Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol: Movie Review

Movie Info
Rated PG-13 for sequences of intense action and violence.
Action/Adventure, Thriller
Dec. 16, 2011
Tom Cruise, Simon Pegg, Paula Patton, Jeremy Renner, Michael Nygvist, Josh Holloway, Tom Wilkinson
Brad Bird
Paramount Pictures
More on this movie at IMDb.com
With the guidance of Producer J.J. Abrams (LOST, Super 8) and the film’s cast and crew, Mission: Impossible is back on line with its new installment, Ghost Protocol. The series’ second and third films were, in some ways, forgettable, but this fourth film is the franchise’s resurrection.
Engaging action abounds from beginning to end. M:I 4 doesn’t let you breathe, hardly ever letting up on the chase Hunt’s team is on to catch an international threat. Starring Tom Cruise, Simon Pegg, Jeremy Renner, and Paula Patton, Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol is definitively action-packed. Unfortunately, the movie's offensive content limits its audience.
Agent Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) is cut off. After the terrorist bombing of the Kremlin, the IMF operative is disavowed by the president along with the rest of his team and the entire network. Without any backup or official authorization and with time working against them, Hunt’s team scrambles to identify and locate the persons responsible for the attack in the hopes of preventing another, all while clearing their names.
Working on M:I 4 must have been a thrill for director Brad Bird, whose directorial resume thus far mostly includes films he made for Pixar (The Incredibles and Ratatouille). This animator’s move to a live-action adventure film is seamless. The detail-oriented filmmaking it takes to make a good animation movie undoubtedly prepared him for this feature. He captures the essence of the “Impossible” stories well, directing a massive project that fortunately doesn’t have a chaotic storyline. It’s easy to follow and fun to watch.
Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol joins a cast of IMF agents who work very well on screen together. Tom Cruise returns as Agent Ethan Hunt and Simon Pegg as Benji, Hunt’s communications expert. The Hurt Locker’s Jeremy Renner introduces a new character, Analyst Brandt, and series newcomer Paula Patton is Agent Carter. With a good script in hand and solid acting supporting it, M:I 4 even has a few surprises along the way – all of which contribute to making this new movie worthwhile.
Producers J.J. Abrams and Tom Cruise no doubt had a significant role in constructing a mission though seemingly impossible was at least cinematically believable. This fourth film focuses on the team as they use their specific skill sets to complete the mission. Huge credit is due Cruise for his daring stunt work. There’s nothing worse than being disengaged from an action sequence as the camera cuts from actor to stunt guy and nothing better than it feeling like a continuing action. The set direction and cinematography … fantastic (especially on the IMAX screen), showcasing incredible views of death-defying action.
Three wrongs knock this movie down a rating. First, it’s a bit long. A cut here and there would ease the backside ache gained by sitting on the edge of seats for more than two hours. Second, there was less than adequate emotional engagement. Third, the offensive content limits its reach. Going into a Mission: Impossible movie, or any action film for that matter, moviegoers should expect to see some violence. M:I 4 pushes the bounds with an overwhelming amount of bone-breaking sounds. An agent childishly gestures toward another using his middle finger. Also, Paula Patton’s character seduces a man to gain access to critical information. These are, of course, reflected in the rating - PG-13.
Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol is the action surprise of the season. Though it wasn’t emotionally engaging, the camaraderie, gadgets, and seemingly unfeasible mission make M:I 4 one for action fans to see on the big screen.