700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

From Mourning to Dancing with Joy

Melissa Verwey - 700 Club Producer
Dan Reany - 700 Club Producer

Maseru, Lesotho

For a long time, Tumelo and her sister cared for their mother who had Tuberculosis. One morning when trying to feed her, they realized their mother had died.

Tumelo said, “I did not understand why she had to die and leave us here alone. She loved us. When she died, I worried about where we would get food and clothes.”

Ivon is a house mother at Beautiful Dream Society, which is supported by Orphan’s Promise. 

Ivon explained, “My heart broke for them. Their mother was gone, so I became their mom. I asked God to give them strength and hope after what happened.” 

Tumelo said, “When I first came here, I spent a lot of time in my bedroom crying. Mama Ivon comforted me and loved me like I was her own.” 

Orphan’s Promise has supported this home for years. We knew that in time the girls would settle in. Now they’re very happy in their new home. All the kids do homework together in the afternoon. Tumelo is doing so well, that in just two years, she moved up from third to seventh grade. 

“I feel safe and happy here,” said Tumelo. “When I read my Bible, I feel God's love for me. He turned my mourning into dancing and clothed me with joy. I have a mother who loves me, and God gave us many brothers and sisters.” 

Ivon said, “I thank God for my daughters. I have big dreams for them. Thank you to everyone who supports this work. I pray God will bless you, so you can keep doing good things for others.”

Tumelo and her sister both said together in English, “Thank you for loving us and helping us!”

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