700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

Man Sings Praises to God for Healing Him

Caleb Wood - 700 Club Producer

There are few things 82-year-old retiree Paul loves doing more than playing outdoors in the California mountains.

“My wife tells me, ‘the little boy in me never grew up,’” Paul said, “and that's cause I’ve got toys and I’ve had toys for years.”

But there is one thing though…

“I've always done gospel music. I was in a gospel quartet back in the '60s,” told Paul. “We put three albums out in Hollywood and traveled in a Trailways bus all over the west coast in churches.”

He continued through the years, recording a song or two and singing in the church choir. But in 2018, he began having problems with his vision.

“About a year ago, I started to get this fog and they tell me it could be cataracts coming on or something,’” Paul said . “It just felt like there was a lens that was covering my vision. I accepted it as getting old.”

But over the next year, his vision got worse and soon, even his glasses weren’t helping.

“It got to the point where when I was leading worship in church, I couldn't see the music real well,’” Paul said. “I was kinda frustrated and I told my worship people at church, I says, ‘you know, I might not be able to keep doing this.’”

“And I told the Lord,” Paul continued, “I says, ‘Lord, if I’m going to keep doing this kind of singing and so forth, I’m going to have to have a change in my eyesight.’”

On January 4th 2019, Paul and his wife Yvonne were watching The 700 cCub, when Paul heard something that caught his attention.

Paul remembered, “And Terry (Meeuwsen) says ‘there’s someone…’”

“and someone else,” Terry said, “you have an issue with your eyes. It’s almost like a thin film that you can’t see through very clearly. God is just removing that right now. Your vision is going to be restored to normal.”

“And I said, ‘that was for me!’” said Paul. “And, just like that, it's gone. And that God would do something like that for an old man, I think is pretty good.”

“Five days later, I’m finishing up my yearly physical with the doctor and he's looking at my eyes and he runs that light in my eyes and he says, ‘Paul,’ he says, ‘have you had cataract surgery?’ And I said ‘No,’” Paul said. 

Paul was thrilled to get back to enjoying his toys and lending his voice to praise God.

“It blew me away to think that ‘God, You care enough for me, to be able to do this for me so that I might be able to keep serving You.’ And that is exciting! Because I don’t want to quit,” said Paul with a smile. “I'm 82 and I don't want to quit.”

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