700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

Injuries Almost Put Her Dream of Working with Horses Out to Pasture

Michelle Wilson - 700 Club Producer
Hunter McWaters - 700 Club Producer

Linda Young dreamed of having her own horses since she was a little girl.

“The first time I’ve seen a pony advertised in a comic book, I said, ‘I’ve got to have that.’”

Now retired, she has eight. It’s a full-time job, but that never bothered Linda - until a few years ago.

"I was cleaning stalls and I felt some discomfort. And all of a sudden my right leg went right out from under me," Young said. "I couldn’t hardly walk from the barn to the house. And I’m panicking and almost starting to cry. I just had to stop at that point."

Linda’s doctor told her she fractured her hip because of bone deterioration. Linda said surgery was the last resort and she sent her home with pain medication.

"When I went back to take care of my horses, I was still having a lot, a lot of problems, even with pain pills."

For a while she worked through the pain to care for her animals. 

"Because of what I do, I have to have my health," she said.  "When you do horses, they require a lot of work. And they like cleaning bedding, just like people do."

Then another setback; Linda took a fall and injured her knee. Now she was immobile and couldn’t care for her horses.

"I was devastated because… you know I’m like, ‘Lord, you allowed me to have these horses since I was little. To not be able to do that now would be a heartbreak for me.’"

One morning Linda was resting at home. "I was on the couch and I was watching The 700 Club and Pat was praying, and he mentioned someone having a knee problem."

He said "There’s somebody, you’ve got a…You’ve got a knee problem. There’s a cracked bone."

"As he continued, I was like, ‘that’s me, that is me,’ Young recalled. "‘That’s my knee problem!’ I felt the warmth and I knew, I knew it was for me. I knew the Lord was doing something exciting."

Then she heard Terry Meeuwsen praying.

Meeuwsen said "I don’t know if this is the same person, but you’re struggling with problems with your bones. You just have…your bones are cracking easily. And God’s healing that for you right now."

"And I was so excited about it," Young said. “And I’m like, ‘Lord I receive that healing.  I receive that Word of Knowledge from Pat.’"

"The first thing I did after I received my healing was go out to my barn and jump on my horse and go for a ride."

Over the next three months, Linda says she thanked God for His continued healing. The pain in her hip faded until it was completely gone.

"He is a healer. He is a healer today; not just yesterday, but today and tomorrow," Young said. "Because there is none before Him or after Him. He is a healer. He is merciful and there is nothing He can’t do."

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