”

It took Jermaine a moment to realize he had been healed.

Jermaine says, “I’m still like, ‘Oh my God what happened?’ It’s a miracle. So people are hugging me and I’m hugging them and it’s still not totally hitting me totally that ok you’re up. Now I didn't know I was out of the wheelchair until I saw that my wheelchair was empty. When we  left the church, the most powerful moment was the wheelchair assisted me in, but I was taking it out.”


Check out Jermaine's Facebook and Instagram.

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