Psalm 27 Prayer for Palin


I've noticed that since Sarah Palin was chosen as John McCain's running mate, a bunch of websites have popped up with one common purpose: pray for Sarah Palin and her family. Right now there is a chain email circulating out there imploring people to pray Psalm 27 from now until Election Day. The email has also been reprinted on a number of websites and The Brody File is getting quite a few emails about it.

You can read it here. I have posted part of it below:

"Sarah Palin is a born-again, Spirit-filled Godly person who said 'yes' when asked recently to serve her country. Since then, Gov. Palin asked my daughter Rosanne, who is part of her staff in Anchorage , for prayer, and so over the weekend Rosanne and I put together the attached 'Psalm for Sarah for 66.' It's intercessory prayer using Psalm 27 for the 66 days between the date of Sarah's accepting McCain's offer and election day, Nov. 4; it's not about who wins the election or about politics or your voting choice.

We've sent it to a number of Christians across the county so would you also pray for Gov. Palin in this Esther-like time of her life? You might also pass it along or copy any one who might pray. If this request is offensive to you, I apologize.

Rosemary Dupras

A Psalm for Sarah for 66 Days

Sixty-six Days of Intercession for Gov. Sarah Palin according to Psalm 27

Pray for Sarah, husband Todd, sons Track, baby Trig, daughters Bristol , Willow , Piper, from August 29 through November 4.

Pray for:

Singleness of Vision, Moral Clarity Ps 27:1a - The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear?

Fearlessness, Boldness Ps 27:1b - The Lord is the defense of my life; Whom shall I dread?

Protection from Libel, Slander, Hatred, Persecution Ps 27:2 - When [not 'if'] evildoers came upon me to devour my flesh, my adversaries and my enemies, they stumbled and fell.

Confidence in Christ, a Guarded Heart Ps 27:3 - Though a host encamp against me, My heart will not fear; Though war arise against me, in spite of this I shall be confident.

Another site refers to her as a modern day Ester from the Bible. Read more here:  They use this scripture:

Ester 4:14

For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place and you and your father's house will perish. And who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?"

There's another website that actually has a list of how to pray for her and what to pray and even a map of people praying across the United States. Click here that.

It's probably a good thing many people are praying for her. She's going to need it. The battles are just beginning.


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