Christian Living


Building 429: 'Space In Between Us'

CBN.com There’s nothing terribly original about Building 429, but they sure do know how to craft a catchy pop-rock song. You’ve probably heard their uber-hit, “Glory Defined,” which deserves to be on WOW compilations and other ‘best of’ collections, because it’s the kind of song you won’t soon forget.

Building 429—which, even if it has a spiritual meaning, is still a dumb name for a rock group—is essentially a Creed-meets-Third Day rock band comprised of four white guys who care about God and want to share that with the world. Aren’t there a million of those?

Now if you follow Christian rock, you’ll know there are plenty of bands making pop-rock discs that all pretty much sound the same. Where Building 429 rises above the pack is with their smart arrangements, tight musicianship and infectious hooks.

Remember how mainstream band Third Eye Blind had everyone fall in love with their irresistible ear-candy a few years ago on both pop and rock radio? And today Maroon 5 is doing the same thing. You can’t go anywhere without hearing a Maroon 5 song. Well, Building 429 is Christian rock’s band of the moment. “Glory Defined” has been on the charts for months, and shows no signs of going away. The band’s first ever single has become its signature song.

So where does Building 429 have to go from here? They’ve done almost too well, initially. Get their disc, Space In Between Us, if you want to hear what else they have to offer besides “Glory Defined.” Sure, some of the vocals are a little nasal and breathy, and some of the songs sound like Hootie & The Blowfish, but overall, Building 429 is one of Christian rock’s better bands. They’re on the fast track to becoming Christian rock festival headliners.

Mark Weber is the author of Christian Music Monthly.
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