The Heart of a Princess

"Yes, dear?"
"Does this dress make me look like a princess?"
A long pause ensues.
It was a Sunday morning and I was busy trying to get myself ready. I had allowed myself to sleep in a little longer than I normally do and at this point I was greatly regretting it. My husband had already left for church (he was teaching a baptismal class for all the baptisms that would be done after the service) and I was scrambling to get myself and my three girls out the door in time for church.
My two oldest were already getting themselves ready but my seven-year-old needed a little bit more help. She had gotten a new dress from her Nana that she had planned on wearing. It was sparkly on top with a "diamond" belt/sash that tied around it and puffy just like a princess dress. She even had a "diamond" headband to match. Yes, she looked every bit like a princess. As I was quickly doing my makeup and hair, I was trying to think of what I was going to wear myself when my little darling came bouncing into my room and asked me if her dress made her look like a princess.
As I turned to give my usual answer of "Yes, dear, you look just like a princess," I immediately stopped myself. I thought for a moment and then replied "Honey, no matter what you have on, whether it be a dress or torn clothes, you are always a princess in Christ." She bubbly replied "That sounds good to me" and went on her merry way.
In one moment, I had a decision to make. Was I going to teach her that her clothing is what makes her a princess or was it her heart for God? I chose the latter.
All too often we get caught up with things: clothes, shoes, toys, electronics, social media, etc. You get my drift. And we rely on them to make us feel something that has no value. The value or feeling of things or stuff is nothing but emptiness.
I've always been diligent to teach my girls where their confidence lies, that stuff doesn't make them better people, but their hearts toward God does and they are indeed princesses of the almighty King. With the things that this world throws down the throats of our children, it's no wonder they are struggling. We as parents have to make a conscience effort to instill the Godly confidence that our children need - to let them know that they are just as much of a princess with mud and dirt all over them as when they have on a sparkly puffy dress.
Yes, the dress might make you look like a princess but what does your heart look like?
But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. - 1 Peter 2:9