700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

Mom's Worst Fear

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Zsa Zsa Palagyi - 700 Club Producer

Mrs. Geng always loved flowers and started calling the baby in her womb her “little TaiYanGhua,” which means Gerber daisy.

Mrs. Geng explains, “I knew she’d be bright, vibrant, cheerful, and beautiful - just like a daisy in the sun.”

But XiRan was born with a hole in her heart that only got worse as she got older.  And Mrs. Geng refused to believe that her daughter had a problem.

She says, “She looked fine. She seemed to have good weight on her, so I thought she was strong and everything would be okay.”

It turned out that the “weight” Mrs. Geng saw was swelling, caused by problems pumping blood.  Soon, XiRan started having trouble breathing, and doctors said she would likely die.  

“Her lips turned purple, and she cried all the time,” Mrs. Geng shares. “I kept saying, ‘You will be fine, and soon we will go outside and see the flowers.’”

But then XiRan got sick and was hospitalized. And since she was so weak, all doctors could do was give her medicine.  But none of it helped.

“Without surgery, she’d just get weaker and weaker,” Mrs. Geng cries.  “I was really afraid we were going to lose her.  I wished my husband was there with me, but he was in the city making money to support our family and try to save for surgery.”

 XiRan had been in the hospital 3 weeks when CBN heard about her critical condition.  We quickly set-up heart surgery for the baby and stayed with Mrs. Geng so she wouldn’t have to be alone during the operation.

She exclaims, “I was really touched. My baby’s health is more important than anything else!”

Doctors repaired the hole in XiRan’s heart, and today she’s the healthy little girl Mrs. Geng always believed she’d be.

“She’s cured.  I can take her out to play anywhere. I don’t have to worry that she will be tired. She can jump, and run and play with other children,” Mrs. Geng reports.  She concludes, “Now she’s happy and carefree and has hope for the future. I think the loving people from CBN were angels sent from God.”

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