700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

Healed From Decades of Injuries

Elizabeth Fischer - 700 Club Producer

For decades, Linda Hess has struggled with pain in her left hip, caused by several falls on icy sidewalks, and compounded by other injuries.

“Stresses, as you get older, mounts up and the next thing you know, out of the blue, you’re going about your business, raking up leaves and it starts aching and it starts hurting and the hurting gets worse…” Linda says.

Which is exactly what happened in October 2019.

Linda says, “I get in and all of the sudden it just starts hurting and it won’t stop. And I’m walking around trying to ease that out, and nothing happens.”
The pain made it hard for Linda to do anything, even sitting still, however, she believed God could heal her so she leaned on Scripture to encourage her faith.

“I started quoting verses of scripture over myself. Like, ‘By His stripes I am healed. He himself boar all my sicknesses and diseases. I mount up with wings as eagles. I run and I’m not weary. I walk and I don’t faint, I eat the good of the land, my youth is renewed like the eagles,’ praise God,” says Linda.

Linda is an avid viewer of the 700 Club and has been for many years.

She says, “I like the 700 Club because basically you get the true news out of it. You get good, solid teaching.”

Linda not only enjoys the news and teaching, but also the times of prayer. And three days after the pain flared, on October 16, 2019, she sat down to watch like she had many times before.

“I was sitting on a sofa ‘cause it was hurting a lot. It’d been hurting for three days and I’m just watching pat…they get into the prayer session where they give words of knowledge.

And there it was…” Linda says.

“Somebody has got a hip problem. Put your hand out there on that hip. What seems to be arthritis is going away and the joint will be completely healed. In Jesus name, begin to move it,” Pat says.

“And I did and it was instantly, the pain was gone. I stood up and walked around and I said, ‘Yes, God!!!’” Linda emphatically says.

Linda hasn’t had pain since and is able to do all the things she needs and loves to do. That includes sharing her story with those around her. Above all else her heart of gratitude sums her healing up in one word:

“Thankfulness. Absolute thankfulness.”

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