Eustace's Rebirth

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader introduces a new main character in Eustace, cousin to Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy. With their parents, Peter and Susan away, Edmund and Lucy are forced to stay with Eustace and his parents. It’s an unpleasant arrangement because Eustace is a spoiled and selfish child, unaware of his own misguided desires. It is only after being transformed into a dragon that Eustace begins to see how his sinful nature ruins him.
Eustace’s rebirth is a pinnacle part of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. When Aslan guides him in the ‘undressing’ of his dragon scales, which could easily be seen as sin, it is clear there is a higher meaning. What is even more amazing is how much the other characters play into Eustace’s rebirth.
When Eustace becomes a dragon, he realizes he misses his shipmates, the ones he had once so despised. Although their remarks don’t inspire him to change, their kindness and acceptance do. This is how God wishes His followers to be with others. Our actions show people our beliefs and our true character. When we are amongst people who do not believe, it is our conduct that shows them the light we have inside us and the blessings God pours into our lives as believers.
After Eustace turns into a dragon, his eyes are opened to his poor behavior, much like God opens our eyes to our sin, giving us an opportunity to become accountable to Him.
Eustace may have stayed in sin, continuing to give his heart toward greed, and remained an ugly creature had he not seen his shipmates live differently. He seeks them out. He longs for what they had and eventually opens his heart to it.
Another important part of Eustace’s transformation is that although he is ‘redressed’, he still commits his familiar folly. God knows we will struggle when we accept Him, just like Eustace had. The Narnians cut him some slack when he changed. They knew he was different, but that it wasn’t going to make him perfect or change him for good overnight.