Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Not Your Sugar Daddy

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"Why do you call me, 'Lord,Lord,' and do not do what I say?" --Luke 6:46

Read It: John 6:14-15

If you want to know why more people don't see God at work in their circumstances, all you have to do is read today's text. After Jesus had fed the multitude, the people said, "This has got to be Messiah. He's the one. Get Him! He's going to be our King whether He likes it or not. Anyone who can take sardines and crackers and turn them into Moby Dick sandwiches ought to be King!" We are talking welfare like you've never seen it before.

But Jesus withdrew. He was not interested in being their "Sugar Daddy." He was not interested in being their new welfare system. He's not interested in being yours either, by the way. Jesus is interested in building the kingdom of God. If all you want from Jesus is His goodies, He's going to do with you like He did with the crowd in His day. He will withdraw from you.

See, Jesus does not hang out with people who want His benefits but don't want a relationship. He's not going to walk with people who get up in the morning and say, "Lord, give me what I need today," but never get around to, "Lord, make me what you want me to be today."

He's also not excited about people who say, "Lord, give me recognition on my job even though I'm too ashamed to give You glory among my co-workers"; or, "Lord, give me more money in my pocket even though I can't make any available to Your kingdom"; or, "Lord, sharpen my skills even though I won't use them for Your kingdom."

If that's the way you pray, God may help you out a time or two like He did the people in Jesus' day. But over the long haul, if you only want a welfare relationship with God, He won't hang out with you, because He came to be your King of Kings and Lord of Lords, not your spiritual Sugar Daddy.

God wants a relationship with you. When you come to Him for Him alone, then you will see Him overcome the insurmountable circumstances in your life. If we are going to be the people of God, a people He can bless and use, we've got to do it His way.

Think About It

Do you want Jesus or just His goodies?

From Time to Get Serious by Tony Evans, copyright 1995. Used by permission of Crossway Books, a division of Good News Publishers, Wheaton, Illinois 60187. You can order this book or others by Tony Evans on Shop CBN.


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