Kutless' "Believer": Album Review
CBN.com - Listening to music in the background - while working, while driving, while cleaning the house, has become a favorite habit. Kutless’ new album, Believer, was delightfully unaccommodating. It is hard to be productive when you are continually pausing to listen to the lyrics of a song. Expect this album to be one that will cause you to pull over to the side of the road because the lyrics have so gripped your heart that you are unable to concentrate. If you are hurting, struggling for identity, living a wayward lifestyle, looking to make a difference or inspired to be a hero to someone in your life, then there is a song for you. These songs will no doubt be played on the radio, but you’ll wish that your radio had a repeat button.
When listening to any album by Kutless, you find yourself struck by the clear Gospel message in their lyrics. This album is no different. The driving desire of the band to bring you closer to Christ is compelling. The band even chose their name because of the Bible verse, Romans 6:23. Christ paid the wages for our sin. The band says, “He took our cuts for us, leaving us…’Kutless’.”
So often music tends to remain background noise. Believer is not one of those records. As cliché as it may sound, it compels you to make a difference in the world and to draw closer to God. The tempo of the music changes quite drastically between some of the songs, but the underlying tone never changes. Although their style is certainly not for everyone, this may be one of their best albums yet. It features several songs of a more rock style and several traditional Contemporary Christian music sounding tracks.
On most albums, one or two songs usually stand out above the rest. With Believer, there is no need to skip over songs to get to my favorites. Here are just a few of the best of what Believer has to offer:
“Even If”
“We will sing your praise.
Even if the healing doesn’t come
and life falls apart and dreams are
still undone. You are God, you are good,
forever faithful one.”
“Carry On”
“You’ve seen when I am weak
and can’t carry on. When all my
strength is gone, you’re still holding on.”
“All Yours”
“I love this world more than I should…
I want to give you every breath, every treasure
that I hold…It’s all yours anyway.
You gave me life to give it away.”
Believer, with 13 new songs, just released on February 28th. If you are looking for something fresh that is sure to become a repeat favorite, then this is one album that you don’t want to miss.