“You Don’t Have to Walk Through This Alone”

For any active duty military family, time together is precious.  For the Ali family it’s especially important because their 15 year old daughter Victoria has brain cancer.

Jorge admits, “It was hard to take at first. We try to be strong in front of them and you do what you can.”

Victoria’s siblings do what they can to help.  Her brother Jorgie tries to keep her spirits up.

Victoria says, “He’ll go on his phone and search up funny pictures.  And he’ll try to make me smile.  So he can distract me for a little while the pain medication kicks in.”

Jorge serves as an aviation mechanic on an air raft carrier. It can be a challenge when Jorge is out to sea.
Patti says, “I have to be mommy and daddy.  So I have my boot camp instructor voice.  But it has made a stronger person.”

Patti homeschools the kids and manages the family’s single salary budget.

Patti continues, “It’s a challenge but it is a way of life that you learn to do and you learn to budget.”

It’s even tougher now with medical bills looming. They’ve had put some important things on hold: their heating and cooling system doesn’t work, the washer and dryer are both broken, the kids mattresses are shot, and the laptops used for homeschooling are outdated.
Jorge says, “It’s tight to try to make things work.”
CBN and Wave Church came together to help the Ali family with the many home necessities they can’t afford.  We brought the kids new mattresses, and gave the kids new laptops.

Pastor Clayton Ritter took them to pick up their new washer dryer. We also repaired their heating and air-conditioning system, so it’s always comfortable inside for victoria. And Pastor Ritter told Jorge and Patti that CBN was paying their medical bills.

Pastor says, “We want you to know and you don’t have to walk through this alone.”
Now, instead of focusing on finances, the Ali’s can focus on getting Victoria well.
“CBN has been fantastic.  It’s fantastic.  I don’t know what to say right now. It’s a amazing.”

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