Christian Living


Meredith Andrews' Deeper: Music Review

Rebekah Evans - Contributing Writer

It's rare to hear a musical artist that doesn't need to experiment to find their true sound. However, on her latest album, Deeper, CCM artist Meredith Andrews just confirms that she already knows who she is: a minister of worship.

With her background as a staff worship leader at Harvest Bible Church, this should not be surprising. It quickly becomes apparent that Andrews understands what makes a good song for corporate worship. It's singable, has memorable lyrics that express sound doctrine, and always points people towards Christ.

There isn't a track on Deeper that couldn't be used on a Sunday morning, which only confirms that Andrews is a true worship leader at heart. Her style easily translates from the radio to the sanctuary. It seems fitting that the music, while genuinely good, actually exists just to carry the weight of the hope and encouragement in the words.

Andrews wrote this album during a time period of change, hardship, and difficulty in her life and marriage. Each track on the album comes across as a tool for ministry, continuously encouraging both Andrews and her listeners to lift their faces towards God, no matter the circumstances.

"Sunrise" tells us that joy is coming with the morning. "Soar," the first single, describes the lesson we all have to learn in how to wait on God as we go through trials because: "Your name is greater than anything I face."

"Glory", inspired by the tragic suicide of Matthew Warren (son of Pastor Rick and Kay Warren) is carried by this simple declaration: "My suffering cannot compare to the weight of your glory."

Hinting in some tracks of the lessons from the Book of Job, Andrews reaffirms that God can be "Trusted" and that it is "Impossible" for Him to fail.

One of Deeper's most heartfelt songs, "Hands That Are Holding Me", declares that there is power in proclaiming what you know to be true about God. She sings: "I will see your goodness / I will see the coming of Your promise / I believe that everything will one day be redeemed!"

While the recurring theme of trust and perseverance is inspiring, many of the songs can end up running together and sounding the same. Try listening to one or two at a time to fully appreciate the message behind each track. For those who are going through a season of struggle, put Deeper on as background music for your day. You can't help but find encouragement here to press in to God, in spite of the troubles that surround you.

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