700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

Hearts Full of Thanks for Your Generosity!

Mayfield, KY

Katrina loves being a stay at home mom, but it hasn’t been easy during the COVID pandemic. Her Husband, Nathan, is a truck mechanic. He worries about work every day.

Nathan explains, “My biggest struggle is walking into work one day and being told that we're going have to lay you off for a little bit. I’ll be working one day and the next day I’m jobless.”

Katrina added, “We've actually had to choose between rent and food before, because sometimes when rent comes out, it gets very difficult that week and we're short on money.”

But then they went to a food distribution at Calvary Cumberland Presbyterian Church, which partners with Operation Blessing.

Katrina said, “With Operation Blessing, having to just drive down the road and get the food has been absolutely a blessing to us. It's been amazing.”

“The food distribution, it helps out quite a bit,” said Nathan. “I don't have to worry about the wife and the kids not eating.”

Operation Blessing partners help this ministry in Mayfield, Kentucky, feed hundreds of local families every week.

Katrina said, “The food distribution, they're really awesome there. They're so sweet and they welcome you as soon as you pull in your car. They will open your trunk for you and put the food in there.”

Nathan said, “Everybody gets fed and bills still get paid.”

Katrina went on to say, “It's a godsend and it takes a lot of load off of people who are absolutely struggling in their lives. You don't know how hard it is and how thankful I am that you do this for us. I just want to thank you so much.”

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