700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

Holocaust Survivor impacted by the separation and fear of COVID

Dan Reany - 700 Club Producer

Carmiel, Israel

Lisa is a Holocaust Survivor who lives in Israel. The stress of the COVID-19 lockdowns and forced isolation have caused her painful memories of life in a Ukrainian ghetto to resurface.   

Lisa explained, “I was 7 when we were forced by the Nazi’s into the ghetto. Food was very hard to come by and you’d wake up not knowing if you’d have anything at all to eat that day. Then each evening, we’d see carts going down the road filled with the bodies of those who starved to death.”   

The constant hunger she experienced those years in the ghetto left a lasting, psychological burden she carries to this day.  

Lisa said, “That feeling of hunger is just stuck deep down inside me. It’s a trauma shared between us Holocaust Survivors, and the separation and fear caused by this virus has made it worse.” 

Because of her age and the risk of catching the Coronavirus, Lisa isn’t able to go grocery shopping like she normally would. So, CBN Israel brings her food and checks up on her while taking extra precautions to keep her safe. 

“I think it’s amazing that you would want to do this for me,” said Lisa.

Thanks to CBN Israel donors, Lisa and other Holocaust Survivors across the country have the comfort of knowing they’ll have food to eat and someone to look after them through this crisis.

Lisa said, “I am so very thankful for you and your support. It means everything to know that you remember us. May God bless you and protect you.”

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